Book Review on "Organizational Behavior Book Management"

Book Review 6 pages (1815 words) Sources: 6

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Organizational Behavior

Book review of a management topic of your choice

The book chosen for review in this paper is 'Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations' published in 2011 and written by Ricky W. Griffin, Gregory Moorhead. A number of definitions have been given for the term organizational behavior. The most important definition argues that organizational behavior deals with the effects and impacts that the groups and individuals within the organizations have on overall behaviors within an organization. Thereby, it can be argued here that organizational behavior is a multifactorial dimension of a workplace. The book deals with important aspects of organizational behavior, how overall environment of an organization affects behaviors in an organization and how interpersonal relationships affect the behaviors within the organizations (Griffin, and Moorhead 2011). These are the main topics that make the book more important in terms of studying business strategies and work environments. With the help of this book, one of the main facts that can be learned include the effect of organizational work environment on the organizational behaviors, and the roles that are played by work-based relationships within an organization having an effect on overall productivity of the employees.

For selecting the book, one of the main facts that were kept in mind is that knowledge needs to be spread about organizational behaviors and how these behaviors can have an effect on workplaces and the productivity being shown by the employees. The book chosen in this case is more comprehensive and has more knowledge about organizational behaviors.

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Some of the main parts that are to be covered in the paper include summary of the main concepts presented in the book that make the book more important. Second important part of the paper is the critique of the book. This part of the paper will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the concepts presented in the book. The critique of the book will include some of the main aims of the book that were to be achieved as mentioned in the book and if the book achieved these aims. Sources and references used by the book will be analyzed. The last section of the book will include the implications of the concepts presented in the book in the management practice in an organization.

Summary of the Book

The book contains 19 chapters. The book was published in the year 2011 and the main area and industry covered in the book is in relation to organizational management. First chapter covers definitions of organizational behaviors, and how the managerial processes can be affected with organizational behavior and how managerial practices can affect organizational behaviors. Second chapter of the book deals with the factors that can be important in changing the environment of an organization and how these changes in the environment can help in changing organizational behaviors in the workplace. Third chapter of the book deals with individual behaviors seen in the organizations, and roles played by these individual behaviors in effecting organizational behavior. The chapter covers the kinds of attitudes that are displayed by the employees within an organization including personality traits of the employees and the typical workplace behaviors that are seen in the organizations. Fourth chapter deals with the motivations given to the employees including motivations of learning, working, and being more committed to work in the workplace. One of the most important facts that have been highlighted in the chapter is related to the work that can be given to the employees for increasing their workplace-based motivation as flexible work arrangements. Sixth chapter includes impacts and importance of rewards given to the employees for better work performance. Seventh and eighth chapter are about the roles played by management of stress and decision making in workplace by the managers. The rest of the chapters discuss the roles played by leadership models being followed in the organizations, culture of the organization, organizational design, and workplace designs. The last chapter of the book considers some of the main factors that can play important roles in the organizational changes as well as development.

Critique of the Book

There are a number of objectives that are to be achieved by the mentioned book.

Analysis of the Main Objectives of the Book

Some of the main objectives of the book include highlighting the importance of organizational behaviors within the workplaces, highlighting factors that can play important roles in affecting the organizational behaviors, highlighting some of the main behaviors that are considered as an important part of the organizational behaviors, mentioning the roles that the organizational leadership can play in developing better behaviors within the organizations, mentioning the roles that are played by rewarding the workers/employees in the workplace, and emphasizing the managerial roles in leadership, decision making and handling stress in the workplace.

Strengths of the Book

It can be seen that the authors have aimed to detail out the main factors that have great effects on the organizational behaviors. One of the main facts as mentioned by the authors that strengthen the content of the book is that organizational behavior is a multifactorial dimension within an organization. Many factors can effect and shape the organizational behaviors. The factors include personalities of the employees and the authorities in the organizations. The authors in the books have highlighted that great roles are played by the individual personalities, as these can greatly affect the behaviors of the individuals surrounding them. A number of other studies have also highlighted the same fact that the personalities and the behaviors of employees and authorities as an individual and as a group in the workplace play a great role in the determination of organizational behaviors. How the individual employees behave with the other employees is a strong fact presented by the authors that makes the choice of this book an easier task as compared to the other literature (Robbins, and Judge 2010). The facts and literature presented in the book are stronger. The main fact that can summarize the content of the book is that the roles played by the managers in maintaining organizational behavior are an important determining factor.

Second important strong point of the book that was also the second important reason of choosing this particular book is that the authors have mentioned the effects of rewards and employee motivation on organizational behavior. It has been mentioned that if the employees are rewarded and motivated in a proper manner by the managers, there are chances that more commitment and job satisfaction will be shown by the employees. This can have better effects on an overall organizational behavior displayed by the employee community (Kreitner, and Kinicki 2009). Some of the main forms of the rewards and motivations mentioned by the authors include flexible working hours, and financial incentives. With better commitments and jab satisfaction within the employees, managers have a better chance to manage their subordinates in a better manner (Wagner and Hollenbeck 2009). The authors have mentioned the relationship between organizational behaviors and environment of the workplace, counted as one of the most important factors in the organizational behaviors. The third important fact about the book is that the chapters are linked very well. The linkage of the chapters is useful as the main aims of the book are being achieved in the chapters in a step-by-step manner. Up-to-date case studies and the references of certain organizations as Microsoft with special examples towards the behaviors displayed by these organizations is one of the strongest parts of the book.

Weaknesses of the book

Not many weaknesses have been noticed. However, the lack of referencing to the latest literature is one of the main weaknesses in the book. Facts and figures have been given in each and every chapter of the book that helps in increasing an understanding of the content of the chapter, but if it were supported by latest published research, it would have been an important strength.

Implications for Management Practice

The book has highlighted a number of important facts, which if implemented in the organizations can be very helpful in building the required organizational behavior (Harris and Hartman 2011). Organizational behavior is a group-based practice that is more dependent on the individual as well as group-based behaviors of the employees working in an organization. Organizational behavior is very much dependent on the managerial strategies and the work-based relationships between managers and the employees (Miner 2007). How rewards, motivations and listening to the employees can be an important factor in building and promoting better organizational behavior is one of the most important facts highlighted by the book. Leadership styles are one of the main ingredients of organizational behaviors. It is important that the leadership styles be inclusive of managing and looking after the employees so that commitment and job satisfaction is increased within the employees to enhance better employee experiences (Hellriegel, and Slocum 2007). Based on this important fact highlighted here, it can be mentioned here that the book is a great addition in the library of organizational workplaces and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Behavior Book Management" Assignment:

Select and read a book with direct and indirect reference to *****"Organizational Behavior and Work*****" or *****"Business Policy and Strategy*****".

Please ensure it is relevant to either of the topics above and the original edition of the book was published within the last 10 years (post 1999). When preparing the submission summarize the book and for the review focus on the key points of the book. Your book review will include a summary of your chosen book and a critique of the work. The sections to be included are outlined below

1. Introduction

- Give brief details of the book and explain why it is of business/topic interest

- outline why the book is of interest to you and how you made your selection. Did you consider any other books? If so, why did you not select them? How does this one connect with the topics detailed above?

- In the introduction you will also detail what is included in the rest of your submission stating how many parts are in the submission and what is included in each part.

2. Summary of the book (Not more than 2 pages)

- This section will contain a summary of the book

- Indicate the number of chapters and what is contained in each one

- Please ensure that it covers the entire publication and that you outline the pertinent aspects of the book

- The context of the book (industry, sector) and timing of publication are important aspects to note when summarizing it

3. Critique of the book, noting its strengths and weaknesses

-This is the demanding part of the exercise and you are expected to be objective in relation to the book*****'s strengths and weaknesses

- You must draw on your own experience taking a detached view when completing this part of the exercise.

- What are the stated aims of the book? Were these aims achieved?

- What source material was used in preparing/writing the book? Is the source material appropriate? Are the illustrations useful (if there are none, should there be some?)

- Do the book chapters link well with each other or is there repetition? If yes, is the repetition useful?

- Does the book focus mainly on business practice or on theory? If it deals with theory, is it appropriately explained and applied?

- Are there business examples used in the book - If yes, are they appropriate and up to date?

4. Insights / implications for management practice / business policy

- One way of completing this section is to consider whether this book should be read by aspiring or current business managers. Would you recommend it - give reasons why.

- Here you might refer to or draw on related books / articles with which you are familiar and inform your critique.

5. Concluding comments

- The final section will focus n what new learning occurred from reading and critiquing this book. If there was no learning, please indicate why - you may have read something similar / better at another stage.

- Indicate if this book might inform work place practice, giving the reasons why it could be useful.

- Has this book built or confirmed your learning and particularly the topics identified (Organisational Behaviour and / or Business policy)

How to Reference "Organizational Behavior Book Management" Book Review in a Bibliography

Organizational Behavior Book Management.”, 2012, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Organizational Behavior Book Management (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Organizational Behavior Book Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Behavior Book Management” 2012.
”Organizational Behavior Book Management”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Behavior Book Management”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Behavior Book Management [Internet]. 2012 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Behavior Book Management. Published 2012. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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