Essay on "Organizational Behavior"

Essay 4 pages (1336 words) Sources: 1

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Organizational Behavior

Over the last several decades, the views of management and executives would have a dramatic impact on many corporations. Where, everyone will watch a particular manager's influence and actions to determine if they should go the extra mile for the company. Part of the reason for this, is the competitive forces of globalization have cause many businesses to place less of emphasis on the actions of various managers. This is problematic, because once a manager / supervisor begins to engage in activities that are serving their own self-interest is when they are introducing a lack of confidence and trust to an organization. Where, everyone sees this as management doing whatever they have to do to be successful (even if it means belittling or humiliating the staff). Once this takes place, it can cause the productivity to decline as the employees will often feel cheated and depressed. At which point, they will no longer go the extra mile because managers will take credit for ideas that are not their own. The long-term effects of the manager's influence on an organization can cause talented employees to go elsewhere. As they want to not only receive better compensation, but they also need to feel as if their ideas are respected. In my case I faced a similar kind of situation, where a supervisor's influence would be akin to a cancer inside the organization. As their actions would have ripple effects on the way team members would interact with each other and how everyone viewed management / the company. To fully understand this situation requires looking at: the causes of the problem / how I contributed to the situation and a suggested course of action for rectifying the problem. Toget
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her, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to how employees and managers can influence each other based upon the relationship that exists.

What caused the problem and how did you contribute?

The basic problem that was facing the organization was that management created an adversarial atmosphere. Where, they expected all employees to respond favorably to the ideas of supervisors (as they were seen as doing no wrong). Yet, when employees would come up with good ideas they were often laughed at and humiliated. To make matters worse, many managers would then present these ideas to upper management as their own (claiming credit for everything). This created a heated atmosphere in the workplace, as everyone would see managers out for their self-interest at all costs. Their levels of influence would affect the different team members with most people becoming: withdrawn, depressed and negative. This would lead to various individuals either being fired from the company or they would find better opportunities elsewhere. A good example of the heated atmosphere can be seen when my supervisor would call me stupid (for a perceived mistake that I made). Then, two days later after they discovered I was right, they refused to acknowledge the oversight. This is important because it shows how the adversarial relationship would spread to team members and the way we would interact with one another (as many would have a sense of helplessness).

The way that I contributed to this problem is by falling into the same kind of attitude as other team members. Where, I needed the job and did not want to make waves. Yet, I could not tolerate this kind of behavior. This would make my communication less effective, as I would try to work with management from a point of weakness. At which point, they would become less responsive to what I would have to say. The fact that I did not try to utilize other ways, to exert influence over this manager (i.e. taking to their superiors about the situation) would cause them to engage in this kind of behavior with everyone. Over the course of time, this would influence the relationship that team members would have with: management and among each other. As they felt that a manager's authority in an organization… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Behavior" Assignment:

Take one of the concepts or insights from the first four sessions of the course... • Using several concepts is fine, but fewer is better. • Have you picked the concept(s) that would have the most impact in

that situation?

... and use it to analyze a professional situation where things went poorly. • The situation must involve you and at least one other person. • You don*****'t need to come up with an example of catastrophic failure. A

specific case that led to frustrating inefficiencies would be fine. • Feel free to draw from any professional situation, including INSEAD. • What caused the problem (and how did you contribute)? • This sections shows me that you understand the course concept(s), and

that you*****'ve thought about when they might be useful.

2. Suggest a course of action. What could have been done better? • And / or if relevant, what could be done now? • Remember, implementation is the hard part. Are your

recommendations specific and feasible? - Specific: Could a reasonably competent person implement

what you suggest? - Feasible:

- What are the consequences of your suggestions? - What are the barriers to implementation (and / or why

weren*****'t they implemented in the first place)? - Are you suggesting changes in behavior, thoughts, or

emotions? • This section shows me that you*****'ve thought about how to implement

the course concept(s).

I need it to be written with the 1st person and to be very personal not a general thing about OB

Concept : INFLUENCE good managers/leaders need to be influenced by the people they supervise

Problem : my boss did not listen to any of us, made all the decisions for the team, did not understand that we could have our own good ideas. did not acknowledge her errors, only had a own promotion in view. For example Once she tole me what I had done was stupid, she checked with her boss and two days later realised that I was right but never acknowledged it.

consequences of her management style: all team was less motivated, we did not improve what we should have, no personal attention leading to a win-win situation (for team and team members), all team fired or resigned. One guy depressed.

Course of action: talk, be more persuasive, cooperate with fellow team members so that she would have listened more what were our needs, desires for the team, own capacities

Barriers: no influence on the person, needs a strong team to have the courage to cooperate

Changes needed: behaviour and emotions (team should have been less emotional

How to Reference "Organizational Behavior" Essay in a Bibliography

Organizational Behavior.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Organizational Behavior (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Organizational Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Behavior” 2010.
”Organizational Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Behavior”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Behavior [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Behavior. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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