Thesis on "Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women"

Thesis 6 pages (1641 words) Sources: 4

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Nationalized Health Care

Do Men and Women working in the Healthcare Industry Differ in their Views Regarding Government Subsidized Health Care?

Economic pressures have many issues on the minds of American citizens. Making ends meet can be difficult enough. However, just one trip to the emergency room can put an entirely new meaning on one's financial woes. With rising healthcare costs, many cannot afford to obtain the medical care that they need. Private insurance costs have risen disproportionately to wages, creating a financial strain that everyone can feel.

One of the most recently proposed solutions to the healthcare crisis in America is to institute some form of government subsidized healthcare program, similar to what Canada and other countries already have in place. There are proponents and opponents on both sides of the issue. Some fear that the quality of care would go down and that people would have long waits for life-saving procedures.

Others see it as just the solution that the country needs in order to make care fair and equitable for everyone. Those working in the healthcare industry have a unique perspective on the situation. This study will examine a group of workers in a hospital setting to determine if men and women feel differently about the issue of subsidized health care reform in the United States.

Research Questions

The central issue of the study is whether men and women working in the healthcare industry feel differently about the issue of subsidized healthcare for everyone in the United States. It will support the hypothesis that men and women will have differ
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ent opinions as to whether national healthcare should be instituted or not. The study will address several key research questions, including the following.

1. Will subsidized healthcare cost more in taxes than current healthcare premiums?

2. Will subsidized healthcare improve the accessibility to care for poor Americans?

3. Will subsidized healthcare place an unfair burden on the working class?

These key research questions will help the researcher to investigate the level of support between males and females in the healthcare industry.

Sample Population

The sample population for this study will consist persons currently working in the healthcare industry. It will include hospital workers in a variety of positions. It will only include those that actually have patient contact during the day such as technicians, schedulers and secretaries. It will not include those in non-patient related positions, such as maintenance personnel or food service workers. This sample population could have an affect on the outcome of the study due to the demographics of the group. It is expected that a higher number of the worker classes mentioned will be held by females, as opposed to males. This may create sampling bias in the study population by limiting the number of males that are available to participate.

Healthcare workers have inside information and see patients on a daily basis. They may have a different opinion from those that do not work inside the field. Men and women often see issues differently. These differences in opinion can provide valuable insight from a policy perspective. The sample population chosen for this study reflects different opinions from those that are no as familiar with the challenges and struggles that people face in regards to their healthcare. This sample population poses little threat to the validity of the study, other than the potential bias addressed earlier.

Study Design

The study will survey a population of 500. Of those, it is expected that 273 will respond the survey. The confidence level is 95%. The sampling error is +4. Participation in this survey will be voluntary. Hospital administration will be asked to help with the sample selection and administration of the survey. Surveys will be dropped off at the selected hospitals and left with the administration secretary. A memo will be sent out to all qualified employees informing them of the purpose of the study. Everyone that completes the survey will receive a free lunch at the cafeteria. This arrangement has been preapproved by administration. The administration secretary will hand out the surveys and collect them when they are complete. They will be placed in a manila envelope to be picked up at a prearranged time.

There are several possible sampling biases that may affect the study using his survey method. The first is that low income employees may be more enticed by the incentive offered than those in the higher pay brackets. The second is that not all employees prefer to eat in the hospital cafeteria. This study excludes those that prefer to eat elsewhere.

Sampling healthcare worker is expected to provide an interesting perspective on the issue. They are likely to have a different perspective from the general public or from economists. This opinion is likely to be biased. However, it is this biased perspective that the survey wishes to seek. This survey will provide a view from the inside, rather than from without.

Introduction to the Survey

One of the hottest debates on the political scene in recent years has been the debate over healthcare in the United States. Healthcare workers see the results of these policies and agendas on a daily basis. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions and feelings of healthcare workers regarding the proposed National Healthcare Plan. The following provides background information on the National Healthcare Plan, as it currently stands.

The average cost for an employer health plan for the average family of 4 is $12,700 (The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation). Costs have grown astronomically over the past several years, leaving many families unable to afford healthcare at all. This leaves nearly 46 million Americans uninsured (California Health Care Foundation). Paying for healthcare takes a huge bite out of what Americans are able to save. In the near future, these problems are expected to get much worse (Keehan).

Canada and many European nations have instituted universal health insurance coverage as a way to keep costs down for the citizens. The United States spend six times more pre-capita on healthcare than those countries that have nationalized healthcare for its citizens (McKinsey Global Institute). However, in the United States, this concept has met with resistance. The main point of contention, being concerns regarding access and quality of care.

Nationalized Healthcare has supporters and those that feel that it is bad idea. This is an issue that will affect every single person in the country at one time or another. No one is closer to the issue that patients and the healthcare workers that care for them every day. This study will provide a new perspective on the problem by considering the perspective of those that are closest to the issue on a daily basis.

National Healthcare Survey

Thank you for your interest in completing the National Healthcare Survey. Your responses will play an important role in helping leaders decide whether or not to support the proposed National Healthcare Plan.

Categorization Questions

Please Circle the Category that best describes you.

1. Are you Male or Female? Male Female

2. What is your age range?

18-30 31-45 46-60-60+

3. What is your average combined gross income for your household?

0-$25,000 $26,000-$50,000 $50,000-$100,000 over $100,000

4. What is your job title?

5. How long have you been working in the healthcare industry?

<1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 10-20 years 20+ years

In the following survey, you will be given a list of statements. Please mark an "X" in the box that most accurately reflects the degree with which you agree or disagree with them.

1 = Agree

2=Somewhat Agree

3 = Neither Agree/Nor Disagree

4= Somewhat Disagree

5= Disagree








Health care costs in the United States are a major problem for the average family.


Private health insurance adequately covers most problems.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women" Assignment:


Overview. Your job is to write a survey on an issue of your choice. The survey will be assessed on its ability to answer your research questions and its overall construction (e.g., question wording, question ordering, sampling bias).

Tasks: Your paper should have two parts.

I. Introduction. This is a normal written introduction in which you discuss why and how you are conducting your research. Quality of the writing counts along with content. Your introduction should cover the following issues:

A. Research questions. It should be clear to the reader what questions motivate your study. For example, *****Do people change their opinions and beliefs after spending time with a homeless person? This question is important given the homeless remain a stigmatized and marginalized group. As a result, contact between the homeless and domiciled is limited, which can bread misconceptions and distrust. However, the opinions held by domiciled individuals might change if they actually spent time with a homeless person. Indeed, a wealth of studies has shown that greater contact (i.e., the contact hypothesis) has led to an erosion of stereotypes the *****in-group***** holds of racial minorities, the disabled, the elderly, and people living with HIV and AIDS. This study is designed to test whether the contact hypothesis applies to domiciled/homeless interactions.*****

B. Population. You need to tell what your population is and how that might affect your results. *****The population of this study is all volunteers working at PHC. This population poses several threats to validity. First*****¦.*****

C. Sample size, confidence interval, and sampling error. *****Based on an estimated population of 700 volunteers, a confidence interval at 95 percent, and a sampling error of +/- 3, my sample size is 423.***** Use a calculator to figure out your sampling error (i.e.,

D. Sampling method and sampling bias. *****For this survey, I will obtain a list of all participants in PHC and then use a random number generator to select a sample. One possible bias in this sampling method is that some volunteers did not include their phone number*****¦. A second bias is that*****¦.*****

E. Mode of administration. *****The survey will be administered over the phone by a team of seven trained volunteers. The volunteers will *****¦*****

II. Survey. Your survey can be on any subject you like (within reason). It should include a minimum of 20 questions. When writing your survey, be sure to think about the following issues:

A. Introduction to the survey. All good surveys have a good introduction. You want to encourage people to take the survey without unduly biasing their answers.

B. Remember, an interviewer has to read the survey. Make it easy on the eyes.

C. Skip patterns. Your survey should have at least two skip patterns for details look at (

D. Minimize bias. Among the items were will be looking for are: question wording, response categories, question ordering effects.

E. Comparisons. Think in terms of what kinds of comparisons you want to make before you administer the survey. For example, you might want to see if women and men differed in their opinions of the homeless. In this case, you obviously want to include a variable for gender.

Please keep in mind the following concepts:

Question order effects:

The effect the previous content of the interview might have on a specific question.

You should always give a balanced argument in the question

How to Reference "Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women" Thesis in a Bibliography

Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women” 2009.
”Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Nationalized Health Care Do Men and Women. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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