Book Report on "Normative and Felt Needs Assessment"

Book Report 13 pages (3941 words) Sources: 15

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Normative and Felt Needs Assessment

Normative and Felt Need Assessment

Over the last several years, the issue of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has been continually brought to the forefront. This is because an increasing number of minorities have been affected by this condition, in comparison with other population groups. In Australia, this has been having a dramatic effect upon Aborigines, who are 10 to 30% more likely to suffer from this condition than the rest of the population. (Summary 2010) As a result, growing concern is taking place among health officials, who are worried that the number of people suffering from the condition could increase. Especially when you consider the fact that six out of every 10 Aborigines are considered to be obese. To determine the overall scope of the problem: a needs assessment and felt assessment must be conducted. Where, both will concentrate on the Aborigine men and women, between the ages of 25 to 64 years old, living in Onkaparina. Once these two different examinations are complete, it will provide more insights into the overall scope of the problem.

Normative Needs Assessment

Relevant Health Data

Type 2 Diabetes is when the body is unable to break down blood sugar. Most people that develop the disease need to take insulin to control these levels (at some point). As the pancreas will turn food that is digested, into sugar instead of energy (which increases these levels). This is different from a normal person, where the pancreas will turn the food that is digested into energy. The major causes of the diseases would include: obesity, a lack of physical exercise, gene
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tics, diet, poor standards of living and reduced access to medical care. As most people who suffer from the condition are not eating the proper amounts of: fruits and vegetables as part of their dietary needs. Where, this will help contribute to onset of the different symptoms, as the body is continuing to receive excessive amounts of sugar and fat. Over the course of time, this will cause the pancreas to become more inefficient at turning these foods into energy, which will cause blood sugar levels and the weight of the individual to increase. The various symptoms of diabetics would include: fatigue, frequent urination, blurry vision, increased hunger / thirst and erectile dysfunction. If the condition is not treated through insulin shots or medication, a number of complications could develop to include: glaucoma, heart disease, kidney disease, paralysis and possibly death. (Diabetes 2010) (Summary 2010) This is significant, because it provide a basic foundation as to what are the symptoms of the disease. In general, the overall diabetes rates for Australian are 3.5% of the population. (Diabetes 2010) Yet, when you look beyond the general statistics, it is clear that the number of case will rise dramatically when you look at Aborigines. This is because this sub-group of the population is suffering from one of the many different risk factors that were mentioned above. Evidence of this can be seen with a report conducted by the Institute of Health and Welfare, which found that 57% of Aborigines age 15 and over are considered to be obese. (Diabetes 2008) This is important, because with such a large portion of this sub-group suffering from this condition, it means that vast disparities could be occurring in the underlying health of Australians. In the areas of health care expenditures, the contrast between Australian society and Aborigines is obvious, with most of society spending less than 2% of their expenditures on health care services. While, Aborigines spend 17% or more of their income on health care services. At the same time, most of Australian society is more inclined to seek preventive health care services such as: physicals. Where, 85% of the population has visited their doctors at least once a year. This has caused the most common forms of death for males to be heart disease, while females have the highest mortality rates for breast cancer. When you compare this with Aborigines, they have the highest rates of heart disease and diabetes in the world. (Australia's Health 2008) This is important, because it shows how some kind of disparity is occurring in Australian society, with the health of most Australians improving. Yet, the health of Aborigines is becoming worse.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Aborigines account for between: 418, 800 to 476,900 people living in the commonwealth. (Aboriginal Health 2010) This makes up .5% of the total population. Out of this number, the total amount of diabetics is: estimated to be between 41,880 to 143,070 people. The reason why this is occurring is because the lower income levels of this segment of the population, is causing their dietary choices to limited. Where, most people will choose the most affordable alternative. In this case, it more than likely would be some kind of unhealthy snack, as opposed to fruit and vegetables. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than the likelihood that indigenous people would eat fruit and vegetables. According to the AIHW, they found that Aborigines were 7 times less likely to eat vegetables and likely to eat fruits (in comparison with the rest of the population). At the same time, most indigenous people live in rural areas and are further away from various health care facilities. (Diabetes 2008)

This is significant, because it is highlighting how a whole host of social / economic issues could be contributing to the problem of high T2DM. Where, the different issues such as: poverty and a lack of affordable access to quality health care services are helping to contribute to the problem. With, poverty limiting the overall choices that many people will have as far as nutritional foods are concerned. Meaning, that because so many are living at or near poverty line, they cannot be picky about what kinds of foods they want to eat. Instead, they must eat those foods that are most affordable or not eat at all. Then, when you combine this with the lack of health care services in many rural areas, means that a number of Aborigines are unaware of various dietary needs. This causes most people not to be educated about various aspect of nutrition. At which point, they do not know what are the proper levels of nutrition, which helps make the problem worse. At the same time, this lack of access to health care in many rural areas; means that preventive medicine is not being practiced. This is when you are routinely screening for a variety of health conditions. Given the fact that health care services are more difficult to find in these areas and many are coming from a lower economic background. The chances increase dramatically that large segments of Aborigines would more than likely be: overweight and engage in a lack of physical activity. In many ways one could argue, that the lack of access to preventive health care services is causing, the underlying levels of health to decline. As the limited visits with health care professionals, will mean that the chances to: diagnose and treat conditions early decrease. Once this condition begins to become worse, is when the underlying levels of health in the individual will begin to decline. This will cause the overall amount of spending on health care services to increase and it will place an added strain on the local economy. As a result, one could take the information that was discussed earlier on health care expenditures and theorize; that the lack of health care services in rural areas is causing an increase in diabetes cases. This will cause the costs in treating the conditions to be more expensive. These two elements are two of the main causes of: diabetes and can directly be tied to the obesity epidemic in Aborigines. Where, the lower social / economic class and the lack of access to affordable health care services; have caused the common symptoms of the disease to appear in a variety of individuals.

What all of this shows, is that on a national level, the overall cases of diabetes are becoming more severe in Aborigines. Part of the reason for this is because the social / economic conditions that they endure are contributing to the problem. Where, the lack of health care services in many areas and the underlying levels of poverty are making the situation worse. As these two issues, are causing the overall levels in obesity to increase from the lack of proper diet, exercise and the inability to receive preventive health care. When you put all of these different elements together; this highlight why the underlying obesity problem, is so severe in the Aboriginal sub-culture, as opposed to the rest of Australian society. This means that the government should aggressively target the most at risk individuals, within this population demographic. Where, they should focus on eating fruits / vegetables and receiving the proper amount of exercise. Otherwise, the vast disparities between the Aborigines and the rest… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Normative and Felt Needs Assessment" Assignment:

Task 1. Normative and Felt Needs Assessment


You can assume that you are a dietitian-nutritionist and that your health service has

received a number of requests to promote vegetables and fruit as a preventive strategy

for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). You can also assume that a literature review

summarising the epidemiological evidence on this issue has already been done.

To determine the need for a community intervention and to set a case for program

development and funding, you will select one of the following target groups upon which

to structure a Normative Needs Assessment and Felt Needs Assessment Plan. Here,

you will utilise relevant health indicator data to explore the magnitude and significance

of T2DM to public health in Australia and locally for your chosen target group. Having

profiled your local community, you will then submit a Felt Needs Assessment Plan and

survey tool for enquiring about community perceptions of T2DM, vegetable and fruit

consumption and their opinion of appropriate nutrition interventions.

You can choose to focus your Needs Assessment on the population at risk of

developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (prevention) or the population with Type 2

Diabetes at risk of developing complications (management). The target groups are:

1-Aboriginal men and women aged 25 - 54 years, living in City of Playford


2- Overweight men and women aged 25 - 64 years, from low-income families

(<$21, 000 per annum) living in the City of Onkaparinga. ...<<<
Guidelines for this Assessment Task

Maximum length is 12 A-4 pages, 2cm margins, 1.5-spaced, tables, figures, survey

tool included. The reference list can be in addition to the page limit and single spaced.

The Normative Needs Assessment should:

1) Provide a concise presentation of relevant health indicator data (prevalence,

incidence, burden of disease) to demonstrate the magnitude and significance of T2DM

for the general population and relevant high risk sub-groups in Australia. Identify

relevant Nutrition and Health Policies that support a public health intervention.

2) Having defined the health problem on a national level, you now want to position the

problem as it relates to your chosen target group and their Local Government Area. To

demonstrate a clear understanding of your target group, the profile should include:

 A description of the Local Government Area and relevant socio-demographic

characteristics of the population.

 Relevant health status information including the prevalence of T2DM and

related risk factors amongst this group.

 Information on their vegetable and fruit consumption.

 A profile of relevant health & community services and community infrastructure

in the local government area (with a view of highlighting accessibility or gaps in

services and opportunities for potential collaboration and partnerships).

The Felt Needs Assessment Plan should:

1) Describe the selected method for surveying the felt needs of your target group, how

it is to be implemented, how data will be collected & an*****d and how results will be

communicated to key stakeholders and used to inform the next stage in the program

development cycle. The selected method for surveying the felt needs of your target

group should be culturally appropriate and justified within primary health care

principles. The plan should also take into consideration any potential limitations of the

selected survey method and barriers to implementation.

2) Include the tool that will be used to enquire about community perceptions. The tool

should demonstrate that it has been designed to suit the needs of your target group

with regards to selected method, content, layout and use of language. The enquiry into

vegetable and fruit consumption (ie the questions included in the survey tool) should

consider a combination of (a) individual factors eg. knowledge, attitudes, and

behaviours, (b) environmental factors eg. availability, cost, access, policy, community

services, and (c) social factors eg. cultural practices, peer influences, social support,


Assessment Criteria (30 marks)

1. Normative needs assessment (14 marks)

1.1 Overview of the magnitude and significance of the problem (6 marks)

 Complete range of data, adequate depth. Australian data used, data is current,

accurate, relevant and appropriately referenced.

 Succinct, minimal repetition tables/figures and text.

 Appropriate conclusions reached.

 Evidence of wider reading.

1.2 Profile of Target group and LGA (8 marks)

 Comprehensive presentation of available data, relevant, succinct.

 Appropriate conclusions reached.

 Evidence of wider reading.

2. Felt needs assessment (14 marks)

2.1 Plan for conducting the Felt Needs Assessment (8 marks)

 Plan is appropriate for target group and justified within primary health care


 Methods for implementation, data collection & analysis and communication of

results are clearly described, practical and logical.

2.2 Survey Tool (6 marks)

 Tool is appropriate for target group with regards to selected method, content,

layout and language used.

 Survey questions consider individual, environmental & social factors affecting

fruit and vegetable consumption.

 Survey questions are relevant, useful and logical.

3. Overall presentation & referencing (2 marks)

 Assignment is well organised, logical, flows well.

 Appropriate language, grammar, and spelling.

 Within page limit.

 Referencing system correctly and consistently applied (Harvard system).

Statements, facts and figures are appropriately referenced in text and listed in

the reference list.

 Data presentation creative.

I choose this one :

Overweight men and women aged 25 - 64 years, from low-income families

(<$21, 000 per annum) living in the City of Onkaparinga. ...<<<
when do you make the refrences you must make like this:

For example:

In tex refrences

(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, *****'Understanding health*****', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,

In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list

World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources and I have an example from my friend

I want the ***** this Assco5522 to write it


How to Reference "Normative and Felt Needs Assessment" Book Report in a Bibliography

Normative and Felt Needs Assessment.”, 2010, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Normative and Felt Needs Assessment (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Normative and Felt Needs Assessment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Normative and Felt Needs Assessment” 2010.
”Normative and Felt Needs Assessment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Normative and Felt Needs Assessment”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Normative and Felt Needs Assessment [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Normative and Felt Needs Assessment. Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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