Case Study on "Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff"

Case Study 20 pages (5097 words) Sources: 1+

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Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff Welfare: A Case Study

Facts Of The Case Study

The fact of this case include a transfer for Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie which was initially communicated to her indirectly and informally and through an individual other than her supervisor with the decision making capacity. Six weeks prior to Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie going on her vacation leave the Superintendent of Public Health Nurses made mention to Nurse Comrie that a recommendation for transfer was being made. The new position meant that Nurse Comrie would be moved from her position in charge of a rural health district to act as Deputy Superintendent for Public Health Nurses, Head Office. While Nurse Comrie had been fulfilling the duties of grade 111 classification nurse, she had only received confirmation on that position a few weeks before news of the new appointment was mentioned to her. Nurse Comrie didn't desire to go to the new post for several reasons:

1) Nurse Comrie did not desire to leave her responsibilities for purely administrative responsibilities;

2) She would have to drive 40 extra miles each day with no compensation; and 3) Nurse Comrie was concerned with the wear-and-tear to her already aging automobile because the compensation allowance would not compensate well enough.

The method used to inform Nurse Comrie of her transfer was a formal letter which advised her that she was to be transferred. Upon assumption of her duties at the head office Nurse Comrie went to the Acting Superintendent and protest the manner in which she had been transferred and the obvious lack of co
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ncern for her feelings in the matter. At this time the acting superintendent responded by telling Nurse Comrie that there was absolutely nothing that she could do about the problem. At this juncture, Nurse Comrie contact Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Marjorie Bell by telephone and requested an appointment with her. Nurse Comrie was given a promise by the Senior Medical Officer that she would meet with Nurse Comrie and the acting superintendent as early as possible in order to find a solution. Later that week the Senior Medical Officer came to the head office while Nurse Comrie was busy attending to a food poisoning crisis in the town. The Senior Medical Officer, was in a hurry to keep an appointment with the Minister of Health in the city and spoke hurriedly with acting superintendent about the problem relating to Nurse Comrie. These two individuals came to an agreement, that in view of all of the circumstances that it would be better for Nurse Comrie to return to her position and that Nurse Johnson, a PHN Grade 11 should be brought in to act as PHN Grade 111. When Nurse Comrie had finished her duties she went to the Acting Superintendent's office where she was greeted with the 'good news.' Nurse," Mrs. Atkinson said cheerily, "you'll be pleased to hear that Doctor Brown says you can go back to your district and we will bring Nurse Johnson in as of Monday, 6th. At that point, Nurse Comrie became so angry that she could hardly speak. She stormed out of the office, collected her things, went into her car, and drove away.


The foregoing scenario clearly contains issues relating to communication as it relates to staff welfare. Specifically, the manner in which Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie is informed of her transfer and then the manner in which Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie is informed of her return to her original position at the beginning of this scenario. Under these circumstances and within the framework of the manner in which Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie is informed of her transfer on each occasion, much is left to be desired in this haphazard style of management and communication to Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie of what her assignment, position, and duties will be. It is no wonder that Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie is mad and upset.


Clearly, nursing staff, or staff of any profession cannot but help to feel that their welfare has been given little consideration when they are notified in a second-hand and haphazard manner such has been demonstrated in the foregoing scenario. Clear communication would be the most desirable form of communicating changes in positions and changes in assignment for nursing staff and this was not the approach taken in this scenario.


Hidden issues in this scenario include the fact that Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie was not directly contesting her appointment to the new position at the new location but in fact the protests surrounded lack of consideration for the extra expenses that Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie would incur and the wear-and-tear to her automobile. It is possible and even likely from the description of the scenario provided that Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie was settled with the appointment to the new assignment and location if only her supervisors had better communicated the details and discussed these with Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie.


Twice in the matter of a few short weeks, the future of Nurse Comrie's position was decided without her opinion, without her input, without Nurse Comrie being asked any questions, or being allowed to ask any questions concerning this appointment. It is obvious that Nurse Comrie could feel no other way than to feel that her supervisors did not care about her feelings in this matter. Nurse Comrie certainly must have felt that she was being order both to and fro without a thought as to what she felt, needed, or desired in this appointment or the recall of the appointment returning her to the original position she held prior to this situation.


The "Nursing Leadership Institute Competency Model" (2003) states specific 'key competencies' and 'behaviors' for nurse managers that are required in effectively nursing leadership positions. The first category related in the Nursing Leadership Institute Competency Model is the category of 'personal mastery'. Included in the category of personal mastery of key competencies and behaviors for nurse managers which includes the initiation of unit and health care agency wide projects and assuming responsibility for their success. A demonstration of fairness in all levels of staff is included as well. It is obvious from the foregoing scenario that the nursing supervisor has failed in these aspects in dealing with the transfer of Nurse Comrie.

The key competencies and behaviors that are most glaringly neglected in this scenario are those relating to "Interpersonal Effectiveness' as stated in the Nursing Leadership Institute Competency Model which include the key competencies and behaviors as follows: (1) Listens attentively to the ideas and concerns of others; (2) Invites contact and is approachable; (3) Treats all employees with respect; (4) Develops collaborative relationships within the organization; (5) Builds and sustains positives relations in the organization; (6) Shares information readily with staff; (7) Is inclusive in sharing information with staff; (8) Recognizes and uses the ideas of staff; (9) Articulates ideas effectively both verbally and in writing; (10) Succinctly communicates viewpoints; (11) Involves staff in building consensus on issues; (12) Models healthy communication and promotes cooperative behaviors; (13) Is visible and accessible to staff; (14) Approaches staff about sensitive issues in non-threatening ways; (15) Develops rapport easily with a variety of people; (16) Modifies communication style to meet the cultural and communication needs of others; (17) Expresses disagreements in a constructive manners; (18) Manages conflict in a professional manner; (19) Demonstrates behaviors that value diversity; (20) Makes decisions in a timely manner can communicates those decisions to staff; (21) Gathers sufficient information prior to making decisions; (22) Presents feedback constructively; (23) Displays and encourages appropriate humor; (24) Stays open to new ideas and approaches; (25) Approaches change in a constructive manner; (26) Promotes professional autonomy and responsibility; and (27) Keeps organizational leaders informed about issues and problems impacting the work area. (2003)

In the area of Human Resource Management the Nursing Leadership Institute Competency Model states that the following key competencies and behaviors are critical:

Provides timely feedback to staff on performance issues;

Accurately assesses staff competencies;

Maintains complete staff HR records as required by the institution;

Provides coaching to staff on performance issues;

Recognizes and tackles morale issues;

Delegates responsibilities to others based on their ability and potential;

Helps staff recognize the barriers to growth and development;

Sets clear, well defined outcomes for work and tracks progress;

Provides staff with growth and development opportunities;

Works collaboratively to recruit and select exceptional staff;

Interviews to assess candidate competency for the position;

Implements effective strategies to retain staff;

Insures that staff are knowledgeable about what is expected from them at work;

Provides praise and recognition for good work;

Seeks staff input regarding the resources, equipment and supplies they need to do their work;

Stays updated on healthcare agency personnel policies and communicates changes to staff;

Implements the organization's progressive disciplinary policy in a fair and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff" Assignment:

Case Study

Topic: Mixed Signals

Six weeks prior to going on threee wee***** vacation leave, the Superintendent of Public HHealth Nurses, Mrs. Williams ( fake name), mentioned to Senior Public Health Nurse Comrie ( fake name) that she was recommending that she be transferred from being in charge of a rural health district to act as Deputy Sup., Public Health Nurses, Head Office.

Both Nurses Comries 's post and that of Dep. Sup., PHNs, are classified as grade 111. She had, been acting in that grade for over three years and had only been condirmed a few weeks before.Nurse Comrie told Mrs. Williams that she was not really interested in leaving her responsibilities in her district to go to head office to carry out purely administrative functions. Futhermore, she felt she would be at a disadvantage, having to travel over 20miles to and from work each day, over some of the worst roads in the parish. She also pointed out that the travelling allowance payable would not compensate for the wear and tear on her car, which was getting old.

3 days before Mrs. Williams went on leave Nurse Comrie received a formal letter from the Senior Medical Officer informing her of the acting arrangements: that Senior Public Health Nurses ( Fak Akinson ( fake name) would be acting as Superintendent, PHNs, and advising her,Nurse Comrie , to report to head office on the first of the month, to act as Deputy Sup. On assuming duty at head office, Nurse Comrie went directly to the Acting Sup. to protest the way in which she was transferred, and the obvious lack of concern showed for her feelings in the matter. The Acting Sup. told her there was nothing she could do about the problem since she was herself only acting in her position.

Nurse COmrie then telephoned Dr. Majorie Bell ,( fake name), Senior Medical Officer, and requested an appointment with her. The SMO promised to have an early meeting with herself and the Acting Sup, at which time she hoped to come up with some solution. Later that week the SMO came to head office while Nurse comrie was busy attending to a crisis situation resulting from several incidents of food poisoning which had been reported in the town.

The SMO, who was in a hurry to keep an appointment with the Minister of Health in the city, spoke to Acting SPHN Atkinson about Nurse Comrie s problem. They both agree that in view of all the circumstances it would be better for Nurse Comrie to return to her position and that Nurse Johnson, a PHn Grade 11 should be brought in to act as PHN Grade 111.

When Nurse Comrie had finished her duties she went to the Acting Sup.'s office where she was greeted with the 'good news.' Nurse," " Mrs. Atkinson said cheerily, "you'll be pleased to hear that Doctor Brown says you can go back to your district and we will bring Nurse Johnson in as of monday, 6th.

At that point, Nurse Comrie became so angry that she could hardly speak. She stormed out of the office, collectd her things, went into her car, and drove away.

Major Teams




staff welfare

You can bring in the case study any two of these themes except Leadership.

Instructions :

From reading the case study :

1. Well written case study in APA style and right order of format

2. Critically analyze the case study and identify the organizational and administrative issues and problems in the case study.

3. Develop a strategic plan to address nursing Administrative issues or problems in the case study, justifying the strategy with appropriate concepts, principles and theories of mamagement

4. Outline implications for nursing managemnt.

General Instructions :

-- Type written on one side only using letter sizeed white paper

- Typing must be double spaced using 11" oor 12" sized front with 1" margins on either side of the paper and the bottom and top of the pages.

Use American Psychological Association (APA) format 5th edition style of referencing.

Be creative. Good presentation. could I also have a little skit from that case study?

Creativity is very important.

there are some further instructions for the case study: Please see same.

- review case issues

-- revelance

- hidden issues

- facts

- opinons

-- assumptions etc.

-- Data gathering- reach outside of sphere of knowledge, textbooks, periodicals.

-- acknowledge experts

-- current research

-- analysis of solution

- consequences

- soulutions

- alternatives

- means of evaluation eg, departmental, interdepartmentally

- organitional order

- system- country wide

- presentation of findings: critique, discussion.

Thanks again.

How to Reference "Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff" Case Study in a Bibliography

Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff” 2008.
”Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Nursing Management Relating to Communication and Staff. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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