Capstone Project on "Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm"

Capstone Project 5 pages (1468 words) Sources: 5

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Organizational Diagnosis

Surrounding the acquisition of Palm by HP, several issues contour to raise organizational challenges. For once, there is the actual organizational restructuring, understood in terms of the people who will be kept and who will be let go. This represents an extremely important dimension of Palm's integration within HP for at least three reasons. First of all, there is the technical necessity to reduce costs and eliminate the redundant positions. Secondly, there is the need to identify the most intellectually and professionally valuable individuals and retain them. Third, there is the necessity of approaching this issue in such a means that the stability of the working climate is not impacted and that the motivation of the staff members is not decreased.

A second issue refers to the organizational culture. It is in this order of ideas necessary to align the two different cultures within the same umbrella of organizational beliefs. Through the aid of this culture, the working environment would be stimulated and better integrated and a more fruitful collaboration between the employees of the two formerly separate entities would be ensured. A third issue is constituted by the marketing integration. Throughout the past years, neither HP nor Palm has excelled in terms of marketing and their promotions and communications with the audience have been decreased (Patel, 2010). This virtually implies an impending necessity to construct marketing campaigns that familiarize the customers with the new and enlarged version of HP.

In order for the organizational issues -- the three ones mentioned before, as well as several others -- to be better i
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dentified, researched, understood and resolved, it is necessary for a more thorough analysis to be conducted. In other words, a process of organizational diagnosis should be launched. There are several models of organizational diagnosis, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The following pages introduce some of these models.

1. The 7-S McKinsey model

This model divides the 7 issues considered pivotal within the organizational context into two categories -- hard Ss and soft Ss. The hard Ss are represented by strategy, structure and systems, whereas the soft Ss are represented by the shared values, the skills, the staff and the style (The College of St. Scholastica). There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with the model. In terms of the advantages, these include:

An integrated look at several organizational aspects and the search for problem and solutions within the overall company

It places people at the center of all operations and assigns great responsibilities to the human resources department (Free HR Guide, 2009)

Relative to the limitations, these include:

The creation of a fix assessment which might not serve the needs of each unique organizational agent

The extreme complexity given by the interconnectivity between all the seven dimensions.

2. The Galbraith model

The Galbraith model is somewhat similar to the 7-S model in the meaning that it also pin points distinctive elements of the organizational context, which need to be thoroughly assessed. These elements include: the organizational strategy, the organizational structure, the business processes and the lateral links, the rewards systems and the management of the human resource (Free HR Guide, 2009). The Galbraith model reveals strengths and weaknesses similar to those of the 7-S model. Particularly, it offers the benefits of:

Clearly pin pointed organizational areas to which attention would be focused

The integration of various organizational dimensions for analysis

In terms of the disadvantages, these refer primarily to the interconnectivity between the five elements and the subsequent complexity this raises, but also the rigidity of the components, which may not be applicable within the structures of all economic agents.

3. The Burke-Litwin model of organizational performance and change

This model is one of the most complex means of diagnosing an organization. It identifies a total of 12 areas to be integrated and assessed. It argues that it is necessary to interconnect all components in order to ensure success of the change process and to increase organizational performance. These 12 components are: the external environment, the mission and the strategy, leadership, organizational culture, the organizational structure, the managerial practices, the organizational systems, the climate within the work units, the tasks and the skills, the individual needs and values, the motivation of the staff members and the performances of the individuals and of the overall entity (Reflect and Learn). The main advantage of the model is given by its complexity, which… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm" Assignment:

HP and Palm have decided they want to do an Organizational Diagnosis to determine how various aspects of Palm are aligned such as inputs, resources, productivity, throughput effort, outputs, performance, strategy, etc. They want to know if there are any glaring issues at Palm and how these issues might affect its integration into HP.

There is some disagreement in the Excecutive ranks as to which OD method of model should be used. Some Execs have familiarity with a couple of models, but it seems to be only based on what they have read or heard about. So you need to explore some models and determine their strengths and weaknesses. And ultimately you need to recommend which one is best for using at Palm. So you will also need to determine what are the several critical issue facing Palm.

The Execs want you to include the 7S Model, the Congruence Model, and the Burke-Litwin Model in your analysis. And I want you to pick three or four more models to include as well - so we have a well-rounded group of OD models.

Case Expectations: Your report should include the following:

For each of the models you are analyzing (six or seven), a brief overview of what the model does.

Clearly identify the strengths and weakness of each model.

Identify and discuss two or three issues that Palm Co is facing.

Determine which model you think is the best model to use.

Make a recommendation. I expect you to Make a Stong Case. Explain why your selection would be the best choice. Explain how the recommended model can be used to help diagnose the issues you have identified.

How to Reference "Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm” 2010.
”Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Diagnosis Surrounding the Acquisition of Palm. Published 2010. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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