Essay on "Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work"

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Essay 7 pages (2421 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Mr. And Mrs. Andrews

By examining the work of painter Thomas Gainsborough, one is able to discover a number of details regarding the culture and society of eighteenth-century England, and his 1750 painting Mr. And Mrs. Andrews is no exception. Closely examining the painting reveals it to serve a dual purpose; on the one hand, celebrating nature and the peaceful beauty it may produce, and on the other, reinforcing the aristocratic power of the paintings' subjects. Before discussing the image in greater detail, however, it will be useful to briefly discuss the artist himself, as a means of placing this work in context.

Gainsborough was born in 1727, and although he began drawing as a young child, it was not until "he was thirteen [that he] prevailed upon his father to send him up to London to become an artist," where he painted portraits and landscapes (National Gallery of Art, "Thomas Gainsborough," 2011). While in London Gainsborough studied under Hubert Gravelot, and "was intimately involved with avant-garde rococo art and design," something quite evident in Gainsborough's playful, almost lackadaisical Mr. And Mrs. Andrews (a fact that will be addressed in greater detail later) (NGA 2011). More generally, Gainsborough's use of color and curving lines throughout his work demonstrates the influence of his artistic education in London. Furthermore, the particular subjects of Gainsborough's work was undoubtedly influenced by his time spent in Sudbury and the surrounding Suffolk county, and the English countryside was a natural fit for the pastoral rococo images popular at the time. After studying in London, in 1748 Gainsborough returned to Sudbury in southeast England, where he
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was born, and although he moved twice afterward, he never ventured outside of England.

Gainsborough completed Mr. And Mrs. Andrews in 1950, two years before moving again, this time to Ipswich. Later in life he "became a founding member of the Royal Academy of Arts," and eventually was "comparatively well off" after moving to "the fashionable spa town of Bath," where his paintings of aristocracy and nature earned him "instantaneous success" (NGA 2011). Despite his popularity, Gainsborough did not take on any students or assistants except for his nephew, "who was apprenticed to him in 1772" (NGA 2011). "In 1777 he received the first of many commissions from the royal family," and in 1780 he had an exhibition of his landscapes (NGA 2011). Beginning in 1784 and continuing onward, Gainsborough would hold "annual exhibitions in his studio" in Bath, until his death from cancer in 1788 (NGA 2011). In addition to his paintings, Gainsborough experimented with other media as well, making prints and even constructing "a peep-show box in which transparencies were seen magnified and lit by candles from behind, producing a dramatic and colorful effect" (NGA 2011). However, painting remained his primary mode of expression. In addition to Mr. And Mrs. Andrews, some of Gainsborough's more famous works include The Blue Boy and portraits of King George III and Queen Charlotte.

As mentioned previously, Mr. And Mrs. Andrews, an oil-on-canvas painting, was completed in 1750, making it one of his earlier works, and it combines the themes he previously worked with in London, namely, portraits and landscapes. The foreground of the painting features the titular characters as well as a dog apparently resting on a small hill. Mr. Andrews is leaning his left arm against a wrought-iron bench on which his wife is sitting, and his right hand is tucked into his pocket, while his arms cradles a long hunting rifle. His clothes bear the trappings of aristocracy, with a white, somewhat ruffled jacket, a high-collared shirt, tricorne hat, short black pants, white stockings, leather gloves, and buckled shoes. His wife is sitting to his left wearing what looks like a bonnet and sun hat as well as an enormous, billowing blue dress with lace detailing, and she appears to be holding some kind of quill. Though her slender form is visible in the lines of her dress, the skirt of the dress itself nearly covers the entire bench, and even rises up a bit on one side in apparent defiance of gravity. The dog stands at the heel of its owner, looking up at him, while Mr. And Mrs. Andrews face the viewer. Mr. Andrew's expression seems to vacillate between amusement and indifference, depending on whether one focuses on his eyes or the corners of his mouth, with the former staring blankly forward while the latter seems on the verge of smirking. Mrs. Andrews appears more straightforwardly pleased, with a slight smile and heavy eyelids. The Andrews, their dog, and the bench are positioned immediately in front of a large tree, which casts some shadow on Mr. Andrews while his wife is more fully lit by the light coming from the right side of the image. The bench features twists and curves, and the front feet almost resemble the exposed roots of the tree, which are visible on the ground.

Moving into the middle-ground, the painting insinuates that Mr. And Mrs. Andrews are enjoying some time outdoors in the late summer or early autumn, as the leaves of the tree have begun to turn yellow and the right third of the image features harvested rows of what looks like wheat, with a collection of wheat in the foreground and middle-ground, an area of bare space recently harvested, and then another collection of wheat in the background. The middle-ground also features three trees on the right side of the image. Passing the vast empty space of the middle-ground leads one to the background of the image, in which two pens may be seen, one containing sheep and the other cattle. A forest separates the cattle and sheep, though the majority of the forest is obscured by the figures in the foreground. In the right half of the painting, behind the sheep, one is able to see the landscape slope upwards in a series of brush-covered hills until the horizon. The sky features billowing clouds against a light blue expanse, through the clouds are considerably darker the further they are from the light emanating from somewhere off the right side of the frame. The shadows seem to suggest the sun is on its way down, casting a golden hue over the fields, but not so low as to create long, dramatic shadows on the ground.

The image is positively serene, although two details do work to complicate this emotion. Firstly, the dark clouds on the left side of the image threaten to encroach on the golden scene, but they are sufficiently far away and blocked by the large tree in the foreground such that they do not present an overly ominous character. In fact, the detail which most prominently undermines the still peacefulness of the scene is the dog, who seems to be impatiently looking up at his master, wondering when they will actually get to the hunting. The Andrews, on the other hand, seem quite content to pose for the image, and the slight expression on their faces seems to suggest that even the full-fledged expression of emotion would ultimately be out of place in this soft, laconic world.

Indicative of Gainsborough's rococo influences, the painting features a number of smooth, curving lines, seen most prominently in the detail of the Andrews' clothing and the bench. The soft curving lines in the folds of Mr. Andrews' jacket and Mrs. Andrews' dress give the fabric an almost impossible stiffness, so although the color and shading are quite soft, the actual tactile impression of their clothing's texture is not very different from the metal bench, which does not feature any straight lines except for the small portion of the seat which is actually visible. Despite this, the muscles of Mr. Andrews' arms and legs are visible beneath his clothing, giving him a physicality and potential for motion that counteracts the stiffness of the material.

At first glance the image seems entirely to scale, except when comparing the figures under the tree to the piles of wheat in the foreground, which are considerably smaller than normal. However, this difference is not particularly jarring, as the rhythm of the image carries one's eye from Mr. And Mrs. Andrews, to the wheat, back towards the sheep, and then around to cattle behind the figures in a smooth arc. Thus, while Mr. And Mrs. Andrews are emphasized above all other features of the painting, and upon first inspection appear to preclude a sense of balance to image, as the left side is exponentially fuller than the left, the landscape serves to carry the viewer's gaze through the entire image before ending up back at the beginning. The motion of the viewer's gaze, then, starts in the intimate, enclosed space under the tree and travels into the open air of the fields before returning to the shadow of the right half of the image. Aside from the dog's impatient glance, the only movement in the image is conveyed by the clouds, which have the appearance… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work" Assignment:

5 Paragraph essay critiquing the following art piece which can be found using the link below. Please choose either one of the following

1) Thomas Gainsborough, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews 1750 found at

2)Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Prisons, 1760 found at

TEXT BOOK IS Exploring ART 3rd edition by Margaret Lazzari- much of content is online

No specified number of sources required.

Please follow this format.

Paragraph 1: Meet the Artist ***** Must be a minimum of 30 COMPLETE SENTENCES

Give the artist*****s name, the title of the painting, print (or other flat, 2-D COLOR work); give any personal information you have found about your artist, i.e. when and where the artist was born, studied, lives or lived, etc. Explain their early life and what was influential in their artistic evolution and career development. Describe the jobs, exhibits (with dates), and most importantly, the common themes/ideas present in their works of art throughout their career and their inspiration/s for such ideas, etc.

If you do not have access to the Internet, personal information about the artist will be limited to what is available in our textbook. Refer to the index to locate all of the various places your artist might be mentioned within our textbook.

Paragraph 2: Description ***** Must be a minimum of 40 COMPLETE SENTENCES

List and thoroughly describe in detail everything in the foreground, middle-ground, and background. NOTE: this requires in depth observation and keen insight on your part. Begin with the foreground, move to the middle-ground, and finally the background. Include everything and add descriptive words, i.e. comments about the light, the mood of the piece and/or, all of the people and their clothing, the objects, buildings or architectural structures, animals, and weather, etc.

For example: *****The tent flap is open indicating someone has just gone in or out of the tent,***** or *****there is strong light coming in through a hallway in the background as one figure glances over her shoulder as if someone were expected to enter the painting,***** etc.

Remember, you are listing and describing everything you see in the image in this paragraph. NOTE: You want to include the feelings, mood, etc. these things evoke but please do not get into interpretation (why things might look the way they do) because you will do that in a future paragraph in this final assignment.

Paragraph 3: Formal Analysis ***** Must EXPLAIN where and how each of the ART TERMS is used within the work.

Refer to Chapter 2 in our textbook, The Language of Art: Art Elements and Principles of Composition. You must correctly use the following art elements: LINE, COLOR, SHAPE, TEXTURE, SPACE. You must explain the following five principles of composition in this paragraph: BALANCE, RHYTHM, PROPORTION AND EMPHASIS, TIME/MOTION, SCALE.

All terms have been UNDERLINED.

NOTE: The use of art elements/principles of composition listed above need to be explained where in the artwork you see each of them.

For example, *****The lines forming the women*****s hair and the lines on the fur collar create texture,***** or, *****The shapes contained within the figure of the man repeat in the background to form a pattern and to move the viewer*****s eye around and through the picture.*****

Paragraph 4: Interpretation ***** Must be a minimum of 20 sentences

In this paragraph, you must reference your description paragraph - Paragraph 2 - of this paper regarding the objects, people, building, light, mood, and weather, etc.

Translate and explain in your own words what you consider to be the meaning of the people, buildings, animals, personal objects, the weather, etc., which you have listed in Paragraph 2. Give your opinion as to why everything you described in Paragraph 2 might have been included in this picture.

In order to generate responses for this paragraph, ask yourself questions like:

What is happening in the picture? (*****Nothing much is happening***** is not an adequate answer.)

Why do you think the objects, people, etc. look the way they do?

What idea or ideas are being expressed by this artist?

Why do you think the artist was interested in expressing this idea or theme?

What is the mood of the artwork?

Why do you think the mood is what it is?

What feelings are being expressed?

Do you think the artist felt this way when creating this work?

How did the artist want the work to impact the viewer?

How does the title of the artwork influence your interpretation of this piece?

Paragraph 5: Judgment ***** Must be a minimum of 15 sentences

Discuss your opinion and appraisal of the work by answering questions like:

What aesthetics (refer to Chapter 1 - idea of beauty pronounced *****˜ess-thet-iks*****) do you base your judgment on?

Why is it important for viewers to see this work and how might it make them feel?

What information or ideas might they come away with after encountering this image?

How would this viewing experience impact their lives, etc.?

How to Reference "Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work" Essay in a Bibliography

Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work” 2011.
”Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Art Appreciation Analysis of Art Work. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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