Capstone Project on "Medication Errors Due to Cluttered"

Capstone Project 5 pages (1671 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Nursing leaders should also encourage the nurse to report on the medication errors. Majority of nurses do not report the medication errors they perform, which limits the amount of information available. Proper definitions should be provided in order to determine what constitutes a medication error. Investigating the unreported medication errors is difficult, but it would provide information on the extent and causes of the errors. The little information available does not allow researchers to conclusively determine the cause or provide solutions.

Cluttered environments have been established to cause errors in almost all working environments. The effects of cluttered environments in the nursing field should also be investigated to determine its effects. Solutions could then be developed, and nurses trained on how to manage a cluttered environment. Nursing leadership should monitor the dosages given to patients in order to determine when an error occurs. This way the leaders could investigate when the error occurred and what led to the error. Establishing the cause of errors is beneficial to the leaders as they will be able to provide solutions to reduce or eliminate the errors.


BRADY, A., MALONE, A., & Fleming, S. (2009). A literature review of the individual and systems factors that contribute to medication errors in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(6), 679-697.

Eisenhauer, L.A., Hurley, A.C., & Dolan, N. (2007). Nurses' reported thinking during medication administration. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 39(1), 82-87.

Fijn, R., Van den Bemt, P., Chow, M., De Blaey, C., Jon
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g-Van den Berg, D., & Brouwers, J. (2002). Hospital prescribing errors: epidemiological assessment of predictors. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 53(3), 326-331.

Koren, G., Barzilay, Z., & Modan, M. (1983). Errors in computing drug doses. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 129(7), 721.

Luk, L.A., Ng, W.I.M., Ko, K.K.S., & Ung, V.H. (2008). Nursing management of medication errors. Nursing Ethics, 15(1), 28-39.

McDowell, S.E., Ferner, H.S., & Ferner, R.E. (2009). The pathophysiology of medication errors: how and where they arise. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 67(6), 605-613.

Tissot, E., Cornette, C., Limat, S., Mourand, J.-L., Becker, M., Etievent, J.-P., . . . Woronoff-Lemsi, M.-C. (2003). Observational study of potential… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Medication Errors Due to Cluttered" Assignment:

*****¢ Identify & describe a nursing or patient care topic/issue encountered during your clinical experience and its significance to nursing and health care need to be very specific.

This is the clinical experience i would like to use

My instructor assigned me a patient I was going to be administering medication to. She brought the medication cart to the outside of my patient*****s room and was showing me how the hospital*****s electronic health record worked. First she showed me we had to go through the MARS to make sure the order for the medications were still up to date. Then I took the medications out and checked one by one to make sure it was the correct medication, correct dosage and also checked the expiration date. My instructor then gave me a small transparent medication cup where I was going to be putting in all the pills to give to my patient. I placed the cup with the medication on the side of the medication cart and began to get insulin injection ready for my patient. As my professor was double checking the syringe of insulin for the right dosage a nurse came to the medication cart and took out a protein supplement bottle from the bottom drawer. When she approached our cart she placed her cup of medication on the side of the cart in order to bend down and open the drawer. Once she was done she grabbed my medication cup not realizing it wasn*****t the cup for her patient. After she left my instructor took a moment to explain to me how I was going to give the patient the injection and we were ready to give him his medication. As I was getting ready to go into the patient*****s room I took the medication cup and realized it wasn*****t the one we got ready for my patient. I told my instructor immediately *****This is not our medication cup!***** We then started looking around the cart and didn*****t find our small transparent cup instead we had a white cup with fewer pills. My instructor began to get very nervous and started yelling the nurse*****s name Cynthia to find her. Cynthia ran out of the medication room and my professor told her she took our medication cup. She said *****No I didn*****t***** and ran into the patient*****s room to check his medication cup and come back outside holding the transparent cup with the medication for my patient. As my instructor was yelling the nurse*****s name trying to find her I was nervous and all I thought was how a patient could have a fatal outcome because of the wrong medication. He was taking medication to lower his blood pressure lopressor , an anti-depressant, aspirin and a multi vitamin; not all patients would benefit from it but in the contrary can severely affect them. The unit was very cluttered and the nurse couldn't use her medication cart in her district. She had to get her medication ready at another area away from her patient's room and walk to his room with the medication cup at hand.

*****¢ Review the current literature(i will be emailing) related to the chosen topic/issue/concern (my clinical experience)The topic is nursing medication errors due to cluttered work area. Everything needs to be as specific and centered as possible to the topic .

provide supporting data using APA style.

need at least 7 in text citations

- Analyze, compare or contrast the review of the literature (evidence based practice) with the clinical experience

*****¢ Synthesize the nursing implications from recent literature to the specific topic or issue and include implications for the FOLLOWING AREAS

o PRACTICE- What are the best or preferred nursing practice for this concern? Provide supporting data, rational and evidence. What improvements can be made: is it a practice issue or a process problem? How could it be changed? Develop an action plan which can be implemented by the nurse.

o EDUCATION- What are the current guidelines for educating staff about patient care or nursing practice related to area of concern/ topic, provide rationales and evidence.

o RESEARCH- What are the priorities for further studies, from a nursing clinical or leadership perspective.

will reflect information literary skills

*****¢ The paper will reflect information literary skills

I will be submitting literature to be reviewed.


How to Reference "Medication Errors Due to Cluttered" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Medication Errors Due to Cluttered.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Medication Errors Due to Cluttered (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Medication Errors Due to Cluttered. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Medication Errors Due to Cluttered” 2013.
”Medication Errors Due to Cluttered”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Medication Errors Due to Cluttered”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Medication Errors Due to Cluttered [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Medication Errors Due to Cluttered. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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