Thesis on "Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications"

Thesis 10 pages (3507 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications Between Senior Navy Leadership and Junior Personnel at Mobile Mine Assembly Group


Mobile Mine Assembly group

A course paper presented to the School for Arts and Sciences and Distance Learning

Anticipating the Need to Change, Problem and Area for Improvement

Impact of Organization's Culture

Client and Practitioner Considerations

Diagnostic Process and Data Collection

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Institutionalization Action Plan and Timeline

Action Plans, Strategies, and Techniques

Specific Intervention Analysis

Today's managers are complex individuals, who must possess vast skills and expertise in order to develop the best courses of action, through which companies respond to the emergent challenges. Examples of challenges to which the modern day leaders must respond to include the intensifying forces of competition, the necessity to hire and retain the best skilled staff members, the need to develop a strong organizational culture that integrates and appeals to all categories of stakeholders, the need to fruitfully and efficiently interact with the staff members, the necessity to respond to the internationalized financial crisis and so on. In most instances, the immediate answer is prepared under an organizational development plan; the same principle will be applied to the Mobile Mine Assembly Group.

Generically referred to as MOMA
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G, the Mobile Mine Assembly Group falls under the direct supervision of the Navy Munitions Command. Their primary scope is that of supporting the operations of the United States Navy, purpose which they serve through vast expertise and numerous sailors spread across the globe; these sailors are experts in terms of "sea mines and maritime mining" (Website of the Mobile Assembly Group). The group is currently headed by Commodore John B. Vliet, who had previously participated in numerous missions at sea as well as on shore. Among the merits awarded to Vliet, one could point out the Meritous Service Medal, the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon or the Navy Achievement Medal. Responsible for the staff members is Andrew Ashton, who occupies the position of Chief Staff Officer (Website of the Mobile Mine Assembly Group).

The aim of this report is that of identifying the problems with which the Mobile Mine Assembly Group is currently presented, and assessing them in a means that generates a useful solution.


As it has been mentioned in the introductory part, in order to resolve organizational issues, entities must create an organizational development plan. This process is a complex one and sees the gradual completion of several tasks: (a) anticipated need to change (b) impact of the organization's culture, (c) consultant considerations, (d) diagnostic process, (e) overcoming resistance, (f) institutionalization timelines, and (g) OD intervention strategies.

Anticipating the Need to Change - Problem and Area for Improvement

It has become futile to state that the modern day society is characterized by a rapid pace of development. The pace is generally set from within the technological field, which rapidly develops and as such forces the rest of the sectors to develop along. The basic communication between leaders and subalterns cannot function properly without the adequate technological support. In this context, the United States of America is the leader of technological innovation and the country's countless efforts earned it the title of the most technologically developed country. A paradox is however identified in the continued existence of discrepancies across sectors, in the meaning that while some industries are entirely hi-tech equipped, others barely manage to function. The Navy for instance is perceived as a hi-tech sector, but it however faces numerous challenges (Ewing, 2009; Zolotov and co-editors).

The Mobile Mine Assembly Group is somewhere in between the two categories, in the meaning that their operations are supported through the integration of technological applications, but these applications are not all hi-tech. This sometimes translates into technological impediments in communications. Consequently, MOMAG has to integrate the latest technological applications that will allow Senior Navy Leaders to easily contact Junior Personnel and also to easily transmit the necessary information. Nevertheless, this necessity leads to the realization of a need for more financial resources, generically translated into the necessity for superior levels of operational efficiency; the higher levels of efficiency will only be achieved with the full support of a highly skilled and committed team of staff members. Virtually, an overall process of organizational change is implied, which will reshape the organization, with the ultimate effect of improved communications between leaders and juniors, all to materialize in superior performances at an institutional level.

Impact of Organization's Culture

The organizational culture at the Mobile Mine Assembly Group is interesting from two perspectives. For once, it has the characteristic of a military institution, in the meaning that the culture is focused on discipline and respect; great emphasis is being placed on ranks and the importance of following the orders received from a superior commander; this means that the relationship between seniors and juniors is often rigid and an effective communication process could be impeded. Secondly, the organizational culture is characterized by the existence of features common to the business community. From this angle, the MOMAG promotes the values of honesty, integrity, hard work or team work. To offer a clearer view, the main features of the organizational culture at the Mobile Mine Assembly Group are briefly presented below:

MOMAG strives to implement the principles of sustainability, flexibility, agility and mobility

The organization recognizes the importance of high quality mines that support peace efforts across the globe. "U.S. Naval Forces must develop, procure, maintain, and deploy a modern family of sea mines optimized for potential future military encounters associated with expeditionary warfare operations in littoral regions" (MOMAG Website)

In order to achieve the above desiderate, MOMAG places great emphasis on discipline and team work; strong planned initiatives which support both current mines as well as future developments; and trained and skilled people -- "The U.S. Naval Sea Mining Vision must also embrace the recognition of its most important asset: people. Continuous improvements in training, tactics, threat awareness, and support services will enable the Navy to continue to field the best trained MIW force in the world. Only through trained and motivated people are we able to support national interests through the timely applications of force from the sea" (MOMAG Website)

Given this understanding of the organizational culture, it becomes obvious that the shared values will only come to support the process of change in the nature of the senior-junior communications. This is virtually explained by the fact that both organizational culture as well as the change process are directed towards the creation of a stronger organization, in which all staff members interact fruitfully to form an entity which is able to deliver at the highest standards of quality.

Client and Practitioner Relationship

The client of the Mobile Mine Assembly Group is none other than the United States Navy. Their expectations are among the highest ones, generated by both global conflicts which need to be resolved, as well as by technological improvements and advancements that have to be integrated. The client and the organization share a strong relationship, in which they are united by their common goal -- using well developed mines to ensure that the military objectives of the United States are achieved. The client generically tests the mines resulted from the manufacturing process and offers valuable feedback. The close relationship between the client and the company enhances the initial chances of success and significantly contributes to the formation of a strong relationship, in which the parties support each other in reaching the pre-established goals.

Given this context then, it is expected that the client supports the organizational development process. It is in his best interest that the senior navy leaders communicate better with the junior personnel and as such lead to the creation of stronger products. The support from the customer is however expected to be more on the moral side, as the change process requires internal efforts, rather than external endeavors which directly interact with the client.

Based on the complexity and the multitude of change strategies that have to be developed and implemented, a conclusion is formed relative to the necessity to use both internal as well as external practitioners. The internal practitioners would include the heads of the Human Resource Department, the IT division, the Manufacturing Department and the executive managers. Their role would be that of developing and implementing the strategies which support an improved communications process between seniors and juniors. The IT division would for instance install new technology and show employees how to use them to communicate effectively; the executive managers would enforce an organizational culture that promotes open communications.

The external practitioner would be in charge of ensuring a smooth transition process, and their main activity would revolve around the reduction of the resistance to change, as well as the provision that all separate strategies are enforced as part of an integrant approach which brings seniors and juniors closer together and as such unifies the entity. Examples of external practitioners refer primarily to management consultancy organizations, such as the McKinsey Company,… READ MORE

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Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications Between Senior Navy Leadership and Junior Personnel at Mobile Mine Assembly Group

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Keep in mind that in this research you are developing a managed change process that will ultimately recommend an Organization Development (OD) intervention. The managed change process is your perception and does not have to be implemented. Essentially, you are developing an OD plan through your research. Very good ideas are never implemented because a managed changed process is not considered. Your research will allow you to develop a managed change process and is reflective of your readings in Harvey and Brown, our text.

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How to Reference "Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications" Thesis in a Bibliography

Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications” 2009.
”Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Developement Plan to Improve Communications. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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