Case Study on "New York Times Case"

Case Study 4 pages (1112 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .

New York Times Case

Case Synopsis

The case commences with the mentioning of the internal crises to which the New York Times has been subjected throughout its existence, and continues by arguing that challenges to organizational success were not only emerged from within the company's internal environment, but also from the external environment. Some issues which raised challenges include the changing political climate, the rapid advancements within the field of technology, the changing features of the competition or the changing structures of the media industry.

The case also focuses on the New York Times as a valuable social component, but also in its quality of family business. It details several aspects of the media industry, such as the changes which have occurred in structure, or the strategies which have been implemented by the players to maintain and improve their competitive levels. Of interesting note are the elements of Times' strategy, such as the expansion into various markets or its commitment to its long-term plan of quality journalism.

2. Case Analysis

2.1. Times' Product Markets

A product market is generically defined as "a broad group of products that satisfy a general, yet similar, need" (Cravens and Piercy). For Times, the product market was constituted by a series of journalism products, such as printed newspapers, articles within the online community or television programs. In the creation and sale of all its products, the company has maintained its integrity and its commitment to high quality journalism, even if this has at times brought them hardship.

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2.2. Matching of Customer Value Requirements with Company Capabilities

The company has consistently fought to implement strategies which satisfied the customers. It has strived to make its product available on various media channels or it has fought to improve the quality of the journalism with which it presented the audience. Yet, in some cases, this commitment to high quality -- materialized for instance in the pouring of money into graphic designs and story verification -- has delayed in retrieving the desired results. In turn, the impact was that of registration of high costs, which has dissatisfied the Times shareholders.

Overall, the company has strived to satisfy the customer and has recognized that customer satisfaction is the key to organizational success. Yet, in achieving the desired levels of customer satisfaction, the managerial team has remained true to its initial plan and focus on high quality journalism and expansion of its reach.

2.3. The Competitive Arena

The changes which have impacted the media throughout the past decade have also taken a tool on the features of the competition within the media. In a more specific formulation, the competition from substitute products has significantly increased due to the advent of the internet and the propagation of television. These additional pressures led to a structural change in the printed media field. Orville Schell, dean of the journalism school at the University of California explains: "the Roman Empire that was media is breaking up, and we are entering an almost feudal period where there will be many more centers of power and influence. […] it's a kind of disaggregation of the molecular structure of the media" (Cravens and Piercy). Part of this restructuring strategy has been constituted by the mergers which occurred between various media firms (part of this strategy, the New York Times acquired the Herald Tribune).


Quoted Instructions for "New York Times Case" Assignment:

(Using the book Strategic Marketing, 9th Edition ***** W. Cravens and Nigel F. Piercy)

Page 34

Your case analysis needs to cover: (In this order)

1. A synopsis of the situation including identifying the key issues in the case

2. A case analysis which includes a discussion on the following points:

a) Definition of the Times product-markets (see text page 53)

b) Whether the Times matches customers*****' value requirements with the company*****'s distinctive capabilities? Why or why not?

c) An identification and discuss the competitive arena in which the Timesoperates (see page 61. emphasis on Exhibit 2.9)

d) An evaluation of the initiatives the Times instituted as discussed in the case study to counter the threats of a changing media world as identified in the above competitive analysis.

3. The case study in the text was written in 2005, please conduct some research into what has happened in the past five years and whether or not there has been any changes in your answers to section 2.

4. What do you believe are the prospects for the Times in the next three to five years?

The grading rubric for this case is as follows:






Minimal or no synopsis

Fair synopsis covering a holistic view of the situation plus some of the key issues

Good synopsis covering a holistic view of the situation plus most of the key issues

Comprehensive synopsis covering a holistic view of the situation plus all of the key issues






Times product-markets

Does not identify Times product markets

Identifies a few of Times product markets

Identifies most of Times product markets

Identifies all of Times product markets


Comparison of customers*****' value requirements with the company*****'s distinctive capabilities

Does not identify customers*****' value requirements or the company*****'s distinctive capabilities

Identifies some customers*****' value requirements and the company*****'s distinctive capabilities

Identifies most customers*****' value requirements and the company*****'s distinctive capabilities

Comprehensive comparison of customers*****' value requirements with the company*****'s distinctive capabilities


Identification of competitive arena

Does not identify competitive arena

Identifies a few of the competitive forces

Identifies most of the competitive forces

Comprehensive identification of the competitive landscape


Evaluation of initiatives

No evaluation

Fair evaluation of some of the initiatives

Good evaluation of most of the initiatives

Comprehensive evaluation of all of the initiatives


Research in the last five years

No or minimal research

Some research analysis with mostly non- scholarly sources

Good research analysis with mostly scholarly sources

Comprehensive research analysis with scholarly sources






Times prospects in the next 3-5 years

No prospects identified

Minimal prospects identified with minimal support

Prospects supported with general arguments

Prospects well supported with substantive arguments







No paper

Un-structured case analysis, difficult to read. Spelling mistakes

Well structured case analysis, easy to read. A few spelling mistakes

Well structured case analysis, easy to read. No spelling mistakes




How to Reference "New York Times Case" Case Study in a Bibliography

New York Times Case.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

New York Times Case (2010). Retrieved from (2010). New York Times Case. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”New York Times Case” 2010.
”New York Times Case”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”New York Times Case”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. New York Times Case [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. New York Times Case. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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