Term Paper on "National Health Care Reform -- the History"

Term Paper 4 pages (1572 words) Sources: 8

[EXCERPT] . . . .

National Health Care Reform -- the History, the Proposal, the Policy Process, the Path from President Obama to Congress into Law, and the Political Fallout

Following tens of years of botched efforts by a number of Democratic presidents and a year of harsh followers struggle, President Obama appended signature the health care legislation on March twenty three, 2010. The aim of the legislation was to bring about the nation's health care system and warranty access to medical insurance for tens of millions of Americans. Two days later after he had put it into law later House and Senate concluded passage of a group of fixes to the bills, negotiations worked out as a portion of the complex legislative manipulation that permitted Democrats to attain their long- hunted goal. Republicans, who voted collectively against the bill in both houses, promised to work to revoke the bill and to confront it in court.

The milestone bill signed by Mr. Barrack Obama will offer coverage to an expected thirty million people who at present miss it. The bill will necessitate a good number Americans to have health insurance cover up. This would add sixteen million individuals to the Medicaid rolls. The outcome would be to back private coverage for low and middle income earners. It will control private insurers more intimately; prohibiting practices for instance refutation of care for conditions that are currently prevailing (26 March 2010, A1).

The law will cost the government about U.S. Dollars nine hundred and thirty eight billion in a span of over ten years. This is in accordance with the unbiased Congressional Budget Office, which has also projected that it will lessen the fe
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deral shortfall by U.S. Dollars one hundred and thirty eight over a period of ten years. Following a number of weeks of strategizing, Mr. Barrack Obama emerged with his personal version of a bill. Moreover, following a twenty four-hour a bipartisan meeting which was planned by the White House, he started an ultimate drive for passage. He made apparent that he preferred using budget resolution in the Senate so as to pass into law the House's adjustments (27 May 2010, A12.).

Background and History of National Health Care Legislation

The Democrats' aspiration for global right of entry to health insurance ran profound. President Franklin Roosevelt anticipated comprised of several type of national health insurance program in Social Security in the year nineteen hundred and thirty five. President Harry Truman suggested national health care program with an insurance fund. In this program, each and every person had to pay for it. Ever since, each Democratic president and a number of Republican presidents have desired to offer reasonable coverage to extra Americans (26 March 2010, A1)..

President Bill Clinton presented the significant suggestion and experienced the most dramatic disappointment. Laboring for ten months in closed doors, Clinton assistants wrote a two hundred and forty words bill. A number of lobby groups picked it separately. In addition,

Congressional Democrats took potshot at the bill. Moreover, Republicans employed the apparition of government-run health care to assist them to manage Congress in the half-term elections of the year 1994. In Mr. Obama's budget for this year, he issued a clue of the range of his aspirations on health care restructuring when he requested Congress to reserve more than six hundred billion dollars. By doing this he was attempting to restructure the health care system in over a span of ten years. However, subsequent to conveying to Congress his budget strategy, the White House portrayed a shockingly light touch. It persuaded Democrats in Congress to make the solid verdicts. By the end of March of last year, the chairmen of five Congressional boards had arrived at an agreement on the key components of legislation, and insurance industry representatives had made a number of chief compromises. The chairmen and all Democrats, decided that each person should carry insurance and that employers must be necessitated to assist pay for the insurance. They furthermore decided that the government must provide a public health insurance plan as an option to private insurance. Democratic Party officers accredited that the rising severity of the resistance to the president's health care plans and which were compared on talk radio had caught them off guard. The comparison on the radio implied that the plans were ridiculed similar to the way Hitler of Germany was ridiculed by protesters (23 May 2010, sec. a, p. 15).

The Path of the National Health Care Legislation

As discussions started, Senator Reid embarked on looking for adjustments which could draw the sixty votes which would be required so as to prevent a Republican filibuster. The Democratic committee contains sixty members. These members comprise of two autonomous people. However, one of those autonomous people, Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, alleged he would obstruct a vote on whichever bill having a public alternative. To triumph his vote, it was

Discarded since a negotiation suggestion to develop Medicare to permit people aged between

Fifty five and sixty four to buy in the health care plan angered the Senate's liberals. The Senate liberals argued that Mr. Lieberman had talked in support of the Medicare development three months prior to (26 March 2010, A1).

The very last Democrat to encounter board was Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Mr. Ben triumphed in making a number of amendments. That is a stipulation to stripe the insurance industry of its anti-trust exclusion was removed. Secondly, language was included to permit states to make a decision to obstruct tactics covering abortion from their insurance connections. Lastly, the bill would offer Nebraska State with extra Medicaid finances.

Republicans promised to make use of each parliamentary apparatus at their disposal to sluggish the measure. They lamented that the measure was being pushed through the Senate in an improper hurry. However, with Mr. Nelson on board, Mr. Reid's bill endured the primary severe procedural obstacle by realizing the sixty vote mark required to ward off a filibuster.

When the list for the final vote was called on December twenty fourth of last year, it was a somber moment. The sixty to thirty nine vote came on the twenty fifth straight date of the discussion (2 June 2010, A1).

The Content of the Health Care Bill

By the beginning of last year, the wide outlines of the health bill Senator Reid would brought into the on the Senate floor were apparent. The bill contained the public alternative which was a component as part of the health's board bill. However, it had an "opt out" stipulation for States, and numerous of the taxes and levies written into the Finance Committee's version (26 March 2010, A1). Even though the bill was analogous to the House bill, Mr. Reid's proposal varied in vital ways. It would, for instance, augment the Medicare payroll toll on high-income individuals and inflict a fresh excise tax on high-cost "Cadillac health plans" provided by employers to their workforce. Mr. Reid's bill would reach distant as the House bill in restraining right of entry to abortion. And while he would necessitate a good number of Americans to attain health insurance, he would inflict less strict fines on people who did not adhere (26 May 2010, A18).

The official cost analysis released by the nonpartisan congressional budget office showed that Mr. Reid's bill came in below the U.S. dollars nine hundred billion. However twenty four million

Americans would still remain not insured in the year 2019. The bill had to go back to the house for final passage, which it gave in a rapid sitting on the evening of March twenty fifth.

After the House passed the Senate's bill, some stipulations for instance a special deal on Medicaid for Nebraska was removed. In addition, it adjusted other stipulations which were not popular with House Democrats. Such stipulations… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "National Health Care Reform -- the History" Assignment:

Hello, i*****'m sending you instructions for this term paper. Out teacher provided these instructions below.

Just want to let you know that, my friends are also ordered these kind of paper on the same topic. could you not use the same sources from New York Times, because we take classes together with one teacher and i don*****'t want to be caught with plagirise or cheating. thank you.

here instructions:

You are to examine the health care reform bill passed by Congress late last month and signed into law by President Obama. Your paper should general address some the following points:

1. The background of national health care legislation

*****¢ The history of national health care legislation; what*****'s been proposed before; what*****'s been enacted before and how it*****'s worked

*****¢ The Obama proposal

*****¢ The Congressional response to the president*****'s plan

*****¢ Opposition to the plan: by the lobby (such as the insurance lobby), by Republicans, by talk radio, by some Democrats

2. The path through Congress--the compromises, the arguments, the procedural matters

The stages of the legislations process including differing developing versions of bill

*****¢ How Congress changed the president*****'s plan

*****¢ The single-payer issue

*****¢ What congressional Democrats did, what congressional Republicans did; the significance of the majority party status in Congress

*****¢ Calls by the president for bi-partisanship

*****¢ Dissention within Democratic ranks

*****¢ The bill looks dead

*****¢ Reconciliation controversy

*****¢ How the bill regained life and was finally passed in late March

3. What is in the final bill

*****¢ What takes effect immediately

*****¢ What comes into effect later

*****¢ How it will affect health care for Americans

4. The Future of the Health Care Reform Law

*****¢ Republican calls for repeal

*****¢ Changes promised/threatened

*****¢ Lawsuits brought by states (mostly Republican attorneys general) against the constitutionality of the law

*****¢ What the passage of the legislation means to the upcoming congressional elections in November; what could change in Congress as a result of the November general election; what effect has the health care law had on primary and special elections held after the passage of the law

You need not cover all these issues in your paper, but these are the issues in general that can be addressed. Many of them should be addressed in your paper to the point that you develop a cohesive story of what has happened . It is up to you to decide what of these issue points to include in your narrative.

TYPE OF PAPER: This is an expository paper, not an argumentative or persuasive paper. Write exclusively in the third person, not the first person. You are writing objectively, telling both sides of the issue. Examine the issue objectively and report on what you have found. You may, however, if you wish, draw your own conclusions in the first person (e.g., *****"I believe, based on my research, that*****¦.*****") in the conclusion of your paper (the last paragraph or two of your paper).

REQUIRED SOURCES TO USE IN YOUR PAPER: You are required to use at least eight (8) sources in your paper. You are to use exclusively the coverage of the national health care reform issue from The New York Times. All the source material you use in your paper must be from articles this newspaper and ONLY from this newspaper (The New York Times). Conveniently, The New York Times assembled all their coverage of this issue on an issue site on the papers*****' Web site. Here is the link to that site on each paper:

The New York Times: Times Topics -- Health Care Reform http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/health_insurance_and_managed_care/health_care_reform/index.html?scp=1-spot&sq=health%20care%20reform&st=cse


 Three (3) pages of text, minimum. That*****'s at least THREE FULL PAGES--not two, not two-and-a-half...at least THREE full pages of text and the ENDNOTES page at the end of the paper.

ï‚‚ The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced; characters must be no larger than 12 point. You must use Times New Roman at the typestyle in your paper. You must submit the paper in Microsoft Word format.

 One(1) inch margins--top, bottom, left and right.

ï‚„ You must document (cite) all your references. You are to use the Chicago Manual of Style (also known as the *****"Turabian*****") method of citation and documentation with sequential superscript numerical citations within the paper and an ENDNOTES page(s) at the end of the paper. You must show proper documentation for every quote used or source material paraphrased. You will have an ENDNOTES page (or pages) at the end of your paper listing the articles and material you actually used in your paper. You must include the URL for the article from the Internet site of the article as well as the basic information about the article.

How to Reference "National Health Care Reform -- the History" Term Paper in a Bibliography

National Health Care Reform -- the History.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

National Health Care Reform -- the History (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). National Health Care Reform -- the History. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”National Health Care Reform -- the History” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401.
”National Health Care Reform -- the History” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401.
[1] ”National Health Care Reform -- the History”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. National Health Care Reform -- the History [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401
1. National Health Care Reform -- the History. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/9401. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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