Research Paper on "Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance"

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Organization Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance

Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance

Organization citizenship refers to the extent in which a person's deliberate support and behavior put in to the welfare of an organization. The aspect of organization citizenship behavior exceeds one's role in the job field and is beneficial to the organization in, which an individual deliberately exerts input (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). The relationship between job performance and organization citizenship behavior (OCB) has been studied over years. OCB has been found to relate with job performance when individuals in the workplace have proper motivation. This is to mean that work satisfaction is crucial in enhancing organization citizenship behaviors which then lead to proper job performance Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). This research has a purpose of determining the correlation between OCB and job performance. The study is crucial in determining effective organizational strategies that lead to productivity, and reduction of costs related to employee dissatisfaction (Sani & Maharani, 2012).

Literature review

Job satisfaction

This refers to the emotional behavior stimulated by the interaction occurring between the value of employees in relation to their jobs, and the benefits accrued by performing their tasks in the work place. Job satisfaction regards the feeling of appreciation and of belonging that results when the worker performs daily tasks (Sani & Maharani, 2012). Job satisfaction and performance relate where an organization ensures employee motivation through compens
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ation, promotion plus other incentives that boost employee morale. The result of job satisfaction is the stimulation of employee emotions leading to Organization citizenship behaviors, which improve productivity and hence job performance (Sani & Maharani, 2012). Environmental working features have been found to influence job satisfaction and thus; job performance. Such aspects include association with unions, the nature of working environment in terms of size, and whether the job undertaken is permanent or part time. The aspect of work requirements and participation in family affairs influence job satisfaction (Sani & Maharani, 2012). Job satisfaction has also been attributed to, complex working environments. In such environments, proper job training and plus education can improve satisfaction of employees and performance. Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013) classifies the factors influencing job satisfaction and performance as either situational or personal. Personal factors involve motivations plus emotional responses, esteem and workplace tasks. Situational factors include skill variety, promotion and other working conditions.

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) originates from the thoughts of Chester Bernard in the 1930s. The creation of the theory was complete in 1988, pioneered by Organ. As cited by Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013), Organ revealed the relationship between job performance and OCB. OCB is behavior which has a positive influence on the performance of persons in organizations. The formal reward methods of organizations do not unswervingly identify OCB. As Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013) asserts, "the knowledge of OCB in relation to work performance has been helpful in areas of leadership, strategic management and human resources." OCB is an extra role behavior because an individual performs tasks unspecified in the job requirements. OCB behavior enables workers to participate in tasks that are beneficial to organization growth without being an expectant of any rewards. The result of the employee efforts is the organization improvements in terms of growth. Organization support to workers leads to development of OCB behaviors, which influence their performance. Social attractiveness is a product of OCB which is a crucial aspect in the work place. The three dimensions of OCB influencing job performance relevant in this literature include organizational loyalty, individual initiative plus self development (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013).

Organizational loyalty

Organizational loyalty involves the acts of disposing support plus offering of organization protection in terms of organization objectives defense (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). A loyal individual remains steadfast to organizational objectives and tasks, guarding the organization against any threats either internal or external. There is no amount of difficult situations that can remove a loyal individual from the commitments exerted to the organization (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013).

Individual initiative

This aspect regards the behavior of performing beyond the required levels of turnout, resource conservation, and other matters that relate to organization welfare (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). Individual initiative can involve effective communication with other organization members for the purpose of enhancing performance. Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013) believes that individual initiative has an association with the organizational politics occurring among workers.

Self development

These are the tasks that employees take in order to advance their knowledge and abilities in performing organizational tasks. Individuals utilize every chance present in the organization, for example, training, knowledge of current technologies and other skills for the purpose of developing their knowhow and the performance of the organization (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013).

Job satisfaction and Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

According to Swaminathan & Jawahar 2013, the correlation between OCB and job satisfaction has been evident in organizations including university workers. The connection between OCB and work contentment was also apparent in hospital organizations (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). In both organizations, job satisfaction had an association with the dimensions of individual initiative, self-development plus loyalty. Although numerous researches have indicated the relationship between Job satisfaction and OCB, not all have proven the importance of OCB to job performance. As cited by Swaminathan & Jawahar (2013), fahr et al. found no correlation between OCB and work satisfaction.

Hypothesis: There is a correlation between job performance and OCB


A method of questionnaires was used in this investigation. The survey was performed on 5 manufacturing companies where human resource personnel and other workers were presented with questionnaires. The research entailed the results of 65 questionnaires provided to workers in the 5 companies (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). Every questionnaire contained two sections one requiring information on Organization citizenship and the other on work satisfaction. The research considered job satisfaction the dependent variable while OCB and the dimensions of self development plus individual initiative as the independent variables. Analysis of the results was possible through utilization of statistical tools (SPSS version 20), which provided a succinct factor analysis, plus regression and connection analysis with the objective of testing the stated hypothesis (Ozer, 2011). The Likert scaling method determined the degree in, which the persons presented with questionnaires, agreed or disagreed with the questions posed in the questionnaires. The scale ranged from 1-5 allowing responses on the description of OCB and job performance (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013).

Results of findings

Results indicated a relationship between OCB and work satisfaction. The results from the SPSS analysis also showed a possibility of other factors, which affected OCB (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). Determination of the association between job satisfaction and OCB was possible with the analysis of the independent variables (individual initiative, employee loyalty, and self development (Swaminathan & Jawahar, 2013). The regression model findings indicated the correlation between the factors of OCB and work satisfaction. A test was performed in order to have confidence on the findings of the association between OCB and work performance (Ozer, 2011). The test provided results that gave assurance of the research because there were no multi-collinear problems.


The research found a positive correlation between job performance and OCB. Job satisfaction was found to relate to OCB hence; influence on job performance. Job satisfaction was in use as the dependent variable while OCB and the three factors of OCB were in use as independent variables. The investigation incorporated questionnaire method where data was collected and analyzed by use of the latest version of SPSS tools (Mohamed & Anisa, 2012). The Likert scale aided analysis of data allowing various responses from individuals who participated in the study. Findings asserted the possibility of some other factors affecting work satisfaction and OCB (Ozer, 2011). As the results indicate, there is evidence of a good association between OCB and job performance. Therefore, ensuring high levels of OCB in organizations through various methods, for example, employee compensation and other incentives can improve the well-being of any organization in terms of effectiveness and profits (Ozer, 2011).


The study incorporated questionnaire method in determining the relationship between job performance and OCB. Researchers should consider more effective methods than the use of questionnaires (Mohsan, F., Nawaz, Khan, Shaukat, Islam, Aslam & Niazi, 2011). A combination of questionnaires and other methods can lead to the accuracy of data. Incorporation of advanced statistical tools can help in improving the data analyzed. Researchers should also consider the possibility of changes in the relationship between job performance and OCB. There is a possibility of the results changing with time, for example; the association may become strong or weak (Mohsan et al., 2011). The population involved in the research may affect the findings hence; researchers should consider investigating different populations, and incorporating complex models in order to achieve better results than those found on recent researches. Organizations should understand the correlation between job performance and OCB. They should implement strategies that are appropriate in order to improve job performance in the workplace.

This research acts a replica to understand the association of performance… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance" Assignment:

Please do the Five Chapter format below. The research should discuss the dimensions of Organizational Loyalty, Individual Initiative, and Self Development. This was developed around 1988 with Organ. The theory began in 1930s with Chester Bernard. Bring the theory up-to-date as current as the research will allow. Use peer reviews if possible.


Description of the Problem

The Purpose of the Research

Background information

Importance/Significance of the Research

Definition of Terms







How to Reference "Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance” 2012.
”Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organizational Citizenship as it Relates to Job Performance. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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