Case Study on "Nursing and Health Breakdown"

Case Study 5 pages (1497 words) Sources: 8

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Nursing and Health Breakdown: Pre-Operative Nursing Care Case Study

The patient in this case study is named Joe Taylor. Joe is 76 years of age, weighs 99 kgs, 153 cm tall and smokes 25 cigarettes each day. Joe is admitted to the ward and is scheduled for the repair of a right inguinal hernia. The following objectives exist in this study:

(1) This study will identify information obtained from a nursing admission and the importance of obtaining this information.

(2) As well, this work will discuss the purpose and necessity of obtaining baseline data from the patient; and finally

(3) This work will discuss the ethical and legal requirements of the nurse during the preoperative period.

Preoperative Nursing Assessment: Baseline Data Requirement, and Ethical-Legal Considerations

(1) Preoperative visiting is stated in the work of Pudner (2005) entitled "Nursing the Surgical Patient" to be "a new concept." (Pudner, 2005 Pudner additionally relates that the preoperative assessment should be ideally conducted the day prior to surgery. The preoperative assessment provides the nurse with the opportunity to explain the surgical process to the patient and to answer any questions that the patient might have about the surgery. As well the nurse must ensure that the patient listens and understands the information they are receiving. Included in the information procured from the patient by the nurse during the preoperative assessment is complete information on the patient's condition and care, a record of any problems that have arisen and the action taken, evidence of care and intervention and the patie
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nt's response, a record of the physical, psychological and social factors that might affect the patient, a record of events and decision-making, and a baseline against which improvement or deterioration can be measured. (Pudner, 2005, paraphrased)

(2) It is important that the nurse collect baseline data from the patient in order to effectively monitor the patient over the course of a surgical procedure specifically as to any data that is characterized by variability that occurs naturally in each individual. (Enrico, Lonner and Moulton, 2008) The standard requirements for hospitals in conducting pre-admission work are varied however the nurse will inform the patient of the necessary information so that they can assist in their own preparation for the surgery. The nurse will question the patient concerning any changes in health status and will provide pre-operative instructions concerning medications and other information that assist the patient in preparing for the surgery. (Enrico, Lonner and Moulton, 2008, paraphrased) Information collected will include the medications the patient is taking, their general condition, and blood work and other clinical lab work will be conducted.

(3) The nurse must also make sure the patient signs consent forms prior to the surgery so as to protect the hospital from any ethical or medical liability. All forms should be signed and witnessed with the date properly affixed upon the document. Finally, the nurse is responsible for explaining the possible risks and complications associated with the procedure which include such as bleeding, transfusion, infection, wound infection, dehiscence, pain, scaring of tissues, failure of the procedure, potential injury to other surrounding structures, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, death, or a long-term stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

The work of Burney, et al. (1997) entitled "Core Outcomes Measures for Inguinal Hernia Repair report that baseline data collection is important since the "Demands on the medical profession to develop performance measures and demonstrate cost-effectiveness make it imperative that a uniform approach to the measurement of outcomes for common conditions be adopted.."

Part B: Post Operation Wound Management

Part B of this study is related to post-operative wound management. While Joe Taylor's dressing was being changed a thick yellow discharge was noted to be oozing from the wound. Within the context of this case this work will define and explain the purpose of assessment in relat5ion to wound care and identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken when assessing the wound. As well this work will identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken in relation to aseptic technique. Two causative factors of wound breakdown will be described.

Wound Care

The work of Sussman and Bates-Jensen (2007) entitled "Wound Care: A Collaborative Practice Manual" reports that wound assessment data are collected for five purposes including the following: (1) examination of the severity (stage) or the lesion; (2) determination of the status of the healing of the wound; (3) establishment of a baseline for the wound; (4) preparation of a plan of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nursing and Health Breakdown" Assignment:

Case Study

Part A: Pre-operative nursing care

Joe Taylor is a 76 year old male, weighs 99kgs, is 153cm tall and smokes 25 cigarettes a day. Joe is admitted to the ward and is scheduled for the repair of a right inguinal hernia.

Within the context of the case study:

Identify information obtained from a nursing admission and the importance of obtaining this information

Discuss the purpose and necessity of obtaining baseline data from the patient

Discuss the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse within the preoperative period

Part B: Post-operative wound management

You are the nurse caring for Joe Taylor who is three days post operative. While changing his dressing you notice a thick yellow discharge oozing from his wound.

Within the context of the case study:

Define and explain the purpose of assessment in relation to wound care

Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken when assessing the wound and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales

Define the principle of aseptic technique in wound management

Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken in relation to aseptic technique and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales.

Describe two causative factors of wound breakdown in relation to the case study.

For this assessment you need to demonstrate an understanding of wound assessment, aseptic technique in wound management and the causative factors in wound breakdown. The evidence for the discussion needs to demonstrate an understanding of safe and competent practice.


Part A.

Identify information obtained from a nursing admission and the importance of obtaining this information (5 marks)

Outstanding, clear, concise identification of the importance of and the information obtained from a nursing admission related to the case study, supported with coherent rationales

Discuss the purpose and necessity of obtaining baseline data from the patient (5 marks)

Outstanding, clear, concise discussion focused on baseline data inclusive of vital signs and the necessity of this data in relation to the case study and incorporates the pre-operative and post-operative periods, supported with coherent rationales

Discuss the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse within the preoperative period (5 marks)

Outstanding, clear, concise discussion of the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse; inclusive of consent procedures within the preoperative period and in relation to the case study and supported with coherent rationales

Part B.

Within the context of the case study:

Define and explain the purpose of assessment in relation to wound care (3 marks)

Outstanding, clear, concise and accurate definition of assessment and explanation of the purpose of assessment within the context of the case study

Identify and discuss interventions undertaken when assessing the wound, and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales (10 marks)

Outstanding clear, concise and accurate identification and discussion of the nursing interventions associated with assessing a wound and evidenced based rationales provided, within the context of the case study

Define the principle of aseptic technique in wound management (2 marks)

Outstanding clear, concise and accurate definition of the principle of aseptic technique in relation to wound management and the case study

Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken in relation to aseptic technique and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales (10 marks)

Outstanding clear, concise and accurate identification and discussion of the nursing interventions associated with aseptic technique and evidenced based rationales provided, within the context of the case study

Describe two causative factors of wound breakdown (5 marks)

Outstanding clear, concise and accurate description of two causative factors of wound breakdown within the context of the case study

Organisation, development, grammar, use of literature and APA referencing (5 marks) i will send you the referecing manual. all references need to be after 2005.

Outstanding, clear and coherent written assignment, Accurate spelling, Sentence, paragraph and grammatical construction are correct. Headings provided. Nil point forms used In-text referencing and reference list are free from errors and at least one Department of Health Policy and three peer reviewed journal articles used.


How to Reference "Nursing and Health Breakdown" Case Study in a Bibliography

Nursing and Health Breakdown.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Nursing and Health Breakdown (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Nursing and Health Breakdown. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Nursing and Health Breakdown” 2010.
”Nursing and Health Breakdown”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Nursing and Health Breakdown”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Nursing and Health Breakdown [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Nursing and Health Breakdown. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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