Essay on "Oprah Winfrey Show"

Essay 9 pages (2919 words) Sources: 3

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Oprah Winfrey Show

Oprah Winfrey

Television and Oprah

In order to discuss and understand the influence that the Oprah Winfrey show has had on society, not only in America but in many other areas of the world, one first has to understand the influence and the affect of modern media and communications. This is especially the case with regard to television and the popularity of the modern talk show format. The following quotation from a study by ABT and Mustazza ( 1997) summarizes the pervasiveness of modern television.

Television captures the imagination more than anything else in people's lives. The country is somehow held together by celebrities.... Celebrity talk-show people.... You aren't anybody in America if you're not on TV. In short, you don't exist unless you're on TV. (Abt & Mustazza, 1997, p. 1)

Television has therefore become an increasingly influential medium. This aspect should be borne in mind when we consider the popularity of the Oprah Winfrey Show. Time magazine has named Winfrey as one of one-hundred people "Who Shape Our World…" (Glynn et al. 2007, p. 227).

We should consider this phrase and its meaning. To shape the world can be understood to mean to have the power to not only determine tastes and fashion but also to have a profound influence on the way that people perceive the world and on the actions that they take. Some commentators have even gone to the extent of asserting that Oprah should be placed in the same group as influential leader such as George W. Bush, Pope Benedict XVI, Hugo Chavez, and Hillary Clinton (Glynn, Huge, Reineke, Hardy & Shan
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ahan, 2007, p. 228)

In 1986 Oprah Winfrey was successful in transforming a local Chicago talk -- show in to a hugely successful and nationally syndicated media phenomenon. In fact the format and style that she created during those years has "… became the standard for all such programs" (Abt & Mustazza, 1997, p. 64). Furthermore, Oprah developed a unique style that included an informal and caring approach to her topics and which focused on interaction with the values and concerns of the audience and the public.

The show has received numerous Emmy and other awards. Oprah has as a result become extremely wealthy and this has also been translated into forms of influence that have extended beyond the borders of the United States; for example, her opening of a school for disenfranchised young girls in South Africa. "People throughout the world can watch Oprah" (Lowe, 1998, p. 2).

The Oprah Winfrey Show has also superseded the popularity of previous talk shows, such as Phil Donahue and Johnny Carson. Her show is the most widely viewed television programs among certain demographics, such as white women (Mack, 2008). Interestingly, it is also popular among adolescent viewers and has been rated second only to Ricki Lake in this demographic. One study found the most frequently watched talk show among adolescents was Ricki Lake (41%) and second was Oprah Winfrey (36%) (Davis & Mares, 1998, p. 78).

This television show has also been noted for its influence on many disparate sectors of society; for example the influence it has had on the publishing industry and on book marketing and sales. Many critics are also of the opinion that Oprah has had an influence on social affairs in the United States. One of the reasons for her popularity is the fact that her show is community orientated and provides a form of social and public 'therapy'. The format and content of the show deals with important concerns and issues in society. These include sexuality, family conflict, drug addiction, abuse and criminal activity. The focus on family issues is especially important in American society. There are also critics who note her influence on the political process in the country.

Much of the popularity of the show can be attributed to her personal history. Her life-story is a stereotypical rages-riches story that has found resonance with the general public. As one critic notes, …she is the embodiment of the latter-day American Dream -- the poor girl who worked hard, got straight a's in school, overcame the obstacles of racial prejudice, obesity, sexual abuse as a child, and crack-cocaine use as an adult, and became one of the most famous women in the world "(Abt & Mustazza, 1997, p. 64).

However, part of the successful formula of her show is that she consistently attempts to maintain a connection to the community and to everyday events and concerns in the society. In other words, working class and middle-class viewers identify with the show because of her down-to-earth personae and the 'common-touch' that is such as prominent part of her show.

Some critical assessments of the show are extreme and there are commentators who point out the Oprah show has in fact taken on certain characteristics of a religion."Oprah is probably the greatest media influence on the adult population. She is almost a religion" (Lowe, 1998, p. 1). While this has positive aspects in terms of the dissemination of her ideology of care and concern for others, it is also a negative factor in the view of some commentators, in that it can become too powerful and influential. This more critical view will also form part of the focus of this paper.

Values and Ideology

If we take into account the above discussion, it is clear that the values and ideology that a television host or hostess projects can be very influential due to the power of the medium. In her talk show, Oprah tends to project a caring and compassionate ideology and view of life and society. It is this aspect of concern for others that has tended to be a dominating and differentiating aspect of her show. Critics tend to emphasis this aspect in a comparison to other popular shows with the same format. "…her treatment of guests is far gentler than that of her competition. Although she is occasionally sarcastic, her offhand remarks are less biting than teasing, and she rarely makes fun of her guests or uses them as objects of ridicule" (Abt & Mustazza, 1997, p. 65); and, "… she again often sits with the guests and even touches them encouragingly" (Abt & Mustazza, 1997, p. 65).

The central ethos and ideological drift of the show is one that focuses on care, concern and advice and it has even developed a "confessional" tone; where people feel free to reveal and discuss personal and private issues. In fact the word Oprah has achieved its own independent status in the lexicon of many younger people, with the following meaning: "to engage in persistent, intimate questioning with the intention of obtaining a confession; usually used by men of women, as in 'I wasn't going to tell her, but after a few drinks, she Oprah'd it out of me '" (Lowe, 1998, p. 3). It has also been linked the concept of social therapy through the process of public confession. Some reviews go even further. The National Review has written that"…Oprahfication has become the routine designation for nothing less than the wholesale makeover of the nation, and then the world" (Steyn). Furthermore, one of the positive aspects of this ideology of care and concern has been that, "… Winfrey has helped thousands of women - and men - come to grips with a variety of health and social problems." ("Television," 1991) as Dr. Jannette Dates of Howard University's School of Communication states, "I think she's made America more open about their problems and more willing to seek help ("Television," 1991).

Oprah and life-meaning

Another view is that the show has developed beyond casual entertainment. There are critics who maintain that it even provides an existential and philosophical function in modern popular culture. This refers to the way in which the show goes beyond mere entertainment and provides a sense of life-meaning for the viewer. This is expressed by one commentator as follows: "Oprah surpasses other talk shows, and the limits of television in general, by engaging the viewer in an interactive quest: nothing short of the search for meaning amidst seemingly senseless suffering" (Jacobs, 2005, p. 375).

The above view many seem to be somewhat extreme but it is taken seriously by many media analysts and sociologists. The central point is that the Oprah Winfrey Show has taken on a new dimension in recent years. It combines and integrates with the general influence and proliferation of other communications media, such as the internet and social networking, to become a social force that extends beyond its original role of entertainment. In this sense, the viewers or audience take their life meaning and direction for the media -- and from populist talk shows like Oprah. As Jacobs ( 2005) states, …. Viewers share their pain through & #8230; a 'metatext' & #8230; or the overlapping network of Oprah's magazine, website, book club, and direct contributions to the show. Illouz argues that the language of suffering in which Oprah, her guests,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Oprah Winfrey Show" Assignment:

*****"Choose one influential figure or television show and discuss the degree of his, her, or its influence. Determine the values or ideology that person or show represents, and to what extent the overall contribution to television has been positive or negative.*****"

This 2500 word research essay is designed to give you and opportunity to integrate library research and work with primary sources (television shows) as you make critical exploration of a topic of interest. You are expected to make use of books and articles in your paper, and to refer to particular television shows as often as possible, to support the points you make.

How to Reference "Oprah Winfrey Show" Essay in a Bibliography

Oprah Winfrey Show.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Oprah Winfrey Show (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Oprah Winfrey Show. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Oprah Winfrey Show” 2010.
”Oprah Winfrey Show”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Oprah Winfrey Show”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Oprah Winfrey Show [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Oprah Winfrey Show. Published 2010. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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