Term Paper on "Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity"

Term Paper 10 pages (2691 words) Sources: 1+

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Mortality Diabetes Program

Though the number of people with diabetes is rising to epidemic proportions across the nation. It is interesting to note that there is little evidence that the elderly women in Maryland are faced with similar mortality rates to any other group. In fact the number of serious complications reported lack sufficient evidence that this age group has the same rate as other populations. A program to investigate the actual population of elderly women in Maryland with diabetes is being designed to determine the actual data on mortality and the number of older adults that face complications due to illness. This research study, (Health Program Study of Elderly Women with Diabetes), is being developed using data from medical records that indicate serious illnesses that are tied to a diabetic condition. This data will target those subjects diagnosed with diabetes to monitor their lifestyle and mortality expectancy compared with results from other states. The purpose is to learn if there is a higher, lower or comparable expectancy to the Maryland elderly women populations.


In understanding the diabetic condition of the elderly women population in Maryland, the following resources will be used. Medical information for members of the elderly women community that report diabetic related illnesses and conditions will be examined. This will assist in finding the number of women that face diabetes who have or have not been diagnosed. Major complications associated with a diabetic condition include blindness, amputation of extremities, cases of stroke, heart disease, and other disorders will help to identify those faced with diabetes.
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The Medicare records for female citizens over 65 that reported a diabetic claim, that receive benefits of a or B. who were still alive after 2005 will be reviewed. The number of persons who expired with issues related to diabetes can then be deduced to find out what the numbers are compared to other states. This information will be logged and reported to Medicaid, and other agencies such as the Maryland's Women's Health Organization. The length of the study will be approximately two years from the date that the target population was identified at which time records of those that have expired will be reviewed to determine cause of death. It is expected that the numbers will be the comparable in Maryland as those reported for elderly women populations in other areas of the country.

A Health Program Study of Elderly Women with Diabetes is aimed to increase awareness of the symptoms of the condition to women age 65 and over. The hope is to educate

The Women in Maryland from all backgrounds in the public sector, educators, those that have policy making authority, and health care practitioners. The study of health configurations or epidemiology of this program is designed to examine the lifestyle factors that are adopted by the elderly women to manage their healthcare. It is hoped that such a study will reveal any differences of managed care that are present within the Maryland hospitals and clinics that may extend or improve the quality of life for female diabetes patients. The program is designed to capture the process of caring for the elderly women in Maryland populations. Along with recording the mortality of those diagnosed with the illness. The tools to be used include Medicare and all medical insurance records such as Healthcare Managed Organizations, those facing relative hazard status, and use of the standardized mortality ratio to measure a diabetic patient's life expectancy. This information can be used by insurance companies, senior social programs, and government agencies to establish educational services and benefit levels and other factors in paying for and caring for all senior female Maryland residents facing diabetics.

Cultural Diversity

The demographic for the program will be all female races of people age 65 or older who have been diagnosed with diabetes or had symptoms of diabetes. The general area is the state of Maryland. It has been shown that the reason for the missing data may be due to Health disparities related to this disease. Meaning that there are social and economic factors that lead to a disconnect between resources, education, lifestyle and health systems whereby certain populations are not getting the same health care (CDC, 2011).

In Maryland there are a diverse population of people and it appears that the elderly women minorities are not receiving adequate recognition for health care needs.

According to one report for the several Baltimore counties only 7.5% report that doctors have even diagnosed diabetes to residents. This is based on reports from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC, 2011). However under this same study over 22% have been diagnosed with obesity. Obesity is the one of the major health care concerns that lead to diabetes (CDC, 2011). It is possible that diabetes is not being diagnosed though patients have symptoms of the disease. The research on diversity factor for populations with diabetes include minorities, women, Hispanics, American Indians, and Alaska Natives according to CDC data (CDC, 2011). However the specific demographic of the elderly women over 65 have fewer statistics.

The numbers that affect the entire country number for women over 65 are anticipated to rise from 20 million in 1995 to 24 million by 2010. Primarily this indicator is based on women living longer than men by about seven years. Considering that there are twice as many elderly women as men in the U.S. The number of men with diabetes would rise from 10 million in 1995 to approximately 12 million by 2010. Therefore the number of women with diabetes "outnumber elderly men with diabetes in the United States" (CDC, 2011).

For Maryland this number is only 7% of the total population that are even aware that they have the disease.

Of 4.5 million women nationwide at age 60, a full 25% are not aware that they have the diabetes. Of these women the majority have type 2 diabetes (CDC, 1999). From 1980 to the early 1990s these numbers began to grow at a rate of 45% from 97,000 to 181,000.

Other factors of elderly women are that at the age of 65 and older the poverty level is twice that of men in the same age range (CDC, 1999). In fact up to 48% of the women have a yearly income below $10,000. It has been reported by the CDC that Diabetes is a leading precursor to death for women at 65 and above. However there are no specific numbers given for the state of Maryland. Also the mortality rate of African-American

elderly women has doubled with the Mexican-American women rate being four times that of White American women and elderly Mexican-American women have almost four times the rate.

The number of minority (African or Mexican-American) women in the age range of 60-75 report one third as having type 2 diabetes in comparison with 16% of white women. For the Indian-American women the number is 32% over 65 that have the disease. Again these statistics are for the entire population of the United States (CDC, 2011).

Those that have reached their senior age who have diabetes find often that there are serious complications that are associated with the illness. The risk of heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness is accelerated with this condition. In fact elderly women facing diabetes have a higher risk in cataracts or glaucoma, hypoglycemia, hyperglcemia, along with depression.

A major contributor to type 2 diabetes is being overweight to obese and not remaining physically active. The main problems associated with diabetes is an inactive lifestyle. Of the women that have diabetes over 65 years old, a full 70.5% of them are overweight, and 25% are obese at 50% over their desired weight (CDC, 2011).

Health Disparities

The plan is to take advantage of provisions within the new Health Care reform bill that deal directly to health disparities. They are designed to focus on better data collection in regards to women over age 65 and over in terms of distinct populations such as race, ethnic background, and language (Kaiser Fdn, 2010). The Health Care Bill also has provisions directed to address cultural training for medical practitioners within these populations for ensuring the right prognosis is being diagnosed. It is also a proponent of adequate medical coverage being provided to those without it up to this time. The program is also designed to help those female populations that have received the least assistance in terms of Medicaid coverage and ensuring they are enrolled to get the care needed.

This Program will create opportunity through raising awareness so that those in Maryland can take advantage of funding that has been provided.

The disparities surrounding the disconnect of Prevention mechanisms between People of other races that generally "experience higher rates of many chronic conditions, as well as higher death rates from many of these conditions compared to whites" according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (Kaiser Fdn, 2010). It is also realized that costs of caring for those with the disease is high.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity" Assignment:

Design a program or strategy to reduce morbidity and mortality for that focus area for Baltimore, a Maryland County of the state of Maryland that addresses the key content areas of the course. Structure your paper as follows:

Abstract: Summary of the paper

Part 1

Discuss the epidemiological basis for the program you are designing. Include demographic data on the National, State and Local level if appropriate. Address cultural diversity, health disparities and develop a social justice platform for your program.

Part 2

Identify how you, in a leadership position, would plan, organize, finance, regulate and assure quality in the program. Using the policy process and political strategies, indicate how you would work with existing public policies or advocate for new policies and deal with stakeholder opposition, to assure the success of the program.

I would like to provide you with some guidelines for your upcoming paper. You need to have at your disposal the 6th edition of the APA manual. This is required and is the only format that the School of Nursing accepts for your papers and any other formal writing

1. Please include a cover sheet that is to conform exactly to the sample cover sheet provided in the 6th Edition of the APA manual (pgs. 23-24; 41).

2. The paper must have the proper page numbers, section names (i.e. References instead of Bibliography), and page headers, and running head, as provided in the sample cover sheet and manuscript provided in the 5th Edition of the APA manual (pg. 41-53).

3. Please consult your APA 6th edition book to format your citations and references

- Use correct APA spacing among and between references

- References must begin on a separate page behind your paper

- References use italics in certain areas, so you must review this in your APA Manual

4. Please do not use contractions- such as *****don*****t***** and *****shouldn*****t***** -- write the words out (do not, should not, etc).

5. Please do not use slang- this is a professional paper. Do not write as you speak, but write in a professional manner.

6. Length of paper is 10 pages, excluding cover sheet and references. Points will be deducted for additional pages. You are to use 12 point font, Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right margins. Please check your default settings as the default is normally 1.25***** margins, and this is incorrect. The paper is to be double spaced as you type (i.e. do not write the paper single spaced and then change the format to double spaced).

7. Organize your paper following the requirements listed under Assignments in your course on Blackboard. Please use the bolded headings below in your paper and your information will fall under these categories.

Sections should be:

Abstract- Summary of your paper (Place on its own page)

Introduction (introduce the reader to the topic)

Epidemiological Basis (for program you are designing)

Cultural Diversity (how your program will address different cultures)

Health Disparities (what the problems and issues are of people being asked to participate in your program and how can they be addressed)

Social Justice (how you will handle social justice issues in your program)

Plan and Organization of Plan (Describe your plan in detail using a list or bullet format, but in a very specific and detailed manner. This section is your main focus of the paper. Do not copy another programs you have found in the literature. You may adapt it but you need to make it unique to your population.)

Plan finances (how you are going to finance the plan- be specific) Do not assume that money can be taken from other plans to make your plan work. Also, legislating more money is difficult and many times impossible. How can you make this work with little or no money to support the program? What in-kind donations can you solicit, in-kind services, and in-kind help? Need to think about using volunteers as much as possible in this economy.

Regulations (how you will work with existing public polices or advocate for new policies)

Stakeholder Information (who might be your supporters and who may not)

Stakeholders and partnerships are essential to any plan in health care especially in the community.

Quality Assurance of Plan (How will you assure quality and also evaluate your plan?)

Conclusion (Summary of paper)

References in APA 6th edition format. References begin on a new page. Please make sure they are all APA format as points will be deducted for improper use of APA.

8. Grammar, Sentence Structure, and Spelling will all be graded. No name on the paper is an automatic 5 point deduction.

9. You must have a minimum of 8-10 scholarly references. This means articles from nursing and/or professional journals that are peer reviewed within the past five years (since 2005), unless they are a classic article and are the basis for what you are doing. Current websites can be used, but the website must be reputable (i.e. government, association, public health, professional organization, or university websites). Wikipedia is not to be used or cited. Please refer to the APA manual (starting on pg. 187) for information on Electronic Media and how to reference any online information.


How to Reference "Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119.
”Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119.
[1] ”Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119
1. Nutrition and Weight Status Obesity. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mortality-diabetes-program/63119. Published 2011. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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