Term Paper on "Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination"

Term Paper 22 pages (9721 words) Sources: 5 Style: Turabian

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Moral, Legal, Political, And Practical Dimensions of Assassination

Political assassination is a very old and hard to tackle problem, which caused innumerable victims throughout history. Due to the many forms of political violence and murder which exist, it is very hard to define and to categorize as an act. The variety of motives and causes of political assassinations also make classification difficult. It is generally supposed that the most common motive is the struggle for political power between different opponents. In this case, the target of the assassination is usually a very powerful or influential individual, who hold a very important political position: a king in the older times or a president in the more recent periods. However, political assassinations happen for many other reasons as well, and sometimes target persons who may be influential from an ideological point-of-view, although they lack political power. The assassination for power reasons usually aims at eliminating the direct political opponents in order to ascend to power, or the indirect, ideological opponents- a thing that usually happens during undemocratic regimes, such as totalitarianism and communism. Assassinations for power reasons are more likely to happen in countries which are politically unstable and in which democracy is not fully developed.

However, political assassinations happen for reasons different from ascension to power as well. Some of these other reasons are exemplified by famous cases of murder, such as that of president Abraham Lincoln who was killed in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. Although the theories related to Lincoln's murder vary considerably with respect to the motive of the c
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rime and the number of individuals involved in it, it is generally held as a fact that the murder of the president was a conspiracy initiated either by Booth alone, or by him and other Southern opponents who strongly disagreed with Lincoln' policy which advocated equal rights for both white and black people. In this case therefore, the assassination took place for political reasons, but these were obviously doubled by a racism, and not necessarily by power related reasons.

Terrorism is another case of political violence, but which is generally aimed at an entire system or government, and which usually targets civilians.

Thus, overall, for the reasons mentioned above, and for many others as well the history of political assassination goes back a long way and it is quite overwhelming in its number of incidences.

As Feliks Gross documents, the number of assassination and assassination attempts in the entire history of the United States is impressive:

According to the research prepared for the Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence by Professor Rita James Simon, since 1789, the entire history of the United States records eighty-one assassination attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, all against officeholders. Nine of these, of which five were successful, were directed against presidents or candidates (high-level assassinations).We learn also from the Commission's Task Force I report that the higher the office the higher the probability of an attempt of assassination. However, of the approximately 1,100 men elected to the United States Senate in its entire history, two were assassinated; of the 8,350 congressmen, three were assassinated, and there were seven unsuccessful attempts, five, however, in one single attempt in 1954."

Harlow also identifies the origin of the term "assassination" as coming from an Ismaili sect, which was renown for the violence with which it killed their adversaries:

The term itself, 'assassination,' is generally traced to an Ismaili Shi'ite sect that operated in Syria and Iran in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Known as the hashishiyun (whence the designation "assassins"), the members of this group were reputed to slay their opponents with a bravado that was popularly attributed to their use of drugs. More recently, however, the legal and political definitions of assassination have been debated and refined in order to accommodate both the pressures of contemporary circumstances and, just as significantly, the demands of the system that seeks to contain the challenges to its authority within its legal and political jurisdiction."

Thus, political assassination seems to have an entire tradition throughout history. Consequently, many historians and political scientists were concerned with defining and conceptualizing assassination, both for theoretical purposes and so as to be able to place it from a legal point-of-view.

For instance, assassination was briefly defined as "the deliberate, extralegal killing of an individual for political purposes" by Havens, Leiden and Schmitt in the Politics of Assassination. However, a complete definition of assassination would be much more complicated, since, as it was already noticed, its forms and motives vary widely.

Feliks Gross attempted a classification of the main types of political assassination, according to its mobiles, in his book entitled the Revolutionary Party: Essays in Sociology and Politics. According to Gross, political assassinations can be said to fall roughly into three major categories: assassination attempted or committed by a deranged, mentally ill person, sultanism or assassination of a direct opponent to power and finally individual terror which aims at weakening an entire system or government:

1. Political assassination as an isolated act, frequently carried out by a deranged person. The assassins of American presidents, perhaps with the exception of the Puerto Rican nationalists who attacked President Truman, "evidenced serious mental illness," according to a careful study of the Task Force of the National Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence.

2. Sultanism, assassination of competitors to power. Related to the latter are assassinations in order to secure power for a new elite, to remove the one who controls political power.

3. Individual terror, systematic and tactical assassination directed against the representatives of the ruling groups or government with an objective to weaken the government, the political system, destroy the existing legitimacy, affect ideological, political, and social change. Individual terror is generally a tactic for achieving power; mass terror has been applied in the past and present to consolidate and maintain power."

Thus, this classification is to be taken as the basis for analyzing any act of political assassination. Also, as Gross observes, any political murder has three variables, which are related to the specific context and to the specific actors which take part in the assassination:

Three variables have to be considered in an act of tactical political assassination: 1) the group or political party, which supports the actor; 2) the personality of the actor; 3) the social-political situation to which the party and the actor respond. All three variables are closely interrelated and not isolated factors. Therefore, the act should also be analyzed within a triple context of these variables."

The definition and the characteristics of political murders as they were summarized above are only the facts that can be noticed after a surface analysis of the phenomenon. An in-depth analysis however, presupposes an inquiry into the different dimensions of assassination: moral, political, legal and practical.

First of all, assassination as a form of killing is a morally unjustifiable act. The basis of all national and international laws were laid according the moral laws as established by theology or by different ideologies. Thus, the primary discontent with assassination is that any act of violence against another human being is seen as immoral.

If we look at political assassinations in the light of their moral and social dimensions, we notice that assassinations are present as acts of political violence even in the remotest historical epochs and that, at that time, this type of political behavior was tolerated and even accepted as natural. With time, due to humanization and due to the progress of Western civilization, political assassinations were no longer seen as legitimate or justifiable acts, because of the ethical norms brought by many religions and because of the enforcement of new laws regarding acceptable political behavior and admissible policies. Nevertheless, it is plainly remarkable that in spite of the progress of civilization and in spite of the democratic forms of government that were established in most of the countries, assassinations are still a major social and political problem all over the world. Also, the acts of terrorism seem to have intensified considerably over time, and have generated further political conflicts and violence.

This seemingly unexplainable fact can be elucidated when analyzing the evolution of morality and its main principles and tenants in the course of time; although the main religions established a high morality during the former ages, modernism and postmodernism determined the instability of moral values and a lack of confidence in ethics.

Oleg Zinam comments in his article entitled Terrorism and Violence in the Light of a Theory of Discontent and Frustration, on the two extreme social stances with regard to morality and ideals: the absolute pragmatism, according to which any means are justifiable while pursuing some definite purpose, and the infinite morality which considers that unmoral means are not excusable, no matter the end:

on the level of volition, people face a dichotomy between absolute pragmatism and infinite morality. The former position sees all means justifiable by a lofty end, whereas the latter contends that no wrong means can… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination" Assignment:

Assassination (killing of leaders in wartime apart) is like terrorism, in that it is a loaded, and neither satisfactorily defined nor construed term. In plain language, assassination is unlawful killing with intent, and legally speaking, it is murder. Murder is forbidden by the great monotheistic religions, most teachings of which have passed through morality and theology, and eventually manifested as national and international law. Assassination (or murder, depending on the choice of words) is irreconcilable with religion, morality, law, and democracy. Yet, Statesmen resort, from time to time, to ordering assassinations. An***** and present a solution to this age old dilemma. Reason your arguments.

Title: *****˜Moral, Legal, Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination*****. Cite examples.

Objectives: This Assignment, in accordance with Undergraduate academic endeavours, provides an opportunity to sharpen and evaluate Students***** academic self-discipline, research & analysis skills, on the topics of Intelligence and Assassination. The Assignment is driven and tested by self-led research, within and outside of the course materials, which is then an*****d and presented in a paper.

Type: This Assignment consists of a paper on the topic of Assassination. Based on your required reading so far, course materials and self-led external research, produce a research-analysis paper.

Title: *****˜Moral, Legal, Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination*****. Cite examples.

Format: This Assignment requires 10 to 12 pages (approx. 6000 to 7200 words*) plus a title page. Format: font: Ariel size 10 or Times New Roman size 12. SINGLE LINE SPACING. Page size: US letter size or A4. MS Word document. Paper layout: portrait or landscape as required. Title Page required to show Student*****s name and number, Assignment title, and course number. Papers may be illustrated with graphics, title and sources cited, additional to the 10 to 12 pages of text. Since this is not prose or straight text, but research-analysis, Students must use paragraph headings to portray substantial changes in subject / topic, to mark significant transitions between topics.

*A page of text is about 600 words, so a 10 page (the minimum) paper amounts to about 6000 words. Check the word count in your paper by going (when the paper is open in MS Word) to *****˜File*****, *****˜Properties*****, and *****˜Statistics*****.

Course Value: This Examination counts for 30% of your APUS Final Course Grade.

Research: Students must lead their own research. They may research for any material, but are advised to seek at least two confirming sources, in cases of doubt or question.

Short of collaboration, you are highly encouraged to use initiative in your research and that includes contact with Libraries, Media, Police, Military, Language, Medical and other sources as you see fit. The answers to all Examination questions are in the public domain.

Citation of Information Sources:

For those students who are not entirely certain as to how to cite their information sources, or which method they wish to use, I recommend the *****˜Turabian***** method. A very short simple explanation / examples appear at: http://www.liunet.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/cittur.htm

Papers not properly citing and linking sources precisely to text will be returned for amendment.

It is mandatory to list your research information sources (books, journals, articles, websites, tv / radio / video presentations etc) according to proper source citation practices:

Do not cite Wikipedia, or other unreliable websites that are clearly not reviewed for content or accuracy.

CAVEAT: The information cited in your paper must be in the public domain, with no exceptions.

How to Reference "Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671.
”Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671.
[1] ”Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671
1. Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/moral-legal-political-practical/7671. Published 2007. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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