Term Paper on "Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism"

Term Paper 5 pages (1379 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

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Mythology is defined as the oral retelling of stories that one particular culture believes to be true. These stories, called myths, often times contain elements of the supernatural with the purpose of explaining or interpreting natural events as they pertain to nature, the universe and humanity in general. When viewed together, mythology creates a historical account of the development of humanity within the world. As one culture fades and new cultures have risen, the outgoing culture's myths were often adapted by the new culture and added to. Thus, mythology can be described as an accumulation of our collective mythological history.

Three of the major areas of mythology that have influenced the development of this so-called collective mythological heritage are the concepts of Atonism, Zarathustrism and Judaism, all of which follow the monotheism line of mythology. To understand this, one can look at history as being divided into two periods of mythology. The first period is the polytheistic period where a cultures mythology was characterized with the presence of many gods and other divine characters. Thus, explanations for the creation of the universe, the weather and all other happenings were explained through the actions of the actively present gods. Examples of such cultures include the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

On the other hand, these polytheistic cultures eventually gave way to the cultures following a monotheistic mythology. These cultures included Atonism, Zarathustrism, Judaism and, eventually Christianity. However, it must be noted that monotheism mythology has never completely replaced polytheism but has had a much more influential role in the developme
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nt of what has become known as Western mythology.

Atonism comes from the word atonement and is a prevalent part of the Judea and Christian mythology. Accordingly, Atonism describes how one's sins can be forgiven by the follower's god. In Judaism, atonism is the process of forgiving or pardoning a transgression and, with in Judea mythology, this is done through the performance of rituals performed by a high priest. In Christianity, atonism refers to the pardoning or forgiving of sins done through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Zarathustrism, on the other hand, is based on the philosophical mythology as given by Zoroaster, an ancient Iranian prophet. According to Zarathustrism, the universe is a cosmic struggle between the truth and the lie. The main characteristics of this mythology are the belief in a doctrine consisting of creation, existence and Free Will. The purpose of humankind is to sustain creation, existence and free will. This is accomplished through taking an active participation in life and exercising good thoughts, words and deeds.

Judaism is perhaps the best know mythology as it is also a prominent religion that has had much influence on such Western thought as Christianity. Although the mythology of Judaism is much to expansive to even attempt to summarize, it can be characterized by several key beliefs. Unlike many other religions, the mythology of Judaism is not based in a specific group but instead within a collection of sacred texts and traditions, thus giving it a strong mythological tradition. According to the Judeo mythological tradition, there is a single, omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent and transcendent god who created and continues to govern the actions of all living things.

The best way to truly gain an in depth understanding of these three mythologies is to review the primary sources that have developed them. Thus, the next step to understanding the mythology of monotheism is to review the myths that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Akhenaton's, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Hymn to Aton provides a remarkable insight into the mythology of the ancient Egyptians. The hymn is remarkable in it is one of the rare examples of the artistic outpouring that occurred during the Amarna period. Further, it serves as an excellent example of the gradual transition between polytheism and monotheism as the poem is highly monotheistic whereas ancient Egypt was highly polytheistic.

According to the hymn, the Pharaoh Akhenaten praises Aton, the disk of the sun, as being the only god and thus the creator of the entire universe. For example, the hymn states, "O sole god, like whom there is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism" Assignment:

Essay on "Monotheism: Atonism, Zarathustrism, Judaism" for History of Civilizations class.

The three primary sources must be used and comments should be made on them:

McNeill, William *****“ Sedlar, Jean W.: Readings in World History. Vol. II: The Ancient Near East. New York *****“ Oxford *****“ Toronto 1968.

1) The Egyptians: Akhenaton*****s Hymn to the ATON, pp. 215-220

2) The Hebrews: Exodus chapter 20; Deuteronomy chapter 6,13, Book of Isaiah chapter 1, 2, pp. 229-239

3)The Persians: Gathas of Zarathustra: yasna 29-51, pp. 243-260.

The essay is based primarily on making comments on the above three primary sources.

For Historical Background:Kishlanksy et al., pp. 22-25.

Additional sources (optional):


Dawkins, Richard: The God delusion. Boston 2006. (BL 2775.3 D39)

Foden, Garth: Empires to commonwealth. Consequences of monotheism in late antiquity. Princeton 1993 (BL2775.3 D39)

Freud, Sigmund: The origins of religion : Totem and taboo, Moses and monotheism, and other works. Harmondsworth 1985. (BL53.F74 1985)


Bible-de Mot, Eleonore: The Age of Akhenaten. London 1966. (DT87.4 .B513 1966)

Donald B. Redford: Akhenaten. The Heretic King. Princeton 1984 [Chapter III: The Great Living Sun-disc. The spiritual Milieu of Akhenaten*****s Reactions.]

Hari, Robert: New Kingdom Amarna period: the great Hymn to Aten. Leiden 1985. (BL2450.A83 H37 1985)

Hornung, Erik: Akhenaten and the religion of light. Ithaca 1999 (BL2443 .H6613 1999)

Freed, Rita E.: Pharaohs of the sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen. Boston 1999 (DT87.4 .F74 1999).

Montserrat, Dominic: Akhenaten: history, fantasy, and ancient Egypt. London 2000 (DT87.4 .M64 2000)

Moran, William L.: The Amarna letters. Baltimore 1992 (PJ3886.E5)


Aberbach, Moses: Labor, crafts, and commerce in ancient Israel. Jeru*****1994.

Bernstein, Alan E.: The formation of hell : death and retribution in the ancient and early Christian worlds. London 1993. (BT836.2 .B47 1993)

Bloch-Smith, Elizabeth: Judahite burial practices and beliefs about the dead. Sheffield 1992

Currid, John D.: Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament. 1997 (BS1199.E59 C87)

Dimont, Max I.: Jews, God, and history. New York 1962 (DS117 .D5 1962)

Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone: In the wake of the goddesses: women, culture, and the biblical transformation of pagan myth. New York 1992. (BL473.5 .F78 1992)

Gordon, Cyrus Herzl: The Bible and the ancient Near East. Sheffield 1993 (BS635,G73)

Kepel, Gilles: The revenge of God: the resurgence of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Cambridge 1994 (BL238 .K4613 1994)

Kraemer, Ross Shepard: Her share of the blessings: women's religions among pagans, Jews, Christians in the Greco-Roman world. New York 1992 (BL625.7 .K73 1992)

Lods, Adolphe: The prophets and the rise of Judaism. London 1996 (BM165 .L613 1996).

McNutt, Paula M.: Reconstructing the society of ancient Israel. Louisville 1999 (DS121 .M385 1999).

Neusner, Jacob: The Routledge dictionary of Judaism. New York 2004.

Noth, *****: Wisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East. Leiden 1969 (BS1110 .S63 1969)

Terry, Michael: Reader's guide to Judaism. Chicago 2000.


Campbell, Joseph: The Masks of God. Occidental Mythology. (BL 311. C276 1976) [especially: The Persian Period 539-331 B.C.]

Curtis, Vesta Sarkhosh: Persian Myths. London 1993. (BL2270.C87)

Insler, S.: The Gathas of Zarathustra. Leiden *****“ Teheran 1975 (PK6116.E5)

Wiesehöfer, Josef: Ancient Persia. (DS 281.W54 1996) (esp. pp. 94-101)

The above suggested secondary sources could be quoted to enrich commentary. However if the ***** feels that the three primary sources are sufficient, that's fine also.

How to Reference "Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061.
”Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061.
[1] ”Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061
1. Monotheism Atomism Zarathustrism Judaism. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mythology-defined/37061. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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