Essay on "Mooting Assessment Problem Solving"

Essay 4 pages (1449 words) Sources: 1+

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Mooting Assessment Problem Solving

The opening point of the case rests in the safety that a contract got signed between Ms. Edwards and the University of the East of England. The signing of the contract necessitated the reading, understanding and consenting to the laid down rules, guidelines and regulations by Ms. Edwards. Ms. Edward bound herself to the terms contained in the contract upon signing it in good faith. This constituted the common understanding that the terms were fair, both in the price charged and laid down regulations.

In a bid to by-pass the laid down procedures in attaining permission to hold a party within the premises, she looks into the terms of the contract and decides that they do not favor her intentions. However, since she had signed a contract, she resorts to seek a redress from the Courts. In her sense, Clause c) of the contract seems unfair, in that her MP3 had broken in the halls of residence. Information about the breaking of the MP3 does not get disclosed. This makes it difficult to ascertain, or dispute negligence on the part of the University.

According to the Unfair Contract Terms Act, UCTA, 1977, there exist a list of terms that get considered as Unfair Terms and, also, a test to determine whether certain terms qualify as Unfair1. The rise of reasonability of terms used in contracts arises. Contractual terms need to undergo consideration, under s.11 of UCTA, 1977, to gauge whether they constitutes a fair or unfair term in a contract. As such, and subject to s.11 of UCTA, 1977, part one of the tests gives room for the inclusion of Clause c) in the contract on the part of the Landlord (in this case, the University).
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The reasonability of the clause arises from the fact that the Landlord does not, for Tenant (in this Case Ms. Edward) privacy, rights and freedoms, intend to take part in living the life of the tenant. Further, the Landlord gives room for the Tenant to take personal responsibility for all that happens within her premises, subject to the terms of the signed contract.

The age of the Tenant grants her the freedom to make mature decisions. Further, taking care of personal property without un-necessarily involving third parties, the landlord in this case, amounts to private life. Therefore, she should take personal responsibility for the breakage of her MP3. This decision gets reinforced by Part Two of s.11 of UCTA, 19772. The part stipulates that the two parties understood the existence of the clause in the contract that stipulated no liability on the part of the Tenant.

Part Three of s.11 of UCTA, 19773, lays down the time that the reasonability and fairness of a clause can undergo consideration as fair or unfair. In cases where a clause got deemed as fair during the time the contract got signed, cases of unreason ability does not arise. There occurs no consideration for affairs that occurred in hindsight, prior to, or after the signing of the contract. Therefore, the fairness of the clause got accepted at the time of signing the contract.

This nullifies the proposal that the Clause amounts to being unfair after the realization that it does not favor the tenant in her intended activities. it, also, gets to the fore that the Clause does not occur as an exemption Clause, rather, it occurs as a stand-alone clause that needs no further interpretation or explanation. Part Four of s.11 of UCTA, 19774, asserts that in cases where any term get defined as excluding liability, taking of responsibility lies on the party that intends not to rely on the Clause.

Therefore, and in all fairness, the inclusion of the Clause in terms of the contract signed between the tenant and the landlord amount to a fair Term. In exhausting the test of determining whether the clause amounted to a fair one, the reasonability of the tenant to include the clause, to which the tenant assented, proofs that the Fairness and Reasonability of the clause stands.

In support to the reasonability and fairness of the inclusion of the clause in the contract, the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulation, UTCCA of 1999 defines liability arising from negligence. Section 2(2) UTCCA of 19995 stipulates that loss or damage incurred by one party cannot get considered as negligence of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Mooting Assessment Problem Solving" Assignment:

University of the East of England v Edwards

In the Court of Appeal

Ms Edwards is a student at the University of the East of England. She lives in halls of residence, and pays £140 per week for her accommodation, £20 a week less than she would pay for the equivalent private rental property in her area. Her tenancy agreement includes the following terms:

(a) Students are prohibited from holding parties in the accommodation without the prior permission of the University;

(b) Collective liability will be imposed upon students for damage when the individual(s) responsible cannot be identified; each student will pay an equal proportion in respect of any such damage;

(c) The University accepts no liability in negligence for property damage suffered by students on University premises.

In order to raise money to pay for a holiday, Ms Edwards wants to hold a themed party in her university accommodation, and to charge each guest a £10 admission fee. She does not want to seek the permission of the University for this party, since she believes that her plan to charge an entrance fee, and the theme, *****˜music inspired by LSD*****, would be unacceptable to it and she thinks that term (a) is *****˜unfair***** and therefore contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Ms Edwards also thinks that term (c) unfair because it is *****˜unreasonable***** and therefore contrary to s.2(2) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act (UCTA) 1977. This term concerns her because her MP3 player has been broken in her halls of residence by the University*****s negligence.

The trial judge accepts Ms Edwards***** argument, holding:


(1) That term (a), considered in the light of term (b), is unfair under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, and therefore not binding on her;



(2) That term (c) is unreasonable under UCTA. The University is appealing against both findings.

The University is appealing against both findings.

Bibliography format / citation style: Footnote

This is a case given for a mooting assessment (UK). My position in the mooting assessment is JUNIOR APPELLANT.

Junior Apellant appeals against the decision(s) of the lower court and argues that the appeal should be allowed. According to the given case, you should argue AGAINST the statement that the term (c ) is unreasonable under UCTA. You are only concerned with the second argument. Please read the full statute (the unfair contract terms act(UCTA) 1977 ) before putting your arguments. Please try to rebut the possible counter arguments and be persuasive.

You can refer to a total of 3 authorities (cases, statutes, secondary sources) Thanks in advance.

How to Reference "Mooting Assessment Problem Solving" Essay in a Bibliography

Mooting Assessment Problem Solving.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Mooting Assessment Problem Solving (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Mooting Assessment Problem Solving. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Mooting Assessment Problem Solving” 2013.
”Mooting Assessment Problem Solving”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Mooting Assessment Problem Solving”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Mooting Assessment Problem Solving [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Mooting Assessment Problem Solving. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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