Term Paper on "Application of Organizational Behavior"

Term Paper 7 pages (2165 words) Sources: 5

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Organizational Behavior at Wal-Mart

Starting with about two decades ago, the business community has been going through a continuous process of modifications and adaptation to the new needs, process that continues today. The changes that occurred are various and present at various levels, but major mutations occurred in the internal operations and basically revolve around new approaches to organizational behavior. Organizational behavior "is a social science discipline - much like cultural anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. [...] the key points are that it is a science and that it has a history which, though short, has been quite turbulent. Although the exact boundaries of the discipline are somewhat fuzzy, the focus is clearly on the world of organizations. The concern is, first, with the behavior and nature of the people within organizations and, second, with the behavior and nature of organizations within their environments" (Miner, 2002)

The concept of organizational behavior is extremely wide and encompasses various work relations inside and outside the company. It is interesting to see how these concepts function together to help the organization reach its overall goals. Three practices stand out in this context and refer to the motivation of the staff, the implementation of the corporate culture and also the human resource policies and practices developed and implemented by the organization. The major question being posed here is whether a large organization can successfully integrate these features into its everyday operations to best satisfy its customers, employees, all with the general purpose of registering increased revenues.Continue scrolling to

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2. Organizational Behavior at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart was founded in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas by late Sam Walton and it quickly became a favorite destination for the American consumers. The corporation runs a chain of large stores, basically supermarkets, but also additional facilities, that operate on an international scale. The basic strategy implemented by the management at the Wal-Mart Stores was that of offering their customers the lowest possible prices on the market. The company's logo is "Save money. Live better" (Official Website of Wal-Mart, 2008). Along the years, the multinational organization has been the target of both intense praising but also fierce criticism, often materialized in lawsuits. The primary accusations brought against the retail giant revolved around an unfair treatment of the employees (not in the meaning of discrimination practices, but rather in the meaning of offering insufficient payments and benefits). Then, more recently, Wal-Mart has also been the subject of negative comments coming from the customers, who do indeed desire the lowest prices and continue to shop at Wal-Mart, but they also desire an acceptable quality of the purchased merchandize. And they do not always receive it because the company is increasingly centered on offering the lowest prices and therefore cuts costs in other departments. For instance, since the employees receive generally low incomes and limited benefits, they lack the motivation to increase their performances, and as such, the services they offer to the end consumers are rather poor. Then, in terms of product quality, the stores import the items from the cheapest countries and the transport conditions are not always among the best, resulting in a low quality of the products on the shelves. But despite the complaints received, the company emphasizes on the benefits they offer the employees to motivate them, on the strong corporate culture and onto the human resource policies they implement to increase the staff's on the job satisfaction.


Motivating their staff is crucial at Wal-Mart moreover since the employees are the linkage between corporate management and end consumers. In other words, regardless of the lowest prices, there are other supermarket chains that implement similar strategies and if presenting the customers with other incentives, could easily draw them from Wal-Mart. Therefore, offering the lowest price is not sufficient and the organization also has to offer high quality products and services; the latter are directly dependent upon the satisfaction of the employees and their level of commitment to the organization; ergo the need to motivate them.

The day at an American Wal-Mart commences with the gathering of all staff and a Morning Cheer. The picture below presents former chief executive David Glass showing "the sales team how the well-known Wal-Mart 'Morning Cheer' should be done. Allegedly, the ritual has proved more popular in the U.S. than it has with Wal-Mart's staff in Germany" (Kliger and Tweraser)

Source: Kliger, M., Tweraser, S., Motivating Front Line Staff for Bottom Line Results, McKinsey & Company

The Morning Cheer is a practice at the stores that occurs every morning at it is aimed to increase the morale of the sales staff. This will then keep them happy and joyful throughout the day, making them more attentive and willing to help the customers. However the general idea of the Morning Cheer is rather useful in essence, it does not always occur within all stores and sometimes fails to achieve the desired outcome.

But aside from the special Wal-Mart cheers, the organization also offers a wide set of incentives that are aimed to increase their associates' on the job satisfaction. For instance, in 2007, the company "improved and aligned compensation, increased leadership development and created a store manager council to ensure greater visibility for grassroots feedback from our associates" (Wal-Mart 2007 Annual Report). Another relevant strategy is that of integrating the staff into the decision making process and allowing them more rights and responsibilities - but this will be further discussed in the section for Human Resource Policies. Then, the company implements promotional strategies. This basically means that according to their performances, the employees are eligible for promotions in higher and even managerial positions. "Today, our worldwide workforce consists of more than 1.9 million associates. In several countries, a majority of our management team is comprised of associates who have advanced through the ranks. It is this opportunity to move ahead that makes working for Wal-Mart attractive to associates, as well as to external talent" (Wal-Mart 2007 Annual Report). The strategy ensures that the associates increase their performances as they are motivated by a better qualified and better paid position within Wal-Mart.

Other incentives promoted by the retail giant refer to the cherishing of the employees' diversities and also the offering of training programs that support the professional formation of associates.

Corporate Culture

The primary aim of Wal-Mart's remains to offer their customers the lowest possible prices, but their strategy has been added with other various approaches. In this particular instance, the multinational retail chain places a greater emphasis on the satisfaction felt by the staff and the clientele. Through generalization, the company places a greater focus on the satisfaction of the stakeholders' needs and wants. In this particular instance, several new methods have been implemented and they revolve around the following:

increased attention to details and a better satisfaction of the customers' needs through the offering of qualitatively superior products and services better and more training programs that help the staff, the customers and the organization as a whole the enlargement of the product offering; in 2007, the stores offered more organic products than ever increased focus on the communities; Wal-Mart has often been accused of closing down the local mom and pop stores, but the company has supported the development of the communities where it operates through the creation of jobs and the organizing and sponsoring of several social events the usage of superior technologies that make the work of the staff easier and which also increase the efficiency of the operational process, all to the benefit of the company and its stakeholders modifications also become present in the process of identifying the most suitable suppliers and the primary criteria is no longer the lowest price, but a combination of price efficiency and high quality

Human Resource Policies

During the few past years, Wal-Mart has understood the importance their staff plays in achieving the overall corporate goals. Tim Gebauer, store manager for the Mason City Wal-Mart store points out that the primary strategy is that of using their resources at a maximum possible. And an important corporate resource is the personnel, who stores large amounts of data that is vital for the organization. "They know their piece of this business better than I do (says Gebauer). One of the most important keys to developing your business is to simply make use of the tremendous resources of experience and knowledge that are already within your organization. The knowledge locked up in their [employees'] heads is the big resource. Computers and technology we use every day, but what's up in somebody's head - that's what can make a huge difference in how we use the technology.They come up with some pretty innovative solutions sometimes!" (Tim Gebauer, quoted in an article for the HR Made Easy).

Then, as they become aware of the importance played by their human resource, the management at Wal-Mart began to assign them more responsibilities and to allow and even encourage them to get involved in the decision making process. Work Motivation Incentives… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Application of Organizational Behavior" Assignment:

Please make sure the sources provided are easily accessed by the general public (internet). I will be sending .pdf versions of my textbook chapters that I think may help in linking the verbiage together.


The final project is a 2000- to 2500-word research paper on the successful and/or unsuccessful application of organizational behavior concepts in any organization. Select and research three to five organizational behavior main concepts that, uniquely practiced, make your chosen organization either successful, unsuccessful, or a combination of both. The organization you select should provide you with ample opportunities for research, since you will be required to use five to seven references as part of your research. The final paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the following elements:

*****¢ An introduction and a thesis statement

*****¢ A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations

*****¢ A conclusion

*****¢ A reference list with at least five to seven sources

Choose three organizational behavior main concepts. Your research should uncover how your selected organization successfully uses, or suffers by ignoring, any three of these concepts:

*****¢ Decision Making

*****¢ Motivation

*****¢ Group Behavior

*****¢ Communication

*****¢ Power and Politics

*****¢ Organizational Structure

*****¢ Organizational Culture

*****¢ Human Resources Practices

*****¢ Change Management

Be sure to provide multiple examples of the main concepts as practiced at the organization.

Many organizations use organizational behavior concepts, but not all organizations publicize their methods for success or missteps to embarrassing failures. Select an organization for which a good amount of research has been conducted and has been made publicly available. Some suggestions are:

*****¢ General Electric

*****¢ Disney

*****¢ Microsoft

*****¢ IBM

*****¢ Southwest Airlines

*****¢ Time Warner

*****¢ Pfizer

*****¢ SAS Institute

*****¢ Whole Foods Market

*****¢ Starbucks

*****¢ Lincoln Electric

*****¢ Adobe Systems

*****¢ NASA

*****¢ Walmart


How to Reference "Application of Organizational Behavior" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Application of Organizational Behavior.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Application of Organizational Behavior (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Application of Organizational Behavior. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Application of Organizational Behavior” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021.
”Application of Organizational Behavior” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021.
[1] ”Application of Organizational Behavior”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Application of Organizational Behavior [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021
1. Application of Organizational Behavior. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-wal-mart-starting/241021. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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