Methodology Chapter on "Nursing I Include Notes & Tips"

Methodology Chapter 15 pages (4151 words) Sources: 8

[EXCERPT] . . . .


I include notes & tips at the end but just a few pointers to get you started:

Always use the insert header (different first page) option to correctly format your paper

The things struck out in blue are your original phrase- I reworked things in red so you could see the original and the rewrite and decide which you liked better.

I know it looks a little overwhelming but really your content was pretty good it was just phrasing and some unnecessary repetition I scored out.

The demands for cost-savings and improved efficient in health care ( exacerbated by the nursing shortage and graying of the workforce) have created greater reliance on computer information systems to deliver quality health care efficiently.

As such, online learning has become an increasingly popular form of instruction for method of continuing Nursing Education. Within In the plast ten years nursing education has experienced tremendous and dramatic changes with the due to the pervasive computer use in both teaching and health care. As computer technology is incorporated into all aspects of teaching, learning and health care. Today, not only are As a result of this technological advance, nurses must learn to incorporate computers into their daily duties as well as accept an influx of individuals trained virtually. nurses challenged with using the computer systems for daily tasks such as charting, ordering, communications, and medication dispensing, but nurses also use the electronic technology in learning and development of competencies. AlThough the hospitals often times provides assistance in maintenance of
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continuing education, nurses often cite that the use of computers technology and lack of confidence in virtually obtained competency as significant factors in their decision not to utilize such resources. reasons to avoid this type of resource. Therefore Online learning, as a result, is not being used to its complete potential effectively by the nursing staff. Koivunen, Valimaki, Koskinen, Staggers, and Katajisto (2007) examined factors inhibiting staff's optimal use of computers: There are several obstacles and barriers restricting nurses' motivation to use computers. Firstly, nurses are very little infrequently exposed to the development process of designing and the development of IT developing computer based applications for their own work (Staggers1994, Gerrard et al. 1999), which would such exposure may help support motivate nurses IT motivation to use computers (Larrabee et al. 2001). Other obstacles impeding motivation to use IT

are include: lack of educational and technical support (Sinclair & Gardner 2001,

Gholamreza & Van Dyke 2002), lack of interest (Bowies 1997) or and fear of the potential negative effects of computers use in the context of patients care [(May et al. 2001) as cited in Koivunen, Valimaki, Koskinen, Staggers, and Katajisto,2007].

To address these issues in a comprehensive manner it is important to have an understanding regarding the implementation of online competencies and the barriers that some nurses view. Strategies that provide information in a survey forum will help gain answers to the challenge of maintaining professional competency.


Research Framework.

The research framework that was used to further develop and answer the problem statement was descriptive research in design. Though this type of research design is often considered the simplest form of research, it was able to provide for a description of phenomena in our world. A descriptive research design looks at a phenomenon and identifies it's the major elements or events of a phenomenon. This design also allows for gathered data that describes events to be placed in an organized, and tabulated, effectively and descriptive manner (McEwen & Wills, 2007). This type of tool helped to organize data into patterns that emerge during analysis. One advantage in of using this type of design for the current study is was that descriptive research would be used most effectively it's efficacy within the an educational setting. This was noted because Educational research experiences cannot be are not as realistically controlled as laboratory experiments. In contrast to laboratory experiences, descriptive research was valuable because it allowed for the human element of research. Using the descriptive research design was able to assist in drawing a conclusion to the question that is set forth: due to the lack of staff confidence

Chapter Three 3

in using technology, online learning is not being used to its complete potential. In this descriptive study an attempt is made to identify problems with current practice, justify current practice or identify what nurses using computer technology may be doing. In this study there is will be no manipulation of variables and no attempt to establish determine causality. (All data was kept confidential and information coded to prevent reveal of participant's identity ensure participant confidentiality). This doesn't belong here….. It belongs in procedure and then the discussion section of the paper


Descriptive research design has several types of instruments that can be developed by the researcher. Surveys, interviews, observations and portfolios may be used singly or in various combinations depending on the research question to be addressed. Since The problem was related to specific phenomena, choosing to use a survey instrument where development of the survey tool can be described was seen to be the most beneficial for data collection. Survey data included the following: written questionnaires data was the most efficient method of acquiring the necessary data in the context of this study. The descriptive survey chosen (include name of survey here) design was used to describe assessed nursing staff's computer usage and relationships as well as various other factors including: among their age, gender, basic education, participation in computer or continuing education courses and motivation to use computer technology. Once decided on the exact nature of survey to use a survey was chosen as the method of data acquisition the demographic qualities of ideal participants were determined. Factors to be considered included: access to participants, manner of sampling, potential cost associated with data collection, length of time necessary to collect sufficient data, and preliminary hypothesis regarding expected response rates., it was important to consider sampling, type of population, costs, response rates, and length of data collection. With these factors in mind, using A questionnaire survey was considered. that was timely, appropriate, and applicable to the problem statement. Since The questionnaire survey gave us returned measurable data which would be analyzed statistically to determine what if any relationships were present between the demographic information of the sample and their competence and confidence in computers both in the work place and in continuing education., this was considered a quantitative study. Functionally, nursing staff computer use (independent variable) was compared to In this quantitative research study the aim was to determine the relationship between nursing staff computer usage (an independent

variable) and their age, gender, basic education, job position, participation in professional computer courses (a dependent or outcome variable) and motivation to use

Chapter Three 4

computer technology (you need to clarify whether this is another dependent variable, a potential confound, etc.) Ultimately the relationship of interest was the correlation between demographic information and computer usage. The aim was consider the correlation between these characteristics and computer usage.


Following data collection, the information was analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics, such analyses include: tendency, mean, median and mode. Once data had been collected, the information can then be reported as a measure of tendency, mean, median, and mode. Deviation would also be assessed once variance and range were established. Measures of deviation can also be reported using variations and range. The information that was obtained was results were coded and analyzed with an excel spread sheet. placed into an excel spreadsheet using coding to allow for easy calculation and distribution of the responses. Descriptive Statistics were used to present represent qualitative data in quantitative terms which could be studied in terms of statistically significant relationships. quantitative descriptions in a manageable form. With descriptive statistics one is simply describing what is or what the data shows.

Cross-Sectional Study & Sampling Design.

A cross-sectional study is a survey of a population at a single point in time. Cross-sectional studies have the advantages of being fairly quick and easy to perform (Jekel, Katz, Elmore, & Wild, 2007). This type of study will allow for samples of individuals of various age groups representing a cross section of the sample population's age range.

The design was a Non-probability sampling was used. This sampling method was chosen because ensuring that each age cohort within nursing would be practically impossible. As there was no way of assurance that each part of the nursing population was represented in the sample. The sampling did involve purposive sampling In purposive sampling, people or other units are chosen, as the name implies, for a particular purpose (explain this.. what purpose, who was chosen, why was it necessary to include them) (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Considering the problem statement, it was necessary to have The target population of the study was nurses who were required to use computer technology, no age range was specified. The participants be nurses, of various age groups using computer technology.

Strengths… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nursing I Include Notes and Tips" Assignment:

Email address: Chapters 1 & 2 are under this order number:Order Number: A2005548

Chapter III: Methodology (13-15 pages)

See APA Manual, section 1.09.

The purpose of Chapter Three is to describe in detail the processes involved in data collection. Typically, six sections constitute the body of this chapter.

Introduction ~ The first part of Chapter Three is introductory. It reorients the reader by briefly reviewing the purpose of the study and the research questions/hypotheses that guided the investigation.

Design ~ The design gives structure to the study. Are two groups being compared on one or more variables? Are two or more variables being correlated in one group? This structure is determined by the nature of the research questions/hypotheses. Section two identifies and describe in detail:

*****¢ the type of research (experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental)

*****¢ the level of inquiry (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory)

*****¢ the research design (retrospective, cross-sectional survey, non-equivalent groups, pretest-posttest control group, etc.)

*****¢ strengths and weaknesses of this design and why it was appropriate for your study

Subjects ~ Participants in the study, and the accessible population from which they come, should be described in as much detail as possible. Method for selecting the sample must be specified. What criteria were used for inclusion/exclusion of individuals? Exactly how many were selected?

Reference to assurances to protect subjects***** rights and informed consent procedures are appropriate in this section. A note is included to *****See Appendix A***** to view the permission to conduct research from Indiana Wesleyan University*****s Institutional Review Board. Refer to any other consent you may have obtained for the study.

Instruments ~ Instruments represent the operational definition you have given the variables you attempted to measure. They identify what information was collected from study participants. Each instrument is described in detail including a rationale for selecting it. A description might refer to the number and format of items on the questionnaire (e.g., Were they measured on a Likert-type scale? Dichotomous responses?).

*****¢ Procedures for scoring the instruments should be presented including possible range of values.

*****¢ Reliability and validity data should be presented for each instrument. This information is usually available from the author.

*****¢ A copy of the instrument is usually included in an Appendix. Permission from authors to use instruments is included in an Appendix as well.

*****¢ If a treatment was administered to an experimental group, the nature of the treatment should be described in detail.

Procedure ~ The procedure section describes what steps were taken in collecting data for analysis. Describe the setting in which data collection took place, who administered tools, the method of administering the tools to subjects and collecting them. How were data managed after they were collected?

Summary ~ Conclude the chapter with a brief summary paragraph which links the research design with the research problem.

As I indicated previously as my financial abilities will allow I will add to the completed product. If the ***** has any questions please feel free to post the questions as I will be checking my log in area. I had begun chapters one--two---and three and until the recent unexpected death of my mother I was beginning to move along---but now my obligations to my family and siblings have changed so I will post chapter three as to what I have at this time. I have posted Chapters one (with instructors comments) chapter two (although I am not sure I was taking the literature review in the correct direction) and now I will post Chapter three. Please feel free to use any or all of anything that I have already written although I am sure you have proceeded in the proper direction. Thank you ~ DA *****

How to Reference "Nursing I Include Notes and Tips" Methodology Chapter in a Bibliography

Nursing I Include Notes and Tips.”, 2010, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Nursing I Include Notes and Tips (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Nursing I Include Notes and Tips. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Nursing I Include Notes and Tips” 2010.
”Nursing I Include Notes and Tips”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Nursing I Include Notes and Tips”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Nursing I Include Notes and Tips [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Nursing I Include Notes and Tips. Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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