Term Paper on "Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People"

Term Paper 13 pages (3529 words) Sources: 10

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The research proposed in this work centers on the Middle Eastern organization's preparedness or lack of preparedness in addressing the growing problem of a talent shortage evidenced in countries throughout the world. While some countries have proactively prepared for the talent shortage in the workforce, others have not and this seems to be the case in countries in the Middle East. This work proposes research in this area among a sampling of human resource executives in Middle Eastern organizations in the attempt to assess what can and should be done to address the talent shortage problem. An extensive review of literature finds that government and organizations must align with schools and educational institution to promote training and education in order to turnout a higher-skilled and higher-educated workforce for the future. Organizations must necessarily brand themselves through provision of generous leave, salary, and other benefits for employees if these organizations are to attract and retain the best talent in the workforce. The research proposed is qualitative in nature and proposes data collection and analysis through interviews and focus group study with participants in this study.




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/>I. Introduction

II. Purpose of the Study

III. Research Questions

IV. Significance of the Study

V. Methodology

VI. Literature Review

VII. Findings of the Study

VIII. Recommendations for Future Research





Presently the countries in the Middle East are facing new challenges in terms of attracting and retaining talented employees due to many changes wrought by globalization and a talent-shortage in the workforce both in present and future terms. Research reveals that the looming shortage in talent in the modern workforce is viewed as vital as battle logistics in any war that is fought and this is evidenced in the titles assigned to articles and reports reviewing this subject.


The purpose of this study to is to ascertain the processes and methods that Human Resources will be required to utilize in attracting and retaining top-talent in today's Middle Eastern organization.


Are organizations in the Middle East prepared to deal with the present and coming shortage of talent in the workforce?

What has been done to address the talent-shortage in the Middle East?

What may be done by organizations to address the talent-shortage in the Middle East?

Are there structural barriers present in Middle East organizations that worsen the talent-shortage problem?


The importance of this study is the knowledge that the research will add to this area of study due to the critical nature of talent attraction and retention in the Middle East organization at this time and in the near future as well.


The methodology in this study will be of a qualitative nature and will be conducted through an extensive review of current peer-reviewed, academic literature and as well will be through the qualitative method of a survey/questionnaire which will serve to inform the researcher of what is important to individuals who are considered to be 'top-talent' in today's workforce, specifically participants will be a sampling of college-graduates or those who are nearing the completion of their college degree.

VI. LITERATURE REVIEW recent article entitled: "The War for Talent" states the fact that with the economies in the Persian Gulf growing at such as fast rate, "...a war is being raged throughout the region's corporate corridors for attracting suitable candidates and seeking employment and retaining current employees with jaw-dropping compensation packages." (Iran International, 2007) the situation is said to have been created due to the "...stunning pace of economic growth" which has effectively created "a situation in which all companies are vying to maintain their valued employees that have valuable knowledge and functional sophistication." (Iran International, 2007) This has resulted in an impact on the labor market and in what is termed to be: "...an alarming upsurge in salary levels." (Iran International, 2007) These salary increases however, are primarily at the lower level skills particularly those that are noted to be in the 25 to 50% range with higher level skills employee salary growing within the normal 10 to 12% range over the past decade. Competition for skilled labor is stated to be: "...intense as countries push ahead with ambitious economic development plans..." And this is a time of great opportunities for executives "to shape company decisions and have a tangible impact as compared to larger firms." (Iran International, 2007) One factor spoken of in this same report is what is termed to be: "...the sub-continental pull." (Iran International, 2007) One point made in this report is that if companies are to retain employees they must join the movement of offering "timely career opportunities" as well as becoming "much more responsive with their policies towards remuneration and reward in order to attack and retain the most talented professionals." (Ibid) the report concludes by stating that companies need to put talent management and employee development at the top of their corporate priority. The problems are expected to be in occurrence "as expatriates decide to move out of the Persian Gulf region or as local talent fails to increase talent supply." (Ibid)

The report entitled: "Preparing for the Next Battle in the War for Talent" states the fact that: "Data indicate that the demand for workers soon will dwarf the available supply; within a few short years, experts predict a global talent gap of nearly 23 million as a result of a "perfect storm" of converging factors. This conundrum will encompass all levels of talent regardless of industry or location." (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006) the work of Kelly, Marquez, and Russell stats that there are "four major trends reshaping the global workforce which are:

Aging populations;

Widening Skills Gap;

Increasing Diversity; and Changing Priorities. (2006)

There are several factors stated to be that which contributes to the "idea of a developing skills gap in the U.S. And Europe" (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006) Those factors are stated to be as follows:

Efficiency 'purges' of the 1990s and the dot-com boom/bust era that dislocated layers of middle managers;

Increased international competition;

Decreased visa issuance - once the largest importer of talent, today the U.S. issues only 65,000 visas annually, down from 195,00;

Lower math and science scores - the U.S. continues to lag behind the rest of the world in science and math education; thus, the skills shortage among engineers, scientists and information technologists likely will be felt most strongly in the U.S. (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2005)

Over the next ten years predictions state that Europe and North American will produce and educate only 3% of the world's entering labor force, while Asia will account for approximately 75%." (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006) the younger generation of talent is stated to place: "greater importance on trust, respect, pride, and ethics, while blind company loyalty is part of a bygone era. In the search for higher meaning, many talented workers are more inclined to join smaller companies or enter into entrepreneurial situations." (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006) According to these authors: "Best in class organizations support retention programs that range from knowledge-based training (including cognitive, creative, reasoning, problem solving, communication and collaboration) and alternative work arrangements to positive work environments that can attract both the younger and older generations of talent." (2006) Key is stated to be Human Resources executives that are "cross-culturally competent." (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006) the HR Executive for the next decade will have the following characteristics:

Strong business acumen -- speak the language of business;

Strategic problem-solving skills -- creative;

Cross-culturally competent;

Capable of influencing top decision makers;

Credible and trustworthy across all levels of the organization;

Far-sighted and proactive talent development expertise;

leadership skills -- unafraid of leading change;

Unassailable judgment. (Kelly, Marquez, and Russell, 2006)

Petro and Petty (2007) in the work entitled: "The Looming Leadership Talent Wars and What Organizations Need to Do to Secure Their Future" states that the: "...recruitment, retention and development of talented workers are significant issues for all organizations in this increasingly global and knowledge-based economy." (Petro and Petty, 2007) Stated as four implications of a leadership talent shortage for organizations are those as follows:

1. "The ability to execute complex strategies in a fast-moving, global marketplace will be compromised by a shortage of knowledge workers and experienced leaders;

2. An investment in the retention of talented leaders will become table stakes in this emerging "sellers" market for experienced professionals;

3. Younger, less-experienced workers will assume leadership responsibilities… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People" Assignment:

It is extremely important that the research paper should be written in plain UK English text as compared to other writing styles i.e. MLA, Harvard, APA and others. Consequently, please do not follow the writing style mentioned in the order form.

The research paper should be complied in a manner of analytical academic. At the same time the research paper should be written only after the ***** has read the Reasearch Proposal and the feedback given on it.

Given below are:

- Research Proposal

- Feedback

Research Proposal

Name: Deepanker Dass

Please provide an outline of the project. The outline should be short and concise and should describe:

 What you wish to do for the project

 Why it is a relevant subject

 How will you obtain the data and the information for the subject

Please also complete the following questions related to the research.

1. Project Title:

Talent Shortage: Attracting and Retaining People

2. Why is the research important?

Most Organisations address the issue of Talent Management as a part of their overall strategy. It is an important step through which they attract, motivate and develop the appropriate individuals with appropriate skills to meet the business objectives. But instead, on most occasions we find that the goals are not being met or we don*****t have the right people at the right place and sometimes finding the right person can be a problem and eventually when you find them you have problems in retaining those talented individuals.

My current organisation is facing a similar problem. Our previous Compensation and Benefits Manager left the organisation and now it is getting extremely difficult to recruit another one due to limited talent pool available in the Middle East in this particular specialised area. Consequently, you go head hunting for these individuals in Europe or America which incurs large amounts of recruitment costs. Also noticed, by simply increasing their remuneration packages both financial and non-financial was not the solution as other organisations would raise theirs and match the offer.

3. What is the central question that you intend to address in this research?

The central question of the research would be:

The various effects of Talent Shortage on an organisation and to what extent do you develop the individuals capability and motivate them in order for business objectives to be met.

4. In your module 5 project you will need to provide a review of the relevant academic literature. In preparation for this please explain how your project links with the ideas put forward in Modules 2, 3, and 4?

The relevant academic literature will include scholarly journals that have dealt with the topic of Talent Shortage: attracting and retaining people. These relevant academic journals will also take in to consideration the theories pertaining to recruitment, motivation and development and up to what extent are these processes based so as to provide an indication of the of the talent and the skills they need to work at that level. In this case it will be my current organisation.

5. How will you investigate the issues (e.g. sample size interviews, questionnaires)?

I shall distribute questionnaires to people at various positions. I shall also design a survey that will help me in to study the topic of research in greater depth.

6. Why do you think the methods you have chosen are the most appropriate?

The methods that I have chosen are appropriate because they provide me a first hand knowledge of what the organisation is doing and what are the areas or the policies that needs to modified or changed. Instead of just relying on the journals and literature, I will also use surveys and questionnaires which will help me to get a better idea as to how these processes work in my organisation.

7. Please provide a week by week timetable for the project:

The timetable for the project will be as following:

Week One:

Distribution of Questionnaires

Collection of information from literature

Week Two:

Collecting back the questionnaires

Week Three:

Calculating the results

Week Four:

Writing and finalising the research project.


Thank you for re-submitting your project proposal for the module 5 project. There are still some major concerns as to whether you can develop this proposal into a suitable research project. However it has been awarded a provisional acceptance on the basis that you pay very close attention to the comments given here

Otherwise there is a real danger that you will spend a lot of time researching and writing a project that does not reach a satisfactory standard.

While Talent Shortage and Management may be a popular and current topic in some academic journals, you would be well advised to try and link some of the issues discussed in these journals to academic debate. You loosely talk of Recruitment, Motivation and Employee Development without really clearly raising an issue that you are going to research or any clear objectives of your research. It is important that you base your research project clearly investigating an academic issue. At the moment your proposal seems to lack a clear focus or research question that should provide the central thread of your whole project and it is still a major concern that your project could end up being a general discussion on Talent Management & Shortage without having a real issue on which to base your research.

The central question of your research as laid out in your proposal seems to point towards employee development and linking this with meeting business objectives. There are many areas that are connected with this where there is genuine academic debate or theories that you could support or test in your organisation. It is advisable that you look to identify one of these and design your survey to come up with some real and clear information to support or refute what the theory suggests. There are also some concerns over your research plan and how well through you have thought out how you are going to conduct your research, increasing the feeling that what your project will be is just a general discussion without any real focus. It would be interesting for you to consider the aims and objectives of your research and how the method you have chosen is best suited to achieve these. More detail on the characteristics of the

participants of your survey, why these have been chosen and the method of sampling would have been useful.

It is clear that there is still a lot of work to do on this before it will form the basis of a satisfactory research project. This has been given a very marginal provisional acceptance as there is some interesting academic issues in the area you have related your project.

How to Reference "Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527.
”Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527.
[1] ”Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527
1. Talent Shortage Attracting and Retaining People. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/meeting-demand-talent/431527. Published 2007. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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