Term Paper on "1967 Arab-Israeli War"

Term Paper 10 pages (2624 words) Sources: 15 Style: MLA

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mistreated for their beliefs. This has been apparent within the last century due to the fact that many as six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. From there, religious conflicts have continued in Israel and the Middle East. It is common knowledge that the cause of the conflict between the Jews and Arabs over their homeland that they cannot compromise about. They both claim that the land belongs to one of them but not both, which caused Israel's government to use military force.

From there, another reason why they used military force was due to nationalism because it was another cause for conflict. This was due to the fact that Zionism was an ideology and national movement that grew in Europe during the 1800s, proclaiming that all the Jewish people had the right to exist in a safe homeland of their own, which most did not agree with. Furthermore, the Jewish people believed that Israel was their homeland, because Jerusalem had never been the independent home and capital of any other people except for them. "On June 5, 1967, Israel was indeed alone, but its military commanders had conceived a brilliant war strategy. The entire Israeli Air Force, with the exception of just 12 fighters assigned to defend Israeli air space, took off at 7:14 A.M. with the intent of bombing Egyptian airfields while the Egyptian pilots were eating breakfast. In less than 2 hours, roughly 300 Egyptian aircraft were destroyed. A few hours later, Israeli fighters attacked the Jordanian and Syrian air forces, as well as one airfield in Iraq. By the end of the first day, nearly the entire Egyptian and Jordanian air forces, and half the Syrians', had been destroyed on the ground (the 1967 Six-Day War). This, within itsel
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f made them to seek out military force. Therefore, this war has continue for decades and will progress for many years because no one wants to give up their homeland, which they have claimed for their people and made them take military force.

The actions that were up for decision

According to Kofi Annan, Israel would not have any thing to say if they did not feel like their existence was not being threatened. From there, the international world does not have every right to criticize Israel for its continued occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territory, and for its response to the Intifada. " Israel has a right, enshrined in numerous United Nations resolutions, to exist in safety within internationally recognized borders... What we need is movement towards an agreement that responds both to the legitimate desire of the Palestinians for national independence, and to the legitimate claims of the Israelis to recognition and security" (Issue: Israeli Statehood). The issues of the conflict are due to borders: specific, fixed, agreed-upon boundaries for Israel and for the Arab states in the region. That consist of Palestinian state or political entity is created (History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict).

Furthermore, Israel wants to claim Jerusalem as their homeland because they feel that they are the settlers of it while they have already found settlement there because the political, civil, and national status of approximately 400,000 Jewish Israelis currently living on occupied land within the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip (History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict). They also way the right to return to the political, civil, and national status of Palestinians currently living outside the borders of the historic Palestines (History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict).

Furthermore they are entitled to compensation for Palestinians and Israelis who had to leave by force in order to leave behind their homes and property, which became a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict). The allocation of resources such as water among the region's people is all of they want along with the security for all states. From they also want the following to happen so that they can live in peace fc

Political, civil, and national status of Palestinians currently living within Israel

Economic viability of all the states in the region. Role of the international community in supervising a negotiated settlement (History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict).

Tony Blair, British Prime Minister states the following "If we want a viable Palestinian state, we need to make sure that the political, the economic, and the security infrastructure of that state is shaped and helped to come into being. We will mobilize international opinion and the international community in order to do that" (Issue: Palestinian Statehood). "As long as it is reached by an agreement, not a unilateral act, and there is no army there -- just a demilitarized zone with restrictions on the size of the police force and the number of heavy weapons. And there should be understandings and cooperation on the economy. If they should decide to make their area a free-trade zone, they could destroy us. There must be open borders between the Palestinian entity and Israel. Practically, there is a Palestinian state in creation. The Arabs should not take any unilateral steps, because Israel will have to annex those areas under our control" (Issue: Palestinian Statehood).

Since Israel had been attacked before, the government did not want to wait for the Arab leaders to attach. They felt this choice was out of their hands in order to protect themselves from being destroyed again (1967: Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East).

Israel did not wait to see if Arab leaders would fulfill their promises. On June 5, 1967 -- 40 years ago last week -- the Israelis struck. In an attack lasting a little over an hour, the Israeli air force destroyed more than 250 Egyptian planes, and Israeli ground forces broke through Egyptian lines in Sinai. Israel had urged Jordan to stay out of the war, but Jordanian artillery began shelling West Jerusalem and suburban Tel Aviv, and Jordanian warplanes struck Israeli coastal cities. From atop the Golan Heights, Syrian gunners rained thousands of shells onto Israeli farms in Galilee. Though faced with a multi-front war, the Israelis fought vigorously, first driving the Egyptians out of Sinai and Gaza and the Jordanians out of the West Bank and Jerusalem. They then silenced the Syrian guns and captured the Golan Heights. In six extraordinary days, Israel's citizen soldiers had defeated three major Arab armies and captured territories four times the size of pre-1967 Israel (1967: Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East).

In 1948, after the state of Israel was established, Israel was imposed by the Arab, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, which caused the War of Independence. For fifteen months, Israel fought a war where they could not defend themselves properly because they did not have the proper equipment and professional soldiers. They attempted peace on July 18, 1948, however no one could keep it even when the United Nations appointed a mediator to arrange an end to the hostilities, which means this decision of peace making was not the Israel's government decision to be in control of.. From there, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was introduced. The above events led to Israel's government decision to use military force in the Six Day War, which was between Israel and the Egyptian and Syrian armies. They wanted to gain land so that they would have a sense of control after being defeated in the past. As it can be seen from the following, this is why Israel chose military force on the other countries in which Israel defeated Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian forces to gain the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank

In this way, a direct threat along the whole length of Israel's territory was created. The Egyptian Army was deployed in the Sinai, the straits were closed signaling the failure of Israeli deterrence, and Jordan joined the military alliance closing the circle of the states threatening Israel's borders. As the situation deteriorated, Israel increased its reserve forces call-up which had already been underway and established a National Unity government which included representatives of the opposition parties at that time. Moshe Dayan was appointed Minister of Defense. Though the Government of Israel viewed the closing of the straits as a belligerent act and a warning bell, the government tried to solve the crisis through political channels. The government of Israel approached the Great Powers who had guaranteed the freedom of Israeli navigation. Britain and France reneged on their commitment and the President of the United States proposed a plan for breaking the blockade by an international armada. Israel agreed to wait and give the plan a chance and Prime Minister Eshkol announced his Government's intentions in a radio broadcast on 28 May. Israel's decision to wait was taken despite the fact that it was well aware that the main threat had now become the Egyptian deployment in the Sinai and not the closing of the straits. When it became clear later that the political demarches had failed,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "1967 Arab-Israeli War" Assignment:

THe Topic: 1967 Arab/Israeli War

THe paper will deal with the Israel governments decision to use military force in the 1967 "Six Day War"

THe paper must analyze and should focus on deliberations at the highest levels of decision-making

in the ISraeli government

Organization of the paper:

The paper should be organized, with the appropriate headings, into 5 sections, as indicated below:

Section 1: THe actions that were up for decision (4 pages)

A) Breifly summarize the course of events that brought about the situation that then government had to deal with

B) Indicate what was not up for decision

Section 2: THe Decision Makers (1 page)

A) INdicate who had the responsiility for making the crucial decisions. ANd with whom did he consult? (set the scene)

Section 3: Options COnsidered (7 pages)

A) Summarize the range of policies, strategies, and tactics that were given serious consideration in deciding how to deal with the situation.

Section 4: THe Decisions and the reasons. (7 pages)

A) Analyze whya particular course of action (or inaction) was chosen and other options were rejected. Indicate how the key decionmakers assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the various alternatives.

Section 5: Your judgement as to the wisdom of the decision(s). (3pages)

A) Was te use of the military power (that was considered or actually decided upon) Justifiable in terms of "just war" concepts? If you were asked to giver your advice at the time, how would you have argued?

***Strong Introduction and conclusion are important

***Internal text citation MLA form

***Sources should mostly be books and journals

Don't forget the in text citation so i will be able to go over and redo my own research.

Thank you for your business

How to Reference "1967 Arab-Israeli War" Term Paper in a Bibliography

1967 Arab-Israeli War.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

1967 Arab-Israeli War (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). 1967 Arab-Israeli War. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”1967 Arab-Israeli War” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639.
”1967 Arab-Israeli War” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639.
[1] ”1967 Arab-Israeli War”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. 1967 Arab-Israeli War [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639
1. 1967 Arab-Israeli War. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mistreated-beliefs/5639. Published 2008. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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