Term Paper on "Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan"

Term Paper 9 pages (3706 words) Sources: 0

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national identity and culture is constructed through fashion in China and Japan

Fashion and Cultural Identity on China and Japan

Fashion, as it relates to culture, has initiated a relatively new and complex area of research into society and societal history. The concept of fashion has come to mean more than merely the history of dress and style for its own sake. Consequently, the study of fashion has developed into a multidisciplinary field that includes cultural, historical and sociological analyses of the role of fashion in societies.

The emerging field of fashion studies, sometimes known as the "new" fashion history, differs significantly from traditional dress history, which tended to focus on the stylistic analysis of elite fashions. By contrast, contemporary fashion studies asks new questions, approaches a much wider range of topics, and draws on the expertise of scholars across the disciplines.

This view, which refers to the analysis and understanding of fashion in terms cultural traits and constructions, is also evident in many modern interpretations of the concept of fashion. This is also related to the interrogation of the meaning of fashion outside a purely Western context. In modern analysis "full recognition is given to fashion-oriented cultures such as Tang dynasty China and Heian period Japan. "

Scholars have been concerned with the study the interaction and correlations between dress and fashion and the cultural construction of reality. Researchers and theorists have realized that the dress and fashion in a society was "...not only a part of daily life, but that the ways people choose, acquir
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e, wear, and vary their dress can say a great deal about such issues as class, gender, sexual reference, ethnicity, group identity and behavior, and aesthetics."

Therefore the question of fashion has become a part of cultural studies, semiotics, sociology and history.

Concomitant with the above theoretical stance regarding the role of fashion in society is the realization that culture is socially constructed. The contemporary tendency in numerous disciplines is to view culture as a creation or construction and relative to historical and other factors within society. This view of culture has been increased by intercultural travel and the sharing of ideas and views; which has opened up the understanding of the importance of factors like fashion in the shaping and expression of social and cultural attitudes. Japanese culture, for example, has been changed and its boundaries enlarged due to travel and cultural exchanges. "Japan and its culture has been constructed through various types of travel interaction..."

These include the making of modern Japan through the encounters with 19th century travelers and the modern transformation of Japanese and Chinese society in the light of modern consumer economics and the information age.

All of the above aspects will be considered in this paper. The central focus will firstly be to establish the importance of relative nature of fashion and cultural patterns and expression. Secondly, the focus will be to highlight specific examples from Japan and China and to compare and contrast these examples in order to show how fashion relates to the cultural construction of reality.

2. Cultural construction

The most important aspect in understanding fashion as a social and cultural construct is understanding culture as a relative construct. Social constructions are not sacrosanct and "fixed" but are invented and created by the social milieu and context in which they occur. "By definition, cultural constructions are arbitrary in that they are created and maintained by each culture. As a result, cultural constructions are not fixed forever; rather they are dynamic and change over time and through space. "

The concept of fashion can be seen in broad context in terms of various fads and fashions that can add to or transform cultures and traditions; such as the penchant for technology in Japan. However in a more specific sense, fashion in terms of dress and apparel has also had a role to play in the construction of social reality and national identity.

Researchers emphasize that culture is not a stable part of society, but is fluid and dependent on various factors such as technology and historical circumstance. This sense of culture as a creation on construct which is often intentionally developed is also empathized in some studies.

Chinese merchant elite have long enriched their worldly business practices with the ability to buy cultural orthodoxy. By contributing to their real or imagined native places, to charity and in particular, to education, they sought legitimate places in the imperial order, and quickly joined the ranks of literati. In the late 20th century, as global citizens, Hong Kong business elite have extended these cultural priorities by generously contributing to education institutions in the West as well in a sense, culture is not a durable, enclosed system of rules for people to follow. Instead, it is an arena for dialogue and improvisation.

3. Fashion and culture in China and Japan

Possibly one of the most obvious examples of the connection of fashion and the cultural construction of reality is the fashion or dress code that was dominant during the Chinese Maoist Cultural Revolution. Studies and reports of China during the late years of Maoist influence between 1949 and 1976 remark on the congruity between the style and fashion in clothing of the time and the communist doctrine of equality for all.

Nearly everything I saw and experienced indicated that this was a poor, quite backward country that happened to have had a glorious past. Goods were scarce. Even the best hotels were dingy. Transportation was inefficient. And the Chinese people dressed in Maoist outfits so indistinguishable that it was often difficult to tell the men from the women. They acted the way you would expect subjects of a communist police state to act -- fearfully standoffish with Western visitors.

Later reports on Chinese culture however show a marked difference and change from the drab and uniform Maoist uniforms. While the Maoist fashion during the Cultural Revolution was symbolic of a certain sense of identity, later and more modern styles represent a new found freedom in social and political life. In the 1980's the Chinese cultural profile had changed dramatically. "The benefits of the market-oriented economic reforms initiated by Mao's successor, Deng Xiaoping, were quite visible. Accommodations in the larger cities were now up to Western standards. The quality and quantity of consumer goods had increased sharply." More importantly, "Dress was now individualized to the point where you could tell the men from the women, at least most of the time."

In both historical situations the fashion of the time presents a particular cultural construction of reality. The style of dress and the uniform attire of the Maoist period represents and provides evidence of the Communist cultural ideal of commonality and equality for all, as well as the cultural motivation for a reduction of status differences in the society.

However, the cultural context of Chinese society was very different in other periods and was not always interested in displaying rigid egalitarianism though fashion. The older Chinese Dynasties were dependent on a severe and strict status hierarchy in society; which was also represented in the style of dress and fashion.

A with the development of ceremonial control which goes along with elaboration of political structure, differences of quantity, quality, shape and colour are united to produce dresses distinctive of classes. This trait is most marked where the rule is most despotic; as in China where "between the highest mandarin or prime minister and the lowest constable, there are nine classes, each distinguished by a dress peculiar to itself;"

The cultural construction of social class structure and systems of status are revealed in the style of some traditional forms of fashion. For example in the attendants of the Mikado who are, clad after a particular fashion... And there is so much difference even among themselves, as to their habits, that thereby alone it is easily known what rank they are of, or what employment they have at Court; and as in European countries during times of unchecked personal government, when each class had its distinctive costume"

In this sense costume and fashion are means of social categorization and identity.

A similar example from Japanese history also reveals clothing and fashion which is highly representative of social class and status; for example, in the style of dress of the nobility in Japan during the Heian Period (794-1185 a.D.)

Twelve-layered ceremonial robe was worn by court lady and peeress. This ceremonial robe weigh about 44 lbs or more; therefore, those women had a hard time to walk. According to an instructor, who teaches how to wear the ceremonial robe, said those women often walked by knee when they move inside of a room and sat down on the floor with drawing their either side of knee. Men wore Sokutai as their formal clothes. Those clothes were based on clothes in Tang Dynasty... The color of those clothes were considered as important, so people select appropriate color for each occasion and in each season.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan" Assignment:

Subject name: Rediscovering Asian history, Culture And Tradition

Faculty: History

2450-2550 words

Essay Topic:

Consider how national identity and culture is constructed through fashion in China and Japan.

This is an in depth research essay requiring you to make a comparative (case study) analysis of constructions of Nationalism and Culture in China and Japan.

Important Points to Consider in Examining constructed nationalism and culture. (you must demonstrate your understanding our following points in your essay)

1. What is the traditional or other basis for these constructions or practices?

2. Why did these constructed ideologies emerge, or become subject to reinvention, when they did? Here you need to make sure you provide very concise historical and political context to support your analysis (your reader is your marker, don’t tell story).

3. What purposes do these constructions serve?

4. Whose interests are served in these constructions (eg. elite groups, populist or dissident groups)

5. What are the implications of these constructions?

6. What similarities and/or differences can you observe from your case study of these two Asian societies?

This essay should conform to general academic standards of presentation—spelling, syntax, paragraphs, introduction, main body, conclusion, and references. The title as set should appear on the first page, all pages numbered, and importantly your essay should be properly referenced throughout and must include a full list of references. Ideally your essay should be typed/word-processed (1.5 or double-spaced lines). Remember to answer the question as set; don't simply off load everything you may happen to know about the topic in hand! Obviously in answering your essay title you should seek to draw on subject themes, studies, theories, concepts and debates where relevant as well as possible other sources when useful to do so.

This essay will be assessed in these aspects: Composition, written expression, technical presentation.

Analytical skills—your ability to explicate a given issue or set of issues;in other words, to your ability to write about these issues in a way which sheds light on them, and which demonstrates your grasp of them.

Composition---the way in which your argument has been structured, or in other words to the form of the essay ( good introduction-, topic sentence for each paragraph, one paragraph one idea, good transition, good strong conclusion- It is strictly assessed for this essay…)

Written Expression---your prose style. The major weaknesses in this category are usually to do with syntax (sentence structure) and vocabulary.

Technical presentation—the overall formatting of the essay, and especially to the presentation of footnotes and bibliography. (please use Chicago Manual of Style)


*This is a comparative essay, you should balance your words on both countries and your job is not to describe but analyze and make your arguments and all these should serve to make your thesis persuasive.

*The examples you choose from both of the countries must have illurstrative and representative (or symbolic)value for analysizing their construction of national identity and culture,and also worth comparing their similaritied and differences.

*This is a history course, do not compare their contemporary fashion.

*use the past tense, for both events and discussions of other authors work.

*Take an authoritative tone but not an arrogant one.

*You need a good introduction. It should be brief but include the following: Question, Stance, Argument and Approach. Be explicit about these things.

*all paragraphs should have a strong and clear topic sentence.

*Make the structure of your essay a conscious choice, not an accident. Think about taking your reader through your ideas, by the hand.

*Cut all the padding out of your essay and your sentences.

*Each sentence should only be about one idea and each paragraph should be made up of a set of sentences about one idea.

*Avoid starting sentences with the following words: However, Thus, For example.

* This essay requires you to paraphrase and summarize others’ ideas or arguments and concentrate on strong analysis. We are interested in your idea. Not direct quote in this essay. If you really want to use direct quote, you can only use a few short sentences and phrases.

*don’t use a lot of words to explain a concept, such as nationalism and culture, your reader is your marker, be concise about those things, you should concentrate on your argument and analysis. You will fail if your own argument and analysis is not sufficient.

* YOU MUST USE BOOKS AND ACADEMIC JOURNALS BESIDES GOOD INTERNET RESOUECES, because they are more authoritative and academic. Use real authoritative sourses(17 sources at least)

*use active voice whereas possible.

*use Chicago Manual of Style for footnote and bibliography of this essay

*Outline your essay

The purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other. Include in your outline an INTRODUCTION, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION. Make the first outline tentative.

INTRODUCTION - State your thesis and the purpose of your research paper clearly. What is the chief reason you are writing the paper? State also how you plan to approach your topic. Is this a factual report, a book review, a comparison, or an analysis of a problem? Explain briefly the major points you plan to cover in your paper and why readers should be interested in your topic. (you should include: Question, Stance, Argument and Approach. Be explicit about these things.)

BODY - Each paragraph in the body of the essay should include a topic sentence that tells the reader the main idea of the paragraph. Other sentences in the paragraph should support this with examples. In your paragraphs you will need to summarise and paraphrase (i.e. use your own words for) the ideas, research and arguments of others. You should use direct quotes very sparingly. Using The Ideas Finally the concluding sentence should tie the paragraph together and lead to the next paragraph. Of course, the order of the ideas covered in the paragraphs will follow the plan.

CONCLUSION - This should summarise the main view (thesis) presented. Explain why you have come to this particular conclusion. It should briefly review the ideas covered and finish off with an overall comment on the topic, e.g. future developments, recommendations.


1. Is my thesis statement concise and clear?

2. Did I follow my outline? Did I miss anything?

3. Are my arguments presented in a logical sequence?

4. Are all sources properly cited to ensure that I am not plagiarizing?

5. Have I proved my thesis with strong supporting arguments?

6. Have I made my intentions and points clear in the essay?


1. Did I begin each paragraph with a proper topic sentence?

2. Have I supported my arguments with documented proof or examples?

3. Any run-on or unfinished sentences?

4. Any unnecessary or repetitious words?

5. Varying lengths of sentences?

6. Does one paragraph or idea flow smoothly into the next?

7. Any spelling or grammatical errors?

8. Quotes accurate in source, spelling, and punctuation?

10. Did I avoid using contractions? Use "cannot" instead of "can't", "do not" instead of "don't"?

11. Did I use third person as much as possible? Avoid using phrases such as "I think", "I guess", "I suppose"

12. Have I made my points clear and interesting but remained objective?

13. Did I leave a sense of completion for my reader(s) at the end of the paper?

How to Reference "Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838 [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838.
”Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838.
[1] ”Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838. [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838
1. Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion in China and Japan. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-identity-culture/733838. Published 2005. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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