Essay on "Improving Communication Between Staff"

Essay 4 pages (1266 words) Sources: 4

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Nursing Communication Plan

Improving Communication Between Staff

Nursing communication plan: Decreasing horizontal (lateral) violence

Nursing communication plan: Decreasing horizontal (lateral) violence

Horizontal violence, or "aggressive behavior, harassment (usually verbal but sometimes even physical), or attempts to sabotage advancement among coworkers on roughly the same organizational level," has been identified as a "common problem in many professions, but in nursing it seems to be especially marked" (CNAs and horizontal violence in the workplace, 2011, CNA Board). Addressing horizontal violence in nursing is critical, not simply as an issue of social justice but also because of the dangers it poses to the organization. It runs the risk of increasing attrition amongst new nurses, making the hospital more likely to be the subject of discrimination-related lawsuits, and directs the anger of nurses into unproductive channels. Creating a facilitated support group for nurses is one way to encourage nurses to engage in more effective self-care and to foster a more productive culture amongst diverse nursing staff members.

Horizontal violence

The reasons for horizontal (lateral) violence or other types of aggressive behavior against colleagues have been much-speculated upon within nursing literature. Some cite the fact that physicians and other higher-level officials "devalue or undervalue the contributions of nurses... [nurses] express their need for power or autonomy by victimizing or impeding the professional advancement of others at the same or lower levels… they realize that a
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n expression of anger to higher levels of the hierarchy…will probably be unsuccessful or could even cost them their job" (CNAs and horizontal violence in the workplace, 2011, CNA Board). The stressors placed upon nurses such as long hours, back-to-back shifts, and other challenges are also cited as reasons for this behavior.


Nursing is identified as a 'caring profession.' However, this can result in unrealistic expectations being placed upon nurses, in terms of their willingness to sacrifice their needs for the needs of others. Nurses often forget to take care of themselves, and do not engage in acts of basic self-care to ensure their sustained mental stability. The tendency to ignore the needs of nurses coupled with understaffing can create a toxic personal environments at many workplaces Some hospitals have instituted support groups and counseling for nurses, which can facilitate communication and dialogue, as well as provide psychological aid. When nurses fail to engage in effective self-care, they may consciously or unconsciously lash out at others, because they feel 'burned out.' Support is particularly essential for new nurses, to prevent attrition in an already-understaffed profession. Ironically, by engaging in lateral violence, nurses are simply reinforcing the negative aspects of the workplace that may drive new nurses from the profession.

The need for the caregiver to care for him or herself is a critical aspect of Jean Watson's caring theory which "not only allows the nurse to practice the art of caring, to provide compassion to ease patients' and families' suffering, and to promote their healing and dignity but it can also contribute to expand the nurse's own actualization. In fact, Watson is one of the few nursing theorists who consider not only the cared-for but also the caregiver" (Cara 2010).

Creating a support group which meets during convenient times for nurses (such as break times) will foster commiseration in a positive, rather than a negative fashion. If facilitated by a counselor who understands the unique challenges of nurses, and can find ways to channel negative thoughts and conflicts into productive channels of dialogue, such a group can reduce workplace tension. The support group must be run on the principles of confidentiality: nothing said in the group should be allowed to be discussed outside of the room. While some nurses may be loathe to be completely candid, even by simply talking about the stresses of long hours and dealing with patients, a sense of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Improving Communication Between Staff" Assignment:

Subject: Facilitate or improving communication between nursing staff on my unit (healthy relationship and mutual respect, decrease horizontal violence and gossip.)

CONTENT Total%_________% Earned

Develop a plan that you feel will make a difference at your worksite. 5

Describe the reason for designing your plan. 5

Identify one (1) caring based nursing theory as a guide. Utilize a change theory. 5

Discuss your implementation of this plan at your worksite. Specifically discuss the steps you took (strategies) to accomplish this plan (outline). 5

Evaluate the outcomes of your plan. 5


Format is APA, 4-5pages, at least two peer reviewed references cited in the paper (in addition to references for change and caring theory) , grammar, spelling, and clarity. 5


How to Reference "Improving Communication Between Staff" Essay in a Bibliography

Improving Communication Between Staff.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Improving Communication Between Staff (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Improving Communication Between Staff. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Improving Communication Between Staff” 2011.
”Improving Communication Between Staff”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Improving Communication Between Staff”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Improving Communication Between Staff [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Improving Communication Between Staff. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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