Essay on "Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?"

Essay 3 pages (1025 words) Sources: 2

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Minimum Wage

Is there anything more rewarding that working a 16-hour day, picking up your kids from the corner where they beg for food, doing this for thirty years and then dropping dead? This sounds like hyperbole, but it is the reality for millions in the developing world, where without protections people cannot earn enough to pay for their own existence, much less that of their children. Some want America to look like that as well, a plutocracy where the fortunate enjoy the benefits of modern living while the less fortunate are lucky not to starve to death. This is not a good vision for a civilized society.

Worker protections are integral to our overall well-being as a country. Thus, the minimum wage should not be abolished.

The social case for maintaining a minimum wage is clear. When people work hard, they deserve to be able to survive, and to take care of their families (Greene, 2013). The minimum wage as it stands barely does that, so any move to remove the minimum wage would eliminate this already-thin protection for America's workers. By allowing people to feed and house their families with the fruits of their labor, the minimum wage creates a society where there is hope, if not for oneself but at least for one's children, who would have the ability to stay in school rather than go to work, and thus have a chance at a better life. The minimum wage does little, but at least it provides a foundation on which a better life can be built. Rewarding people for the work they contribute is the least our society can do.

There is also a strong economic case for the minimum wage (Romer, 2013). Some would argue that competition for w
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orkers keeps wages high, so there is no necessity for a minimum wage. This is a false argument for two reasons. The first is that in many businesses the competition for workers is global. Americans cannot work at Chinese wages. We do not have 25 cent lunches on the street corner or $75/month apartments. There are inherently inequities among costs in different countries, so the wages cannot be set to a global scale. No American would work for Third World wages, so those jobs would be lost to the Third World. Additionally, the idea that competition for workers would keep wages high assumes that workers have the mobility to seek better opportunities. This is not always the case, especially when one has a mortgage that is underwater, or sick parents to look after. Workers lack the mobility needed to make such a system work.

There is another economic argument in favor of the minimum wage. The free market can only efficiently set wages when there is a balance of bargaining power between employers and employees. However, while employers are keenly aware of the job markets not only in a given city but anywhere in the world, they hold the balance of bargaining power. Minimum wage workers, often the least-educated among us -- do not have sufficient information about the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?" Assignment:

This is a paper for a Philosophy class. A strong personal opinion must be formed. The instructor care more about how you argue your opinion than the facts you use to support your opinion.

The essay must include a proper introduction with a thesis, 3 body paragraph and a proper conclusion.

The topic is : Should the minimum wage be abolished?

You can pick either for or against, it does not matter.

Please google the terms *****"pro con minimum wage*****" and use at least 2 sources in the writing.

How to Reference "Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?" Essay in a Bibliography

Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished? (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?” 2013.
”Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished? [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Should the Minimum Wage Be Abolished?. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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