Term Paper on "Nike in Today's Increased Globalization"

Term Paper 4 pages (1511 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

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In today's increased globalization, one must understand the fact that it has become increasingly difficult for a global manager to manage his operations perfectly. The manager would need to perform many more activities, including facing the operational and strategic challenges that his business throws at him, much more than he would have done in previous years. He would also have to be knowledgeable in the several different aspects of risk management, so that his company would perform at its optimum best, with no constraints. (Frenkel; Hommel; Rudolf; Dufey, 2005) in today's working environment, there are several different types of global specialists: business managers, country managers and functional managers. Today, a company does have to be much more effective and ready to face the multiple challenges that are thrown at it on a daily basis, while at the same time remaining sensitive to various issues that concern their employees. (Churchwell, 2003)

Take a case in point, Nike. A new report issued by the non-profit alliance 'Global Alliance for workers and communities', states that workers of Nike have been facing a diverse set of problems: sexual comments and unwanted attention form supervisors, and dissatisfaction with managers. (Akst, 2001) This company has been embroiled in controversy for a great many years now, and main complaint being that the company does not take care of the working conditions of its thousands of employees across the globe. However, the reason may be that it is subcontractors make products for Nike; it does not own the factory. However, ask experts from across the globe, can this justify the fact that most of the workers for Nike are either wor
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king at much lower wages than they must earn, or they are grossly underage. Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories where subcontractors make products for Nike? ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.)

In my opinion, a company of the global standards of Nike, which makes $10 billion in annual revenues and sells its products in more than 140 countries must remain more aware of the pathetic condition of its workers; they are forced to work six days a week for only $40 a month, and for much longer hours than is accepted in developed countries across the world by their factory managers, who probably wish to make money as quickly as possible without thought for the difficulties of his workers. One worker, Lap, even stated that she had to complete her expected quota of shoes before she could go home, even if she was unwell, or had to leave on an emergency. To add fuel to the fire, a child as young as eleven years old was also forced to work in the factory, in similarly depressing conditions. Nike as a responsible multinational company must try to take steps that would offer its workers better working conditions or wages, and therefore, must be held responsible for the dismal state of affairs. ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.) would also like to state that Nike must try to follow those safety standards that prevail in the United States, of course, with a few modifications wherever necessary, Nike being a responsible company that supposedly cares for people, and especially its workers. The reason is that in the country where the work is sublet to contractors, working conditions are pathetic, and even the existing rules and labor laws of the country are blatantly flaunted, like for example, workers only 13 years old, earning as little as 10 cents an hour are forced to toiled up to 17 hours everyday, and that too in an enforced silence, failure of which would mean a fine of $1.20 to $3.60 per violation, according to the Global Exchange Report, and this means that the rule stating that no child under 16 may work in a factory is being sullied everyday. ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.)

In Indonesia, for example, workers like framers receive about $1 per day, while Nike pays its workers about $2.28 per day. However, Nike is constantly bombarded with accusations that the pay rate for its workers is way too low. While this may be true for the United States of America, as far as Indonesia is concerned, the workers are being paid much more than they are accustomed to. One can even go so far as to say that the general working conditions for working classes in Indonesia are poor and appalling, and this may mean that wherever the workers were to work, be it in Nike, or in any other company, they would face the same distressing conditions. It is a fact that Nike is relentlessly subjected to negative publicity, in the main for its 'sweatshops'. To combat this, Nike hired Andrew Young, a man who had been an ambassador to the United Nations, and charged him with the responsibility of assessing the sweatshops. He visited fifteen factories in different countries and he stated that he saw nothing wrong with the workplaces, and that "...I saw crowded dorms... But the workers were eating at least two meals a day on the job and making what I was told were subsistence wages in those cultures." ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.)

Young had to face severe criticism after his comments, and a few years later, Nike decided to set up a task force made up of industry leaders, people from human rights groups, and labor leaders, who would try to banish sweat shops. An agreement was reached, wherein U.S. manufacturers would protect the rights of their workers abroad, and also ensure that the work week would last up to 60 hours, and that minimum wages would be paid to their workers. The Fair Labor Association or the FLA, a monitoring association was created, which would examine whether companies were maintaining their promises. However, I feel that the criticism of Nike's sweatshops was not handled satisfactorily, and perhaps some other method may have been used to do it. Therefore, Nike has to bring in changes into its current policies even if they eventually hinder the ability of the company to compete with others. For example, Nike raised the age limit according to the ILO to 18 in footwear manufacturing units. This could be an excellent policy, but it was criticized saying that Nike had never bothered with child labor laws, and therefore why was it doing it now? Is it a public relations stunt, asked critics. The thing that needs to be changed is the minimum wages, and not the minimum ages. ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.)

The Workers Rights Consortium or WRC, an alternating auditing association was set up by the United Students against Sweatshops or USAS, as a form of protest against Nike. In their opinion, the FLA, which had cropped up from the Presidential task force on sweatshops, was merely an industry tool, and could never be an independent auditor. This fact may be true, if one were to base one's opinion on widespread criticism on the Presidential campaign against sweatshops. Sweatshops are indeed a global problem, and several multinational companies that have manufacturing units outside their own countries, so that they may take advantage of cheap labor contribute to this problem, and the problem is in fact much larger than Nike, and the problem does not lie with just one individual factory, or one individual manager. The problem in fact lies with the global production system that has been lowering standards through the years, and has also been steadily contributing to the ever worsening conditions in developing countries across the world, and also in several factories across the United States of America. ("Nike: The Sweatshop Debate," n. d.)

One must try to find solutions to the problem of sweatshops by using the ingenious method of asking the workers. The need… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nike in Today's Increased Globalization" Assignment:


Answer the Case Discussion Questions following your selected case. Summarize the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in your selected case. Comment on recent global developments affecting the company in your selected case.

Cases: *****Nike: The Sweatshop Debate*****


Nike is in many ways the quintessential global corporation. Established in 1972 by former University of Oregon track star Phil Knight, Nike is now one of the leading marketers of athletic shoes and apparel on the planet. The company has $10 billion in annual revenues and sells its products in some 140 countries. Nike does not do any manufacturing. Rather, it designs and markets its products, while contracting for their manufacture from a global network of 600 factories scattered around the globe that employ some 550,000 people.1 This huge corporation has made Knight into one of the richest people in America. The Nike marketing phrase *****Just Do It!***** has become as recognizable in popular culture as its *****swoosh***** logo or the faces of its celebrity sponsors, such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.

For all of its successes, the company has been dogged for more than a decade by repeated and persistent accusations that its products are made in sweatshops where workers, many of them children, slave away in hazardous conditions for less than subsistence wages. Nike's wealth, its detractors claim, has been built upon the backs of the world's poor. To many, Nike has become a symbol of the evils of globalization*****”a rich Western corporation exploiting the world's poor to provide expensive shoes and apparel to the pampered consumers of the developed world. Nike's *****Niketown***** stores have become standard targets for antiglobalization protesters. Several nongovernmental organizations, such as San Franciso*****“based Global Exchange, a human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world, have targeted Nike for repeated criticism and protests.2 News organizations such as CBS's *****48 Hours***** hosted by Dan Rather have run exposés on working conditions in foreign factories that supply Nike. Students on the campuses of several major U.S. universities with which Nike has lucrative sponsorship deals have protested against the ties, citing Nike's use of sweatshop labor.

The Case against Nike

Typical of the exposés against Nike was a *****48 Hours***** report that aired October 17, 1996.3 Reporter Roberta Baskin visited a Nike factory in Vietnam. With a shot of the factory, her commentary began:

The signs are everywhere of an American invasion in search of cheap labor. Millions of people who are literate, disciplined, and desperate for jobs. This is Nike Town near what use to be called Saigon, one of four factories Nike doesn't own but subcontracts to make a million shoes a month. It takes 25,000 workers, mostly young women, to *****Just Do It.*****

But the workers here don't share in Nike's huge profits.

They work six days a week for only $40 a month, just 20 cents an hour.

Baskin interviewed one factory worker, a young woman named Lap. Baskin told viewers:

Her basic wage, even as sewing team leader, still doesn't amount to the minimum wage *****¦ She's down to 85 pounds. Like most of the young women who make shoes, she has little choice but to accept the low wages and long hours. Nike says that it requires all subcontractors to obey local laws; but Lap has already put in much more overtime than the annual legal limit: 200 hours.

Baskin then asked Lap what would happen if she was sick or had something she needed to take care of, such as a sick relative, and needed to leave the factory? Through a translator, Lap replied:

It is not possible if you haven't made enough shoes. You have to meet the quota before you can go home.

The clear implication of the story was that Nike was at fault here for allowing such working conditions to persist in the Vietnam factory, which was owned by a Korean company.

Another attack on Nike's subcontracting practices came in June 1996 from Made in the USA, a foundation largely financed by labor unions and domestic apparel manufacturers that oppose free trade with low-wage countries. According to Joel Joseph, chairman of the foundation, a popular line of high-priced Nike sneakers, the *****Air Jordans,***** were put together by 11-year-olds in Indonesia making 14 cents per hour. A Nike spokeswoman, Donna Gibbs, countered that this was false. According to Gibbs, the average worker made 240,000 rupiah ($103) a month working a maximum 54-hour week, or about 45 cents per hour. Gibbs also noted that Nike had staff members in each factory monitoring conditions to make sure the factory obeyed local minimum wage and child labor laws.4

Another example of the criticism against Nike is the following extract from a newsletter published by Global Exchange:5

During the 1970s, most Nike shoes were made in South Korea and Taiwan. When workers there gained new freedom to organize and wages began to rise, Nike looked for *****greener pastures.***** It found them in Indonesia and China, where Nike started producing in the 1980s, and most recently in Vietnam.

The majority of Nike shoes are made in Indonesia and China, countries with governments that prohibit independent unions and set the minimum wage at rock bottom. The Indonesian government admits that the minimum wage there does not provide enough to supply the basic needs of one person, let alone a family. In early 1997 the entry-level wage was a miserable $2.46 a day. Labor groups estimate that a livable wage in Indonesia is about $4.00 a day.

In Vietnam the pay is even less*****”20 cents an hour, or a mere $1.60 a day. But in urban Vietnam, three simple meals cost about $2.10 a day, and then of course there is rent, transportation, clothing, health care, and much more. According to Thuyen Nguyen of Vietnam Labor Watch, a living wage in Vietnam is at least $3 a day.

In another attack on Nike's practices, in September 1997 Global Exchange published a report on working conditions in four Nike and Reebok subcontractors in southern China.6 Global Exchange, in conjunction with two Hong Kong human rights groups, had interviewed workers at the factories in 1995 and again in 1997. According to Global Exchange, in one factory, a Koreanowned subcontractor for Nike, workers as young as 13 earning as little as 10 cents an hour toiled up to 17 hours daily in enforced silence. Talking during work was not allowed, with violators fined $1.20 to $3.60, according to the report. The practices were in violation of Chinese labor law, which states that no child under 16 may work in a factory, and the Chinese minimum wage requirement of $1.90 for an eight-hour day. Nike condemned the study as erroneous, stating that the report incorrectly stated the wages of workers and made irresponsible accusations.

Global Exchange, however, continued to be a major thorn in Nike's side. In November 1997, the organization obtained and then leaked a confidential report by Ernst & Young of an audit that Nike had commissioned of a factory in Vietnam owned by a Nike subcontractor.7 The factory had 9,200 workers and made 400,000 pairs of shoes a month. The Ernst & Young report painted a dismal picture of thousands of young women, most under age 25, laboring 10 1/2 hours a day, six days a week, in excessive heat and noise and in foul air, for slightly more than $10 a week. The report also found that workers with skin or breathing problems had not been transferred to departments free of chemicals and that more than half the workers who dealt with dangerous chemicals did not wear protective masks or gloves. It claimed workers were exposed to carcinogens that exceeded local legal standards by 177 times in parts of the plant and that 77 percent of the employees suffered from respiratory problems.

Put on the defensive yet again, Nike called a news conference and pointed out that it had commissioned the report and had acted on it.8 The company stated it had formulated an action plan to deal with the problems cited in the report, and had slashed overtime, improved safety and ventilation, and reduced the use of toxic chemicals. The company also asserted that the report showed that its internal monitoring system had performed exactly as it should have. According to one spokesman:

This shows our system of monitoring works *****¦ We have uncovered these issues clearly before anyone else, and we have moved fairly expeditiously to correct them.

Nike's Responses

Unaccustomed to playing defense, Nike formulated a number of strategies and tactics to deal with the problems of working conditions and pay at subcontractors. In 1996, Nike hired Andrew Young, onetime U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former Atlanta mayor, to assess working conditions in subcontractors' plants around the world. Young released a mildly critical report of Nike in mid-1997. After completing a two-week tour that covered 15 factories in three countries, Young informed Nike it was doing a good job in treating workers, though it should do better. According to Young, he did not see

sweatshops, or hostile conditions *****¦ I saw crowded dorms *****¦ but the workers were eating at least two meals a day on the job and making what I was told were subsistence wages in those cultures.9

Young was widely criticized by human rights and labor groups for not taking his own translators and for doing slipshod inspections, an assertion he repeatedly denied.

In 1996, Nike joined a presidential task force designed to find a way of banishing sweatshops in the shoe and clothing industries. The task force included industry leaders such as Nike, representatives from human rights groups, and labor leaders. In April 1997, the task force announced an agreement for workers rights that U.S. companies could agree to when manufacturing abroad. The accord limited the work week to 60 hours and called for paying at least the local minimum wage in foreign factories. The task force also agreed to establish an independent monitoring association*****”later named the Fair Labor Association (FLA)*****”to assess whether companies are abiding by the code.10

The FLA now includes among its members the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, the National Council of Churches, the International Labor Rights Fund, some 135 universities (universities have extensive licensing agreements with sports apparel companies such as Nike), and companies such as Nike, Reebok, and Levi Strauss. In early 1997, Nike also began to commission independent organizations such as Ernst & Young to audit the factories of its subcontractors. In September 1997, Nike tried to show its critics that it was involved in more than just a public relations exercise when it terminated its relationship with four Indonesian subcontractors, stating that they had refused to comply with the company's standard for wage levels and working conditions. Nike identified one of the subcontractors, Seyon, which manufactured specialty sports gloves for Nike. Nike said that Seyon refused to meet a 10.7 percent increase in the monthly wage, to $70.30, declared by the Indonesian government in April 1997.11

On May 12, 1998, in a speech given at the National Press Club, Phil Knight spelled out in detail a series of initiatives designed to improve working conditions for the 500,000 people that make products for Nike.12 Among the initiatives Knight highlighted were the following:

We have effectively changed our minimum age limits from the ILO (International Labor Organization) standards of 15 in most countries and 14 in developing countries to 18 in all footwear manufacturing and 16 in all other types of manufacturing (apparel, accessories, and equipment.). Existing workers legally employed under the former limits were grandfathered into the new requirements.

During the past 13 months we have moved to a 100 percent factory audit scheme, where every Nike contract factory will receive an annual check by Pricewaterhouse Coopers teams who are specially trained on our Code of Conduct Owner's Manual and audit/monitoring procedures. To date they have performed about 300 such monitoring visits. In a few instances in apparel factories they have found workers under our age standards. Those factories have been required to raise their standards to 17 years of age, to require three documents certifying age, and to redouble their efforts to ensure workers meet those standards through interviews and records checks.

Our goal was to ensure workers around the globe are protected by requiring factories to have no workers exposed to levels above those mandated by the permissible exposure limits (PELs) for chemicals prescribed in the OSHA indoor air quality standards.13

These moves were applauded in the business press, but they were greeted with a skeptical response from Nike's long-term adversaries in the debate over the use of foreign labor. While conceding that Nike's policies were an improvement, one critic writing in the New York Times noted:

Mr. Knight's child labor initiative is *****¦ a smoke screen. Child labor has not been a big problem with Nike, and Philip Knight knows that better than anyone. But public relations is public relations. So he announces that he's not going to let the factories hire kids, and suddenly that's the headline.

Mr. Knight is like a three-card monte player. You have to keep a close eye on him at all times.

The biggest problem with Nike is that its overseas workers make wretched, below-subsistence wages. It's not the minimum age that needs raising, it's the minimum wage. Most of the workers in Nike factories in China and Vietnam make less than $2 a day, well below the subsistence levels in those countries. In Indonesia the pay is less than $1 a day.

The company's current strategy is to reshape its public image while doing as little as possible for the workers. Does anyone think it was an accident that Nike set up shop in human rights sinkholes, where labor organizing was viewed as a criminal activity and deeply impoverished workers were willing, even eager, to take their places on assembly lines and work for next to nothing?14

Other critics question the value of Nike's auditors, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC). Dara O'Rourke, an assistant professor at MIT, followed the PwC auditors around several factories in China, Korea, and Vietnam. He concluded that although the auditors found minor violations of labor laws and codes of conduct, they missed major labor practice issues including hazardous working conditions, violations of overtime laws, and violation of wage laws. The problem, according to O'Rourke, was that the auditors had limited training and relied on factory managers for data and to set up worker interviews, all of which were performed in the factories. The auditors, in other words, were getting an incomplete and somewhat sanitized view of conditions in the factory.15

The Controversy Continues

Fueled perhaps by the unforgiving criticisms of Nike that continued after Phil Knight's May 1998 speech, beginning in 1998 and continuing into 2001, a wave of protests against Nike occurred on many university campuses. The moving force behind the protests was the United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). The USAS argued that the Fair Labor Association (FLA), which grew out of the presidential task force on sweatshops, was an industry tool, and not a truly independent auditor of foreign factories. The USAS set up an alternative independent auditing organization, the Workers Rights Consortium (WRC), which they charged with auditing factories that produce products under collegiate licensing programs (Nike is a high profile supplier of products under these programs). The WRC is backed, and partly funded, by labor unions and refuses to cooperate with companies, arguing that doing so would jeopardize its independence.

By mid-2000, the WRC had persuaded some 48 universities to join the organization, including all nine calmpuses of the University of California system, the University of Michigan, and the University of Oregon, Phil Knight's alma mater. When Knight heard that the University of Oregon would join the WRC, as opposed to the FLA, he withdrew a planned $30 million donation to the university.16 Despite this, in November 2000, the University of Washington announced it too would join the WRC, although it would also retain its membership in the FLA.17

Nike continued to push forward with its own initiatives, updating progress on its website. In April 2000, in response topressure that it was still hiding poor working conditions, Nike announced it would release the complete reports of all independent audits of its subcontractors' plants. Global Exchange continued to criticize the company, arguing in mid-2001 that the company was not living up to Knight's 1998 promises, and that it was intimidating workers from speaking out about abuses.18

Case Discussion Questions

1. Should Nike be held responsible for working contitions in foreign factories that it does not own, but where subcontractors make products for Nike?

2. What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, or those prevailing in the United States?

3. An income of $2.28 a day, the base pay of Nike factory workers in Indonesia, is double the daily income of about half the working population. Half of all adults in Indonesia are farmers, who receive less than $1 a day.19 Given this, is it correct to criticize Nike for the low pay rates of its subcontractors in Indonesia?

4. Could Nike have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better? What might it have done differently, not just from a public relations perspective, but also from a policy perspective?

5. Do you think Nike needs to make any changes to its current policy? If so what? Should Nike make changes even if they hinder the ability of the company to compete?

6. Is the WRC right to argue that the FLA is a tool of industry?

7. If sweatshops are a global problem, what might be a global solution to this problem?

How to Reference "Nike in Today's Increased Globalization" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Nike in Today's Increased Globalization.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Nike in Today's Increased Globalization (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Nike in Today's Increased Globalization. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Nike in Today's Increased Globalization” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838.
”Nike in Today's Increased Globalization” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838.
[1] ”Nike in Today's Increased Globalization”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Nike in Today's Increased Globalization [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838
1. Nike in Today's Increased Globalization. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/nike-today-increased-globalization/6065838. Published 2007. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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