Term Paper on "Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November"

Term Paper 4 pages (1293 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority"

On November 3, 1969, then President Richard Nixon gave one of his most infamous speeches as a response to the growing uproar about America's involvement in Vietnam. Much to the dismay of voters and soldiers everywhere, Nixon had not made good on his promises to end the war which he had made during his campaign (Center for History and New Media, 2008). Therefore, his speech bon that night became both a rallying point for his own agenda within the scope of the Vietnam War, as well as a defensive speech against the idea that his promise to end the war was simply a ploy to win the election.

So on November 3, 1969, Nixon addressed the entire nation through a television broadcast. This automatically lost some of the personal nature seen in Reagan's D-Day speech. The audience who had watched Nixon's speech was sure to have mixed feelings about Nixon and whatever he was about to say to them, based on his false promises and changing stance on America's position in the Vietnam War. Within this speech, Nixon officially changed is own personal views on the war. This was the time where he announced his plan of "Vietnamization," rather than solidify his intentions to pull out of Vietnam. Therefore, to many within the audience he had a very shaky ethos, (Rowland, p. 237). He diminished his credibility, and during the remainder of the speech attempted to rebuild that credibility on a completely different platform. Therefore Nixon spoke to his audience in a manner in which he both flattered them in order to win them over again, but also in a way to attempt to convince them that his plan was the best plan for the nation in that current situation.

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Nixon began his speech with the acknowledgement that the war was of great concern to many Americans. He then agreed with that concern in a way to establish a more solid pathos, or emotional connection with the audience, (Terada, 2000). He continued this connection with the raising of several questions which many in the audience would have naturally raised themselves. This sets up a balance early in the speech which he would later continue on with by examining and answering those questions in great detail. This technique also was meant to capture the audience's attention because he at first admitted there were problems. This was what many already knew regarding the war; therefore he continued to establish a stronger and stronger pathos with those who may have been unsure about him in the first place.


After he acknowledged these problems and outlined the questions millions of Americans were already asking themselves and each other, Nixon continued to answer them in a way which promoted his plan of continuing American efforts within the Vietnam War. Because he was speaking to the mass public over a television broadcast, Nixon played down his usual complicated speech mannerisms, not completely, but enough to make it clear and understandable for the majority of Americans who would have been watching the broadcast.

After he addressed the major concerns, he explained his reasoning for his change of heart on the matter. He explained that when he was allowed full access to all the information regarding the war in it's current situation at the time, that he could not logically pull out right away as he had planned earlier. He gives specific details about the negative state, in which the South Vietnamese were as a way to prove that the American presence needed to remain there to keep order,

Thirty-one thousand Americans had been killed in action. The training program for the South Vietnamese was beyond [behind] schedule. Five hundred and forty-thousand Americans were in Vietnam with no plans to reduce the number. No progress had been made at the negotiations in Paris and the United States… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November" Assignment:

It will be covering Richard Nixons "The Silent Majority" speech.


The Essay should be organized by the following sub-headers: Setting, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Language, Short-Term Effects, Long-Term Effects.

Setting should include-

Where was the speech given? WHat were the dynamics/circumstances that influenced the need for this rhetoric? what was the mood of those to whom the speech was given, as well as any other audiences exposed to this speech? What rhetorical barriers, if any, was the speaker facing? What was the climate/pulse of the country and world? What is the personal background and experience of the speaker? How would you characterize their familiarity with the topic? How would you describe the rhetor's philosophy, beliefs, attitudes, and values? What was the disposition of the speaker toward the audience? What was the image of the speaker? How would you describe any initial credibility, entering the speech? Who was the immediate audience (present) and the implied audience (intended for)? What was the relationship between the audience, the speaker and the topic? What were the prevailing attitudes beliefs and values of the audience?


How were the messages organized (balance and order? Did the speaker establish effective identification, and which points during the speech? Did the introduction capture the audience's attention? how so? were the main points easy to follow? Did the rhetor provide credible facts, narratives, examples, statistics and testimony to support their arguments/positions? Did the speaker utilize supporting evidence ethically/responsibly or not? Why? What patterns of speech did the speaker use? Any examples of alliteration or onomatopoeia? What was the tone of the rhetoric -somber, sarcastic, humorous, mild, aggressive, respectful, audacious? Were transitions used appropriate and smoothly? Did the speaker address any opposing messages/arguments and respond to them accordingly? how so? was the speaker's voice tone appropriate for the occasion? How would you evaluate their eye contact, gestures, posture, vocal delivery, use of pauses, rate,pitch, enunciation, pronunciation, articulation-and dialect at varying points through the speech? How did the aspects help/hurt the speaker's goals? Could the rhetoric have possibly caused internal interference? How so?


What are some examples of language used to convey denotative and/or connotative meaning? How did the rhetor's language fulfill (or fail to provide) clarity, color, concreteness, correctness, conciseness and cultural sensitivity? Did the rhetor use any figurative language? how so? what specific types of metaphors, similes, analogies, personifications, culturetypes and ideographs were used? Were they effective, and how so? How did the speaker organize words in the speech? Any examples of antithesis, inversion and/or parallel construction? Were they effective, and how so?

Short-Term Effects-

What kind of impression was left with the audience (immediate and implied)? How did the audience respond to the speech during the speech and after speech? What type of emerging credibility and terminal credibility was established? What immediate actions or events resulted from the speech? What was written about this speech after it was delivered?

Long-Term Effects-

How did this speech affect the career of the rhetor? How did this speech affect future generations? How did it affect public policy, the rule of law or societal values? Was the overall effect positive or negative?

Possible Sources-

Bochin, Hal W. Richard Nixon: Rhetorical Strategist. New York: Greenwood P, 1990. Richard Nixon. 9 Apr. 2008 .

Parenthetical Citation

Simon, Dennis M. "The War in Vietnam, 1969-1973." Aug. 2002. SMU. 9 Apr. 2008 .

How to Reference "Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027.
”Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027.
[1] ”Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027
1. Nixon's "The Great Silent Majority" on November. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nixon-great-silent-majority/18027. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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