Thesis on "Windows 7 And Windows Vista"

Thesis 4 pages (1588 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Operating Systems Research Assignment

The differences between Microsoft Windows Vista operating system to Windows 7.0 is the intent of this paper, with a technical and features-based discussion and analysis forming the foundation of the analysis. Microsoft has only once mentioned Microsoft Windows 7, and that was during their developer conference this year. From the limited information with regard to its introduction, the launch date has tentatively been projected as December, 2009 or 2010. Industry press (Arar, 2008) report that internally, Microsoft developers want Vista to be perceived as the interim release of their desktop operating system, with Windows 7 being the next flagship, instead of Vista being a full-scale, robust operating system in its own right. As Microsoft is a highly engineering-centric company, the introduction of the MinWin kernel architecture in Windows 7 is expected to deliver significant performance gains on parallel processing laptops, PCs and servers, as is the multi-threading planned for both 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 7.


Comparing Technical Architectures of Windows Vista vs. Windows 7

Impact of Operating System Architectural Differences on Features


Comparing Technical Architectures of Windows Vista vs. Windows 7

Microsoft Windows 7's core architecture will be significantly different than any previous Windows NT or XP operating system at the kernel level. As Microsoft has had to contend with open source operating systems that support both forms of
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byte ordering, Apple and UNIX operating systems that have configurable kernels that have become successively more manageable, and the dissatisfaction with their own operating systems, the decision has been made to create the MinWin kernel architecture. MinWin will be introduced for the first time in Windows 7 and still will lack the configurability of Apple, open source (Linux), or UNIX kernels; the design of the kernel does strip away display and printer driver APIs to give it higher performance. In effect MinWin emulates those third party operating systems Microsoft competes with today. The Microsoft Vista kernel architecture on the other hand is an extension of the Win32 and Win64-based kernel of Windows NT editions and Windows XP Professional and XP Server editions. Microsoft has stated that the structure of this kernel with a shared series of service will emulate virtualization across multiple process streams, which takes advantage of their multithreaded expertise gained from the previous generations of Windows NT and XP operating systems while also ensuring Win16, Win32 and Win64 API support across applications. Theoretically this multithreading support would provide the ability to have backward compatibility to all Windows NT and XP applications on Vista. The IRQ interrupts from peripheral devices often cause these threaded transactions routed through virtualized memory space to often crash. As a result, Vista has gained a reputation for crashing often especially when obscure or not well-known peripherals are used. The lack of plug-and-play reliability is also slowing the adoption of Vista in enterprise accounts as is the lack of security designed into the operating system. At a recent Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) held in Los Angeles, CA Microsoft introduced additional kernel elements that integrate into future releases of Windows Vista and Windows 7. These enhancements included a completely redesigned Graphics Device Interface (GDI) that supports more efficient network-based inter-device communication including greater support for IP-based printing devices, an area where Vista had been struggling. Microsoft is disengaging GDI form the kernel in Windows 7 to alleviate this long-standing limitation in their operating system architecture.

Microsoft has also decided to create a hybrid kernel in Windows Vista which has also contributed to the lack of compatibility with Win16, Win32- and Win64-based applications, which is significantly different than MinWin, Windows 7.0 kernel. With a kernel architecture that more closely resembles Windows NT editions than XP, Microsoft has created a Host Virtual Machine, Guest Virtual Machine (GVM), Guest Kernel Mode and Kernel Mode platform where the device drivers and Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) are. This kernel structure leads to multithreading performance degradation over time, in addition to potential memory conflicts even though this operating system using preemptive multitasking as previous editions of Windows XP have. Compare this highly fragmented and resource-intensive approach to defining the kernel of an operating system to the approach Microsoft is taking with the MinWin kernel which will only have the host and Guest Virtual Machine (GVM) kernels and a virtualization agent that will act as the coordinator or synchronizer of multithreaded applications that require kernel arbitration and support. The challenge for Microsoft is to get the kernel streamlined enough to accomplish this design goal. Comparing the proposed kernel architecture MinWin to Linux, Apple and UNIX variants, Microsoft really has no choice but to slim down the kernel enough to make it support multiprocessor performance as efficiently as its competitors do. In conjunction with the MinWin design is the development of an entirely new series of kernel-related services for supporting the development of Web Services that can scale and be secure for creating transactions. Microsoft is creating the surrounding kernel components in MinWin to support and nurture the development of commercially-based Web Services that will make it possible for developers to replicate simplistic contented-based transactions for content management and delivery through the SharePoint Server applications. Microsoft has struggled to make BizTalk Server a successful enterprise-wide application as well. As Windows 7 will be delivered in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions with both clients and enterprise server editions in each of these variations, the intention is to have this next-generation operating system serve as the basis of Web Services design and custom development. Microsoft's core customer bases for their operating systems are enterprise accounts where the licensing strategies and requirements are complex, expensive and reward upgrades over rip-and-replace strategies on the part of their customers. One of the most complex pricing strategies in the software industry, Microsoft relies on enterprise accounts maintenance fees for a large percentage of their profits. With Windows Vista the enterprise strategy has been slow to evolve yet Windows 7 and its MinWin kernel with transaction-based ancillary components including a Transaction Coordinator, Logging Service, Kernel Transaction Manager and Lightweight Transactions Web Services set, Microsoft is deliberately designing the ancillary kernel modules to make Windows 7 more of a development platform for Web Services than any previous generation of any Windows 32-bit or 64-based operating system.

In summarizing the differences from an architectural standpoint between Windows Vista vs. Windows 7, the intentions of the operating system architects, programmers and developers is evident from the interim approach the kernel architecture of Vista has vs. The generational jump in structure and theoretical performance of Windows 7/s MinWin kernel. Both kernels still lack the ability to be recompiled on the fly as their open source competitors including Linux, in addition to Apple's OS X and the many variations of UNIX support. Microsoft however is moving the interior structure of their operating systems to support Web Services development efforts on the part of their enterprise customers. The transition to an operating system that can support Web Services is the design objective of Windows 7, as is the culmination of the Microsoft.NET and XML integration roadmaps that require a major platform refresh to support their APIs, Virtual Machines (VM)s in addition to XML integration requirements. Vista is too interim of a release and too much of a hybrid architecture to support such a significant culmination of development programs. The implications of the redesigned kernel also lead to significantly new approaches to handling navigation as well, making it more modular in structure (Spring, 2008). Implications of the kernel modifications on the feature set differences are discussed in the next section.

Impact of Operating System Architectural Differences on Features

With a significantly redesigned kernel, Windows 7 will be significantly faster than any previous Microsoft operating system, and will also have the ability to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Windows 7 And Windows Vista" Assignment:

Operating Systems 1040 Research Assignment

Due: December 5, 2008 (11:59pm)

Instructions: You are to research information on the latest Windows operating system, Windows 7 and compare and contrast its features to Windows Vista. The document, not including the cover page, table of contents, and reference page is to be, five double spaced pages using Times New Roman Font Size 12. The paper can be e-mailed to me, but I want only one attachment with the correct formatting. This means the first page is the cover page, followed by the Table of Contents, followed by the body of the research paper, and finally the reference page. You are to have at least three (3) separate references.

PLEASE NOTE: Copying and pasting text without referencing will result in an automatic 0 for the paper and an Academic Offence will be written up.

Placing quotes at the beginning of the text and at the end, with references will result in 0% for the paper.

Finally, please do not string a bunch of cited quotes together that make no sense or do not relate to your summary or back up your summary. This will cost serious loss of marks.

How to report to me:

1) The document is to follow the APA format *****“ *****according to Gord*****;

i) You are to have a title page which will have in the centre of the page, The title of your paper, your full name ( first & last), your student ID, course number, my full name and finally my position (Faculty).

ii) The second page is to have a table of contents that uses Word*****s process of creating a table of contents. If you do not how to do this, look it up.

iii) The rest of the document will be divided into two main sections:

(1) The main topic of the paper. You should put headings according to what it is you are talking about.

(2) The final page with a heading called References.

Comment [ GLR1]: This will help with the Table of Contents

iv) You are to write a summary of what you found on the Internet, and if possible back up what you have summarized with some brief quotes. You can do this in two ways:

(1) (a) You summarize what you found and use a direct quote from the article you got it from (this is where copy and paste is okay) then;

(b) After the quote(s) you are to put in brackets the actual website you retrieved the information from. This process is called citing a reference. This will be the same cite that you will put in your references page at the end of the document.

(2) (a) Start with a quote, reference it and then discuss what material you researched about it. You would follow the same rules for citing the reference as above.

v) All pages are to be numbered, using MS Word*****s method. IF you do not use Word 2007 or 2003, you can use Open Office, or Works. Just make sure all requirements have been met.

2) You will lose 25% of the mark for each day late, including weekends. This follows the policy as set out in your workplan.

NOTE: I prefer the paper to be written using Word 7 because this is the program that I use at home. Thank you.

How to Reference "Windows 7 And Windows Vista" Thesis in a Bibliography

Windows 7 And Windows Vista.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Windows 7 And Windows Vista (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Windows 7 And Windows Vista. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Windows 7 And Windows Vista” 2008.
”Windows 7 And Windows Vista”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Windows 7 And Windows Vista”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Windows 7 And Windows Vista [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Windows 7 And Windows Vista. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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