Term Paper on "Mysticism and Madness"

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Mysticism and Madness

The Relationship between Mysticism and Madness

The difference between mysticism and madness is the perspective of the observer. To one person, a person's claim that they hear the voice of god is a symptom of madness. The problem is not only diagnosable, but treatable. With the proper medications, hallucinations disappear and the sick individual is able to return to a "normal" life. In contrast, to some people to hear the voice of god signals a mystic, a prophet, a holy person. Instead of seeking to treat the hallucinations those people engage in activities to bring them closer to the mystical, such as fasting or the ingestion of substances like peyote. There are several shared perceptions regarding the observation of both mysticism and madness: loss of self-control, loss of self, and the loss of rationality. In fact, both mysticism and madness are characterized by the central fact that neither can truly be verified by an outside source. However, though the perception of the symptoms of madness and mysticism may be the same, one's perspective about the role of an individual in society determines whether that individual is perceived as mystical or mad. Sometimes, the difference between mysticism and madness comes down to an individual's ability to communicate and to persuade others to understand his perspective.

One perception of mystical experiences is that they are characterized by a loss of control. The individual is no longer able to direct his thoughts or feelings. Sometimes that lack of control extends to an individual's inability to direct his actions. Instead, the person is said to be a vessel for something greater than the s
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elf. The way in which the loss of control in mysticism differs from the loss of control in madness is that people perceive mystics to be controlled by something greater, while people perceive madmen to be controlled by something lesser.

Madness is also characterized by a loss of control. However, the madman is characterized as having lost a battle with a disease. Instead of being perceived as elevated, the madman is debased. In fact, in order to escape culpability for crimes on the basis of mental disease, the individual has to prove an inability to control their actions. The madman is medicated, in order to control his beliefs that he is in touch with the divine, which reinforces the perception that the madman is so debased that he could not be sanctified.

However, there appears to be a middle-ground on the perception of madman and mystic. Intoxicants are seen as substances that make a person "more" of whatever they were before ingesting the intoxicants. In fact, in some societies, intoxicants can allow someone to break down the barriers of humanness and interconnect with the divine. Furthermore, the perspective on intoxication differs from public perspective on mysticism or madness. Psychics and schizophrenics are greeted with paranoia and fear, but the drunk with hallucinations is regarded with pity or scorn. In addition, the drunk is considered to be more reliable, more able to communicate than his sober counterparts, because of the ability of the intoxicants to tear down the normal human barriers to communication.

In addition to a loss of self-control, both madness and mysticism are characterized by a loss of self. For the madman, thoughts are taken over by a disease. Quite literally, the brain is re-mapped and re-wired in a way that places new associations with once-familiar objects, makes strangers of loved ones, and enemies of strangers. The very things that humans use to define their own humanity change meaning. Therefore, the perspective of the madman changes; he is no longer the person he once was. Furthermore, he no longer perceives others to be the same as before the madness. Finally, others perceive the madman as having lost themselves; the mad lose their rights to direct their lives and make decisions.

Like madmen, mystics undergo a loss of self. The public perception… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Mysticism and Madness" Assignment:

Consider the selections we have read from Rumi's poetry in light of the other, "theoretical" texts we have looked at by Zaehner, De Certeau, and Steal Then, write a 4 to 5 page essay answering the question: To what extent are mystical experiences comparable to experiences of madness, and to what extent are they different? As we

have seen in class, "madness" does not have one meaning, but rather, many meanings depending on the context. So be careful to draw distinctions between how each ***** is using the term. Focus on how this word - or other related words for that matter, such as "irrationality" or "insanity" - are used to get at certain aspects of the mystical experience. Your essay should have a coherent thesis that states not just your own opinion, but also how you intend to organize your thoughts.

(1) How does Rumi attempt to distinguish between different types of "ecstasies"? Are all

types of experiences involving a loss of self-control of equal value for the development

of the soul? How does Zaehner try to discriminate between these different ways of losing


(2) How is intoxication connected to communication for Rumi? Why, for him, do we

need to let go of the ordinary way we use language to be able to really talk to one another

(consider his story of the drunks and the police)? Is Staal's idea that mantras, music, and

birdcalls are types of communication the same, or is he talking about another type of


(3) How is desire connected to a loss of self for Rumi? What, if any, are the limits of this loss of self? Are these the same limits discussed by Zaehner in his comments on manic depression? How does De Certeau's idea of mystics being selfless in a way that can only exist in fables relate to Rumi's idea of emptying the self of self?

(4) Why does Rumi believe mystics need to have disguises? How does his idea of the mystic secret relate to DE Certeau's own idea of how mystics need society in order to be truly incomprehensible? Does De Certeau's idea of the "abject" have resonances in Rumi?

(5) When Rumi says that a mystic must always guard against ending up as a character in

his own story, what does he mean? Do you see resonances in De Certeau's idea of

mysticism as a literary reality, not a social one? Is Zaehner saying something similar

when he describes manic depressives as being "afflicted" with the feeling that they are

the authors of their own experiences?

(6) Is Rumi's idea of intoxication really based on irrationality? What do think of Staal's idea that emotional experiences can be rational, and what does this say about Rumi's portrait of the mystic?



Mysticism and madness

(a) lack of verbar and reson ( poetry)

the things that he is describing in words are not there

(b) love

-when you love somebody it does not matter how that person really is.

-When you love somebody there is a difference between emotions and external realities.

-drunks are scare of police because they are drunk, but police are drunk too.

-feelings matter when you are on the inside of it, when you are drunk you are on the inside of your feelings.

-for Rumi the worst thing you could do is step outside of yourself.

- police think they are powerful because they are police. They are not honest , they should become themselves.

- you are more yourself when u are unconscious

-The metaphor of the Reed- it is an instrument, you play it with your breath, it is nothingness.

-Music- it is feeling not sound. There is an interaction between ***** and matter.

-According to Rumi poetry means silence.

-People write poetry to put into words their desires, people want a language to be able to say what they want.

-There is an origin of desire which is Silence.

Michel De Certeau

-The soul is everything you got to transfer to desire.

-energy is what links the soul and the body.

-society is the sum of individuals that make that desire

-the idea that society manufacture the great divorce desire.

-there is a paradox between fear and hope-they have to be experienced at the same time and yet have to be separated.

-the idea that I am god is dangerous

-the mystic fable- stories gives us our identities.

-Mystics are not rational, because they are people with nameless desires.

- nameless is a form of silence.

-mystics are the desire itself this is why they are not rational.

-the moment you name desire, there is no desire, it is not really desire.

-mysticism is not a personal experience, it takes the whole society to make everything work.

- Mystics are literary figures. Mystics have to be unconscious.

-Mystics appear to be alive but they are really not.

-Abject- is an experience that cannot be assimilated to reason

-Cancer is a form of abject-it is something living inside of you that is not suppose to be there.

-abject is connected with desire

-according to him, mystics have no voices themselves, so they need other people.

-Mystics have to deal with a language they did not create

-For Rumi Madness means something completely different than for De Certeau.

First Staal

-Mantra- means repeating something over and over again(ex: OM..OM…)

-Irrationality according to Staal is a Christian idea.

-Adam and Eve wanted to have Gods knowledge.

-Prometheus gave fire to the Greece, he disobeyed God.

-you should stay away from knowledge it will get u further away.

-Religious Pursuit will lead to belief in Irrationality(based on Christianity)

-without irrationality Christianity is impossible.

-Christianity has to be completely true irrational or completely false irrational.

-language is therapy, you feel better by having it in the open.

-Birds singing is a form of communication, the pattern does not mean anything.

-according to Staal Religion is non-propositional, there is no way to prove it.

-according to Staal, think of language as music.

-Illusion-seeing reality from this point of view is different form seeing it form Gods view.

-Snake and Rope- all of our life we walk around thinking we see snakes when they are really not there, they are just harmless ropes.


Mysticism and Madness- dangerous (not happy)

Mental Illness a problem of:

1: Aidous Huxley-gratuitous grace (something free)

-took drugs to have a mystical experience


2: Rimbaud- "I is another" (can't recognize themselves, when manic)

"derangement of the senses" -how poetry is defined by


3: Al-Qushayri- Sufi(Islam mysticism)


God- compassionate/avenger (punisher who looks down on us)

Compassionate- represents manic depression

hope and fear always relating to the future, hope God will reach down and grab you up, fear that he won't

hope/fear- expansion/contraction

Keep expanding until you crash, people loose touch of


Constraint on way you learned before on mystical experiences

4: Jung- psychologist

self is not the same as your ego

a self inside of you in a mystical way

mysticism is connected with morality-egoless


How to Reference "Mysticism and Madness" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Mysticism and Madness.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Mysticism and Madness (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Mysticism and Madness. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Mysticism and Madness” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979.
”Mysticism and Madness” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979.
[1] ”Mysticism and Madness”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Mysticism and Madness [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979
1. Mysticism and Madness. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mysticism-madness-relationship/36979. Published 2005. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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