Term Paper on "Military Reform in 1874"

Term Paper 10 pages (3105 words) Sources: 10

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Military Reforms of 1861-74

It's generally agreed today that state of army truly reflects the standards of living in the country and the attitude of the citizens towards their country. It truly refers to the case with Russian army: today and in the past. Historian records and modern reports from Russia show that despite the patriotism of its citizens, "patriotism and love to the motherland" is understood as something abstract, which has no real life meaning for people. Ineffective army was a big problem for Russian Empire in the 19th century, which experienced stagnation as serfdom was not abolished yet.

The degradation of Russian army was defined by social and economical crisis of Russian empire in the second half the nineteenth century. Oppressive reaction used by Russian emperor Nicholas I against the revolt of Russian Decembrists in 1821 (nobles who wanted to abolish serfdom and reform Russian absolutism into constitution monarchy) defined deepening crisis of empire for the next 40 years. Russian absolutism, which promoted xenophobia and volunteer isolation from Western powers experienced deep crisis by 1860's:

war would end before Tsar Nicolas I came to see that the real causes of Russia's difficulties were its poverty and diplomatic isolation

The failure in Crimean war has shown that Russian army, fleet, system of communications and state administration were outdated and ineffective, in addition serfdom prevented agriculture and industry from natural development and only served as feudal survival which prohibited country from development. The situation in army reflected the whole situation in the country, which lived by semi
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feudal laws in the century of modern age. Institute of serfdom was effective either as labor force or as basis of regular army due to low motivation:

The core of Russia's problem was that even the population of serfs-or of freed peasants after emancipation-was not large enough to support an army of the size required by Russia's strategic situation

By the end of 1850's it was clear for everyone that army had to be reorganized.

Early attempts to reorganize permanent army

There were no considerable changes made up until Dmitriy Miliutin was appointed as the head of Ministry of War in 1861. He was one, who made a titanic work of army reorganization, turning it into a mobile, professional and well-equipped:

Reduced to its essential elements, Miliutin's universal service reform addressed several critical tasks. First, by greatly increasing the number of annual conscripts while reducing the term of active service, it maintained the size of the active army while expanding the pool of trained manpower. This formula limited peacetime costs, yet made possible the creation of a large reserve pool on which the army could draw in time of war

Among all military reforms which took place in 1861-1875, one of the most significant was the reform of 1874, which substituted 25 years military service of recruited levies to 6-7 years of universal military training service.

Up until the Universal Military Training Act of 1874 recruited soldiers formed a special estate, which was a social phenomenon of the 19th century imperial Russia. In most cases soldiers were recruited from male serfs of the age of 18 or older:

The usual age for service was between 18 and 35 years, but masters could send off serfs at any age. Finally, the courts used military as a dumping ground for petty offenders

After the military service term of 20-25 years they were dismissed and were granted personal freedom. But the conditions of military service and life in barracks were more than unbearable, so that recruitment was perceived not like a possibility of future liberation or social promotion but like a penalty:

as bad as peasant life could be, no one wanted to become a soldier

Besides participation in military campaigns, soldiers were often assigned to military garrisons of the most remote territories of Russian empire: deserts of Central Asia, Siberia or Russian Far East. In such remote territories soldiers were in the full control of their officers and in most cases were deprived of elementary rights. Physical punishments with fatal outcome were common practice as Russian army never experienced lack of recruits.

By the middle of the 19th century the number of retired soldiers was considerably growing, which created a big social problem. Retired soldiers, in most cases had difficulties in adaptation to civil life, they were not used to peasant labor and appeared to be unwanted out of barracks. Some of them settled in urban areas and got low paid jobs of watchmen, custodians, and other servicemen. Some soldiers received jobs of village clerks or literacy teachers in village schools, as in most cases soldiers received elementary education in the army and up until the middle of the 19th century, army was nearly the only state institution which guaranteed basic literacy education for representatives of low estates. As Martin McCauley writes:

In some regiments, according to the newspapers, a type of club has been organized for the lower ranks, where for a small charge they can get tea and bread, can pass the time playing draughts and chess and where, eventually, newspapers were available. Nobody can doubt the immense moral benefit of such institutions.

Historians note that retired soldiers experienced serious difficulties in social adaptation, a considerable part of them voluntarily returned back to army. Disabled soldiers in most cases received elementary social care from a number of private and state charity organizations, the most seriously ill soldiers were placed in hospitals called "houses for invalids." By the year of 1861 the number of disabled soldiers in Russian army was about 13,000 in 1890's it reached the level of 30,000.

One of the most effective military reforms in 1830's was establishment of unlimited furlough for soldiers after a definite military service term. In 1850's Russian Ministry of war made first attempts to create a permanent reserve, as Russian commander stuff which often boasted to have the biggest army in the world couldn't use it's great potential due to outdated ammunition, absence of roads and poor treatment:

When, at the moment we need to bring our troops into military preparedness, the 369-000 recurits must be drawn from the population, that is thirteen to fifteen young men from each thousand of population. Such extraordinary levies have a very poor effect on the physical strength of the population and on the economy. On the other hand, such an enormous number of new recruits cannot be prepared rapidly and properly for their task. To eliminate both these deficiencies I consider the best solution is to make the number of permanent and temporary reserve troops equal to the figure which will represent, in the new organization of the army, the difference between the peacetime and the wartime strengths of the army. This can be achieved easily and gradually, without aggravating the population; it requires only to set the normal number of annual recruits at a level which exceeds the annual decrease in strength of the army. Insofar as the number of recruits exceeds this annual reduction, so long-serving soldiers can be released into the reserve....

Such reform had very progressive meaning for soldiers as it provided them with wider opportunities for social adaptation and allowed the Ministry of War to start the creation of permanent army reserve. After 1834 soldiers with "reserve" status received a privilege of free choice of place for living and had equal rights for employment. Soldiers from reserve also could be freely readmitted to military service. But nevertheless, in case of law breaking, begging or alcoholism such they were returned to military service and were deprived of the retirement right forever.

Military and social reforms of 1860's were the first attempt to make a logical and integral reorganization of Russian army. In 1860's retired soldiers were guaranteed certain privileges of receiving allotment from state land reserve, or they could receive material compensation. Such approach was explained but the lack of lands in predominantly poor peasant communities, which in most cases even did not return inherited allotments of soldier's relatives, if they died before his demobilization. Czarist government was interested in populating frontier and remote territories by soldiers, which could be quickly mobilized in war time and established certain privileges for those soldiers who wanted to settle there. As for example:

Cossack settlements in the Caucasus after 1850 were supplemented by groups of retired married soldiers with 15 years' service in the Caucasus Corps

Deviant behavior of soldiers in Russian Army.

A special place in life of retired soldiers was taken by deviant behavior, which was often expressed in such demonstrations as aggressive alcoholism, begging, and idle way of life. The problem of begging of disabled retired soldiers was not solved, which vividly demonstrated undeveloped institutes of civil society in Russian empire, indifference of state and private organizations to the problems of charity need and simply concluded unbreakable gap between elite and low classes.

One of the most serious reasons which destabilized situation of dismissed soldiers was decision of 1841 to establish regular assemblies. They created addition… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Military Reform in 1874" Assignment:



The main topic is the Military Reform in Russia of 1874

The focus is on the soldier*****s lives, how their everyday lives improved because of the reforms, whether or not soldiers could re-enlist after their 6 active years were up, what soldiers did during their inactive years, and if the improvements in the reform made military life better for the average soldier.

The paper should not just be a descriptive narrative, but also show interpretation and analysis. There should also be a brief introduction to the paper as well as an adequate conclusion.

This paper should be written in the past tense, but in the active voice.

Historical figures should not be referred to by their first name

Also there CANNOT be any block quotes in this paper. NONE


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Please take particular care to avoid any form of plagiarism. Ideas and arguments taken from other historians must be cited in footnotes. Any specific wording borrowed from another author should be quoted directly and cited in footnotes. It is perfectly acceptable to use other persons' ideas, but one must cite the source of these ideas and give the original author credit.


How to Reference "Military Reform in 1874" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Military Reform in 1874.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Military Reform in 1874 (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Military Reform in 1874. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Military Reform in 1874” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214.
”Military Reform in 1874” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214.
[1] ”Military Reform in 1874”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Military Reform in 1874 [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214
1. Military Reform in 1874. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/military-reforms-1861-74/414214. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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