Term Paper on "Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy"

Term Paper 7 pages (1816 words) Sources: 7

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Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments

Fairmont Academy is a school whose learning environment is noted to be fairly differentiated. The 10th grade classroom environment where has often been described to lack autonomy to the learners with a general lack of support for student development as independent thinkers. The classroom environment has often been described by student and teachers to elicit a feeling of a constant struggle for control; the power struggle brings an uneasy feeling among the participants in the classroom environment .This in the end makes academic work extremely difficult. Tomlinson, Brimijoin and Narvaez (2008,p.15) noted that in an Orderly-restrictive learning environments, there is a high structure which supports the smooth learning of the classroom but with very little flexibility and extremely narrow range of classroom instructional approaches. This is the case at Fairmont Academy's 10th grade.

The skills that the teacher will need to learn to change to an orderly-flexible learning environment.

The teacher would need to learn to change his or her instructional skills to be varied and flexible. The instructional approaches must be able to provide the students with control and autonomy so that they may feel free to participate in a differentiated classroom setting.

My reflection on how I would maintain an orderly-flexible learning environment.

As a teacher, I would maintain an orderly-flexible learning by acquiring skills such as the changing of my instructional skills and being flexible in my instructional approaches. The instructional approaches must be able to provide the students
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with control and autonomy so that they may feel free to participate in a differentiated classroom setting.

2nd Task

Differentiated instruction / learning has been described as a process that is meant to ensure that whatever a learner learns, the way it is learnt, and how it is demonstrated conforms with the student's preparedness, willingness, interests, and favourable manner of learning. Differentiation originates from the belief in differences amongst students, their means of learning, learning preferences and one's interest in the process (Ellis, Gable, Greg, & Rock, 2008). It has been proved that many emotional and social challenges that students faces vanishes once favourable educational environments are provided to the best level and pace of learning.

Confirmed assumptions of differentiated instructions states that differentiation is structured in order to accommodate social and cognitive needs of the learner coupled with periodic units of instructions rather than try to meet those needs as a section of the curriculum or try to meet them when the students have already failed and got frustrated (Benjamin, 2002,p.12). This demands the creation and maintenance of favourable classroom environment where learners feel accepted, worthy and safe while at the same time supported in fully realizing their potential.

I t is also assumed that an efficiently differentiated classroom environment demands of the tutor to positively interact with all students in order to know the students' strengths and weakness rather than stressing on labels, short comings and differences (Benjamin, 2002,p.14). Tutors who are successful with differentiation are not expected to draw attention to differentiation but to help the learners accept the different ways through which all of them can achieve success and their objectives.

Critics of differentiation as a method of teaching have cited that it only encourages teachers to group students on the belief that may not be true or useful in enabling access to content. This goes ahead to call on teachers to focus on ways that are favourable to the learner and not the learning styles. This they have regarded as a misunderstanding of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence hypothesis. It has also been stated that the best educational lessons begin with clearly formulated objectives and assessments that are based on a well founded curriculum that enables improvements to the instructions, looks for the understanding of the lessons and has guidelines for practices (Glanz, 2004,p.26). This has been seen to be in contrast with differentiation which has made it difficult to carry out research on its effectiveness due to use of various methods of research making the method inconsistent and uncertain.

The best steps that one should use in order to carry out effective lessons in a class setting should incorporate both the use of differentiated instructions and other methods of teaching. This will ensure that the students will learn the necessary styles and also be able to achieve their educational goals and success (Ellis, Gable, Greg, & Rock, 2008). It would also be of great importance for the teacher to try and found out the best methods of differentiated instructions that works for his or her class.

A teacher should find out the strengths and weakness of each learner through retrospection of homogenized test performances, class performance and pre-assessment. This can be done through the use of charts in order to understand what each student knows and what they ought to know. This can also be accomplished through one to one interaction with the student and the parents. A teacher should put in extra energy in order to help the learners meet the educational desires and goals. he/she should ensure a balance between targets and standards of learning in order to help the learners succeed (Sprenger,2008). A teacher should find the best method of teaching that ensures maximum realisation of potentials while at the same time ensuring that it is not strenuous to both the student and the teacher.

3rd task


In reflection on my own professional development, I do consider that my competencies and skills have over the years developed profoundly and that my proficiency has also developed in order to reflect this. Teaching a differentiated classroom is a challenging task and has effectively drawn on my personal skills that are drawn from a wide range of areas and ideas. Being a teacher has also been a very rewarding work experience and I do feel strongly that I have had a significant development in Curriculum development and classroom differentiation and student assessment skills. I do believe that my experience as a teacher in this country has enabled me to develop a wider range of generic skill set that are necessary for me to be considered a professional and especially in the management of a differentiated classroom.


Well developed research and analytical skills

Breadth of experience the management of a differentiated classroom

Strong interpersonal skills

A wide range of professional contacts as well as networks


Need to develop skills in regard to management of conflict/difficult situations


The rising number of academies within the districts

The need for experts in management in differentiated classroom


Competition from the recent influx of graduate teachers


Period: September 2004

Date of next review: March 2012

My Current Position/Situation

Current job title as well as employer details

Since 3 April 2004 I have been employed as a teacher of special programs and English at Fairmont Academy, VA

Current job / role

My key role is to organize my learning environment while also establishing some main ground rules. I do this by providing adequate resources to be used for the differentiated lessons as well as planning for the adequate delivery of the crucial subject matter while recognizing the need for great flexibility. The core duties/tasks that I perform as a teacher are;

The preparation of lesson plans

Drafting of curriculum content

Coordination of classroom activities

Liaison with parents

Preparation of performance reports

Evaluation of student performance

Key strengths

Well developed research and analytical skills

Breadth of experience the management of a differentiated classroom

Strong interpersonal skills

A wide range of professional contacts as well as networks

Core deficiencies

Ability to effectively evaluate the performance of children in a differentiated classroom

Engaging as well as working with the greater local community

Developing skills as well as abilities for understanding as well as solving of conflict between students

Goals and objectives

Long-term goals

My long-term goal is to become an expert in the management of a differentiated classroom. There are several reasons that underpins this desire and commitment. These include the wide range of opportunities that are available, the ability to make a real difference as well as achieve excellent results in my work as well as the kind of work which is involved (Benjamin,2002,p.15).

Short-term goals

I will thoroughly develop my skills in regard to the management of differentiated classroom

I will concentrate in the development of my skills in the creation of curriculum content for a differentiated school and classroom.

I will improve my personal skills in the facilitation of an efficient and effective classroom environment as well as the implementation of strategies in various areas of effective classroom management as well as organization, management of student behaviour as well as time management so that the students can manage to achieve the very highest levels of performance.

I will develop an excellent understanding of differentiated instructions that includes planning lesson by the application of principles rooted on the understanding of concepts from design in order for the students to manage to achieve a high level of grammatical as… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy" Assignment:

Please kindly be sure to address all elements listed below for any tasks, and please apply simple and comprehensible words in writing. Also, it*****'d be perfect to use this book as a reference if you have access to it.

Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

1st task ( One page, one reference)

Orderly-flexible learning environments are most likely to support differentiated instruction. Choose one of the following three kinds of classroom environments:

-Dysfunctional learning environments

-Adequate learning environments

-Orderly-restrictive learning environments

Create a case study scenario that describes the environment. Next, describe the skills the teacher will need to learn to change to an orderly-flexible learning environment. Lastly, reflect on the skills you will need to develop in order to maintain an orderly-flexible learning environment.

2nd task ( One page, one references)

what assumptions about differentiated instruction do you know that have been confirmed? Have others been challenged? Which? What steps will you take to modify your teaching strategies now or in the future? What specific goals will you set for becoming a more academically responsive teacher? What do you believe is the best piece of advice you can give yourself and others when it comes to differentiated instruction?

3rd task ( 5 pages - five references)

Professional Development Plan:

Design your own Professional Development Plan. You will need to create a step-by-step timeline that shows your commitment to personal and professional growth in creating academically and culturally diverse classrooms.

Instructions for paper:

It includes at least 2 goals from each of the following areas:

1: Mindset, learning environment and differentiation

2: Curriculum and differentiation

3: Assessment and differentiation

4: Student readiness and differentiation

5: Student interest and differentiation

6: Student learning profile and differentiation

7: Managing a differentiated classroom

Make sure to include the timetable for meeting the goals and a thorough explanation of how the goals will be met. Address any obstacles that may keep you from reaching your goals and what you will do to overcome them.

How to Reference "Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816.
”Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816.
[1] ”Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816
1. Orderly-Restrictive Learning Environments Fairmont Academy. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/orderly-restrictive-learning-environments/6979816. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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