Term Paper on "Mission in Strategic Management Process"

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Mission in Strategic Management Process

Strategic management

It is more essential to execute the right things than to execute things in the right manner. This is an example of perception that time and again has been reiterated. At the same time as both distinctions are significant, concentrating on subjects and confrontations that are most vital to the organization is evidently a solution to triumph and victory. As with most such sayings, the suggestion is more effortlessly specified than pursued (3).

Regrettably, the "right things" to concentrate on are not continuously obvious. However, strategic management can assist. Strategic management unites strategic planning with the execution and assessment of growth and development. It is an instrument for recognizing the right things to perform, determining growth and development, and repeatedly regulating plans and policies to attain organization's mission. Understanding and comprehending the mission of the organization is not the first step in strategic management; however, without doubt it is one of the most important steps, if not the most important step in the strategic management process (5). The strategic management method contains four vital steps:

1. Evaluate the present environment.

2. Make decisions and build plans.

3. Apply the decisions and plans.

4. Assess the degree of growth and development (10).

Step 1: Evaluate the present environment

Excessively, strategies are built lacking a complete perceptive of the present limitations, strengths, concerns, as well a
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s, opportunities. A strategy that will successfully center the organization cannot be built in a couple of days at a strategic haven. An effectual strategy needs, as a first stride, the comparatively laborious compilation of data, with assessment and education of concerns (10).

The present environment ought to be measured from numerous viewpoints, together with the market and clientele attending present or possible opponents, and domestic ability of the organization (10).

Step 2: Make decisions and build plans

Two kinds of decisions have got to be made: What is the organization's mission? Along with what are its preferences (10)?

A mission determines an organization's vision of the future. It is frequently explained as a target position, "a position to exist" in the future. A mission ought to be apparent, crisp, and effortlessly comprehensible. It ought to be unforgettable and ought to straightforwardly produce dedication and eagerness (10).

For an organization, forming a mission that perfectly reproduces shared principles and concerns can be a considerable test. All associates of the organization have got to be occupied to some degree (10).

Step 3: Apply the decisions and plans

Application is the hardest step, as well as, it is the stage at which majority of the strategic planning or administration's endeavors stop working. To make success certain, application of the strategies have got to be purposely consigned, with time-lengths plainly described. Supervision to make accountability certain is also vital. There are numerous inputs to thriving application of the plan: Leadership dedication; Connection with financial Decisions; Organizational composition; Organizational Traditions (10).

Step 4: Assess the degree of growth and development

Development in accomplishing the organization's mission can be calculated in numerous methods: by variations in the market's characteristics or movements, by variations in client perceptions, by variations in competitive rank, and by variations in the efficiency or competence of executing service (10).

The application of the Missions in the strategic management process

Organizational missions are the operational, moral, and monetary inspirations of corporations. They are not merely slogans or catchphrases; they express the objective, thoughts, actions, traditions, as well as, strategies of the organizations (1).

By 1998, hard times had truck the Quaker State Corporation. The corporation was losing a considerable market share every year, as well as, facing a decline in their sales and earnings. Concerned about a probable takeover, the Quaker State board employed Herbert M. Baum, a salesperson from Campbell Soup as CEO. Amid his numerous programs was a management withdrawal where the company revamped its central mission: To channel a wide series of lubricants through a huge network of technicalities, merchants and drive-through lubricant shops. By 2001, Baum had productively altered the below par Quaker State from an oil corporation promoting motor oil to a recognized consumer products corporation, a sound number two following Pennzoil. Undoubtedly, the new mission performed a vital role in determining Quaker's turnaround (4).

One more company that had to experience open heart surgery so as to answer augmented competition, a rising global market, and growing service demands by clientele was United Parcel Service (UPS). By 2000, profit limits were sliding to 4% from almost 7% in 1998. CEO Kent Nelson structured UPS to build a new plan to rise to its competitors and varying marketplace. Leading the strategy transformation was the advancement of a new business mission statement. Consistent with Clinton Yard, senior vice president of operations, the mission gave a course to gain admittance. For instance, UPS's mission now openly centers on the buyers, whereas in the past it was not as buyer-oriented as its opponents (6).

These instances and numerous others (e.g., GM, Sears, IBM, Xerox, and Kmart) exemplify the requirement for all associations to put more stress on reformulating their mission to rise to the present aggressive background. Executive leaders growingly are confronted with the challenge of how to re-establish and change their organizations to make the best of the globalization of markets, augmented contest, de-regulation, and upsurge of downscaling (6).

The foundation for efficiently coping with these concerns is the organization's mission (occasionally entitled as value, philosophy, or ideology). Some time ago, experts believed that business rationale and business objectives, which are so infrequently given sufficient thought, are perhaps the most significant single reason of business aggravation and business malfunction (2). It is even clearer nowadays that firms dedicated to building and applying apparent and clear-cut strategic missions take pleasure in a viable edge over competitors who don't (12).

The current outburst of literature on this topic appears to increase the concept that missions are simply an added management trend, something to initiate the strategic management process. Trend or not, missions play a very important strategic function in organizations and should on no account be deserted (7).

The importance of the Missions

It is not unusual for sportspersons to perk up their feat in a forthcoming occasion by first establishing a mental picture of the ideal schedule. Applying this established technique of augmenting feat, contestants generate a mental picture of an ideal home run, an ideal golf swing, an ideal ski run, or a perfect acrobatic practice. In the background, it is clear that it requires more than bodily competence, more than the philosophy about defeating the opponents; it is mental concentration that creates winners (5).

If corporations desire to be successful in the present age, they as well require a mental concentration, a mission, and sense of course. Experts note that in commerce, as in fine arts, what differentiates leaders from idlers, and enormity from patchiness, is the aptitude to exclusively picture what could be (9).

Missions stating what the company wishes to accomplish, how it wishes to accomplish it, why it wishes to accomplish it, and where it is heading in the future can change a leader's visualization into substance. Therefore, defining the rationale and mission of the business is hard, throbbing, and dangerous. However, it by itself allows a business to set goals, to build plans, to focus its capital and to get results in the right direction. It alone facilitates a business to be handled for feat (12).

Missions are not the exclusive assets of for-profit ventures, though. Possibly one of the oldest missions is established in Philippians Chapter 2, verse 2, where Paul says that make my happiness absolute by being of the similar intellect, upholding the similar love, unified in spirit, goal and on one purpose. Many believe the U.S. Constitution as an illustration of the world's most flourishing mission (8).

Missions are vital for non-profit associations, as well. Experts have established that the solution to success was having an evidently expressed mission in conjunction with objectives to accomplish the mission. In the non-profit world, attaining the mission is equivalent to creating a turnover in the private segment. Consistent with the experts, non-profit organizations that provide short shrift to their missions will more or less always discover the going uncomfortable. Those non-profit organizations that put in the time and endeavor essential to devise a sound mission construct a stage from which to climb (11).

Conclusion well formulated mission is a vital constituent of an effectual strategic management process. This is particularly significant as organizations experience transformations and set off on new traditions of doing commerce (12).

The mission clearly illustrates the corporation on action. It identifies the precise strategies required to achieve the crucial objectives. It establishes a controlled association. It by itself can put off the most widespread debased ailment of businesses, particularly the big ones; breaking their always limited capital on things that are 'appealing' or look 'money-making' instead of focusing them on an extremely small number of fruitful efforts (12).

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Quoted Instructions for "Mission in Strategic Management Process" Assignment:

NOT the ***** - with *****’s Username: *****!!!!

Dear “*****”,

Would you please help me with the following work:

„I am alarmed and astounded that they [textbooks on strategic management] state that mission should precede the corporate planning process …” (John Argenti, ‘Practical Corporate Planning’)

Discuss the idea that mission may not necessarily be the first step in the strategic management process and explain the role played by mission in that process.

Suggested books:

‘Exploring Corporate Strategy, G Johnson & K Scholes, 7th Ed 2004, FT Prentice-Hall

‘Strategy: Process, Content, Contex’, R de Wit and R Meyer, ITP, 2004

‘Strategic Management’, J L Thompson, 2001, Thomson Learning

‘Making Strategy’, C E Eden & F Ackerman, 1998, *****

‘The Strategy Process; Concepts and Contexts’, Mintzberg et al, 2003, Prentice Hall

‘Strategic Management and Business Policy’, T L Wheelen and J D Hunger, 9th Ed.,2004, Prentice Hall

electronic articles are very welcome, e.g.

Harvard Business Review

Strategic Management Journal

Strategic Management Review

Management Today


-Please do not use books that are older than seven years.

-A good answere will incoperate relevant examples which

clearly demonstrate the point(s) beeing made

-A good answer will demonstrate understanding of the

concept of the business objective and the possible

objectives an organisation may set for itself

-A good answer will embrace associted concepts and theories

and demonstrate clearly the links between such concepts

-any diagrams etc may be appended

Footnotes please.

Thanks for your help.


How to Reference "Mission in Strategic Management Process" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Mission in Strategic Management Process.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Mission in Strategic Management Process (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Mission in Strategic Management Process. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Mission in Strategic Management Process” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462.
”Mission in Strategic Management Process” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462.
[1] ”Mission in Strategic Management Process”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Mission in Strategic Management Process [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462
1. Mission in Strategic Management Process. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mission-strategic-management-process/35462. Published 2005. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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