Term Paper on "Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity"

Term Paper 4 pages (1383 words) Sources: 8

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Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity

Going to the cinema has always been a part of my life. As a child, I would go with my family to see films on the weekends, and as I grew older, I would go with my friends almost every Friday or Saturday night. Seeing the latest films was a popular culture experience. It had a very important meaning in my life: it allowed me to bond socially with my peers. We could talk about actors and actresses, directors and writers. There were independent filmmakers who introduced new narrative styles into movies and we could follow their evolution over the years. Going to the movie theater was also a way to understand life and myself in relation to the world around me. Some films, I learned, had more artistic merit than others. Some were labors of love for directors like Terrence Malick and Paul Thomas Anderson. Others were "guilty pleasures," like the Expendables. Understanding the difference between a film that was meant to entertain and enlighten and a film that was meant merely to entertain through spectacle helped me see that while going to the cinema was a pop cultural event, it could sometimes translate into a high culture exercise.

Richard Hamilton defined pop art as being mass-produced for a mass-audience, transient, expendable, low cost, youthful, witty, sexually gimmicky, glamorous, and big business (Johnson 723). If this is pop art, pop culture could be called a culture or society that embraces pop art. Certainly the cinema may be understood as a house of pop art, and going to the cinema as participation in popular culture.

Forces such as family, peers, and media have, of course, influenced my desire to go to t
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he movie theater. My reasons for attending, however, are not always the same as those with whom I go. My friends may desire to see a movie simply to pass time. But I derive an aesthetic pleasure out of attending, even if it is a silly action film. I look for scenes or shots of artistic merit. I listen to the film score. I observe the direction and ponder how it might have been done in other ways. Considerations like this may elevate the experience from one of popular culture to one of high culture because my orientation is toward high culture in the first place. I perceive from such a vantage point. On the other hand, for people like my friends or my family, going to the movies is little more than a way to pass the time with popular entertainment. They rarely attempt to see the popular culture experience from the perspective of high culture.

And yet even such a reflection does not do justice to the idea of going to the theater as a participation in popular culture (that can also be one in high culture). Stephanie Meyer's Twilight books and films, for example, have been hugely successful (a fact most obviously seen in the film adaptations -- all of which have turned the series into a billion dollar film franchise). Women and men alike flock to see the films. But what are the cultural values that are reinforced or challenged in the work? Are there any at all? Or is Twilight just the latest example of schlock entertainment?

Stephen King is no fan of Twilight. The difference between such films as Twilight and Harry Potter, he notes, is that J.K. Rowling knows how to write -- and Stephanie Meyer does not. But that is not the only difference: King observes that while Harry Potter teaches values about growing up and learning to deal with reality and having to struggle with our own good and evil natures, Twilight, he argues, is simply about sex: "Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend" (Serper).

Yet, perhaps having a boyfriend is something of cultural value in our day and age. Perhaps the gender codes that the Feminist movement of the 70s tried to establish have grown too cold… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity" Assignment:

One of the objectives of this course is to get you to think critically about your own personal relationship with popular culture. For this first assignment, you are asked to select one *****thing***** in your own life that you think qualifies as *****popular***** culture. I*****m being deliberately vague when I say *****thing***** because we could be talking here about a book, poster, toy, song, clothing item, movie, game, food item, (etc.) but we could also be talking less about a concrete *****text***** and more about an activity (ritual, sport, performance) or interactive media technology*****¦ the possibilities are endless.


Once you have selected your thing, write a short, interesting, reflective paper in which you address the following:

Your personal history with this selection

· How, when, and why did it come to be in your possession and/or part of your life?

· What meaning(s) does it have for you?

· How have forces such as family, peers, and media influenced your view of it?

Why this selection qualifies as popular culture

· Under which/whose definitions of pop culture does it fit and why?

· Could it also be considered high culture? Why or why not?

How the thinkers we have discussed in class so far would likely view this selection

· Based on the readings, why might our thinkers like or dislike it? Discuss at least 2 perspectives.

· With whose view(s) do you most agree and why?

How your perspective on this selection has evolved as a result of this course

· How have the course readings/lectures up to this point challenged, altered, and/or reinforced your previous perception of/relationship to it?

In order to receive full credit, you will need to address all of the areas outlined above. You are also welcome to add your own angle(s), but be sure to stay on assignment.

It is very important that your paper be grounded in the literature from class. This means your ideas (with the exception of the *****˜personal history***** section) should be supported by references to and quotations from the texts we have read. You may also need to do a small amount of additional research for section 2 (e.g. If you claim that your selection is *****well liked by many*****, you should offer some sort of *****˜proof***** such as statistics on sales, viewership, etc.).

Bear in mind that your paper will be more successful if you are able to defamiliarize the familiar ***** to visit your thing with fresh eyes (try imagining you*****re from outer space*****¦ what does your thing tell you about earthlings? about you? about the culture you*****re from? about the life of a Penn student?) If you think you*****ll find this defamiliarizing or *****denaturalizing***** process challenging, it might help you to select something that doesn*****t have overwhelming sentimental value for you.

Grading Criteria:

· Quality of Thinking: (Your understanding of how and why your selected things are interesting in relation to the materials we have studied thus far) 0-5 POINTS

· Quality of Exposition (how well your paper is organized and written) 0-5 POINTS

· Originality/Memorability/Creativity: 0-5 POINTS

All papers must (that*****s *****must***** as in we*****ll deduct points if you don*****t follow these instructions):

1) Be well written and well organized. Use clear topic sentences to launch each new paragraph (and make sure the ensuing paragraph follows on from that topic sentence). Also, try to avoid bumpy transitions between paragraphs.

2) Include page numbers

3) Have original titles written on page one (do *not* submit separate cover sheets for titles ***** poor trees!)

4) Have your full given name written on the back of the final page (and NOT on any other page)

5) Be 1,000 (min) to 1,200 (max) words long. Include your word count on the bottom of your final page

6) Be double-spaced with one inch margins and carefully proofread

7) Include page numbers, in parenthesis, after any quotes taken from course readings (for any outside sources, please use footnotes or endnotes, whichever you are more comfortable with)

8) Incorporate the ideas of at least two but not more than three scholars of popular culture (at least two must be syllabus readings)

9) Be your own original work. Any student who plagiarizes any paper this semester (this includes outsourcing paper-writing or re-using a paper from another class) will fail the entire class

10) Be handed in on time: papers will lose 1 point for every hour they are late. Late papers should be submitted electronically (that way we know exactly how late they are*****¦ please don*****t go this route!)

How to Reference "Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210.
”Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210.
[1] ”Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210
1. Movie Theater as a Popular Culture Activity. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/movie-theater-popular/2953210. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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