Thesis on "Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise"

Thesis 4 pages (1133 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

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Mexico, U.S., and Globalization

The promise of globalization in the late 1980s and 1990s has given way to a host of problems with this new and still emerging world order, some of which were predicted early on in the scheme of things. Others, however, have come as something of a surprise, in the magnitude and immediacy of their onset, if not in the practical details of the effect itself. Chief among these unexpected problems with increasing industry and -- for some, at least -- virtually unchecked attempts at economic growth is the specter of global warming. There is little doubt now in the scientific world that temperatures are on the rise globally, and that humans are largely responsible for this change in temperature due to their release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses as byproducts of industry. Though this problem had shown its warning signs far earlier than the current era of globalization, the increasing inequalities that appear to be inherent to the globalized system provide a sharper contrast to the issue.

The forces at work in the creation and furtherance of global warming are intrinsically and inextricably tied to the economic realities of living in a globalized world. Examples of this relationship abound; China's rapid economic growth has come at a significant environmental cost, and other developing countries are bristling under carbon emission limits that the international community is trying to impose upon them, asserting -- quite rightly -- that such limits will only keep them in an economically disadvantaged position by limiting their ability to promote effective and efficient industry. One need not look too far from home to find an example of the
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inequality that exists in the globalization/global warming framework; the United States and Mexico, two neighbors with a rich history of animosity and cooperation, are evidence of this point.

In Plan B. 3.0, Lester Brown outlines the interconnected and complex issues of global warming and globalization, and suggests ways to combat the growing issues caused by both. He also briefly outlines the economic disparity found between established powers like the United States and still-developing nations like Mexico. Of particular importance in the relationship between these two countries is the issue of agriculture and the employment this industry offers as a way of combating poverty and increasing development without altering carbon emissions. Brown asserts that for many developing and poverty-stricken nations with available natural resources, successful export-oriented farm sector -- taking advantage of low-cost labor and natural endowments of land, water, and climate boost rural incomes and to earn foreign exchange -- often offers a path out of poverty. Sadly, for many developing countries this path is blocked by the self-serving farm subsidies of affluent countries" (Brown, 2007).

This statement is central to many of the major issues that face Mexico and the United States in this era of globalization. Farm subsidies have been a contentious issue in United States politics for decades, and their effect on the international economy -- especially on our nearest neighbors (and even more especially on Mexico, which has a much greater agricultural potential than Canada) -- can be devastating, especially with the other effects of regional "free trade." In essence, the combination of free trade and farm subsidies makes it more profitable for the United States to export to Mexico, and can even make U.S. agricultural goods cheaper then domestic gods in Mexico, perpetuating and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise" Assignment:

The paper is over globalization and the range of problems facing U.S. and Mexico. It should reference the opinions of Freidman, Stiglitz, and Brown (see below)on globalization. (Issues could range from economic, religious, social, etc.)

Hot, Flat, and Crowded *****“ Why We Need A Green Revolution *****“ and How It Can Renew America, by Thomas L. Freidman, 2008, (978-0-374-16685-4)

Making Globalization Work, by Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2007, (978-0-393-33028)

Plan B 3.0; Mobilizing to Save Civilization, by Lester Brown, Norton & Company, 2008, (0-393-33087-7) or download free PDF at

Over books that could be referenced:

*****¦History of Globalization

1. A Brief History of Globalization by Alex MacGillivray, 2006, (0-7867-1710-6)

2. Globalization, A Very Short History by Manfred B. Steger, 2003, (0-19-280359)

3. Globalization, A Short History by Jurgen Osterhammel & Niels P. Petersson, 2003, (0-691-12165-6)

*****¦re Global Issues

4. The World is Flat (Further Updated and Expanded, Release 3) by Thomas L. Freidman, 2007, (0-312-42507-4)

5. Plan B 2.0; Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, by Lester R. Brown, 2006, (0-393-32831-7) or download free PDF

6. Bound Together; How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers and Warriors Shaped Globalization, by Nayan Chanda, 2007, (970-0-300-11201-6)

7. The End of Poverty; Economic Possibilities for Our Time, by Jeffrey D Sachs, 2006, (0-14-303658-0)

8. The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman, 2007, (0-312-34729-4)

9. Leadership and the New Science, Discovering Order in a Chaotic World by Margaret J. Wheatley, 2006, (1-57675-344-1)

10. Three Cups of Tea *****“ One Man*****s Mission to Promote Peace*****¦One School at a Time, by Greg Mortenson and ***** Oliver Relin, published by Penguin Books, 2006, (978-0-14-303825-2)


11. The Post American World, by Fared Zakaria, Norton & Company, 2008,


12. The Second World, by Parag Khanna, Random House, 2008, (978-1-4000-6508-0)

*****¦Religion and Global Issues

13. Global Neighbors *****“ Christian Faith and Moral Obligation in Today*****s Economy, by Douglas A. Hicks and Mark Valeri (editors), published by Wm. B Eerdmanns Publishing, 2008, (978-0-8028-6033-0)

14. Religion in Global Civil Society, edited by Mark Juergensmeyer, Oxford University Press, 2006, (978-0-518835-6)

15. Serve God Save the Planet, by J. Mathew Sleeth, MD, published by Zondervan, 2007, (978-0-310-27534-3)

16. If This Is the Way the World Works *****“ Science, Congregations, and Leadership, by William O. Avery and Beth Ann Gaede, published by Alban Institute, 2007, )978-1-56699-355-5)


17. The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille, 2006, (0-7679-2056-2)

18. Mexicans & Americans, Cracking the Cultural Code by Ned Crouch, 2004,


19. Latin American Business Cultures by Robert Crane & Carlos Rizowy, 2005,


20. Out of the Mist, Demystifying & Understanding Other Cultures To Improve International Business by Don E. Post, 1996, (1-881907-25-2)

21. Working Across Cultures by John Hooker, 2003, (0-8047-4807-1)

22. When Cultures Collide, Managing Successfully Across Cultures by Richard D. Lewis, 2000, (1-85788-087-0)

23. Breaking Through Culture Shock by Elisabeth Marx, 1999, (1-85788-220-2)

24. Mind Your Manners, Managing Business Cultures in Europe by John Mole, 1999, +


*****¦on Mexico

25. Opening Mexico, The Making of a Democracy by Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon, 2004, (0-374-22668)

26. Doing Business in the New Latin America, A Guide to Cultures, Practices and Opportunities by Thomas H. Becker, 2004, ((0-275-98132-0)

27. The Tecate Journals, by Mark Bowden, Mountaineers Books, 2007,


How to Reference "Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise" Thesis in a Bibliography

Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise” 2009.
”Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Mexico, U.S., and Globalization the Promise. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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