Thesis on "Organic Food"

Thesis 3 pages (1257 words) Sources: 16

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Organic Farming Methods: An Annotated Review Synthesis

The concept of organic food immediately conjures images of

responsible agricultural practice, non-chemical growing procedures and a

dedication to environmentally sound farming operations. However, the

literature review would reveal a multitude of perspectives that demonstrate

organic foods to be a debatable and nuanced subject. As many advocates as

exist in research and in practice, there are equally as many critics and

opponents to organic farming practices.

The text by Wellson (2006) is a suitable starting point as it

provides a general overview of the subject. Identifying organic food

industries as a growing consumer interest, Wellson takes an essentially

positive perspective on the subject, describing organic foods as offering

consumers a way of controlling the content of that which they consume.

This overview also demonstrates that organic farming is a substantial

business today, even to the extent that it undermines some of the

preconceptions which consumers hold of organic farming.

Namely, many disassociate organic farming from large corporate

agricultural operations, but an article by Pollan (2006) reveals that

organic farming is not the independent business context it once was.

Indeed, he denotes that "large-scale organic businesses, which have bought

up successful small organic producers, follow the logic of industry, 'the

tremendous gains in efficiency to be had when the irregularity of nature

can conform to the precis
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ion and control of a machine.'" (Pollan, 123) The

Pollan article reveals that organic farming is big-business and that many

of its farming practices, though not chemically or mechanically intervened,

may not constitute ethical treatment of animals by the perspective of many


This is reinforced in the article by Raynolds (2004), which also

describes organic farming from the perspective that it is an important

economic enterprise with attachments to many of the same entities that

drive conventional agriculture. Particularly, Raynolds identifies global

trade practices as having been impacted by the cultural sway in many

countries toward organic practices. As a result, Raynolds indicates,

"organic certification proves central to network governance, shaping

product specifications, production parameters, and enterprise

participation." (Raynolds, 725)

The enormity of this business is further supported by the global

economic report provided by Willer et al (2008), which describes the

business as robust. This report placed international sales at $38.6

billion in 2006, a rate doubled since that reported in 2000. (16) A report

by Dmitri & Greene (2002) indicates that demand for organic goods in the

United States consumer market drives much of this growth. Perhaps one of

the primary reasons for this is the evidence which suggests that U.S.

regulations on agricultural operations and imports both do not provide

sufficient protection to the health of consumers. So denotes an article by

Raeburn, which indicates that a pesticide called Dichlorvos has been

demonstrated to negatively impact the human nervous system but is still

used heavily in growing operations.

By contrast, an article by Goldberg (2000) takes a distinctly

negative perspective on this rising prominence, citing organic operations

as both fundamentally inefficient and designed to cater to an economically

elite demographic of consumers. Goldberg argues that the outlets to

organic farming operations on the scale discussed by Pollan and Raynolds

benefits only "an affluent, upper middle-class consumer that can afford

their $3/pound tomatoes. They are major contributors to Greenpeace, which

has been running the anti-genetic engineering campaign." (Goldberg, 1)

This latter point also cites the political and economic implications of

organic farming in contrast to those industries supported by large-scale

corporate farming.

Indeed, as the article published by the Mayo Clinic Staff (2008)

tells, organic farming operations eschew such commercially important

industries as chemical fertilizer, pesticide and livestock growth hormones

in order to promote purer food products. The Mayo Clinic article provides

a number of indicators to differentiate between the results of traditional… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Organic Food" Assignment:


Part 1- Annotated bibliography and synthesis

Part 2 - Research Paper

Part 3 - Works Cited

Explanatory Summary: Synthesizing and Paraphrasing Research Sources

Purpose: Synthesizing and paraphrasing sources for your research paper based on your annotated bibliography.

Format: 2-3 Pages ( 2 complete pages minimum; 12 point font, 1 inch margin all sides; typed and double - spaced; Title page and Works Cited page)

Specifics: For this paper, you will take the paraphrased information from your annotated bibliography (minimum of 15 sources), and write a summary of it. You will synthesize these main ideas, grouping similar philosophies, ideas, concepts, and statistical information together. You will also note any dissenting views or conflicting information that you have encountered.

I strongly suggest you use headings.

Annotated bibliography and synthesis:

Each entry in the annotated bibliography should contain the following information:

1. Bibliographic data as it would appear on the works cited page.

2. A one or two sentence summary of the subject (and thesis, if any)

3. A one or two sentence summary of each of the most notable points with regard to the topic (organic food)

4. Compose complete sentences.

5. Cite the information exactly as it will appear on the Works Cited page using MLA style.

6. Any pages from sources from which you quote or paraphrase must be highlighted.

Grading Criteria:

1. Clearly introduce the topic.

2. Do not misrepresent the author's positions or findings.

3. Include all the author's important idea's, assertions, or findings.

4. Using linking words and transitional sentences for smoothness and logic and aviod plagiarism.

5. Have correct grammer, accurate punctuation, and flawless spelling.

Abstract from sample paper:

authors use the examples of how ***** Thorne-Smith was starving himself and exercising constantly to compete with the star of the show, Calista Flockhard, and rendering herself weak and tired (Rowland 55; Rhodes 102). Sharlene Hesse-Biber takes it one step further in " Am I Thin Enough Yet" by describing how the media is being used as a tool by cosmetic and diet and weight loss companies to increase their profits (535-37). Perhaps Nora Underwood sums it best when she states that "...what's remarkable now is how profoundly body image is affected by popular culture, and how willing-no eager-people are to mess with Mother Nature" (par. 2)

How to Reference "Organic Food" Thesis in a Bibliography

Organic Food.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Organic Food (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Organic Food. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Organic Food” 2009.
”Organic Food”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Organic Food”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Organic Food [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Organic Food. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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