Term Paper on "Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case"

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Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application

Fact-Based Case Study

My manager within the organization did not engage the team in any decisions at all. She routinely made decisions unilaterally and without considering the opinions, concerns, or analyses of her subordinates. She did not solicit or welcome input from us on considerations related to decisions and she rebuffs offers from subordinate team members to contribute to the decision-making process.

The manager had delegated certain levels of authority to me, her subordinate supervisor, but she continually undermined my authority by requiring all of my decisions to go to her for approval before implementation. Instead of enforcing this requirement as discretely as possible, she always did the exact opposite, conducting her review of and authorizing decisions already made by supervisors like me in front of the team.

The manager employed a caustic, accusatory, autocratic leadership style and "performance evaluation and feedback" style and completely fails to acknowledge her own mistakes or to apologize to me for undeserved criticism. The manager wss primarily motivated by personal career ambitions and remained oblivious to and totally uninterested or concerned with any career development opportunities for her staff.


As a direct result of the manager's leadership style, I eventually confronted the manager directly and, essentially, laid out the facts detailing how much of the current organizational and operational weaknesses are her fault. Unfortunately, that resulted in my summary dismissal of and only made matters
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worse with respect to the sentiments of the remaining staff toward the manager. I was a respected and liked by my former coworkers and subordinates all agreed with everything I said to the manager that resulted in my dismissal. Another team member began suffering from depression symptoms that he attributed to his work situation.

A general attitude of non-concern with performance grew throughout the staff and production dropped continually because virtually everyone refused to do any more than the bare minimum necessary to keep his or her job. Within a few months of my dismissal, the rest of the staff had all either left the organization of their own volition or were fired by the manager.

Leadership Issues

Delegating Authority

Effective leaders must understand when and how to delegate decision-making authority to colleagues and to subordinates. From a perspective of operational practicality, delegation is necessary in all but the smallest organizations simply because the manager cannot possibly make every decision at every level. Effective delegation is even more important because it establishes and helps to maintain a formal hierarchy and respect for supervisors among their respective teams. When a manager routinely usurps the apparent authority of supervisors, it undermines their ability to maintain the necessary authority differential dynamic with respect to their subordinates. The more openly and condescendingly the manager does so, the worse the effect on the supervisor's relationship with the team.

Building Trust and Establishing Integrity

One of the first jobs of effective leaders is to build trust among their teams. In many respects, this goes hand-in-hand with creating a culture of responsibility, honesty, and personal integrity. At the simplest level, effective managers are those who acknowledge the importance of the contributions of their team to their own success and to that of the organization. They also promote a culture of learning, fairness in performance evaluation, and of personal responsibility for mistakes as well as accomplishments. Generally, that means managers must communicate that performance is evaluated on the merits and that mistakes are addressed in a productive learning environment instead of a punitive environment.

Establishing an Effective Inner Circle and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case" Assignment:

Take one of the concepts or insights from the first four sessions of the course... *****¢ Using several concepts is fine, but fewer is better. *****¢ Have you picked the concept(s) that would have the most impact in

that situation?

... and use it to analyze a professional situation where things went poorly. *****¢ The situation must involve you and at least one other person. *****¢ You don*****'t need to come up with an example of catastrophic failure. A

specific case that led to frustrating inefficiencies would be fine. *****¢ Feel free to draw from any professional situation, including INSEAD. *****¢ What caused the problem (and how did you contribute)? *****¢ This sections shows me that you understand the course concept(s), and

that you*****'ve thought about when they might be useful.

2. Suggest a course of action. What could have been done better? *****¢ And / or if relevant, what could be done now? *****¢ Remember, implementation is the hard part. Are your

recommendations specific and feasible? - Specific: Could a reasonably competent person implement

what you suggest? - Feasible:

- What are the consequences of your suggestions? - What are the barriers to implementation (and / or why

weren*****'t they implemented in the first place)? - Are you suggesting changes in behavior, thoughts, or

emotions? *****¢ This section shows me that you*****'ve thought about how to implement

the course concept(s).

Concept : good managers/leaders need to be influenced by the people they supervise

Problem : see context below, my boss did not listen to any of us, made all the decisions for the team, did not understand that we could have our own good ideas. did not acknowledge her errors, only had a own promotion in view. For example Once she tole me what I had done was stupid, she checked with her boss and two days later realised that I was right but never acknowledged it.

consequences of her management style: all team was less motivated, we did not improve what we should have, no personal attention leading to a win-win situation (for team and team members), all team fired or resigned. One guy depressed.

Course of action: talk, be more persuasive, cooperate with fellow team members so that she would have listened more what were our needs, desires for the team, own capacities

Barriers: no influence on the person, needs a strong team to have the courage to cooperate

Changes needed: behaviour and emotions (team should have been less emotional

This individual consciously undermined my authority with the team, making it clear that all directives should come from her and that my decisions could be disregarded unless they came from the supervisor as well. The team began to operate less efficiently due to this management style; a feeling of adversarial competition began to grow amongst the team members and I felt powerless to alter the situation. This low point in my career might seem an odd place to find a major accomplishment, but approaching my supervisor and describing my position as clearly and matter-of-factly as possible�*****"despite resulting in my summary dismissal�*****"proved an important turning-point for me. I understood that leadership and management, though often associated with each other, are different qualities. Managing a team is controlling and organizing this team and can be learned while leading people is much more about being an inspiration and a source of motivation for these people and is an inner quality. My experience in this team made it clear to me that management without leadership can fail meeting objectives. My ability to clearly perceive and articulate leadership and management problems was a major accomplishment for me, demonstrating the commitment and the passion I have for the work I have chosen as my career. Being able to understand this difference between leadership and management is a key step for me towards developing theses qualities.

How to Reference "Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956.
”Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956.
[1] ”Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956
1. Organizational Behavior -- Theoretical Application Fact-Based Case. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-behavior-theoretical/621956. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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