Research Proposal on "New Generation Technology"

Research Proposal 8 pages (2581 words) Sources: 5

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New Generation Technology

CRM at Dell:

Driving Greater Accuracy of Build-to-Order

Selling Strategies with Better Customer Relationships

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Dell Inc. is today a $61B manufacturer of PCs, servers, laptops and tablet PCs, in addition to servers and network storage systems. The company operates in over 50 countries and has distributed its sales forces across the government, enterprise, small & medium business, and state and local government markets. Dell has succeeded in growing profitably and consistently across the last decade due to their highly efficient and unique supply chain that fuels their build-to-order production system and selling strategies globally (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). Dell also has successfully been able to create highly collaborative workflows throughout its supply chains and have successfully transformed knowledge into a competitive advantage (Bilek, 2010). With each new product introduction, Dell adds in additional suppliers, and needs to have an even greater level of accuracy on forecasts from their customers. Dell has such a rapidly growing customer base that they need to be able to capture the highest value accounts, from individuals to corporations, and make the most of these relationships with customers with could be among the most profitable the company has (Sprangel, Stavros, Cole, 2011). Dell is well organized at the supply chain and value chain levels, yet however is continually seeing their rapid growth of customers causing confusion in new product development, forecasting, planning and executing services, and also migrating customers from one product generation
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to the next. The intent of these recommendations is to better align customer data with the build-to-order supply chain, production and forecasting processes that are at the center of the company's unique competitive advantage.

Executive Summary

Dell Inc. has been able to successfully integrate its supply chain systems and processes with the core unique value proposition of the company, which is its unique build-to-order production system. Dell has also successfully applied their build-to-order production processes to a wide variety of systems and products, often with the result being significant revenue and profit gains (Bilek, 2010). The one aspect of Dell's operations that continue to elude their ability to effectively execute is how to capture customer data for those customers who rely on their build-to-order production capabilities the most. At present, the Dell Inc. systems do not differentiate which customers are the most loyal to build-to-order systems vs. off-the-shelf products. Having this insight would save thousands of hours a year in selling strategy development and would also streamline the supply chain performance of the company overall.

Definition and History of Technology


The innovations within the Dell value chain have led to customers anywhere in the world being able to order a laptop, PC or server system within 72 hours configured to their specific requirements (Bilek, 2010). Dell was the originator of the complex manufacturing processes of build-to-order, configure-to-order and engineer-to-order and has also continually added to the base of knowledge as it relates to system and process integration for customized complex systems (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). Taken together, all of these factors have led to Dell being able to define best practices in supply chain management (SCM) and the new product development and introduction (NPDI) process where the company can launch a new system within 16 weeks of the initial product specification being written (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). Dell continues to work with suppliers and takes a very analytics-driven, engineering-centric approach to product development, which has given the company a major speed advantage relative to its competitors globally. The Dell culture is one that thrives on analytics and is driven more by costs and a focus on expediting new product development than any other factor (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). This emphasis on new product development must pervade the company as they compete in markets where the lifecycles can average less than a year in many cases.

The performance of the Dell supply chain and its build-to-order production systems is well defined and works in a synchronized series of strategies for every new product introduction planned (Kapuscinski, Zhang, Carbonneau, Moore, Reeves, 2004). The metrics of how efficient the company is at new product introductions that is considered one of the most profitable processes the company has today, as it generates on average 60% or more of their applications (Kapuscinski, Zhang, Carbonneau, Moore, Reeves, 2004). A large percentage of this revenue is derived through sales on the company's internal e-commerce system that are specifically designed to support state & local government selling, in addition to their largest customers also having access to ordering through secured portals where orders of customized PCs, laptops and systems can be ordered. These internal portals are called Dell Premier Pages and there are approximately 700 of them globally for many of the world's largest corporations, federal, state and local governments (Kapuscinski, Zhang, Carbonneau, Moore, Reeves, 2004). These Premier Pages are not connected to any of the CRM systems and also do not connect with the Master Data Management (MDM) systems either. They are also not connected with the build-to-order quoting and ordering history, two vital areas of the build-to-order systems that could provide useful information into how better to plan the next generation of systems across all product categories. There is significant potential for gaining insights into customer requirements by customized systems by integrating these systems together and defining a CRM system that takes into account quoting and product configuration data (Ling-yee, 2011).


The Dell business model is predicated on the use of a centralized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that acts as the catalyst for the supply chain management (SCM), logistics, Electronic Data Interface (EDI) and integration to the many other it systems that production relies on. Figure 1, Overview of the Dell ERP System Platform, shows how the systems were initially organized. Note that there is only support for CRM in the context of Dell Premier Pages and e-commerce.

Figure 1: Overview of the Dell ERP System Platform

Based on analysis of Source: (Kapuscinski, Zhang, Carbonneau, Moore, Reeves, 2004)

In the past, CRM systems were not a priority in Dell, Inc., which relied on supply chain and production efficiency and only provided configuration data into the online e-commerce systems including product configurators and guided selling systems during the phase of product introductions (Bilek, 2010). Absent is a strategy for ensuring a high level of customer data integration and a focus on how to create a customer-driven system of record (Finnegan, Currie, 2010). As Dell continues to move into entirely new product categories, this lack of a centralized customer system of record begins to slow down the rate and profitability of growth. It is also evident from looking at the approach Dell initially defined its internal systems that even if there was an intention to create long-lasting relationships with customers, it would be very difficult given the system architecture (Sprangel, Stavros, Cole, 2011).

Background of Dell and it Reliance on the Build-to-Order Business Model

At the center of the Dell business model is the build-to-order production process the company has transformed into a sustainable competitive advantage over time. The synchronization of the supply chain, pricing, services, procurement, direct selling, and marketing departments transformed the new product development and launch process into a well-orchestrated series of events the company could complete relatively easy after years of experience (Bilek, 2010). The Dell build-to-order model excelled in the initial stages of its development in managing the assemble-to-order and build-to-order production processes where the products being sold were at most 30% customized for a given customers' needs (Bilek, 2010). With a relative low level of product customization the company felt that there would be little need for getting deep into customer data and using a CRM system to capture needs when their online product configurators were doing that already with a high degree of granularity and focus (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2009). The culture internally within Dell was so engineering-centric at the time that the focus on pure execution and efficiency overtook the need for customer data, and the belief that pure efficiency would be the best strategy for growth (Bilek, 2010). This is typical of high-growth technology businesses that believe in the power of their product strategies and speed of execution over listening to customers (Ernst, Hoyer, Krafft, Krieger, 2011). Figure 2, Dell Inc., Marketing and Manufacturing Process Integration shows how Dell operated for decades, taking into account Demand Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning on the Marketing side and Manufacturing supporting the core ERP functions of Master Production Scheduling and Procurement Planning. These critical processes were often done in isolation from customers input and insight, which eventually led to Dell becoming so myopic in focus that they lost focus on where customers were going with their needs and requirements. While these systems shown in Figure 2 ran as efficiently as ever, they were slowly becoming irrelevant because they were not anchored in customer needs.

This myopic focus cost the company valuable and profitable customer relationships, which is often the case within companies who allow technology to dominate their focus instead of unmet… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "New Generation Technology" Assignment:

Essay Instructions

Applied Research Project Details and Topics

You have been asked by the executive committee of your company to give a report on the strategic implications of information technology on your business over the next three years. Here are brief steps that can help in forming how you will complete the project:

-Find a business need that can be satisfied with technology

-Research available options

-Assess solutions based on decision criteria

-Rcommend and justify your solution

This report will be written with the intention to submit it to the executive committee. The executive committee has identified a number of potential research topics (not intended to be all inclusive) that include:

*****¢ Information Superhighway

o Internet

o Internet2

o Strategic e-commerce

o Broadband

o Internet Legislation including taxation

o Internet security

*****¢ IS Management

o Outsourcing

o ASP*****'s

o Business Process Reengineering




o Website Development

o Linux

*****¢ Corporate Applications

o Information Security


o Expert Systems

o Artificial Intelligence


o Groupware

o Intranets/Extranets

*****¢ Telecommunications and Networks

o Gigabit and higher networks

o SAN*****'s

o Video Conferencing

o VoIP

o Wireless networking

*****¢ IS Acquisitions

o Cost Justification Methodology

o Total Cost of Ownership

o Systems Development Life Cycle

o Prototyping

o Weighted Criteria Analysis

*****¢ Miscellaneous

o Computer Ethics

o Virtual Reality

o Multimedia

o Telecommuting

o Data Security

o International Issues

o Computer Based Learning

*****¢ Technology

o Wireless Broadband

o 64 Bit Microprocessor and associated chip sets

o Portable Computing trends

*****¢ End User Software/Applications

o Database trends

o Operating System trends

o Office Suite trends

o Project Management trends

Pick a topic from one major area and subcategory. Then choose a specific company (either one you work for or one you have researched) and prepare a written report using APA format. You may find information about APA in the Syllabus. The HUB 2.0 Student Resources center contains a variety of guides for APA which may be helpful as well.

The paper needs to include a recommendation on what strategic action to take relative to the topic selected as well as the impact on the selected company over a three year time frame. The paper should follow this general outline:

I. Definition of the subject

II. Brief background of the company you have chosen

III. Discussion of Current Business Issues (the issues would be addressed by your chosen topic)

IV. Discussion of Proposed Solution (how the chosen topic addresses the business issues described)

V. Recommendations for the Executive Committee (supported by strategic impact of topic over a three year time frame)

VI. Attachments

i. Reference List

ii. Exhibits of any material that can be used to support assertions made or facts presented in the paper.

General Expectations for your Final Paper

The paper should follow the APA style of citing references and should include no fewer than five reference citations.

Use the library available credible resources on the Internet.

The paper should be between 8-10 double-spaced pages (excluding title page, abstract, bibliography and attachments). 8 to 10 pages of content correlates to 2,000 to 2,500 words.

Reference direct quotations and paraphrased material from your research appropriately via APA style.

Below is an example of what the paper needs to resemble ( this is an example that was given to us by the professor as a SIMPLY A GUIDE)

Technology-Mediated Learning Environment -- TutorPro

Example used with permission from the student 2/18/2010.*****ƒ











This research paper examines the technology-mediated learning environment and the advantages of using online technology to facilitate staff training. Additionally, this paper discusses Law FirmX*****'s implementation of desktop tutorial software program *****"TutorPro*****" with the purpose of increasing secretarial skill competency levels. This paper illustrates how FirmX can increase employee commitment, minimize resistance by effectively communicating the firm*****s expectations. Lastly, this paper outlines recommendations on how FirmX*****'s implementation of TutorPro will assist the firm*****'s short and long-term goals in meeting their strategic goals and objectives.



TML is defined as an *****environment in which the learners*****' interactions with learning materials (readings, assignments, exercises, etc.), peers and/or instructors are mediated through advanced information technologies.***** (Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. 2001, p. 2). Learning instruction refers to *****situations in which one individual intentionally tries to influence the learning of another by structuring the environment of the learner in a manner where the individual will achieve a desired outcome.***** (Shuell & Lee, 1976). Two important trends in the training area are *****"1) the influence of technology in all learning scenarios referred to as technology-mediated learning and 2) the move toward more social forms of learning.*****" (Arthur, et al., 2003).

Technology-mediated learning (*****TML*****) environment assists in the need for education to be readily accessible and flexible. There is an *****increased demand for a highly educated workforce and for the continuous learning and upgrading of employees*****' skill set.***** (Alavi, & Leidner, 2001, p. 2). It can be difficult and expensive for organizations to release a number of staff for fixed training. Employers often prefer TML since it provides employees flexibility and convenience to increase skill level when it is conducive to employee*****'s schedules and without being released from the work station. With an increasing number of organizations focusing *****on internal capabilities for success, training is no longer a cost center but a strategic one.***** (Gupta & Bostrom, 2009, p. 687). Moreover, TML has reduced the need for organizations to hire a internal and external consultant to train employees.***** Training is one of the most common methods companies employ to enhance the productivity of individuals and to communicate organizational goals to new employees.***** (Smith & Reed, 2008, p. 1).


*****The trend in TML investment is highly visible in both organizations and academic institutions.***** (Gupta & Bostrom, 2009, p. 687). In 2008, *****"U.S. organizations with 100 or more employees spent $134.39 billion on formal training, with 32.6 percent performed through technology mediation.*****" (ASTD, 2008). By the end of 2009, Gartner predicts that *****"60 percent of core business processes and software will include a TML component.*****" (Gartner, 2004).


FirmX is a private law firm with headquarters in Chicago and satellite offices in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C. The law firm provides legal counsel and advice regarding client*****s legal rights and responsibilities in civil, corporate and government cases, business transactions and numerous other practice areas. The firm has an outstanding record of providing legal services to public service and pro bono advocacy In the DC office, there are approximately seventy attorneys and forty-five support staff, which consist of legal secretaries, assistants, and paralegals.


*****There is a widespread recognition that organizations need to continuously enhance their capabilities to retain a competitive edge in a highly complex business environment.***** (Hazarika, 2008, p. 63). Today*****s attorneys have different secretarial needs and expectations. This generation expects secretaries to possess intermediate and advanced skills in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Secretarial skills such as dictation, shorthand, etc. have been replaced with innovative technology. Today*****'s secretaries are required to be highly proficient in working in multiple documents simultaneously, inserting an excel spreadsheet in a Word document, generate a table of contents, coordinate video and VoIP conferences, and create PowerPoint presentations, graphics, etc.

Presently, a significant number of secretaries at FirmX do not possess proficient skill sets. For many years, were not encouraged or held accountable to attend training classes to improve their proficiency. In the last year, FirmX attempted to increase secretarial proficiency by offering training workshops. However, problems arose when secretaries were away to attend training classes. The firm did not want the added expense of hiring temporary workers. The firm attempted to solve this issue by scheduling training sessions in the morning and afternoon. Nonetheless, attorneys complained that their assigned relief secretary often did not possess the skill set they needed to effectively assist them. For example, if a secretary supported an attorney who required advanced PowerPoint skills, the covering secretary may not be proficient in this area since her attorneys did not work in PowerPoint.

FirmX*****'s intended outcome is to ensure that all secretaries are proficient in all areas and can cover any attorney regardless of their area of expertise or secretarial needs. The need for advanced training is critical if FirmX wants to remain competitive as technology-mediated learning environments are designed as solutions to challenges the firm faces in the complex, rapidly changing business environment. Statistics have revealed that technology-mediated environments present important opportunities for fostering learning.

A large number of Firm X*****s support staff have resisted the desktop online training software by withholding information about their current skill set, failing to fill out questionnaire to assist trainers, malicious compliance and failing to implement change. Employees resist change for several reasons. Some simply do not like change, there is an attachment to the established organizational culture/identity, and employees want and expect situations to remain unchanged. Moreover, *****"employees have a discomfort with uncertainty, a lack of conviction that change is needed or a lack of clarity as to what is expected.*****" (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2008, p. 163). To build support for change and minimize resistance, leaders must maintain clear focus, identify resistors, determine whether further analysis of change should be made, and respect the resistors and treat their views with respect. (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2008).

In order to successfully implement the desktop tutorial, the firm must develop effective strategy for assigning secretaries whose knowledge, skill, abilities, and experience match the attorney needs. For example, if attorneys require a secretary that is proficient in creating and editing PowerPoint slides, it would be illogical to assign them a secretary with basic PowerPoint skills. The firm must create long and short-term strategic goals that are aligned with the firm*****s vision and mission. *****Effective strategies are the means of pursing the vision and mission.***** (Carter, 2008, p. 20). The strategy should address key issues such as *****What is the firm trying to do with TutorPro? Is the right change for our firm? Who will be the resistors and how can we minimize the resistance? All these questions provide a platform in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the change initiative.


Web-based technology has a dramatic impact on learning and teaching. FirmX purchased TutorPro, a technology-mediated technology software tutorial for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Secretaries can access this tutorial 24-7 on their desktop. The software modules teach basic, intermediate and advanced concepts. TutorPro is a 100% web-based blended learning management system (BLMS) that enables organizations to manage and integrate various types of training. (Tutor Pro, e-learning). Users of this software are able to randomly select topics and create their own training schedules. Most modules can be completed in fifteen minutes. The advantages of implementing technology-mediated technology include:

*****¢ Drastically reduces help desk calls and the need for in-house trainers. Since the implementation of TutorPro, the firm laid off one trainer in the DC office and three trainers and two help desk employees in the Chicago office; all offices call one designated help desk number for assistance.

*****¢ Reduces learning curve on new applications and builds employee skill set and confidence;

*****¢ Secretaries are not away from their desk while on TutorPro, this permits secretaries to answer phones and handle other tasks simultaneously;

*****¢ Provides training materials in a single location; and

*****¢ Tracks employee usage and assists in the personal growth of employee.

The software was rolled out about a year ago; the firm created a pilot program with secretaries using the tutorial to solicit comments, suggestions, and work out glitches and issues with the software. Once an employee has mastered a module, they are tested to assess proficiency. There is an unlimited amount of time to use the tutorial and take the quizzes.

Beginning in 2010, secretarial staff will be tested online on their proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Secretaries must complete ten hours of instruction from TutorPro every year. The tests results are a determining factor in annual increases and year-end bonuses. In order to receive a raise, employees must successfully pass Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with an 80% score in each area. Employees who fail to attain an 80% may retake the test. It is not yet clear how many times an employee can take the test. The intended outcome of this change is to ensure that all secretaries are proficient in all areas and can cover any attorney regardless of their area of expertise or secretarial need.


In order to revitalize firms for effective change, it is vital to reorganize employees***** roles, responsibilities, and relationships to solve specific business problems are an important part of corporate renewal. (Beer, 1990, p. 2). In order to improve the structure process of implementing change initiatives, organizations must develop a shared vision of how to *****organize and manage for competitiveness, promote consensus for the new vision, competence to enact, it and cohesion to move it along.***** (Beer, M. 1990, p.1). Simply put, employees need to know and understand how the change will affect them and their future with the firm.

The firm can test their readiness for change by understanding how employees will respond to change, how to plan change, and how to manage both the human and organizational aspects of change. Setting both short and long-term objectives are strongly related to the drivers of change and therefore, evolve around cost reduction, increase staff proficiency levels, cultural alignment, and operational effectiveness and efficiency. Short-term objectives and benefits lie in operational improvements and improved communication. (Myer, 2007).

Recommendations (Three-Year Timeline)

*****¢ After first year of TutorPro training, Firm X will add other forms of online technology such as webinars covering topics as improving time management skills, coping with stress in the workplace, enhancing writing skills, e-mail etiquette, etc. All features will be accessed from their desktop. The firm will create reference books for easy access.

*****¢ Second Year -- Increase knowledge of help desk personnel to assist employees with questions or problems with TutorPro. Add billing feature to TutorPro menu. Secretaries enter attorneys time spent on each case. At the end of the month, an invoice is generated that is sent to the client. Currently billing is not on Tutor Pro or part of orientation but since it is one of the most important tasks a legal secretary is required to do, it is imperative that proper training be implemented promptly.

*****¢ FirmX must implement TutorPro as part of the orientation process. Staff should have a minimum of three-day training where they can determine their strength and weaknesses and create a strategic plan on how to improve their weaknesses using the online tutorial.

*****¢ FirmX must improve communication efforts with staff regarding the specific details of the process. Mass communication efforts such as websites, face-to-face communication, video presentations and interoffice newsletters work well in building awareness regarding new initiatives and piquing staff interest in more effective instructional strategies. Honest and frequent communication will minimize resistance to this change initiative.

*****¢ Third Year --- FirmX will implement policies for rewards and incentives to encourage staff to engage in training and development efforts, to recognize achievement, and to foster continuing staff support. FirmX should consider utilizing employees to volunteer to train coworkers on areas where they possess extensive knowledge and expertise. This would ultimately reduce the need to have trainers in each office.

FirmX can increase their success of implementing TutorPro by developing and organizing strategic plans. FirmX must clearly identify their primary goals and objectives for TutorPro based on their mission and vision statements. Moreover, they must also examine factors such as *****"understanding market forces, internal strengths and weaknesses, stakeholders, relevant technology, and legal and regulatory factors.*****" (Developing and deploying strategic plans).

FirmX*****'s resources and capabilities together form its distinctive competencies. *****"These competencies enable innovation, efficiency, quality, and customer responsiveness, all of which can be leveraged to create a differentiation advantage.*****" (Competitive Advantage, 1999-2007). FirmX*****'s goal is to position itself in their industry through differentiation advantage by developing highly-skilled employees who can quickly deliver superior quality documents, graphics, etc. This will allow FirmX to create a competitive advantage that ultimately results in superior value creation. (See Figure 2).



Conceptual Model of Technology-Mediated Learning


A Model of Competitive Advantage

Figure 2

Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Technology-Mediated Learning Figure 1: Conceptual Model of



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Hazarika, A. (2008). Leading and executing industry change through a learning network. vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 33(3), 63-77. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

Meyer, J., Srinivas, E., Lal, J., & Topolnytsky, L. (2007). Employee commitment and support for an organizational change: Test of the three-component model in two cultures. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 80(2), 185-211. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Palmer, I., & Dunford, R. & Akin, Gib. (2008). Managing organizational change, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill.

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Smith, B., & Reed, P. (2008). Greater flexibility for learning. Nursing Standard, 23(1), 64. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

How to Reference "New Generation Technology" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

New Generation Technology.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

New Generation Technology (2011). Retrieved from (2011). New Generation Technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”New Generation Technology” 2011.
”New Generation Technology”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”New Generation Technology”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. New Generation Technology [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. New Generation Technology. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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