Term Paper on "Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare"

Term Paper 8 pages (2475 words) Sources: 1+

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While both President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama held office, there was a major debate regarding healthcare policies. At a time when people are living longer, it is evident that healthcare is of utmost pertinence. Although the policies that President Clinton and President Obama implemented were at different time spans, the policies implemented were utilized to answer the need of a crying people who without the policies would not receive healthcare. Just the other day as I perused in Wal-Mart, I observed an older couple counting their money in order to have enough to pay for a prescription. It was heart-breaking and made the facts that will later be mentioned regarding healthcare surreal to me. Below, I will go into grave detail regarding the extent of President Clinton as well as President Obama's healthcare policies, as well as the social, economic, and political environment during the time their policies was implemented. After which, I will discuss the effectiveness of each policy.

In 1992, there was a major problem for workers in between jobs as well as individuals who possessed prior health factors. There was nothing in place to protect them. It was found that an alarming 25 million people experienced gaps in their healthcare due to the change of employment or being laid off. On September 22, 1993, Clinton provided the nation with a powerful speech that addressed areas of concern, principals of universal coverage, as well as competition.

President Clinton's plan was complex to say the least. At a time when the United States had a healthcare system with multiple indites, the dynamics that came along with bringing about universal
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coverage was alarming. Many believed that there was no need for such a complex healthcare system in regards to universal coverage. However, it was noted that a simpler approach would lead to key elements being abandoned from the plan. Republicans rallied that the thought of implementing universal coverage was too large and too complex. There was a major shift in 1994 when the majority that hoped for universal coverage became the minority.

In 1999, Medicare was expected to be fully depleted of all funds. During a time when healthcare fraud was thought to be on the rise, the Medicare program that assists millions was near extinction. The extinction of Medicare would have been debilitating. Both children and adults would have been affected greatly. During this time, President Clinton worked diligently to not only protect the Medicare program, but to make a conscious effort to end fraud as well. While in office, President Clinton made the most effective reforms known in history. Some of the profound health policies that were implemented were the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, an extended Medicare Trust Fund, as well as more flexibility for Medicare recipients. There have been many medical companies designed to "suck" the Medicare system dry. These companies interest was not in the well-being of the patient receiving services, but rather in the amount of money their company could receive.

As a way of protecting the Medicare system, President Clinton implemented action teams who specialized in depleting if not putting a complete hault to fraud. The action teams consisted of members of the FBI as well as an increase of prosecutors. The action teams helped to decrease fraud while extending the life of the program up to the year 2025. This was truly a remarkable mark in history. Lives were saved as well as extended due to the continued existence of Medicare.

President Obama came into office at a time when health care was in great need of a reformation. In particular, he dealt with children's insurance, preventive care, as well as the financial aspect of the plan. In February 2009, President Obama signed an act that would protect all minors and afford them the opportunity to receive adequate healthcare. The need came about due to the vast amount of minors who lacked healthcare. The act was better known as the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act.

The healthcare law is often referred to today as "Obamacare." The law states that nearly everyone in the U.S. must have some form of health care insurance by 2014 or be fined by the federal government. "Obamacare guarantees that healthcare is amiable to any legal U.S. resident who cannot otherwise obtain "good" healthcare through their employer. It gives American Employers the choice between providing comparable insurance and paying a modest contribution to the Obamacare Health Care system to aid in the health coverage of all Americans" (Dishwater Dreams 5). Some people will argue that the government has no right to mandate health insurance for all citizens. While others believe that everyone should have insurance even if it is for free.

There are many drastic effects that Obamacare has our nation. For families and future generations the changes are taking away our religious freedoms. The Heritage Foundation states, "New Obamacare spending includes $125 million per year for school-based health centers and a new program to reduce teen pregnancy, with no requirement to reduce abortions" (Obamacare: Impact on Future Generations 3). This has upset many people today because it is being forced upon them no matter what their religious view is. Citizens are being forced to pay and support contraceptive methods and abortions. Some religions, such as Catholicism, are morally opposed to abortion and contraceptive methods. It is the killing of an innocent human being. "Obamacare adds a trillion dollars in new health care spending, expanding prohibitively expensive entitlements and creating a subsidy scheme that discourages work and penalizes marriage" (Obamacare: Impact on Future Generations 3). If Obama wants to lower the unemployment rate and better the economy then he should be encouraging people to go out and get jobs. People do not want higher tax rates on their hard earned money. A solution to this problem would be to, "rein in runaway spending and deficits. Rather than bureaucrats and lobbyists prescribing health care benefits and services, respect the role of families in moral and all other decisions involving their health care" (Obamacare: Impact on Future Generations 3).

Not only will Obamacare affect families but also the economy of our nation. "$52 billion in new taxes will be imposed on businesses by mandating that employers provide health insurance" (Obamacare: Impact on the Economy 2). If our nation is already in turmoil and companies are already struggling, forcing them to have to provide insurance to their employers can put many over the edge. Having health insurance should be a choice by the company and the individual not a requirement. Having this law in effect leads us to this scary statistic: "On February 10, 2011, CBO Director Doug Elmendorf testified before the House Budget Committee that Obamacare will result in an estimated 800,000 fewer U.S. jobs" (Obamacare: Impact on the Economy 2). With this being said this would be detrimental to our ailing economy.

A combination of mandates and taxes will not reduce health care costs or ensure that all citizens have good access to health care. Instead, mandates will burden already struggling businesses with new costs and punish individuals for not having high-paying jobs. New taxes will burden small businesses as well as large ones and force many firms to make layoffs, further hurting workers. (Obamacare: Impact on the Economy 2).

Not only will the economy be negatively affected, but our elders will also have a higher price to pay.

For senior citizens, who are the most needy and dependent on health insurance, the affects of Obamacare will do no good for them. "Nearly one-quarter of all seniors rely on Medicare Advantage, the private health care option in Medicare. However, Obamacare makes such deep cuts to that program that half of those covered will no longer be able to keep the coverage they have" (Obamacare: Impact on Seniors 7).Senior citizens make frequent visits to the doctor and typically have many monthly prescriptions to monitor their health. Most seniors are on a fixed income and changing their coverage and increasing their monthly premium is very burdensome. With Obamacare, it will make it near impossible for most senior citizens to be able to afford going to the doctor with no coverage. Instead, senior citizens need to have a choice of which doctors they will see and what healthcare plan they would like under Medicare. "New taxes on drug companies ($27 billion) and medical device makers ($20 billion), as well as new reporting requirements and regulations imposed on physicians, will make access to health care and services more costly and difficult for seniors under Obamacare" (Obamacare: Impact on Seniors 7). Obamacare will make finding a doctor more difficult for people as there is less incentive to become a doctor and current physicians will retire due to less pay. It is estimated that by 2025, there will be a shortage of doctors by about 124,000 (Obamacare: Impact on Seniors 7).

Not only are the seniors left disgruntled, states have issues with Obamacare as well. "By 2019, over 80 million people will… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare" Assignment:

focus on the major implications of this Act and the controversies surrounding this Act.

How to Reference "Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526.
”Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526.
[1] ”Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526
1. Affordable Healthcare Act Obamacare. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/obamacare/2880526. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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