Term Paper on "What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?"

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Multi-Cultural Management

What are the major trends in multicultural management, both older and recent?

Over the last several years, multicultural management has been increasingly to the forefront. This is because globalization and technology are bringing the world closer together. While at the same time, having a workforce from different backgrounds can help an organization effectively reach out to cliental. (Kelly, 2009) to fully understand what is taking place, there will be a focus on: analyzing the field, examining research on the topic and future directions. Together, these different elements will highlight current and future trends in multicultural management. (Kelly, 2009)

Analysis of the Field

To fully understand what is happening requires looking at the field and how this is influencing hiring, evaluation and promotion strategies. This will provide insights as to what techniques were utilized in the past and those that are just emerging. When this happen, is the point that significant issues will be uncovered.

What is your analysis of the state of the field of multicultural management? Describe important issues or current dilemmas in the field.

The current state of multicultural management has been focused on integrating different philosophies together. This is because a number of firms are expanding their operations internationally and need some kind of assistance in being successful with these projects. To achieve these objectives, all organizations have been trying to integrate different approaches together.

What they found is that there are five att
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ributes that help someone to be successful working with individuals from many different cultures. (Randolph, 2011) to include: those who are analytical, collaborative, reflective, worldly and action orientated. At the same time, a number of firms are focusing and having the person use these skill sets to understand the traditions of a particular country. (Randolph, 2011) This helps them to more effectively adapt with a host of situations. These ideas are significant, because they are demonstrating how the majority of organizations are concentrating on combining strategies to reach out to a large demographic of stakeholders. (Randolph, 2011)

Moreover, many business schools are combining specific management techniques with ethics and cultural training. This is because the underlying values for different countries will vary from one region to the next. (Nelson, 2012) While there is also an emphasis on creating some type of universal standards. (Nelson, 2012) This is transforming the views on ethics inside various societies, by augmenting their traditions with these new standards. When this happens, everyone is able work effectively with each other and see how they contribute to the success of the firm. (Nelson, 2012)

However, a major challenge when implementing these kinds of strategies is that a one size fits all approach is being taken. This will occur when there are issues with different cultural practices and traditions that are embraced by various segments of employees. (Edewor, 2010) if there is a lack of communication, this can create animosity inside the workplace. This is because other groups will feel as if select segments are trying to impose their belief system upon them. When this happens, there is the possibility that this could create misunderstandings and resentment. (Edewor, 2010)

To avoid these kinds of challenges, all organizations must have effective communication and collaboration (among the various segments). This will address any kind of cultural differences and ensure that everyone has a better understanding of one another. (Devine, 2007) When this happens, a common set of attributes will be embraced by the employees (from combining the different cultures together). (Devine, 2007) This is one of the primary reasons why so many individuals are taking a multicultural approach when it comes to different management strategies. In the future this ensures, that their organization is more flexible and can adapt with a host of issues. (Devine, 2007)

These areas are showing how there has been a focus on integrating multicultural strategies together. This is because these practices help firms to reach out to different segments of customers and use individual strengths to achieve their objectives. However, in the process of embracing multiculturalism, it is important to focus on communication and collaboration. This is because understanding one another is the key to improving the work environment. Anything less than this will create animosity and division. When this happens, there will be internal challenges that will hinder performance. Those firms that have more flexibility will ensure that everyone is working together. This is the point that these cultural attributes will become strengths that are used by the organization.

Research Topic

In the multicultural workforce, continuous research is being conducted to see the long-term effects of different practices on stakeholders. To understand the possible transformations that are occurring requires examining different sources (which have been continuously studying these areas). This will offer insights as to the various theories, challenges, industries / technology that are affected and the benefits / drawbacks.

State and provide background information for your research topic.

In the past, management strategies were often focused on using vertical individualism. This is because domestic markets had the most promise and organizations wanted to reach out to one particular demographic. (Gullestrap, 2009) Over the course of time, changes in social attitudes and globalization transformed how everyone was looking at themselves. (Gullestrap, 2009) This led to increased economic opportunities and the ability for other ethnic groups to become important customers. When this happened, there was a concentration on horizontal individualism. (Gullestrap, 2009) This is where various segments become upwardly mobile based on affirmative action programs. (Gullestrap, 2009) in the last 30 years, these transformations meant that there was a shift towards using multicultural strategies. These areas are changing the way that all organizations will reach out to stakeholders and the strategies that are utilized. (Gullestrap, 2009)

What are the current theories and areas of debate for your topic?

The transformations in the global economy have led to shifts in the kinds of strategies that are used. This is because many developing countries have begun to play an important part in trade and other areas. (Gullestrap, 2009) to have productive operations inside a particular location requires that certain cultural attributes are embraced. (Gullestrap, 2009)

As a result, a number of different theories must be utilized during the process to include: vertical collectivism and horizontal collectivism. Vertical collectivism is when the person will look at themselves as a part of a larger group. (Gullestrap, 2009) They will accept both the strengths and weaknesses of everyone (in order to help make them collectively become stronger). Vertical collectivism is where the individual will have a certain amount of freedom away from the group. (Gullestrap, 2009) However, in the event that some kind of inequality is uncovered, they will accept what is happening. These different viewpoints are commonly embraced inside Eastern cultures. (Gullestrap, 2009)

Each of the theories on individualism and collectivism can come continually into conflict with the others. The reason why is because one is focusing on the well-being of the individual over the group (i.e. individualism). (Gullestrap, 2009) Whereas the new strategies (i.e. collectivism) believes that the group is more important that the individual. In many Asian countries these kinds of conflicts can create problems inside the workplace. (Gullestrap, 2009)

In response to these challenges, employers have taken select amounts from each theory and used them to create a neutral culture. This will occur when the organization will have specific attributes they are embracing. (Fang, 2010) Yet, the firm will integrate key ideas from the traditions that are embraced inside a region to improve understanding and collaboration. (Fang, 2010) This approach is helping the firms to more effectively adapt to local markets and reach out to a larger demographic of customers. (Fang, 2010) Commonly referred to as Hofestede's cross cultural paradigm, these attributes are receiving the most concentration from entities with an international focus. (Fang, 2010)

However, the utilization of multicultural strategies has created tremendous amounts of debate. This is because many firms will take general ideas and try and integrate them with specific customs in a particular region. (Canen, 2008) the problem begins when many employees will feel they are subject to cultural bullying. When this happens, people will negatively react to these ideas and become set in their ways. This can increase the conflicts inside the workplace and it will negatively impact the views of staff members. (Canen, 2008)

To avoid these challenges, all executives must take into consideration the fact that they have to show strong leadership skills. This means that they need to have a sense of flexibility, understanding and values when working in these locations. (Canen, 2008) Moreover, they should always be open minded to new ideas they will learn. If this kind of approach is used, it will help a firm to create an environment that is embracing Hofestede's model. (Fang, 2010) This is when they can use individual skills and talents to help the organization achieve its goals. (Fang, 2010) (Canen, 2008)

Are there particular industries or technologies that will be impacted by your topic? If this impact is positive, how can… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?" Assignment:

Produce a 10 page paper, not including the cover page and reference page. Use 15-20 (or more) resource articles (you are to find these), and only use peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from 2007-2012 as references. Limit quotations, paraphrase as much as possible. Since this is a research paper and not much of it is opinion, the majority of sentences should have a citation. Be sure to use headers only that I have listed below.

Research Topic: What are the major trends in multicultural management, both older and recent?

In your paper, address the following using only these headings

1. Analysis of the Field

a. What is your analysis of the state of the field of multicultural management? Describe important issues or current dilemmas in the field.

2. Research Topic

a. State and provide background information for your research topic.

b. What are the current theories and areas of debate for your topic?

c. Are there particular industries or technologies that will be impacted by your topic? If this impact is positive, how can it be maximized: and if negative, how can this impact be mitigated?

3. Future Directions

a. Indicate specific areas of further research in this topic that would prove beneficial.

b. What potential impact might the topic that you have chosen have on the overall state of the field and the future directions of research in this field in the next 3��*****"5 years?

How to Reference "What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?" Term Paper in a Bibliography

What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent? (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742.
”What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742.
[1] ”What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent? [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742
1. What Are the Major Trends in Multicultural Management Both Older and Recent?. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/multi-cultural-management/8361742. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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