Term Paper on "National Health Care Reform -- the History"

Term Paper 4 pages (1528 words) Sources: 8

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National Health Care Reform -- the History, the Proposal, the Policy Process, the Path from President Obama to Congress into Law, and the Political Fallout.

National Health Care Reform

The health care legislation was first introduced to the American public in the first half of the twentieth century, with presidents Roosevelt and Truman expressing their desire to establish such a plan. In spite of the fact that both the democratic and republican administrations in charge of the U.S. In the recent decades have dedicated some of their efforts to supporting health care programs, it seems that matters got worse and Americans started to lobby in order for the health care system to be reformed. Barack Obama's administration appears to be just what people wanted when concerning health care, as it took action so as to improve health care, making it possible for numerous Americans to enjoy medical insurance.

Taking into consideration that health care bills go back as early as the first half of the twentieth century, it is surprising that the legislation has not reached a level where it can present all Americans with satisfying services. Whether they were democrats, or whether they were republicans, most U.S. presidents failed at proposing an effective health care bill.

As it is normal in the world of politics, certain individuals did not realize that their scheme was impossible to put into practice and only succeeded in harming their reputation by suggesting a series of strategies that they thought would better condition. "President Bill Clinton offered the most ambitious proposal and suffered the most spectacular failure" (Health Care Refo
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rm 2010). It gradually became clear that it was much more to an effective health care legislation than impressive words and plans.

At the time when he became president, Obama was responsible for getting the U.S. out of the mess it got itself into by 2008. Certainly, in addition to the impressive speeches that he was required to perform in order to enforce his image, it was absolutely necessarily for his strategies to be effective, since the general seemed reluctant to accept its position.

Shortly after his election, Obama put across his ideas relating to health care and to how it should be transformed. Apparently, he wants the health care in the U.S. To be reformed over a period of approximately ten years, during which hundreds of billions of dollars are predicted to be spent with the aim of providing health care services to those who are presently deprived of it.

Aware of the fact that he would receive limited support from Republicans in his attempt to reform health care, Obama did not hesitate to make his proposal public, nor did he attempt to lessen the impact that his plans would have on Congress. Although it was certain that Congress could not simply agree to his plans right away, Obama's speeches surely made it clear that he would have no rest until he would succeed in cutting health costs and expanding the sphere of influence concerning health care.

While the U.S. Congress has shown some reluctance in agreeing to Obama's health care plans, there were isolate cases when members of the Senate went as far as publicly offending the president as a result of his claims. Such is the case of Joe Wilson, a South Carolinian Republican, who called Obama a liar consequent to the president's statement regarding the issue of illegal immigrants.

Divergences between Republicans and Democrats are expected to end in chaos rather than to materialize into a deal on the topic of health care. It is difficult to foresee how Obama's efforts to keep health care one of his top priorities (regardless of the costs involved) will eventually turn out.

The health care reform is mainly intended to provide assistance to the lower classes, considering that they are among the least people in the U.S. To enjoy health care. Most Republicans were unwilling to support the U.S. president is his struggle to reform the health care legislation.

One of the main reasons for the behavior displayed by certain Republicans is the fact that it is generally believed among Republicans that the new health care legislation will require costs that will devastate the country's economy.

Even with their reluctance to agree to Obama's health care strategy, Republicans proved to be supportive for a reform in health care. Furthermore, some have come up with measures meant to improve the president's plan and lessen the risks faced by the economy. Republicans are against the concept of obliging employers to provide insurance to their employees, since they too agree that this would only bring on an unnecessary burden the country would have to deal with.

Even with the discrepancies between the health care reform and employers and Republicans, the new legislation can be considered to be beneficial for Americans in general. Workers who are not skilled normally work for low wages, thus making them less interested in spending money on health care insurance. As a result, a large number of individuals in the U.S. are currently uninsured and will remain so until their employers decide that they should get actively engaged in supporting the new health bill. Employers feel hesitant to accept to pay insurance for their employees because they are afraid that they risk losing money out of the process.

However, if they were to consider the profits they can get out of sustaining the health bill, they will surely realize that it is not detrimental for them to do so.

The general public in the U.S. is uncertain whether or not it should support the new health care reform, mainly because they are not aware of the benefits that it involves. This is due to the confusion created by previous health care legislations, when it was not certain who is in charge of health care and the role one has to have in order to benefit from it.

The long-term insurance strategy implemented by the government partly refers to working adults, claiming that these people will be able to have their insurance paid directly from their paychecks, if their managers will agree to the health care plan. People who were previously forced to stay in their homes with no one to help them because of their health conditions and because of their social status will receive a series of benefits from the new health care legislation.

More and more people will profit from the recently implemented health care bill, as this legislation will be less restrictive in comparison to the previous one. Elderly people are now able to perform various tasks in which they could not get involved up to that time, such as paying a nurse to take care of them or buying medicine that they could not previously afford.

While the president is currently dealing with one of the nation's top priorities, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, he is concomitantly trying to support the health care bill proposed by his administration. His determination to the health care legislation can also be observed through the fact that he cannot attend important meetings because he is struggling to provide Americans with a well-organized bill.

"Health Care Reform," New York Times,



" Barack Obama," New York Times,



Sheryl Gay Stolberg & Jeff Zeleny, "Obama, Armed With Details, Says Health Plan Is Necessary ," New York Times,


Carl Hulse, "In Lawmaker's Outburst, a Rare Breach of Protocol," New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/us/politics/10wilson.html?scp=1&sq=%E2%80%9CYou%20lie!%E2%80%9D%20Representative%20Joe%20Wilson%20of%20South%20Carolina%20&st=cse

Sheryl Gay Stolberg & David M. Herszenhorn, "Obama's Health Bill Plan Largely Follows Senate Version," New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/23/health/policy/23health.html

Robert Pear, "Study Points to Health Law's Penalties," New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/24/health/policy/24health.html?scp=6&sq=congress%20health%20care%20may%202010&st=cse


Paul Krugman, "Why Americans hate single-payer insurance," New York Times, http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/28/why-americans-hate-single-payer-insurance/?scp=7&sq=health%20care%20the%20single%20payer%20issue&st=cse

Robert Pear, "Health Insurance Companies Try to Shape Rules," New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/health/policy/16health.html


Quoted Instructions for "National Health Care Reform -- the History" Assignment:

You are to examine the health care reform bill passed by Congress late last month and signed into law by President Obama. Your paper should general address some the following points:

1. The background of national health care legislation

*****¢ The history of national health care legislation; what*****'s been proposed before; what*****'s been enacted before and how it*****'s worked

*****¢ The Obama proposal

*****¢ The Congressional response to the president*****'s plan

*****¢ Opposition to the plan: by the lobby (such as the insurance lobby), by Republicans, by talk radio, by some Democrats

2. The path through Congress--the compromises, the arguments, the procedural matters

The stages of the legislations process including differing developing versions of bill

*****¢ How Congress changed the president*****'s plan

*****¢ The single-payer issue

*****¢ What congressional Democrats did, what congressional Republicans did; the significance of the majority party status in Congress

*****¢ Calls by the president for bi-partisanship

*****¢ Dissention within Democratic ranks

*****¢ The bill looks dead

*****¢ Reconciliation controversy

*****¢ How the bill regained life and was finally passed in late March

3. What is in the final bill

*****¢ What takes effect immediately

*****¢ What comes into effect later

*****¢ How it will affect health care for Americans

4. The Future of the Health Care Reform Law

*****¢ Republican calls for repeal

*****¢ Changes promised/threatened

*****¢ Lawsuits brought by states (mostly Republican attorneys general) against the constitutionality of the law

*****¢ What the passage of the legislation means to the upcoming congressional elections in November; what could change in Congress as a result of the November general election; what effect has the health care law had on primary and special elections held after the passage of the law

You need not cover all these issues in your paper, but these are the issues in general that can be addressed. Many of them should be addressed in your paper to the point that you develop a cohesive story of what has happened . It is up to you to decide what of these issue points to include in your narrative.

TYPE OF PAPER: This is an expository paper, not an argumentative or persuasive paper. Do not offer your own opinions directly in the body of your paper. Write exclusively in the third person, not the first person. You may present the arguments by scholars, judges, experts, journalists, politicians and others in a formal, substantiated, documented manner. You are writing objectively, telling both sides of the issue. Examine the issue objectively and report on what you have found. Like a lawyer in court proving a case, you will use evidence presented by experts and witnesses. Lawyers in a case do not testify themselves. They must let their witnesses prove the case. You will be doing much the same thing. Let the sources tell the story. You may, however, if you wish, draw your own conclusions in the first person (e.g., *****"I believe, based on my research, that*****¦.*****") in the conclusion of your paper (the last paragraph or two of your paper). Be rational, not emotional in your writing.

Remember that this is a term paper, an essay, not a list of questions and answer, not a list of bulleted points to address. You are telling the story of this political controversy, policy debate, and policy decision. You are acting as a newspaper reporter would in writing an objective article over viewing in general what happened. Do not put headings and subheadings in your paper (such as *****"What Is In the Final Bill*****") because you don*****'t have room for it in such a short paper. Let your development and transition tell the reader what area you*****'re addressing.

REQUIRED CITATION: You MUST, of course, document each use of a source in your paper. You must cite the article information and the URL for the article. You MUST

use the TURABIAN (also known as the Chicago Manual of Style format) method to cite your sources and you MUST cite using ENDNOTES. (See material below for how to use the Turabian method; also see the two sample term papers I have provided you as examples of how to use the Turabian style of documentation.) Failure to use the Turabian method of documentation with endnotes for you paper will result in a severe grading penalty.

REQUIRED LENGTH: At least three (3) full pages of text NOT including the cover sheet and NOT including the ENDNOTES pages. This is a minimum page length requirement, not a maximum limit. You may go beyond the three text page minimum requirement if you wish. You must use at least EIGHT (8) different articles from The New York Times (see below). You must document/cite each use of the eight (or more) articles; you may use any of the articles you select for your paper more than once for quotes or paraphrased material, documenting / citing each use. If you wish, you may use more articles in your paper, BUT you MUST use at least eight (8) in the paper.


REQUIRED SOURCES TO USE IN YOUR PAPER: You are required to use at least eight (8) sources in your paper. You are to use exclusively the coverage of the national health care reform issue from The New York Times. All the source material you use in your paper must be from articles this newspaper and ONLY from this newspaper (The New York Times). Conveniently, The New York Times assembled all their coverage of this issue on an issue site on the papers*****' Web site. Here is the link to that site on each paper:

The New York Times: Times Topics -- Health Care Reform http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/health_insurance_and_managed_care/health_care_reform/index.html?scp=1-spot&sq=health%20care%20reform&st=cse

The Times has a marvelous overview of the issue at the top of their page. And all their coverage of the issue is accumulated there. If you think you cannot find something on the Times Topics--Health Care Reform page, you can enter key terms in the *****"Search all NYTimes.com*****" dialogue box at the top right corner of the page. You are to use only articles from the New York Times in your paper. You may not use material from links you might find on The New York Times to outside material.

You are required to use (direct quotes or paraphrasing) at least eight (8) New York Times different articles in your paper. You are not, however, limited to using just eight. That is the minimum requirement. You may use more if you wish.



Be certain to follow these mechanical requirements closely in preparing your paper. This is often where students lose valuable points on their papers because I adhere to these standards strictly and deduct points from your paper grade if you fail to follow these instructions!

 Three (3) pages of text, minimum. That*****'s at least THREE FULL PAGES--not two, not two-and-a-half...at least THREE full pages of text (this three page minimum does not include the title page or the ENDNOTES pages at the end of the paper. I will deduct 15 points from your grade for each 1/2 page under the minimum length requirement, 30 points for each full page under the length requirement.

ï‚‚ The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced; characters must be no larger than 12 point. I will deduct 5 to 15 points if the type style exceeds the required size. I will NOT accept a paper that is not typed. You must use Times-Roman or Times New Roman at the typestyle in your paper. I will deduct five points if it is not in Times-Roman or New Times Roman typestyle. You must submit the paper in Microsoft Word format as an attachment via Blackboard mail. I will not accept a paper not saved in Microsoft Word format.

 One(1) inch margins--top, bottom, left and right. I will give you some leeway, up to 1.5 inches on the right side for a ragged right margin. Five (5) points off for each page violating this requirement. Anywhere from 5 to 15 point off if the margins are excessively beyond the 1.5.

ï‚„ You must document (cite) all your references. You are to use the Chicago Manual of Style (also known as the *****"Turabian*****") method of citation and documentation with sequential superscript numerical citations within the paper and an ENDNOTES page(s) at the end of the paper. You must show proper documentation for every quote used or source material paraphrased. You will have an ENDNOTES page (or pages) at the end of your paper listing the articles and material you actually used in your paper. You must include the URL for the article from the Internet site of the article as well as the basic information about the article.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not cite your sources in the body of your paper, showing where you borrowed the quoted or paraphrased material, you will receive a ZERO (0) for your term paper grade! You must use the Turabian method and use sequentially numbered


ï‚… Include a title page (which, as you recall, does not count as one of your three text-page minimum). On the title page, include the information as shown below. Five (5) points off for failure to include a title page with appropriate information. (You*****'d be surprised how many papers I get each semester without a name anywhere on the document!) Your title page does not count toward your required three full pages of text. Your title page must follow the following format (you MUST have this information on it):




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 Keep a copy of your paper on your hard drive or on a CD or floppy disk. If there is a problem with transmission or opening of your paper I may need you to re-send the paper

 You must submit your paper electronically via BLACKBOARD mail by attaching the paper as a FILE ATTACHMENT. (See attachment instructions at the bottom of this document.) Do NOT send it to me by any other mail method. I will not accept a paper that is sent by any method other than Blackboard mail. Send me a copy of your paper via email, saved in Microsoft Word format, attached to an email via BLACKBOARD mail. If I do not receive the paper as an attachment on a BLACKBOARD email, I will NOT consider the paper submitted. I will not accept a term paper that is not saved in Microsoft Word. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE YOUR PAPER ONTO AN EMAIL AND SEND IT TO ME IN THAT MATTER; I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT IN THIS MANNER! In an emergency, you may in order to make a timely submission, send the paper to me at johnben.sutter@hccs.edu if you have trouble with Blackboard. You must, however, soon afterward send the paper to me again via Blackboard mail.

 You must use a minimum of EIGHT (8) different articles from the New York Times in your paper. Therefore, you will have at the very least EIGHT entries on your END NOTES or WORKS CITED page(s). Remember, you must appropriately document/cite each of the sources used in your paper. You may use and cite any of the sources more than once in your paper, of course, and you would, thus, have more than eight endnotes; but you must use at least eight different articles from The New York Times in your paper.

I have some other guys ordering term papers from your site. Please make them all different ;)

How to Reference "National Health Care Reform -- the History" Term Paper in a Bibliography

National Health Care Reform -- the History.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

National Health Care Reform -- the History (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). National Health Care Reform -- the History. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”National Health Care Reform -- the History” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725.
”National Health Care Reform -- the History” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725.
[1] ”National Health Care Reform -- the History”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. National Health Care Reform -- the History [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725
1. National Health Care Reform -- the History. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/national-health-care-reform/14725. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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