Term Paper on "Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital"

Term Paper 5 pages (1564 words) Sources: 4

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Organizational Assessment of U.S. ARMY Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital

In the study of any kind of health care organizations, there are a number of different pieces that will make each one unique in its own way. Where, the overall emphasis will be on providing a number of different services for the benefit of patients. In some cases, this can mean that large community health organizations are in place to address this need. While at other times, more specialized treatment facilities exist, for those patients with particular conditions that may not be treatable at community facilities. In the case of the United States Army, their health care organization is one of the largest in country. Serving nearly 8.3 million personnel, their families and retirees; the Military Health Services System (MHSS) has been adapting to changing roles of missions. Where, they are expected to be the provider of high quality medical services to front line personnel. At the same time, the system is required to be the backbone of support that the entire military community relies on for its health care services. This is despite the fact that the number of: doctors, nurses and specialized health care staff; have dropped by as much as 50% in some locations. (Bonn, 2005) to fully understand the overall role of the military health organization requires examining one facility up close by looking at: the organization itself. This will be accomplished by studying Moncrief Army Community Hospital in Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

Moncrief Army Community Hospital (MACH) falls under the Department of Defense, who delegates this authority to the Army Medical Command. They monitor and regulate all of
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the community hospitals that would be operated at military facilities around the world. Where, they will provide a number of procedures ranging from: out patient prescription drug coverage to specialized procedures. (Bonn, 2005)

Currently, MACH provides a number of health care services to military personnel / families the most notable would include: outpatient services, dentistry, optometry, radiological / laboratory services, veterinary and food inspection services. It serves as vital part of Fort Jackson, with the hospital serving over 36,000 military personnel, their families and retirees. Where, the post consists of a diverse population ranging from every nationality and background. ("About Fort Jackson," n.d.) However, as a health care organization MACH has been having major issues, as far as providing access to services in timely fashion. An example of this can be seen in a study that was conducted in 1995, where a report by the U.S. Army Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Care, found that there were certain aspects of the hospital that were superior to other Army health care facilities this would include: the Troop Medical Clinic and the Access Clinic. Yet, when it came to the Internal Medicine Clinic and the Family Practice Clinic, researchers determined that these two divisions were the most inefficient, contributing to a number of delays for those seeking medical services. To rectify the situation, the reported tested five different models. Two out of these five different models were determined to be a possible solution for addressing the obvious weaknesses at the hospital, the most notable would include: relocating the Access / Gyn Clinics and Combining Pediatrics / Family Practice into one. (Gaal, 1995) to address these issues, the Army did reorganize the customer service of the hospital needed improvement, by offering patients more chances to evaluate the overall usefulness of services. What happened was, after a patient completed their visit they were given an Interactive Customer Evaluation form. Where, patients could evaluate the staff of the different departments at the facility for: courtesy and helpfulness. A survey was conducted from 2006 to 2008, to determine the overall effect that this program would have on the health care organization. The results were: that the staff was more responsive to the needs of patients and were more helpful in increasing the overall quality of services offered. (Barido, 2008) This is significant, because it shows how the Army health care organizations can provide high quality treatment. Yet, they can also become tied up in red tape and the typical bureaucratic procedures that accompany running a health organization, which is associated with the government. Where, certain departments within the hospital would lose focus on providing the best care. As a result, the various customer satisfaction surveys improved the overall helpfulness of the staff improved dramatically. At which point, the quality of care in these areas began to improve.

To answer the different questions in the table, the information was located by visiting the website of the hospital and researching issues surrounding MACH. This was accomplished by conducting a Google search and looking for any kind of specific information that could be useful to our activities.

Table 1: Assessment Guide: Administration and Board of Governance Responsibilities





Mission and Philosophy include statements on diversity and inclusion.


Found at Website.

Board of Trustees is reflective of the diversity of the community.


Ethics committee exists and reflects the patients and staff.


Policies address discrimination, bias, and prejudice of staff.


Data collection includes patient race, ethnicity, culture, and language preferences.


Strategic plan reflects the needs of the community.


Organization's programs are advertised in community newspapers, on the radio and television, and in grocery stores and at bus stops and other transportation centers.


Videos are representative of the diversity and languages of the patients.


Satisfaction surveys are in the languages of the populations served.


Table 2: Assessment Guide: Human Resources Responsibilities





Pictures, posters, and calendars representing the diversity of the patient and staff are posted throughout the organization.


Cultural resources reflect the patient population and are available to staff.


Recruitment and hiring activities are reflective of the community.


Culturally diverse holidays reflective of the patients and staff are celebrated.


Bilingual staff is recruited.


Diversity classes are initiated for administrators, professionals, and other care providers.


Mentoring programs are initiated for culturally diverse staff.


English as a second language classes are held for employees.


Written documents undergo a cultural sensitivity review to assure neutral language.


Staff surveys are in the languages of the populations employed.


Table 3: Assessment Guide: Hospital Education Responsibilities





Organizational diversity is addressed in orientation.


Staff is offered classes in cultural general knowledge as well as in and cultural specific populations.


Interpretation services are available and staff is aware of them.


Major patient documents are translated into the languages of the clients served.


Cultural reference such as books, articles, and web-based resources are available on patient units and in the library.


Teaching materials are in languages of the staff and patients and are on the organizations internal television system.


The telephone system has a menu for diverse languages.


A cultural brokering/mentoring program is initiated for new employees.


Table 4: Assessment Guide: Nursing Department Responsibilities





Culturally appropriate toys are available on pediatric units, in the Emergency Department, and reception areas where children are likely to be.


Pain scales are in the languages and ethnicity of patients.


Intake forms reflect cultural assessment


Videos are representative of the diversity and languages of the patients are initiated.


Table 5: Assessment Guide: Dietary Department Responsibilities





Food pyramids are available and reflective of the patients' languages and ethnicity.


Food selections are available in the ethnicity of the staff and patients.


Clearly, MACH has been making an effort to become more socially competent. Where, the administration has been trying to address the obvious weaknesses that exist in the various departments. Evidence of this can be seen with the improved responses… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital" Assignment:

Organizational Assessment of US ARMY Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army community Hospital

Follow these guidelines in the attached tables for assessing the cultural competence of an organization. The organization can be where you work, Florida International University, or a healthcare facility of some kind. Information in this paper is confidential and the site is considered secure so you can identify the organization. In fact, this type of information on the organization is open to the public. Three to five references should be enough.

1. Write an introductory paragraph describing the organizations. Include the size of the organization, is it public or private, governmental or non-governmental, community owned, educational organization, etc. What are the cultures and/or ethnicities of the population served as well as the staff. Provide enough information that gives a picture of the organization. This section should be two to three double spaced pages. 5 points.

2. Complete the attached tables, providing comments in the *****Comment Section*****. Include where you looked for the information and how complete or incomplete it was. You might not be able to get all of the information, but you should be able to get the majority of it. 5 points.

3. Do a summary of your overall findings and thoughts and provide recommendations for this organization to become more culturally competent. This section should be two to three double spaces pages. 5 points.


How to Reference "Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891.
”Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891.
[1] ”Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891
1. Organizational Assessment of US Army Nurse Corps at Moncrief Army Community Hospital. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/organizational-assessment-us-army/3891. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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