Book Review on "Multicultural Children Picture Books"

Book Review 4 pages (1296 words) Sources: 2

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Multicultural children' Picture Books

Tommy dePaola's children's book, "Olive Button is a Sissy," is an immensely important book that should be read by as many people of as many different variations as possible, primarily because the work celebrates the inherent differences that exist in people. It demonstrates a number of key aspects of diversity that are increasingly important in today's ever stratified society. What is even more important, however, is that it does so in a manner that is relatively unique to common themes of diversity, which generally include ageism, sexism, classicism, racism, or some other typically marginalized social group. Instead, this manuscript celebrates difference at an individual level, which is still highly relatable to myriads of people because of this fact, and obliterates conventional stereotypes.

There are several different ways in which dePaola's tale reveres difference and individuality. Oliver Button is not like other little boys in many different ways, most of which have to do with his conception of enjoyment. He does not like to play ball (dePaola 8). In fact, he does not like to play or socialize with other boys (dePaola 8). He prefers to dance rather than to roughhouse or engage in other activities that are traditionally considered befitting of a young male (de Paola 6-7). He also has a propensity for playing with dolls, which is another characteristic more endemic to girls than boys (dePaola 4). He is also more studious than conventional boys are, preferring to draw and read (dePaola 3), rather than play outside or engage in physical activities.

This story is so important, however, because the author depicted t
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his atypical character of a boy without having him display any sort of homosexual tendencies. In fact, there are no references to sexuality at all in the manuscript, despite the title of the work. As such, this work shatters stereotypes all around. It shows that boys can be different from other boys and still actually be boys, and simply be proficient in things in disparate areas of life. As such, Oliver Button shatters the traditional stereotype of what a boy is supposed to act and think like. Despite the fact that he is routinely teased (even by his own father) and called a sissy, he demonstrates that he is very much not one by choosing to forge his own definition of boyhood and proficiency in a relatively unexplored area for little boys -- that as a tap dancer. He is very much not the average boy and eschews many of the conventional trappings, such as playing sports or ogling girls, that preoccupies many boys. What the author does with his character is essentially provide a new model of boyhood, one based on individuality and a sensitivity to art and expression that could actually assist many other young men. In that respect, dePaola's narrative is worth reading to younger audiences for the simple fact that it avoids stereotypes and extends the boundaries of boyhood and childhood.

Early childhood learners should read this manuscript for the simple fact that it will help to change traditional conceptions and stereotypes of young male children. With young people growing up imbibing such notions, greater potential exists for tolerance and inclusion of diversity that the world needs. This notion is underscored within dePaola's manuscript in several different ways, and ultimately reveals that people of common heritage are both different and the same. Oliver seem worlds different from other males in the story; his father and his peers all call him a sissy and mock him for not displaying more overt, traditionally masculine qualities. Yet at the end of the story, when everyone sees how well Oscar performs tap dancing at the neighborhood talent show, his father is immensely proud of him. At school the next day the sign that the other boys had put up stating that Oliver was a sissy is changed to reflect… READ MORE

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How to Reference "Multicultural Children Picture Books" Book Review in a Bibliography

Multicultural Children Picture Books.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Multicultural Children Picture Books (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Multicultural Children Picture Books. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Multicultural Children Picture Books” 2012.
”Multicultural Children Picture Books”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Multicultural Children Picture Books”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Multicultural Children Picture Books [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Multicultural Children Picture Books. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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