Research Proposal on "Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients"

Research Proposal 7 pages (2343 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Mindful Meditation

The researcher completing the proposed mixed qualatative/quantative study will systematically review credible literature, including published studies, and coduct field work, implemeting a survey to 30 -- 50 participants (cancer and/or cardiac patients), diagnosed with cancer to determine effects of mindulness meditation on functional mobility of COPD patients.

The researcher will conduct the research for the proposed literature review online, utilizing MEDLINE, Questia, HighBeam, along with other credible online Web sites to assess published articles, reports, and studies in the English language, primarily between January 2004 and May 2009, where the primary focus includes mindulness meditation. Exceptions precluding these dates will be allocated, only to include vital information.

Findings: The proposed study will report findings, determined from analyzing researched literature, combined with findings from data retrieved from the questionnaire the researcher conducts with the determined participants/patients.

Conclusion: The researcher expects the literature, along with findings from the survey of participants/patients to confirm positive effects on functional mobility of COPD patients may evolve from regular practice of mindulness meditation.




"The WHO predicts

(COPD) will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030"

("Scientists resurrect…," 2008).


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) denotes numerous conditions, which include but may not be limited to chronic bronchitis and emphysema. "COPD leads to damaged airways in the lungs, causing them to become narrower and making it harder for air to get in and out of the lungs." As the quote introducing the proposed study notes, COPD merits concern as it may become the third primary cause of global deaths within the next 21 years, according to the pressrelease, "Scientists resurrect forgotten Everest research to develop breakthrough medical device; closed circuit breathing device could transform the lives of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." In regard to this contemporary/future "threat," the proposed mixed qualatative/quantative study will explore effects of mindfulness meditation on functional mobility of copd patients. Mindfulness meditation, the researcher asserts, proffers one potentially positive counter to help COPD patients cope with the disease.

During its quest to discover effects of mindfulness meditation on functional mobility of copd patients, the proposed study, which will report findings, determined from analyzing researched literature, combined with findings from data retrieved from the questionnaire the researcher conducts with the determined participants/patients, will examine a number of components relating to COPD, including cancer and cardiac diseases. Leslie Scrivener (2008), a physician and cancer survivor, specifically stresses that psychological stress can produce the same effects as bad eating habits, and promote cancer. According to Scrivener, "Cancer cells are in all of us, but not all of us get cancer, and three in four survive the disease" (Schreiber, 2008, ¶ 17). While investigating why certain individuals survive cancer, Schreiber found that a positive mental outlook, which links to reduced stress, may help reduce tissue inflammation which simulates the growth of tumours which in turn attack surrounding tissue.

Repeated studies concur that mindfulness meditation, a primarey focus to be explored by the propsed study, increases survival rates for cancer patients, and also lowers blood pressure better than some traditinally prescribed drugs. Even 10 minutes a day of mindfulness meditation may benefit an individual, when regularly practiced, Susan Hartman Brenizer (2008) reports in "20 ways to inoculate against stress."

"Meditation goes mainstream: This ancient technique can reduce stress that contributes to many diseases -- and may even extend your life (2006)," additionally reports that a May 2005 study in the American Journal of Cardiology purports that individuals who meditate have a 23% reduction in overall death. This study confirmed a 49% reduction in death from cancer and a 30% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease. In addition, the resports notes: "There's even some evidence meditation can help you live longer" ("Meditation goes mainstream…," ¶ 2). A number of other contemporary studies concur that meditation influences the mind and body and also find that meditation provides medical benefits as studies confirm it may prevent, slow, and/or manage a numerous diseases. Rationale for Study

The prediction that COPD will constitute the third primary cause of death in the world, by 2030 ("Scientists resurrect…," 2008) contributes to the rationale for the proposed study. Consequently, as more individuals and/or family members face challenges of COPD, the need will increase for effective ways to counter negative affects accompanying this diseaase. Therefore, the proposed study will examine the effects of mindfulness meditation on the functional mobility of these COPD patients. Hypothesis The researcher developed the following hypothesis for the proposed study: When COPD patients regularly practice mindfulness meditation, then the functional mobility of these COPD patients will improve.

The primary research quesiont the proposed study willaddress, queries:

How does mindfulness meditation affect the functional mobility of COPD patients?

Sub-questions to support the primary reserch question include:

1. What is mindfulness meditation?

2. What are some of the primary challenges COPD patients encounter in regard to funcitonal mobility?

3. What findings support the contention that mindfulness meditation may proffer positve benefit for COPD and/or other patients?

1.2: Study Area

Infomartional components of the proposed study will not be bound by any particular geogrpahic location(s), albeit, the location for the field study which includes participants/patients will an area located within a 50-mile radius of the researcher's home base.

1.3: Study Structure

Chapters following CHAPTER I, the INTRODUCTION for the prpoposed study will include:

CHAPTER II: Literature Review

CHAPTERI II: Methodology

CHAPTER IV: Analysis

CHAPTER V: Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations

CHAPTER II: Literature Review

During the development of the literature review, the researcher expects to access more than 50 credible sources to secure relevant literature and data. This information, will consequently, along with data retrieved from participants, be analyzed to determine whether the hypothesis for this study will be deemed valid or null and void. The researcher plans to obtain information through Questia, an online library, as well as Highbeam, another subscription research base, along with numerous other credible Web sites; to include books; scholarly journals; magazine articles; newspaper articles; etc. Along with purposefully searching through a myraid of acquired resources to secure answers for the designated research questions, the researcher will investigated the three prominent themes which evolved from the research questions.

CHAPTERI II: Methodology

For the methodology of the proposed study, the researcher will conduct the research for the proposed literature review online, utilizing MEDLINE, Questia, HighBeam, along with other credible online Web sites to assess published articles, reports, and studies in the English language, primarily between January 2004 and May 2009, where the primary focus includes mindulness meditation. Exceptions precluding these dates will be allocated, only to include vital information.

CHAPTER IV: Analysis

The fourth chapter of the proposed study, the Analysis, will relate findings from the investigation of information/data secured during the literature review, as well as, from survey results provided by the participants/patients who complegte th questionnare the researche implements.

CHAPTER V: Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations

The fifth/final chapter will discuss components covered in/by the proposed study, along with the determination of the proposed hypothesis. Conclusions regarding the proposed study, along with recommendations for future study efforts will also be included in the final chapter of the proposed study.

1.4: Aim and Objectives


The primary aim for the propsed study will be to complete the proposed mixed qualatative/quantative study by systematically reviewing credible literature, including published studies, and coducting field work, implemeting a survey to 30 -- 50 participants (cancer and/or cardiac patients), diagnosed with cancer to determine effects of mindulness meditation on functional mobility of COPD patients.


Objective 1

To conduct a thorough literature review on the subject of mindulness meditation, as well as other key components contributing to the proposed study, including, but not limited to COPD; functional mobility; stress.

Objective 2

To obtain or develop an appropriate questionnaire to utilize in survey of participants/patients diagnosed with COPD.

Objective 3

To implement survey of participants/patients diagnosed with COPD.

Objective 4

Utilize garner information/data from literature review and survey of participants/patients diagnosed with COPD for analysis to determine the validity of the hypothesis created for the proposed study.

During the next chapter of the proposed study, the Literature Review, the researcher presents a synopsis of relevant literature regarding effects of mindfulness meditation on functional mobility of patients with COPD, a disease threateningto become the third leading cause of death in the world within the next 29 years ("Scientists resurrect…," 2008).



"Mindfulness is a way to pay attention and cultivate self-awareness.

The way I describe it, [mindfulness] is paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally.

That's hard to do, although it sounds easy

- Dr. Kabat-Zinn (Kabat-Zinn, as cited in Danze, 2005, ¶ 6).

2.1: Introduction

The proposed study's literature review will be arranged in a thematic order. The following themes evolved from the three sub-questions noted earlier in this proposal.

1. Mindfulness Meditation

2. COPD Patients' Funcitonal Mobility Challenges

3. Support For Mindfulness Meditation's Benefits

2.2: Mindfunessl Meditation

Mindfulness meditation constitutes a skill a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients" Assignment:

We will pay $165.00 for the completion of this order!!

There are studies showing the effects of mindful meditation on cancer patients and other cardiac pt's. This will be a control study group, randomized, the intervention group will get the mindful meditation and control group will not.

Looking to show effects of meditation on functional mobility

How to Reference "Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients” 2009.
”Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Effects of Mindful Meditation on Functional Mobility of COPD Patients. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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