Term Paper on "Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks"

Term Paper 20 pages (6532 words) Sources: 20 Style: Harvard

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Noise Pollution

Thermal and Acoustic Risks of New Airport Expansion

The Airport Services Limited Company has retained Bradford Environmental Consultants to conduct studies on the impact of thermal and acoustic risks associated with an expansion project at the Yakutsk International Airport. Airport Services Limited is one of the UK's premier freight forwarding and travel management companies (Airport Services Limited, 2007). It has decided to expand its commercial offerings to the Yakutsk International Airport.

The Yakutsk International Airport is located in a major oil field and in an area that is rich with many natural resources. This airport was of very little commercial interest in the past due to the harsh environment surrounding it. It is the only airport located in the permafrost zone (Yakutsk International Airport, 2007). Recent interest in the abundant natural resources in the areas has caused the population in the area to increase significantly.

Currently, the airport is shared by both military and civilian aircraft. Military aircraft take precedence, causing restricted civilian aircraft movements. Topographical and geological circumstances make it unfeasible to build an entirely new civilian airport. It has been agreed that a second runway and a new terminal building will be constructed adjacent to the existing runway. In the future, a third runway may be built if the need arises due to increased traffic. The existing runway will continue to be used by the military. Some civilian flights will be able to use it in case of overflow, but only if the military does not have an urgency.

The new runway wi
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ll be dedicated to civilian aircraft. It is expected that it will take approximately 18 months to complete. This is an extremely high risk project from a health and safety standpoint. During construction of the new runway, the existing runway will continue to be used by both military and civilian aircraft. Approximately 60-70 combined aircraft movements are expected each day. This is expected to double when the new runway is completed.

Aside from the financial and operational risks associated with this project, there are many thermal and acoustic risks that will be associated with the project. Airport Services Limited has asked Bradford Environmental Consultants to conduct a study of the potential thermal and acoustic risks both during construction and after the new runway is operational. The following will assess these risks and make recommendations as to how to mitigate these risks so that they do not pose a threat to humans at any time during the construction phase, or in the long-term future.

Section 1.0: Legal Aspects of the Project

This project will intermarry three companies from different countries around the globe. Airport Services Limited is a company based in the UK. Our company, Bradford Environmental Services is a U.S. based company. The final location of the airport will be based in Yakutsk, Russia. Therefore, there are concerns regarding the ability to address all of the legal aspects of this international project. The following will examine the legal perspectives of the project and the pertinent legislation regarding thermal and acoustic hazards.

Russian Environmental Law

Environmental law in the former Soviet Union was non-existent. This regime simply ignored environmental devastation and the potential health effects on its population. However, in the 1990s, they began to pay closer attention to the link between declining health in the general population and pollution (Country-Studies, 2007). The prevailing philosophy of the government before this time was Russia had enough natural resources to waste (Country-Studies, 2007). In the 1990s it was discovered that 40% of Russia was under some form of ecological stress, no considering those areas with radiation contamination (Country-Studies, 2007). Russia has a long history of ecological disasters with little concern over them.

The environment has been of little concern to the Russian public. In a 1989 poll, citizens expressed concerns over local environmental issues that had an immediate impact on their lives, but they were unconcerned about global or national environmental issues. The survey revealed that they were unwilling to make economic sacrifices to help improve the state of the environment (Country-Studies, 2007). The political landscape in Russia concerning environmental issues is that economic concerns far outweigh any impact that they would have on the environment.

In 1991, Yeltsin signed Russia's first environmental law. The law was written in such as fashion that it gave the citizens general environmental right, without setting specific goals (Country-Studies, 2007). The law was worded in such as fashion as to make it difficult to enforce. In 1995, a law was passed that required an environmental impact assessment for new construction and development structures (Country-Studies, 2007). This report is being conducted in fulfillment of this requirement.

Many of the environmental laws that do exist in Russia are concerned with water, soil, and air pollution. There is little concern with thermal and acoustic pollution that are a part of this study. Russia has signed several international treaties such as the Tropical Timber Agreement (1983), Convention on International trade in Endangered Species (CITES, 19730. And the Montreal Protocol controlling substances harmful to the ozone layer (Country-Studies, 2007). However, none of these are of concern to this project.

The environmental laws that do exist in Russia are lax and often violations are overlooked (Innset, 2007). As far as this project is concerned, Russian environmental laws will have little impact on the outcome of the project. Therefore, in keeping with the good faith of the citizen, Bradford will rely on the laws that apply to their general contractor. The company will look to UK and U.S. laws to determine the safest methods for conducting this project.

UK Law

Noise pollution is a growing issue in both Common and Statutory law in the UK. (Sneider and Phil, 2005). Noise pollution can be a problematic health issue in the workplace and at home. However, UK law only examines issues related to noise pollution in the workplace (Sneider and Phil, 2005). UK law, as applied to the scope of this project would not answer issues dealing with the problem of noise as it affects housing in the surrounding community. It would cover issues dealing with the workers themselves and the exposure of terminal staff. However, UK law would only be limited to dealing with those issues (Sneider and Phil, 2005).

In the UK, noise is regulated under several different agencies. It is regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA). In England and Wales, the authority of the local power stems from Section 80 of the EPA. In Scotland, the Control of Pollution Act 1974, section 58 governs noise ordinances. In Northern Ireland, the Pollution Control and Local Government Act sets forth certain steps that local authorities will take when they become aware that a noise nuisance exists (Sneider and Phil, 2005). As one can see, in the UK noise reduction and nuisance comes under the control of local authorities.

This contrasts with the situation in Russia where control is on a National level. In Russia, there is no mention of noise in laws concerning the environment. Under UK law, no particular authority would have the jurisdiction necessary to intervene in a project that takes place in another country. Furthermore, UK law only requires that when a nuisance noise is found, the person or entity must only prove that they are taking reasonable steps to reduce the noise nuisance.

This legislation, like that in Russia leaves much up to the interpretation of local authorities. It would be difficult to write such legislation in such a manner that it would cover each and every circumstance that would arise. Therefore, laws can only make suggestions as to what an amicable resolution would look like. There are likely to be circumstances where the people do not feel that enough has been done and where authorities insist that they are doing the best that they can. This is the situation that has potential to arise in the course of this project. However, it is felt that this situation can be avoided if due consideration is given to the distance and building design in the new terminal.

The design specifics will have to be addressed in conjunction with others on the planning team, but it is important to stress that noise issues could be a potential source of controversy among the citizens and Russian authorities.UK law gives us few helpful suggestions when considering the potential noise issues in the construction and occupation of the new terminal and runway.

US Law

The United States has some of the most specific and stringent laws in the world regarding noise control. Title 42, Chapter 65 of the U.S. Code specifically addresses noise control, legal remedies for violations, and definitions to help determine safe public noise levels. Unlike UK laws that deal primarily with residential noise, the U.S. Code specifically addresses industrial noise. Several sections of Title 42 address noise from aircraft and other moving sources. The standards set specific levels and minimal protection for passengers and workers (U.S. Code, Title 42, Chapter 65).

The negative health risks… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks" Assignment:

The overall aim of the assessment is to provide a sound understanding of the principles and practice of one or more elements of the thermal and acoustic environment associated with a work activity and recognise the role of legislation in controlling risks arising from it.

Report part 1 should not exceed 1500 words (excluding appendices)

Report part 2 should not exceed 2500 words (excluding appendices)

The Brief

Your employer is a major airport operator based in UK with facilities in a number of different countries. It is considering entering into collaboration with a city council located in Northern Siberia in Russia. The city is middle of a major oil field and the population has increased significantly as a result.

At the moment, the only airport is shared with the military resulting in very restricted civilian aircraft movements. There is also very limited scope to build an entirely new civilian airport due to geological and topographical circumstances.

It has been agreed that a second runway (and possible third sometime in the future) and new terminal building will be constructed adjacent to the existing runway which will continue to be used by the military, although some civilian flights will be able to use it as well. The new runway will be dedicated to civilian aircraft. Should the works proceed, it is anticipated that works will take around 18 months to complete.

A very high risk project, the health and safety issues will be further complicated by the continued use of the existing runway by both military and civilian aircraft during the construction works. There are around 60 or 70 combined aircraft movements each day although this will double when the new runway and terminal buildings are completed.

Apart from all of the financial and operational risks associated with this project, your employer is very concerned about the thermal and acoustic risks associated with this particular project.

There are two parts to the assessment of this part of the course. You must submit both parts.

1. Your company has decided to use your own country or state*****s legislative provisions as a basis for developing a management strategy for the thermal and acoustic environment during the construction works.

Prepare a 1500 word report critically evaluating the legislation and enforcement provision within your own country in respect of the thermal and acoustic environment. Make clear any assumptions you may make and if your country does not have any relevant information, discuss why not and what your company should do instead.

2. Your company has instructed you to prepare a 2500 word report on the thermal and acoustic risks associate with these works Critically evaluate the risks associated with the activity described in the brief, explaining what assumptions you have made and make recommendations if appropriate.

How to Reference "Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314.
”Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314.
[1] ”Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314
1. Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic Risks. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/noise-pollution-thermal-acoustic/24314. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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