Thesis on "Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State"

Thesis 10 pages (2747 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

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Organizational Behavior and Change

The current state of organizational behavior and change

While many situations have existed in which the practitioners' field and the field of the academicians have failed to agree entirely upon a subject, the gap between the two domains is becoming narrower in terms of organizational behavior issues. The concept of organizational behavior is extremely complex and refers to virtually all aspects of the company's interaction with its stakeholders -- customers, staff members, share owners, the general public, purveyors and so on. The academic field has early on recognized the necessity of creating a favorable working environment and interacting with the stakeholders in a means that created more value to the entity. Theoretical emphasis would be placed on elements such as the motivation of the staff members or the satisfaction of the customers.

Yet, within the practitioners' field, the development and implementation of new organizational behavior strategies was not as easily embraced, due to two primary reasons. The first and foremost important one was that the changes in organizational behavior would imply additional resource consumption. They would for instance require changes in the way the managerial team interacts with the subalterns and would have as such generated a necessity for training. Then, it would have been extremely time consuming as the staff members would have been forced to take time away from their daily chores and focus on the new strategies.

The second reason as to the reticence of practitioners in the implementation of new organizational behavior strategies was that of the failu
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re of some managers to comprehend the long-term benefits. Most managers recognized the challenges of new organizational behavior strategies and pointed out to the fact that, in the short-term, the efforts would only lead to reduced levels of productivity and incremental expenditures. And they as such considered that the costs of new organizational behavior strategies outweighed the benefits.

Still, as time went by and more managers recognized the utility of the strategies and their long-term benefits, more efforts were put into the development and implementation of new organizational behavior strategies. Incremental emphasis was beginning to be placed on the means in which the people interact and work together as members of the same unit. Modern day managers, at the advice of the academic field, now place a greater accent on establishing fruitful relations with the personnel members, the customers or the purveyors. These changes are also constructed on the recognition of the role each category of stakeholders plays in the final success of the company.

The suppliers are for instance the ones who provide the company with commodities, which have to be cost effective and high quality in order to satisfy the needs of the clients, but they should also be accessible and affordable. The personnel members are the ones who manufacture the items and/or deliver the services, and are as such directly responsible for customer satisfaction. The customers are the ones who purchase the organizational items and generate revenue sustainability. The recognition of their importance then prompted the implementation of new organizational behavior strategies.

Despite the long path taken, modern day economic entities are still faced with numerous challenges and the multiple dimensions of organizational behavior continue to raise difficulties. Probably the most relevant example in this sense is constituted by the necessity to implement several processes of organizational change in order to ensure that the principles of organizational behavior strategy take full effect.

Implementing change is often a tedious process and the work can be made even more difficult through aspects such as lack of adequate information, limited access to information, financial resources, commodities, technologies or any other type of resources, as well as inadequacy of management. Also, in most cases, change is difficult to implement and take effect due to the reticence of the people. The reasons which make people refuse change are numerous and various, including elements such as fear of the unknown or the lack of desire to learn new things.

In spite of all the difficulties and the impediments raised by the modern day necessity of implementing processes of organizational behavior through change strategies, fact remains that they represent a growing necessity. Not only that organizational behavior strategies improve the company's long terms profitability rates, but they also help it survive in this extremely dynamic and competitive environment.

Change promoting new organizational behavior tactics is the solution to hiring and retaining the best qualified staff members who add more value to the organization (and which, according to Ivancevich and editors, also reduce costs through the low turnover rate); to attracting the wealthiest investors; to satisfying and enlarging the customer base and to overcoming the competition and consolidating a strong position within the national and international market.

2. Change Leadership and Organizational Behavior and Management

The specialized literature has for decades been focused on studying and presenting the concepts, benefits, processes and limitations of organizational behavior strategies. Also, another recurrent element within the specialized books and journals has been that of the necessity to implement change in order to survive in this more and more competitive environment. Yet, what can be observed through a quick look at the specialized literature is that it is far from homogenous, and that each book deals with a different aspect of organizational behavior and change. Generally speaking, while some works focus on the more theoretical aspect of organizational behavior, others emphasize on the more practical dimension and present various means in which the concepts should be implemented within a real organizational context.

Organizational Behavior and Management by John M. Ivancevich, Robert Konopaske and Michael T. Matteson (2007) is a representative example of the first category of books; whereas John P. Kotter's Leading Change (1996) is part of the books with a more practical approach to organizational behavior. Organizational Behavior and Management is currently at the eighth edition, probably the most successful edition so far. In comparison to the previous editions, this eighth one is about 100 pages shorter, meaning that it is more easily read by the student. An interesting feature is that the pages which have been removed from the book have not been entirely forgotten, but they have been placed online for further study. In other words, the editing team just did one of the things they preached -- they included the technological advancements to better adapt to the changing needs of the society.

Organizational Behavior and Management is a generally theoretical work, with emphasis on the large field of organizational behavior. Ivancevich, Konopaske and Matteson however focused on creating a work that would serve educational purposes, meaning then that they recognized the necessity for exemplification in order to increase the ease of comprehension. The end result was that of the inclusion of several cases and reading materials, to serve the purpose of applications and further increase the access to the information presented in the work

One of its many benefits is that it discusses the art of managing people from early stages through today, meaning as such that it not only helps the reader comprehend the greater context, but it also helps him implement the teachings regardless of the field in which he activates. In other words, Organizational Behavior and Management is a valuable piece of reading, offering useful insight and teachings on the management of people, which can be implemented either in an educational context, within an organizational scene, in public offices, or virtually in any field where people work together and are managed.

Unlike Organizational Behavior and Management, which is rather theoretical and even discusses the management of people and organizations from a psychological standpoint, Leading Change is more practical. This second book draws on the quarter of century experience of author John P. Kotter in the field of organizational behavior. It presents 100 cases of economic agents that encountered challenges and implemented various processes of change to enhance their positions and increase their chances of achieving their overall goals. In the process of presenting the situations, Kotter reveals the various mistakes and circumstances, to eventually come to a point in which he is able to forward an eight step model he believes to sit at the basis of a successful change strategy. The eight steps are not however the original creation of Kotter, since their roots can be identified in various theoretical works, including Organizational Behavior and Management.

3. The Eight Stages

The eight stage process reveals eight different steps that should be implemented by organizational leaders in order to ensure that their change strategy retrieves the desired outcomes. In the identification of the eight stages, Kotter commences at the macroeconomic characteristics which impose the necessity for change, and then continues by identifying the reasons as to why numerous change processes fail to retrieve the results for which they were initially intended. The author identifies eight pivotal mistakes, in the form of the following:

Error #1: Enforcing a sentiment that the current state of being is adequate and desirable, without promoting the desire for change and improvement


Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State" Assignment:

Integrative Paper

Write an integrative paper in which you "compare and contrast" the themes and statements in Kotter's Leading Change with the information in the Organizational Behavior and Management textbook.

The specific requirement for this paper is for you to discuss how the principles and concepts presented in the textbook relate to the "Eight Stages" in Kotter's book Leading Change, thus integrating the two books.

The purpose of the paper is for to demonstrate that you understood the interrelationships between the practices espoused in Leading Change and the more "academic" information introduced in the textbook. The integrative paper must be organized around the eight stages in

Kotter's Leading Change book, with each stage discussed in a

separate, clearly identified section of the paper (e.g., "Stage 1, Establishing a Sense of Urgency"). For each of Kotter's eight stages (or the associated eight errors), discuss how the specific concepts discussed in the Ivancevich, Konopaske and Matteson textbook support or

contradict that specific stage (or error). [Note: Follow APA format and be sure to

submit a formal paper, rather than simply your thoughts about the 8 principles.]

The readings each week loosely tie the information in the textbook to the relevant chapters in Kotter's Leading Change book, so this should help you organize your thoughts. In addition, during the course you should take notes and outline the relationships between Kotter's book and the textbook as they occur to you. This will make writing the paper considerably easier, and improve its organization and quality. However, given that there are so many principles and concepts that you could relate to Kotter's book, the

key is to identify and discuss only the most important concepts that are relevant to the specific theme or error.

Write concisely, edit well, and clearly organize

your thoughts. The grade for this paper will primarily be based on how well you meet three criteria:

ï‚· The number of relevant principles and concepts you identified for each stage or error,

ï‚· The quality of your reasoning about how the principles and

concepts in the textbook relate to the stages in Kotter's book, and

ï‚· The quality of your writing and presentation (including the

quality of any tables, figures, or diagrams; and, APA format)

Because of increasing concerns with academic dishonesty, make certain

use proper citations when referring to specific sections of the textbook and Leading Change. This not only helps clarify which book you are discussing, but citations are necessary to avoid plagiarism. Points will be deducted for failing to cite to the books. The format of the citations should follow APA guidelines; a reference list is required.

All student papers must be submitted to for an Originality Report. Only *****Green***** papers will be accepted in this course for grading purposes.

Books Required:

Leading Change by John P. Kotter (ISBN: 0-87584-747-1)

Organizational Behavior and Management by John M. Ivancevich, Robert Konopaske, Michael T. Matteson (ISBN: 978-0-07-340508-7)

How to Reference "Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State" Thesis in a Bibliography

Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State” 2010.
”Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Behavior and Change the Current State. Published 2010. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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