Term Paper on "Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational"

Term Paper 10 pages (2917 words) Sources: 7

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Object Oriented vs. Relational Database management systems

Comparing Object-Oriented vs. Relational Database Management Systems

The proliferation of database technologies, systems and data structures continues to be driven by the needs organizations have for making more efficient and economical use of their data. Web-based applications that have increased in speed and security have acted as a catalyst of database growth, and will continue to as programming languages continue to become more agile and flexible in design. The continual improvements in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS) are also leading to the development of enterprise systems that can scale across a company's entire value chain as well. The intent of this paper is to evaluate the purpose, development and functions of RDBMS and OODBMS, in addition to comparing the advantages and disadvantages. Of these two dominant types of databases,

Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems

Of the two types of databases compared in this analysis, RDBMS is far more prevalently in used today as many of the Fortune 500 have standardized on it for the last three decades. An RDBMS is more agile and efficient in managing transaction-specific requests and form the foundation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), distributed order management and Supply Chain Management (SCM) enterprise applications (Evermann, Wand, 2009). RDBMS-based platforms are also purpose-built to manage transaction-centric data and perform more effectively than OODBMS systems on these tasks. As a result, they are the database architectu
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re of choice for the development and continual enhancement of transaction-centric enterprise systems (Connolly, Begg, 2006).

Another aspect of the RDBMS design that enables this database architecture to be more effective at enterprise-wide tasks is the table and array-based approach to the storage and management of data. Enterprise system developers have found that using complex or multidimensional arrays for storing data so they can be used for role-based usage requirements significantly improves both usability and performance of ERP systems, for example. This role-based approach to enterprise system use is based on providing database queries from tables and predefined record and data structures that are selectively updated based on department, division and role-based data structure definitions. The fundamental structure of an RDBMS is based on a record- and row-based data that comprise a record. Each element or item in a record has a unique logician address in the data table, which makes the development of data structures highly efficient. As each row in an RDBMS is considered a record, a key field is used that defines the identity, logical location and attributes of the table the record is part of. This key identifier field, which has a variety of names based on the specific type of RDBMS used, is the pivotal element in the RDBMS as it is used for linking one record, table or database to another. This key identifier field also enables the linking of tables together and assists in the formation of data structures as well. With the foundation of a database designed, the query languages used to traverse tables, create reports and define entire applications based on their architectures is critical. The majority of RDBMS systems used a structured query language, or as these set of commands are often referred to, Standard Query Language (SQL). SQL is the language used for defining reports and running them, often interlinking data from a variety of RDBMS systems and data structures.

Purpose of Development and Functions

The purpose of the RDBMS structure is to ensure data elements can be precisely defined and accessed regardless of their physical location on a network while at the same time ensuring data quality and consistency are maintained. These design objectives have been the foundation of RDBMS systems being used for Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)-based workflows and applications, as they are specifically developed to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data they contain (He, Darmont, 2005). The design objectives of RDBMS systems also align to the concepts of atomicity, consistency, isolation of process areas, and durability. Taken together, these functional areas form the foundation of the ACID compliance of database architecture (Antoniotti, Carreras, Antonella, Mauri, Merico, Zoppis, 2010). RDBMS architectures fulfill the design requirements of ACID compliance and therefore are more often relied on for complex system development and use. ACID-compliant systems are often used for enterprise-wise applications that must run several concurrent processes at the same time, with distributed order management and supply chain management being the most prevalent. The atomicity of an RDBMS refers to its innate design attributes that limit the effects of hardware failure on overall system performance (Antoniotti, Carreras, Antonella, Mauri, Merico, Zoppis, 2010). Atomicity as a design objective for RDBMS systems has also evolved over time to include operating system failure, database query and platform failure, or application failure that is often installed on top of the RDBMS (Antoniotti, Carreras, Antonella, Mauri, Merico, Zoppis, 2010). Consistency is defined as the ability of a database architecture to progress from one process to another on a consistent basis, including the ability to overcome soft errors in processing. The use of data structures that enable this attribute in an RDBMS is considered a designed-in criterion for Web Services as the result of continued Internet-based applications. Consistency continues to be pursued as a design objective for RDBMS-based applications as many require an application state engine, or ability to track the progress of specific tasks and oversee execution of all processes. Consistency and the attribute of Isolation are often designed in conjunction with each other to ensure that RDBMS has a state engine that can oversee the many processes that must be completed in synchronization with each other. Isolation refers to the ability of a database to isolate or separate out a given process and subsystem to ensure that it doesn't bring down the entire RDBMS if it fails. Isolation is a critical design objective for RDBMS-based systems being used in government and highly secure application areas as in many cases re-booting a database system must be audited and evaluated for any security breaches. The last attribute of ACID compliance is durability (Lee, Lee, Kim, 2005). This attribute refers to the ability of an RDBMS to manage the continual transactions going on with systems, systems of records and platforms and 3rd party platforms and continue working even if these systems fail. The ACID Compliance attributes of RDBMS systems are often relied on for financial accounting and analysis systems, as these design attributes lead to system auditability, stability and security.

The combination of the fundamental strengths of a relational data structure and it support of logical data definition across networks, in conjunction with ACID compliance have positioned RDBMS-based systems as dominant in specific enterprise and government applications. An RDBMS relies on SQL-based queries to generate reports and also develop online dashboards and scorecards. The foundational value of an RDBMS architecture is its agility and accuracy in managing transaction data while staying highly reliable and secure through the use of the ACID compliance framework (Antoniotti, Carreras, Antonella, Mauri, Merico, Zoppis, 2010).

Advantages and Disadvantages

An RDBMS architecture has several inherent advantages relating to data accuracy, reliability, security and stability. The RDBMS table-based approach to managing data also makes this platform significantly more secure than other database architectures. It is also more agile and efficient in managing complex data structures that often require data from widely divergent data sources and platforms. Additional advantages include greater data normalization and reduction of data concurrency through advanced relational data structures and tables (Lungu, Velicanu, Botha, 2009).

In addition to these advantages, an RDMBS is capable of creating data structures iteratively and through rules-based logic which include roles-based software engines. These constraint-based logic engines within an RDBMS are the catalyst for how product configuration systems are development and implemented across a company's distribution channels for example. Rules-based logic engines within an RDBMS can configure highly customized products and ensure the accuracy and validity of data used in the process as well. Because of this, RDBMS data structures, systems and architectures are being widely adopted in complex selling and support scenarios across manufacturing, financial services, insurance and government-based industries.

The disadvantages of an RDBMS system include the high maintenance these types of database architectures can be over time when the rules, or logic engines need to be kept up-to-date (He, Darmont, 2005). Given the record- and table-based structure of this database technology, it is experiencing rapid growth in constraint-based modeling applications. A constraint-based modeling application by definition uses a rules engine to define how best to arbitrate between conflicting constraints and then deliver an optimal solution. The RDBMS architecture is ideally suited for these applications, yet these rules and constraint engines force a relational database structure into a lack of scalability over time. In order words, the structural advantages of the RDBMS architecture enable applications ideally suited for it yet lack scalability over time. The more complex and demanding the calculations in an RDBMS system the more it slows down in relative performance. RDBMS as a database architecture is best… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational" Assignment:


Object-***** Database Management Systems versus Relational Database Management systems.


In this research paper, the development, function, and purpose of database management systems will be discussed. I will also explain the differences between the two major types of database management systems (OODBMS and RDBMS), and evaluate some of the advantages and disadvantages of both management systems.


 Introduction

 Relational Database Management system

*****¢ Purpose of development and Functions

*****¢ Advantages and Disadvantages

 Object-***** Management systems

*****¢ Purpose of development and Functions

*****¢ Advantages and Disadvantages


 Conclusion

and any other points can be added. It does not really have to follow any format but be APA standard.

How to Reference "Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889.
”Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889.
[1] ”Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889
1. Object-Oriented Database Management Systems vs. Relational. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/object-oriented-relational-database/47889. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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