Essay on "Operating Systems Are the Very Core"

Essay 6 pages (1889 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Operating systems are the very core of computers and control the basic functions of resource abstraction and resource sharing. Operating systems have evolved a long way from being simple standalone programs (such as MS dos) using 16 bit architecture to the current 64 bit systems such as windows 7 that enable us to deliver higher performing computing solutions. Today, new, more efficient and robust operating systems are being developed that promise to offer entirely new levels of computing power, improved stability and overall security.

Operating systems are the basic system software that control all the hardware and also provide an interface between the user and the system. Operating systems have evolved a long way from being simple standalone programs (such as MS dos) using 16 bit architecture to the current 64 bit systems such as windows 7 that enable us to deliver higher performing computing solutions. (Microsoft) Microsoft's Windows XP, vista and the latest windows 7 are well-known operating systems for desktops and servers. Apples MAC OS and the open source systems such as Unix and Linux are also well-known and established in the computer industry. The open sourced operating systems are developing at a much faster pace. The recent development of the Google chrome, an open sourced and lightweight OS for notebook computers by Google is one of the newest entrants in the field of computer operating systems. As Google developers say the new Google chrome OS is "an attempt to re-think what operating systems should be."[Xeni Jardin] A brief overview of the important functions such as resource abstraction and resource sharing and in particular a discussion of some important topics such as process mana
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gement, memory management and security features in different operating systems would provide better insight into the working of modern operating systems.

Main Functions of Operating System

An OS is also defined as an extended Virtual machine as it shields the user from the operational aspects of the hardware and provides a simple file based interface. In other words, one of the important functions of the operating system is to provide a degree of abstraction to the user making the operation of the computer a much simpler task. The OS therefore provides a virtual machine like interface, which is much easier to program and operate than the underlying hardware. (Tanenbaum, pg 4) The other important function of the operating system is resource management. In other words, the OS manages the resources of the computer in an orderly manner by controlling the allocation of processors, I/O devices, Memory and File management tasks among the various competing programs. (Tanenbaum, pg 4).

Memory Management in Windows XP and Linux

Memory management is one of the important tasks of an operating system. The kernel is responsible for memory management for various applications. Most modern operating systems use segmentation and paging concepts to provide for more efficient handling of memory for various programs. Operating systems use virtual memory to overcome the limitations of the physical memory. In Linux, for example, every process has its own virtual address space and this in effect prevents any conflict between concurrently running processes. Physical address is divided into separate units called as pages and each page is 4096 bytes. The Linux kernel maintains separate page tables that are used in converting the virtual addresses to the corresponding physical addresses.

The Kernel virtual mapping provides direct mapping of the virtual addresses to the real addresses. The mmap () system call maps the device memory directly into the user's 'process address space'. Using the Virtual Memory Area (VMA) Data stricture, the Linux kernel manages the address space for any particular process. [Jonathan Corbet]

Windows XP is also a virtual memory-based operating system. Typically when a process attempts to access a memory area that is beyond its preset limit, it results in system crash. Windows XP, overcomes this clobbering by using a protective memory model. In any 32-bit operating system, the maximum amount of addressable memory is 4,294,967,296 (4GB) [SYBEX Inc., 638] The windows XP Virtual memory manager is activated whenever an application tries to access a page that is currently not available within the physical RAM. The Virtual Memory manager in Windows XP uses the concept of paging to handle this task. Virtual address space is neatly divided into units called pages and the transfers between memory and disk are always carried out in units of a page. All other parts of an application other than those that are currently needed are stored in the page file. Hence when an application tries to access parts of the program that is not currently in the physical RAM, it results in a condition called as page fault. In a real timesharing situation, processes are switched back and forth between main memory and disk and the process is referred to as swapping. [Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 89]

Another feature in Windows XP is the memory protection model that it employs. Windows XP recognizes two levels of privilege for any process namely the kernel mode and the user mode privileges. Based on the access privileges, Windows XP either allows or prevents any process from reading from or writing to any particular block of memory. Windows XP has many new features such as 'logical prefetcher' or the 'fast boot application launch', 'increased page table entries' and 'reduced paged pool' usage all of which contribute directly to improved memory management. Once Windows XP is booted it automatically saves data about all disk read operations. The 'logical prefetcher' is designed to minimize the number of disk seeks by prefetching data which are frequently accessed by the application. Dynamic paged pool is another new feature, which facilitates quicker response time for applications. Windows XP also dramatically improves the server response time because it makes use of 'individual page charging' scheme whereby a server can understand multiple requests for the same page and hence minimize storage requirements. [Microsoft Corporation]

Process Manager

Windows XP follows the process model for execution of programs. One of the key points is that XP is designed on the 'Client Server model' or what is called as the micro kernel model. Linux and Unix in contrast have a monolithic kernel architecture where the entire OS exists as a single file in the kernel. [O'Reilly] The essential idea behind the client server model is that parts of the operating systems consider themselves as clients or servers. As always, the kernel is considered the core of the operating system and keeps track of the memory management, device management and other critical functions of the operating system. However, unlike modern operating systems, Windows XP does not put everything other than the applications in the kernel mode. Instead it puts only a minimum part of the operating system in the kernel mode and leaves the rest of the operating system in the user mode. Kernel mode programs are a cause for concern because they have access to system memory areas. Since in the client server architecture only the bare minimum portion of the operating system is kept in the kernel mode, the chances of a system breakdown due to overwriting of system memory area is greatly reduced. It is this factor, which accounts for the high stability of Windows XP compared to the previous versions. [SYBEX, 619]


Security wise operating systems have several features that protect the computer from hackers and snoopers. For instance features like, Internet protocol security, personalized login, ICF (Internet connection firewall) that uses active packet filtering, encrypted file system (EFS), etc. are implemented in the Windows XP OS. The 'ICF' is software that comes bundled up with Windows XP and the network wizard, by default, starts the ICF when the Internet connection is established. The ICF is a stateful firewall, which retains the memory of connections that happen to pass through it. Using the entries in the connection table, which it maintains, the ICF allows data flow only between the authorized users and prevents any snooper from sending or reading data. Files that are stored in the NTFS structure can be encrypted using the EFS. Just by a few mouse clicks an entire folder or selected files can be encrypted. Once EFS is enabled, the file is stored in the form of ciphertext, which can only be deciphered by authorized access. This ensures that even though a hacker manages to gain access to the system, he cannot have any meaningful interpretation of the data that is stored in the files. So in effect, the EFS encryption system guards vital data even when some unauthorized person gains physical access to the computer. Furthermore, unauthorized users will be tracked and a record of the access details will be maintained which makes it easier to trace them. [Microsoft]

Windows Vista has its own new security features such as Mandatory Integrity control (MIC), User account protection (UAP) etc. User accounts created during the vista installation are 'protected administrators' with reduced privilege levels. All programs that are launched by the user are by default run with minimum… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Operating Systems Are the Very Core" Assignment:


(20 marks equal to 20% of your final mark for this subject)

This assignment consists of two tasks. Your marks for this assignment depend on your successful

completion of both tasks.

Task Description Deadline

1 Essay Writing 14 marks To be decided by local lecturer

2 Collect Essays To be decided by local lecturer

Peer Essay Marking 6 marks To be decided by local lecturer

Task 1:

Essay Description

The first task is to write a scientific research essay of length 3,000 to 3,500 words with the following

title and submit it to your local lecturer by the deadline. The topic and title of your essay is

"Operating systems have two main functions. The first is to provide resource

abstraction and the second is to manage resource sharing.*****

Your essay will need to cover the two sections A and B as detailed below. After researching the topic,

you may decide to concentrate more on one particular section of part B rather than others. You are

free to do this, as long as you cover all sections, at least to some degree. Keep in mind the marking

scheme given at the end of this document.

Write your information and explanations in simple, easy to understand English. You must assume that

your reader has a very limited knowledge of operating systems. Most importantly, it is ESSENTIAL to

SUPPORT your statements with the references that you used to write the essay. You may use the

textbook as the starting point for the material you need, however the essay will be deemed

unsatisfactory in standard if the textbook is your only reference.

A. An Introduction covering

*****¢ What is an operating system?

*****¢ An explanation of the term resource abstraction with examples

*****¢ An explanation of the term resource sharing with examples

B. A more detailed discussion of how both resource abstraction and

sharing are accomplished by an operating system with respect to the

following topics

*****¢ Process handling

*****¢ Memory Management

*****¢ Input and Output

*****¢ File Management

*****¢ Security

It is appropriate to give examples from different operating systems, such

Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Unix and Linux


To do this scientific research essay, you need to take the following steps

1. Begin collecting relevant books and materials. Start reading, remembering to take notes. Be aware

of the publication dates of the materials you use, particularly if you eventually want to cite and

include them in your bibliography.

2. The style that all students are expected to follow in their essay referencing is called the APA

system. Go to the following Victoria University library web site

to obtain the style guide

3. It is expected that you follow the instructions in this guide when citing your references. There

is a wealth of free information available via electronic medium. You may cite this material, as

well as texts, on condition that you do so in the manner indicated in the style guide.

4. Start writing and summarising the relevant material you have collected IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Support your statements by using quotes where appropriate and giving credit to the author(s) of the

works you use.

NEVER QUOTE OR CITE any reference YOU have not read AND have made notes on.

Note: Therefore, it is a good idea to print out the front page of any web sites that you use, as well

as the inside page of any text (with the publishers' details and copyright) that you have read for

this essay. Should there be any doubts about the authorship of work that you hand in, YOU WILL


Task 2:


Your essay needs to be typed in Times New Roman font, point 12 size. Headings may be point 14 in

size. Printed versions (see below) MUST be printed on plain white paper.

The due date for the submission is on or before the deadline. Your submission needs to be handed in to

your local lecturer. You will submit

*****¢ a hard copy (printed) INCLUDING your name and student number

*****¢ three hard copies (printed) WITHOUT your name and student number

*****¢ an electronic copy, disc or CD of your research essay

The second part of task 2 is to collect from your lecturerm three anonymous essays that were written

by your classmates. You are expected to read and mark these according to the marking scheme that is

detailed at the end of this document. You need to return these essays, together with the completed

marking by the assigned deadline. Failure to complete this part of the exercise will result in a penalty

on your essay and your mark will most likely be withheld.

Your mark for the essay writing component of the assignment out of 14 marks will be decided after

your lecturer assesses your work in consideration of the three marks and comments it receives from

your classmates.

Your mark for the peer essay marking will be decided by your lecturer. They will evaluate the care,

detail and accuracy of your assessments of the three anonymous essays and score your efforts out of 6


Marking scheme for essay submission

Content 14 marks

A. An Introduction covering

*****¢ What is an operating system

*****¢ An explanation of the term resource


*****¢ An explanation of the term resource sharing

2 marks

B. A more detailed discussion of how both tasks are

accomplished by an operating system, give

examples, with respect to the following topics

*****¢ Process handling

*****¢ Memory Management

*****¢ Input and Output

*****¢ File Management

*****¢ Security

7 marks

Organisation of material presented

*****¢ Material is logically set out

1 mark

Accuracy of information

*****¢ Information is correct

*****¢ Information presented is appropriate to topic

2 marks

Appropriateness of references

*****¢ Suitability of references quoted

*****¢ Sufficient reference material quoted

*****¢ Conforms to Harvard style

1 mark

Suitability of language

*****¢ Clear and concise language used

*****¢ Work presented is obviously the work of the

author***** if you have any doubts about

authorship of the essay you are marking

please bring to the lecturer's attention.



How to Reference "Operating Systems Are the Very Core" Essay in a Bibliography

Operating Systems Are the Very Core.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Operating Systems Are the Very Core (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Operating Systems Are the Very Core. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Operating Systems Are the Very Core” 2010.
”Operating Systems Are the Very Core”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Operating Systems Are the Very Core”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Operating Systems Are the Very Core [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Operating Systems Are the Very Core. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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