Term Paper on "Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam"

Term Paper 12 pages (4148 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Multicultural Workforce

Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam

Today's world is complex from a security standpoint. The world abound with threats to public safety. Some of these threats are well-known and others are not so well-known. However, any of them could pose a threat to life or limb at any given time. Globalization means an increasing number of expatriate workers. As companies begin to move their businesses overseas and expand into foreign markets, the threat of terrorism becomes an increasingly real possibility. The following will address concerns that security companies will face as they begin to operate overseas. It will examine the factors involved in opening a security company in Viet Nam.

Overseas Security Advisory Council

The first item that will be addressed will be the need to engage in close contact with the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC). This organization is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and acts as a liasson between State Department security functions and the private sector (OSAC, 2007). This organization has approved methods for handling a variety of security issues that may arise. Their material will be used as a basis for establishing security protocols. The OSAC represents a partnership between the government and private sector working together to make America's workers safe while working abroad.

Establishing Security Criteria

The objective of the security company will be to protect the safety of the employees and customers of the businesses that contract our services. On a larger scale, the firm will help
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to protect the local citizenry from threats that they might incur. The initial step in this process will be to establish the criteria that will be used to monitor activities. It will be to establish permissions and authorizations for the various activities and sectors of the building. These criteria will be developed in conjunction with the contracting company. The goals must meet their needs. However, the firm will act on a consulting basis and advise as to any security breeches that may be present at this juncture in time. The company will advise on any security equipment, such as surveillance cameras, or gates that may be necessary to increase the security of the building and its occupants.

The audit will include an audit of exterior protection, perimeter security, and the building exterior. It will include vehicle entrance and control. It will include monitoring of construction activities and building access. An interior security audit will include interior protection, a survey of the building layout, walls, partitions, doors and public areas. It will examine the current communication system and emergency procedures.

The firm will offer a complete security package, which will include a security audit of the existing facility and staff. It will then oversee the implementation and completion of the installation of nay security devices that are deemed necessary. The firm will secure a mix of local and foreign staff to man the facility and oversee continuing operations. The firm will ensure that any new employees are fully credentialed and trained to man the facility.

Project Overview


The Spencer Security Corporation has been retained by YTD Chemical Manufacturers, Inc. To oversee security set up in their newly procured facility located in Hanoi. The mission of this project will be to ensure security at the company's manufacturing facility and regional corporate headquarters.

Personnel Considerations

Security will involve a mixture of U.S. And Native Vietnamese personnel. There are several reasons for this selection. The first is that native Vietnamese will be familiar with local customs and culture. They will provide valuable insight that foreign (U.S.) personnel would not be able to provide. Their expertise of the native tongue and its many dialects will be a valuable asset. Vietnamese personnel will help U.S. personnel acculturate and familiarize themselves more quickly with the local society. The Vietnamese will help U.S. personnel ease the transition to a foreign culture. This will improve the efficiency of the training and will reduce the time until the team becomes fully functional. In addition, an all U.S. security force may be met by suspicion by the locals. The inclusion of Vietnamese personnel will make the team more acceptable to the locals and may help to prevent a feeling of tension.

Vietnamese personnel will be a valuable asset in the transition of U.S. personnel. However, an all Vietnamese staff would not benefit the company as much as a mixed staff. As discussed previously, an all U.S. staff may draw suspicion from the locals. However, an all Vietnamese staff may be viewed in the same manner by U.S. personnel. The company plans to bring at least a 50% staff from the U.S. with them. Their reasons for doing so are that they do not want to start with a staff that is all new hires. They fear problems with production and quality if they do not bring some experienced staff with them to help train the new local personnel. This is key reason for including at least 50% U.S. staff on the security force as well. The U.S. Staff will be able to communicate effectively with expatriate U.S. workers and give them a greater sense of familiarity and security.

As one can see, there are many benefits to including both Vietnamese and U.S. personnel on the security force. From a strategic standpoint, it will help to improve the efficiency of the security force. However, from a cultural standpoint, it may create conflicts. Managing these conflicts will require a proactive strategy from the beginning. Proper planning and special consideration will have to be given to cultural conflicts among the Vietnamese and U.S. staff. There are many positive aspects to a multi-cultural force. A diverse workforce can be a source of innovation. Diversity generates new ideas for solving problems and improving the team's abilities. However, culture can either be a unifying force, or a strain that destroys cohesiveness among the security team. Proper management will have to be employed from the beginning in order to make certain that diversity becomes a positive, rather than negative, factor in the security team.

Strategic Planning

The role of the security force will be divided into core and support activities. Core activities will be concentrate on the ability to secure the building and to keep workers safe. This core activity will constitute approximately 90% of the time and resources of the team. The security team will work closely with the local authorities to develop an emergency plan, should an event occur at the facility. This emergency plan will include contingencies for all foreseeable natural or man-made events. This plan will include mock scenarios to help make people aware of what to do in the event of a disaster. This will also help to fine tune the skills of the security force. The plan will include a plan to keep the community surrounding the facility safe in the event of an emergency.

Support activities will include helping with security training for the general workforce. As a part of new worker orientation, a manager from the security force will meet with the group to discuss security procedures around the plant. It will make certain that all workers are aware of what to do if they see anything suspicious. The security team will also present regular talks at staff meetings regarding security related issues. These types of support activities will keep the topic of security fresh in everyone's mind and will give them an opportunity to address any concerns that they may have.

It is expected that the regular staff will be able to handle a majority of the activities without the need of outside help. However, at times, there may be a need to increase the staff on a temporary basis. When this need arises, the firm may subcontract part of the services. Outsourcing is an excellent way to accommodate temporary needs for staff increases. From a financial standpoint, outsourcing would appear to be less expensive than hiring new staff on a temporary basis.

However, the security business is different than other industries. Training and experience play an important role in the ability to operate as a successful security team. There are certain risks associated with outsourced employees that will have to weigh into the decision to hire temporary subcontractors. The first concern is that the hiring and selection criteria of the subcontractor might be substandard. The subcontractor is responsible for screening and running a background check for outsourced personnel. The contractor may have little control of the hirees of the subcontractor.

The second risk involved in outsourcing employees from a security standpoint is the role that experience plays in the process. Outsourced employees may have an orientation or similar training, but they will not be subjected to the rigorous ongoing training of regular employees. They will not have the long-term experience and familiarity with the facility that regular employees do. This is not to say that the company will not use outsourced employees to fill temporary staffing needs. However, the company will have to be… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam" Assignment:

You have been tasked to set up an overseas security operation (corporate) in the Republic of Vietnam. Using all of the materials you have covered so far in both of your texts (primary text, www.osac.gov, Security Guidelines for American Enterprises abroad, OSAC Publication, World wide 1 Jun 2005, Chapter 1 through chapter 7, and secondary text, Chaisson, J., Schweyer, A. (2004). Global Talent Management:. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2005, from Taleo Corporation Web site: http://www.research2recruit.com/documents/Global%20Talent%20Management.pdf#search='management%20of%20The%20foreign%20workforce'. Chapter 1 through chapter 3), describe and explain in detail the processes that you utilize in setting up the operation.

The paper must be no less than 10 DS pages in length not including title and reference pages. The style manual used is APA. All rules for a term paper listed and discussed in the APA style information discussed in the appendices in your Syllabus must be adhered to. I recommend you leverage the APA resources available in "Course Materials," "Web Resources," and the "Online Library." The word processing format must be MS Word or MS Word-compatible. Details follow:

Mission - Secure a manufacturing facility and the regional corporate headquarters.

Personnel - You will use a mix of US and foreign personnel.

At a minimum, discuss the following points:

Strategy - Core and support activities, outsourcing, risks, strategic planning.

Leading - Competencies, empowerment, conflicting values, loyalty.

Organizing the security group - Staffing, independent contractors, setting objectives, resourcing, assigning tasks, monitoring, termination policies.

Managing people - Apply Maslow to the mission, describe and explain your personnel management system in detail.

Managing resources - Define and discuss zero-based budgeting and whether you will use it or not in this instance. Factually explain your reasons pro or con.

Managing change - Describe various changes that you anticipate (technological, personal, and in the human relations arena). Name and discuss the techniques you use in dealing with anticipated changes.

Blending cultures - Identify and discuss the various challenges associated with working with Vietnamese nationals.

Multi-cultural managers - Describe the steps you take to ensure that you are a competent multi-cultural manager. Define the term, list various required attributes, and describe how you will internalize multi-cultural managerial skills.

Valuing multi-cultural diversity - Include a table of values comparing and contrasting American and Vietnamese values. State why diversity is an asset rather than a liability in security management.

Your paper will be graded using the Rubric grading convention displayed in the appropriate appendix in your Syllabus as well as in the appropriately titled folder in "Course Materials."


Citing Sources for Discussion Question Assignments Using APA Style

As you know, I require all students to properly cite their sources using APA style when posting discussion question assignment responses. After viewing many of your responses, I note that many of you are simply not using the tools available to you to produce proper citations, either in-text or in a reference list. In light of this fact, I recommend you view the following PowerPoint presentations on APA style. They not only contain information on your discussion question assignments, but also explain how to properly format your research papers. This information is already online in your classroom and in the APUS Online Library. The tools presented are in a more compact and handy form. Don*****t lose points unnecessarily - use the information provided:

University of Minnesota library:


Purdue University Writing Lab:


California State University, Bakersfield:


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University of Houston:



How to Reference "Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577.
”Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577.
[1] ”Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577
1. Establishing an Overseas Security Operation in the Republic of Viet Nam. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multicultural-workforce-establishing/98577. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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