Term Paper on "Nurse Leadership and Financial Management"

Term Paper 9 pages (2444 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Nursing: Line-Item Budget


The objective of this work is to create a budget for Magnet Recognition Program designation and describe how these resources will advance professional nursing. Nurse Leader's experiences with budget development after often 'lock-step'. Often the data are based on historical tracking and nurse leaders need only to confirm the data. The purpose of this assignment is to allow an opportunity to develop a budget that supports the advancement of the nursing profession, a responsibility of nurse leaders. In developing this budget, developed will be an organizational strategy and research the strategy so the most recent professional information and data are used. These data will support the budget that is developed an analysis of the organizational implications will be required. Fro the purpose of this assignment the MD Anderson Cancer Hospital of the MEDVAMC will be used.


According to the University of Virginia document online entitled: "Magnet Designation": "Magnet designation signifies that an institution's nurses have high levels of education, adhere to the highest professional standards, and provide the best patient care." (2006) The document states that "Magnet recognition provides consumers with the ultimate benchmark to measure the quality of care they can expect to receive." (Ibid) According to Medical Center Chief Clinical Officer and Chief Nursing Officer Pamela F. Cipriano: "Being recognized as a Magnet institution signifies not only excellence in nursing care and professionalism, but it also acknowledges the collaboration throughout the org
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anization to support quality of care, shared governance and the promotion of nurses as leaders." (Ibid) It has been shown through independent studies that "patients have shorter lengths of stay, higher satisfaction, higher nurse-to-patient ratios and lower mortality rates. Nurses are more satisfied with their work and Magnet recognition strengthens nursing recruitment and retention efforts." (Ibid)


The stated mission of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is: "To eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public.


The stated vision of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is that they: "shall be the premier cancer center in the world, based on the excellence of our people, our research-driven patient care and our science. The vision includes the following:


Patients are number one.

Research advances clinical care.

Individual employees make a difference.

Dedication leads to quality.

Excellence is achieved through education.

MEDVAMC states that it will maintain and advance its position as a quality healthcare institution by being:

The healthcare provider of choice;

The employer of choice;

The leader in research and education; leader in innovative healthcare delivery; leader in building health communities.


The values of MEDVAMC include:

Our commitment is to Veterans by being responsive, respectful, trustworthy and compassionate.

Working as a team to provide excellent in patient care and research.

Utilizing accurate data and information for decision -making as we practice and good stewardship of resources while incorporating new and innovative ways to stay at the forefront of healthcare delivery.

Effective and timely communications with outpatients, staff, union, partnership, volunteers, academic affiliates and corporate body.


The leadership at the MD Anderson Cancer Center is a governmental agency design with the top position being that of the Medical Center Director. The Medical Center Director has basically the same responsibilities as the CEO. The Medical Center Director is responsible with management of what is one of the most complex medical facilities for the VA in the U.S. with more than 2,750 employees and an annual budget of $410 million. Because of these facts it is believed that the power base of the Medical Center Director is legitimate. The Associate Director serves as the 'CEO' for MD Anderson Cancer Center and is responsible for day-day-day operations and management of the facility. The Associate Director is in charge of the annual budget for the facility as well. These facts are the basis of the power base of the Associate Director being stated to be legitimate. The CNO serves as a key member of the top management for the medical center providing both leadership and expert knowledge for the state of the art VA medical facility in Houston Texas as well as four community-based outpatient clinics in SE Texas. Because of these facts It is believed that the power base of the CNO is a combination of expert, legitimate and reward.

The Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC) serves as the primary health care provider for approximately 200,000 veterans in southeast Texas. When the patients for the satellite clinics in Beaumont, Lufkin, Galveston, Clear Lake and Texas City are added the patient's total approximately 750.000 outpatients in fiscal year 2005 and a total of 11, 854 veterans were admitted as inpatients with 237 being admitted to the Transitional Care Center in fiscal year 2005. MEDVAMC uses a vertical structure and is inline with congressional mandates and organizational structure for all VA facilities set out by the government.


In the work entitled "Power and Politics" it is held that: "Power, authority and influence have no standard definitions. Hapton, Summer and Web have noted that "influence is the process by which one person follows another's advice or suggestion." Power is stated to be a "persona or positional attribute that enables one to influence." (AUTHOR OF POWER AND POLITICS, YEAR OF PUBLICATION)

There are six suggested forms that power may take which are those of:

Coercive power - based on fear of punishment

Reward power - based on hope for reward

Legitimate power - based on belief that influence has formal authority

Referent power - based on charismatic leader traits

Expert power - based on the leader's special expertise.

Representative power - based on the democratic delegation of power to a leader.

In order to vest power with nursing staff within the organization provision of educational and training needs are essential as well as associated expenses such as travel, periodical subscriptions, as well as are expenses for initiatives such as weekend retreat classes for education and training. If nursing is to be advanced at the MEDVAMC and even into the broader nursing community empowerment of nursing staff through provisions paying expenses in their making that advancement is crucial.

In the work entitled: "First Progress Report on the Implementation of the Individual Budget Pilot Programme" (2006) it is stated that the task is to develop and model new approaches to organizing and delivering services and supports. The key success indicators are:

1. A significant extension to the degree of choice and control experienced by people using services and supports and associated outcome improvements

2. Alignment/integration of different resource streams

3. Achievement of improvements within the resource envelope. (First Progress Report on the Implementation of the Individual Budget Pilot Program, 2006)

In respect of key elements, local models for individual budgets should:

Allocate resources transparently.

Streamline the assessment process across agencies.

Bring together a variety of streams of support and/or funding, from more than one agency.

Give individuals the ability to use the budget in a way that best suits their own particular requirements.

Allow support from a broker or advocate, family or friends, as the individual wishes. (First Progress Report on the Implementation of the Individual Budget Pilot Program, 2006)

Fixed budgets are 'traps' that trap one into thinking that there is not room for financial manoeuvring. (Managing the Investigative Site (2006) The Research Roundtable Online available at: http://www.researchroundtable.com/)

The Balm of Gilead Center for Cooper Green Hospital located in Jefferson County, Alabama is a "comprehensive program for end-of-life care supported in large part through funding for the Initiative for Excellence in End-of-Life Care of the Robert Wood Johnston Foundation." The organization is partnered with the Jefferson County Department of Health and the Care Team Network at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAD) and have also established partnerships with "local foundations, colleges and universities, religious institutions, civic groups and professional groups" in order to meet the costs of patients and their families as well as those of staff and community education and "outreach to the broader community." (Bailey, 2000) The vision of this center is described as "holistic" and one that "emphasizes comfort and pain-free living" stating that the care provided "incorporates medical, emotional and social services as well as spiritual care." Care is provided to "underserved people with terminal illnesses who do not have a place to live or do not have support services at home...[and]...regardless of their ability to pay." (Bailey 2000) Funding resources include Medicare, Medicaid, Non-insured, VA, and third party funding. (Bailey, 2000)


























According to Grigsby in the work entitled:… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nurse Leadership and Financial Management" Assignment:

Individual Paper

Design and create a budget for a Magnet Recognition Program designation and describe how it will advance professional nursing.

Purpose: Nurse Leaders experiences with budget developement are often "lock-step". Often the data are based on historical tracking, and nurse leaders need only to confirm the data. The purpose of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to develop a budget that supports the advancement of the nursing profession, a responsibility of nurse leaders. In developing the budget, the student will be expected to develop an organizational strategy and research the strategy so the most recent professional information and data are used. These data will support the budget that is developed and analysis of organizational implications will be required. For the purpose of this assignment, you will use your employing organization.

This assignment will include:

A summary of the mission, vision, values, and structure of your organization using the format in week 1, an assessment of your organization using the format in week 2 and a power base and political assessment using the format in week 3. (MDAnderson Cancer Center)

Details that support the strategy of the resource you will use to advance the nursing profession based on current literature, evidence-based practice/management and data bases.

A line item budget for one fiscal year that supports your strategy for the advancement of professional nursing. The budget must include but is not limited to revenue, all personnel expenses including fringe benefits, other-than-personnel expenses including but not limited to education/seminars, travel, food (nourishment), office supplies, non-capital equipment, publication/sbuscription, dues, books, celebrations. These line items must be detailed in accompaniny notes explaining them. An analysis of the expected impact on the organization and the nursing profession based on the proposed budget. An evlauation template that can be used to monitor the progress of the advancement of the profession for one, three and five years and more often if indicated. An overview of budgetary requirements needed to reach the three and five year goals. An expectation of the impact on the nursing profession beyond your organization and how this will be realized.

Required Resources

Dunham-Taylor, J. & Pinczuk, J. Z. (2006). Health care financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Finkler, S. A. & Kovner, C. T. (2000). Financial Management for nurse managers and executives. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.

The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) eNews Update. Send name, title, organization, mailing address and email address to aone@aha.org. Subscription is free.


Assignment Grading Criteria

Content/Development 50%

Subject Matter

Key elements of the assignment covered

Content is comprehensive and accurate

Reflects an understanding of the material

Major points supported by details

Research is adequate/timely

Multiple resources used

Critical/Higher-Order Thinking

Compares/contrasts/integrates knowledge, experience, theory

Analyzes/synthesizes material

Arrives at conclusions/opinions consistent with

researce/evidence provided

Developes new idea/ways of conceptualizing performing

Organization 20%

Uses introductions to provide background information

The central theme/purpose is apparent

Information is effectively summarized

Structure is clear, logical and easy to follow

The theme/central ideas flow throughout the paper

Conclusions/recommendations floow logically

Summary is used to conclude the contents of the paper

Style and Mechanics 30%

APA format used correctly

Citations provided accurately

Headings/subheadings used

Presentation is neat/shows attention to detail

Follows rules of grammar, spelling, punctuations and

sentance structure

Uses transition statements

Uses words precisely

Differentiates researched information from personal


I can be reached at BDavis2058@houston.rr.com if you have any additional questions.


How to Reference "Nurse Leadership and Financial Management" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Nurse Leadership and Financial Management.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Nurse Leadership and Financial Management (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Nurse Leadership and Financial Management. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Nurse Leadership and Financial Management” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132.
”Nurse Leadership and Financial Management” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132.
[1] ”Nurse Leadership and Financial Management”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Nurse Leadership and Financial Management [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132
1. Nurse Leadership and Financial Management. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nursing-line-item-budget/7492132. Published 2006. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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