Case Study on "HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers"

Case Study 7 pages (2209 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

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organization is fragmentized into several sub-organizations which work coherently to optimize the performance of the organization. Human Resource Department is viewed as sub-organization of relevance and importance in this respect. It is the Administration and Human Resource Department whose effective correspondence and correlation can improve all the activities under process within organizational structure. According to Karmarck A.M (author of Economics and Real World), the Human Resource Department and its functioning is the reflection of the organization's vision, and it is the HRD which handles the responsibility of introducing new faces into the organization, and training them so that maximum output can be extracted from them.

According to Karmarck, the economy of the organization is not counted upon its earning, rather its major criterion is the labor recruited by company. The labor cost and training are the subsequent steps that have to be looked after in the next step. The HRD is assigned to offer required professional training and learning sessions to the recruits, so that the recruits can practice their proficiency in competent manner. The organization is supposed to monitor and evaluate the performance of the recruits on the basis of performance and skills, and certain training sessions should be prescribed to the recruits. The salary and monetary compensations offered to the recruits and other employees should have variable grounds, the salary packages and other benefits offered should be on the basis of the department, performance, expertise and experience.

At parallel, continuous inspection and observation should be conducted to ensure that the recruits and depa
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rtments are performing their tasks with complete understanding and coherence. Performance management is an important assignment, and the organizational heads should ensure that the departments are working in harmony so as to obtain maximum results. The momentum of research, production, sales, marketing and profit should be exhibiting positive trend, rather than bearish spell.


Egan's Clothiers Inc. started its operation in 1958. The company was started by Gene Egan and Pat Pollock. The company experienced tremendous rise in its business activities, and by the end of 1980s the company established many of its outlets across New York and New Jersey. The company offers variety of products ranging from sportswear, dress wear to related fashion accessories. By 1999 the company has workforce of more than 2400 people, majority of which are sales person.

The company has been recording profit since it started gaining momentum during 1980s. However from 1997 to 1999 company was earning lower percentage of profit. The revenues climbed significantly during this period, however the increase in the expenses is the reason the low profits. The Financial Report of the company for the year 2000 revealed that major chunk of company's money was being spent on the incomes and training of its employees. The company has policy of recruiting people with experience, and after recruitment the employees are trained, because the company believed that investing on the employees and their skills will bring rewards to the company. The company also introduced a certain performance grading criteria, and employee record software was also installed in all the outlets of the company. The company was offering lucrative pay scales to its employees, and the salary package varied significantly from the other companies.

However even after investing major chunk of money in the employees and the skills development, the results were not outstanding. The external sources revealed that the internal departments of the organization had certain complaints and reservations for each other, and this was another reason for company's poor financial results. The company has throughout stressed more on the employee's expertise, and emphasis on the production and quality standard is partial.


The management of the Egan's Clothiers Inc. needs to prioritize their agenda according to the need of time, rather than taking a particular course of action purely on the grounds of expectations and hope. The sincere efforts of the management towards bringing reforms, and upgrading the company's economic and production activities is laudable but those efforts should be concentrated and focusing towards each and every possible aspect related to the organizational structure. The company has considered Human Resource as fundamental for implementation of all the activities and plans, but it is to be realized that organizational affairs are never handled by investing into particular department of it, rather all the other departments need to gain momentum at parallel.

The company has been investing millions into Human Resource and its development. The company has very stern practice of recruiting only experienced individuals, the company launches training sessions at regular interval for its employees. The employees are provided with wide opportunities of flourishing within the existing setup. The employees are paid affluently by the employers. The company under these circumstances is definitely going to expect profit, irrespective of how much revenue the company has generated for itself. The company is leaving itself without any substantial monetary assurance or gain because what ever the company earns is shared in between the employees.

According to Karmarck findings, ' the company should be investing 30-40% of income on the employees and human resource development, 20-30% should be spent on enhancing production activities, and the remaining should be either pursued for the long-term investment or saving purpose, or shared among the partners and shareholders' (Economic and Real World).

The company that invests all of its earning on the its employees and salary packages should be ready for 'enlistment to defaulters list' (DeGarmo.,Engineering Economy).

The flaws into the company's management are discussed as follows,


The company has taken concrete steps in providing employees with ample opportunity to grow and excel. The employees are trained after regular interval, with the hope that their sincere practices with gather more customers for the company. The company introduced computerized system for managing employees data and corresponding activities, the software was accessible from all the outlets of the company, and acted as an interface between different employees, so that they can easily come across each other. The software was also introduced so that the employees can be informed about their performance evaluation. Such a scheme provided transparent medium for promoting the employees. However all these schemes, including the software installation and training sessions have made company spent more than required.

Recruiting experienced individuals on higher wages, and than again making them undergo training sessions is more to termed as futile exercise. The company has two visible options,

Either to recruit fresh graduates on reasonable wages, and train them to optimize their performance.

Recruit experienced individuals, make them achieve higher targets in exchange for good salary packages.

Installation of software for the employees scattered in 34 outlets is not fruitful exercise. The company should have rather convinced the employees to correspond via Internet or Intranet facility rather than investing more than a million in this project.

Training sessions should be conducted not for all, but only for those employees who are bring fame and reward to the company.

It is better to recruit the employees on the contract basis, or rather introduce performance criteria for hiring.

The salary packages should be introduced in comparison with the market offerings. It is not in the interest of the company to offer high wages without receiving substantial gains from the efforts of the employee perfectly salary package should be devised offering reasonable wages, with handsome share of commission and rewards purely on the performance basis.

PROMOTION WITHIN The professional environment varies significantly from organization to organization. The recruited employees are pioneer for establishing conducive working environment. However if the same employees stay in for longer, and promoted after regular intervals will contribute little towards the reforming and modifying the company's atmosphere. It is therefore advisable for the company management to establish external recruitment policy, so that the newcomers can bring new dimension to the ongoing business and promotional activities.

Promotion Within provides employees with feeling of ease and comfort towards their profession and assignment. Therefore the company should discourage practicing Promotion Within policy, and only if the employee's performance is found up to the mark, then the promotion scheme should be applied.

The best way to optimize and extract maximum output from the employees is to created competitive workplace environment, this can be achieved if external recruitment is adopted. The company should encourage external recruitment, so that the old employees find it necessary to perform so that their job and contract remains secure. This policy can create unrest among the employees but if the management takes some precautionary measures, such that the sense of professional rivalries should be replaced by professional adventurism, the unrest can be controlled and monitored.

The promotion scheme should be applied after gap of certain years, and the promotion criteria should be performance rather than the experience of the employees. This policy will decelerate the promotional activities of the employees, and in this manner company's spending on offering luxury and high wages will reduce.


The organizational activities can never be practiced by relying on the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers" Assignment:

HR Case Study: Realigning HR Practices at Egan*****s Clothiers Grading Criteria (30 points)

*Introduction: (4 Points) Approximately 1 page in length

The introduction provides a brief background on the major topic addressed in the case (e.g., performance management, training, compensation, etc.) and why it*****s important. This section should not focus on the case specifically, rather be a discussion of the central topic, in general. A brief discussion of an external article (from list in Appendix B of Text) and its relevance to the topic of the case should be included here to strengthen and augment this section (at least 4 *****“ 5 sentences about how the article is relevant to the topic(s) of the case).

*Case Overview: (2 Points) Approximately 1 page in length

The case overview provides brief overview of the case and clearly and accurately identifies the problem.

*Case Analysis: (15 Points) Approximately 4 pages in length

1) Clearly and directly answers all questions posed at the end of the case.

2) Your responses to the case questions will be evaluated based on your thoughtful integration of the concepts discussed in the course.

3) Integrate external article(s) into your analysis to support your responses to the case questions.

*Lessons Learned (2 Points) Approximately 1 page in length

Summarize what you learned from completing this case by answering the following two questions. What did you learn from completing this case? How might you use this information in your current or future job?

Mechanics (6 Points)

Paper is well-organized, easy to follow, and sections of the paper are indicated by headings/sub-headings. Your major headings should be I. Introduction, II. Case Overview, III. Case Analysis, and IV. Lessons Learned. Note: Section III. Case Analysis, should have sub-headings related to each question. Has professional appearance; proper business tone, style, and length. Case is between 7-8 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins and typed. Uses MLA or APA style to cite references.

You will need to research and find AT LEAST one academic and professional source that is relevant to your case and include a brief discussion of it in the Introduction section. In order to meet this requirement, you may be required to go to the actual library to research.

How to Get the Most out of Cases - Professor Advice

Case analysis allows students to apply what they have learned through lecture and in-class activities. Please see the MGMT 321 syllabus for specifics on how to write your case analysis paper.


1. Read the case the first time quickly, just to get a general overview of the key issues in the case.

2. Re-read the case, putting yourself into the manager*****s role. What do you think the important issues are?

3. Write down the key problems or issues and go through the case one more time. There may be more problem areas than you initially thought. The cases are roughly categorized into management topics but management is, of course, very complex and the cases reflect this complexity.

4. Develop a set of recommendations based on your analysis of the case. How should the manager solve the problems? What evidence do you have that this is the right way to go? What other elements should be considered in the decision?

-----The Case for the Report----

Realigning HR practices at Egan*****s Clothiers

At the end of the fiscal year 2000, revenues at Egan*****s Clothiers, Inc. had increased 21 percent over 1999 and had increased at a compounded rate of 24 percent over the past five years. That*****s the good news. The bad news is that costs have risen at an even more rapid rate, thereby shrinking the company*****s gross margins. As a consequence, Egan*****s profitability (measured as return on sales and return on net assets) has actually fallen 14 percent over the past three years.

The retail industry in general has been enjoying growth due to a healthy economy, and this drop in profitability at Egan*****s is particularly worrisome. In fact, according to Egan*****s chief financial officer, Richard Coyle, if something isn*****t done immediately to control material and labor costs, as well as administrative expenses, the company may need to restructure its operations. In the short run, Coyle, company president Karen Egan, and vice president of HR Jim Rooney have pit an indefinite freeze on all hiring. Further, they are contemplating layoffs of nearly one-quarter of Egan*****s sales staff and are weighing the benefits of cutting back on HR-related expenses such as training. Compared to others in the industry, their labor costs are very high.

Company Background

Gene Egan and Pat Pollock opened their first store in Baldwin New York, in 1958. The company grew rapidly during the 1980s and now operates a chain of thirty-four medium-sized stores located throughout Connecticut, New York Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Since the beginning, Egan*****s customers have been primarily middle- and upper-middle-class families purchasing sportswear, dress wear, and fashion accessories. The company has established a longstanding tradition of quality and customer service. In addition to its thirty-four stores, the company maintains two distribution centers and its administrative offices in Stamford, Connecticut. The total employment currently stands at approximately 2,400 people: 15 executives, 40 staff specialists, 40 store managers, 215 sales managers, 250 administrative personal, 1,600 sales people, and 240 distribution workers. Except for the employees at the distribution centers, the company is not presently unionized. However, it is no secret that Egan*****s management has been trying very hard recently to keep current labor organizing activities to a minimum. Especially in these times of growth and change, management view unionism as a threat to the company*****s success. In this regard, the HR office had been called upon to conduct a program audit of various HR practices utilized at Egan*****s. The purpose of this audit is to assess the impact of HR polices and practices on employee outcomes (e.g., performance, satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover). The corollary objective of this audit is to identify specific problem areas where policy adjustments may be necessary. The final report to the executive staff will include the HR department*****s evaluation of current problems and recommendations for implementing changes in HR practices.

Human Resources and Management History

Over the past five years, Egan*****s has made several changes in order to implement the best HR practices possible. Partially, this as been to circumvent unionization efforts, but primarily it is indicative of Egan*****s longstanding belief that success in retailing depends on the competencies and efforts of its employees.

The commitment to HR is demonstrated by the fact that in 1998 the company spent 1.3 million on an intranet-based human resources information system (HRIS). The HRIS has successfully automated most employment records (e.g., job titles, salary information, sales levels, attendance, demographics, etc.) and connects each of the retail stores, distribution centers, and executive offices. Also, Egan*****s has maintained an ongoing training program or the past five years to help salespeople improve their retail selling skills (RSS) and customer service. The annual cost of this program has been roughly 750,000. To further ensure high ability levels in their workforce, the company sets selection standards selection standards substantially higher than their competitors. Whereas other retail companies typically hire inexperienced high school students, Egan*****s generally requires some retailing experience before considering an applicant for employment. While this policy increases labor costs Egan*****s management has been confident that the added expense is well justified over the long run. However, recently even the strongest proponents of HR have been wondering if it might be a good idea to cut back on training, given the company*****s current financial picture.

By fat the most problematic and volatile HR issues at Egan*****s have been regarding promotions and salary increases. Because the company promotes from within, and distributes raises on a company-wide basis, comparisons generally have to be made across employees in different jobs and departments. To combat arguments of subjectivity and bias pertaining to these decisions, Egan*****s links these rewards to objective measures of performance. Specifically, rather than utilizing subjective managerial evaluations of employee performance, ongoing accounts of sales results are maintained for each employee through use of the HRIS. On the basis of this information, each department manager assigns each employee to one of five categories:

Superior *****“ top 10 percent

Very good *****“ next 20 percent

Good *****“ middle 40 percent

Fair *****“ lower 20 percent

Poor *****“ lowest 10 percent

Administrative decisions are then made across departments utilizing these standardized distributions. Additionally, in order to provide constant feedback to each employee concerning his or her relative performance, data are updated and posted daily. It is hoped that this feedback is motivating to employees, and in this way there are no surprises when the time comes for semiannual performance appraisal interviews. It is interesting to note that since these changes have been made in the performance appraisal system, there has not been one formal complaints registered regarding salary or promotion decisions. However, sales managers themselves have mentioned occasionally hat they do not feel as comfortable now that they are required to assign employees to the *****fair***** and *****poor***** categories.

HR Outcomes

Despite the concerted efforts of Egan*****s management to create a first-rate system of human resources management, there are several troubling issues facing the company. The HR practices are not having their desired effects. For example, there have been recent complaints that the employees have not been as patient or courteous with customers as they should be. This was best summarized by Paul Kelly, a store manager in White Plains, New York, who noted, *****My people are beating the clientele in order to make a sale *****“ the very opposite of what the RSS program trains them to do.***** This lapse in customer service is frustrating to management since the RSS training has proven effective in the past. Additionally, there seems to be a great deal of competition *****“within- departments that is hurting a team effort. Although intergroup rivalries *****“between- departments has always been viewed as normal and healthy, the lack of intragroup cohesiveness is seen as a problem.

Additionally, Egan*****s has been plagued with increase in lost and damaged merchandise. Management attributes this to the face that storage rooms are disorganized and unkempt. This is in sharp contrast to the selling floors, which have remained fairly well orderly and uncluttered. Nethertheless, inventory costs have been increasing at an alarming rate.

Everyone notices that something is wrong. Bu the behavior patterns are perplexing. Absenteeism has decreased by 23 percent, but employee turnover has actually increased from 13 to 29 percent, thereby increasing labor costs overall. Unfortunately, many of those leaving the company (43 percent) are rated as very food to superior employees.

As executives in the company look at these trends, they are understandably concerned. The success of the company and its reputation for quality and service depend on solid investments in HR to ensure the best possible workforce. However, the expenses are eroding the company*****s profits, and worse, it looks now like the investments are not paying off.

How to Reference "HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers" Case Study in a Bibliography

HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers.”, 2006, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers (2006). Retrieved from (2006). HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers” 2006.
”HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers”,, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers [Internet]. 2006 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. HR Realigning HR Practices at Egan's Clothiers. Published 2006. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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